Published: 2008-11-25 21:50:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 15139; Favourites: 614; Downloads: 0
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This thing took me waaaaaaay too long. I finished it just today, and the date I have scribbled on the back of the paper as the 'starting date' is April 29. I mean, granted, I only worked on it a bit every few weeks / couple months or so, and only a few minutes at a time, but still.Aaaaaanyway, this is Crowley from the book Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, which I read for the first time just over a year ago. It is an amazing, epic book, and I love it soooo much. Nearly made ~Velvedere crash the car reading it to her while we drove to ACen earlier this year, she was laughing so hard. Basically, Crowley and Aziraphale (a demon and an angel, respectively) team up and try to avert Armageddon. Hijinks ensue.
I couldn't resist illustrating this scene - it's simultaneously one of Crowley's most badass and most vulnerable scenes in the book, and thus one of my favorites:
He pushed open the door, and stepped into an inferno.
The whole bookshop was ablaze. "Aziraphale!" he called. "Aziraphale, you - you stupid - Aziraphale? Are you here?" No answer. Just the crackle of burning paper, the splintering of glass as the fire reached the upstairs rooms, the crash of collapsing timbers. He scanned the shop urgently, desperately, looking for the angel, looking for help. In the far corner a bookshelf toppled over, cascading flaming books across the floor. The fire was all around him, and Crowley ignored it. His left trouser leg began to smolder; he stopped it with a glance.
"Hello? Aziraphale! For Go--, for Sa--, for somebody's sake! Aziraphale!"
The shop window was smashed from the outside. Crowley turned, startled, and an unexpected jet of water struck him full in the chest, knocking him to the ground. His shades flew into a far corner of the room and became a puddle of burning plastic. Yellow eyes with slitted vertical pupils were revealed. Wet and steaming, face ash-blackened, as far from cool as it was possible for him to be, on all fours in the blazing bookshop, Crowley cursed Aziraphale, and the ineffable plan, and Above and Below.
Wet, pissed off, shades-less Crowley = damn sexy. And okay, so he's not crouching and not quite wet enough. But, uhh. Artistic license? and the fact that I didn't have the book with me for reference when I started on it and then got too far to change things. -.-;;
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Comments: 113
Katzentatzen [2013-08-28 22:57:51 +0000 UTC]
This is fantastic! He looks pissed off and desperate. Love that you did it in black and gray.
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Alphajoy [2013-06-26 00:18:11 +0000 UTC]
I love this picture! This was one of my favorite scenes in the book (though I could say that about any scene that included Crowley or Aziraphale). You've captured the hot demon perfectly!
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Less-Than-Obvious [2013-05-30 20:56:56 +0000 UTC]
I absolutely love this, and this is forever how I will picture him.
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ScheherazadesHorcrux [2012-08-10 19:19:06 +0000 UTC]
Yes, he is damn sexy! And I love this pic of Crowley!
That was one of my favorite parts of the book, too, and I totally love that book.
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spn-rules [2012-07-23 14:32:44 +0000 UTC]
OMG, this is incredible! Love love love it! You need to do sooo much more GO stuff.
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Heercums-N-Oxymoron [2011-12-01 22:27:46 +0000 UTC]
See, this is my Crowley. Not a balding fat Scottish-English man in a tailored business suit (God bless Mark Sheppard. I love him in Supernatural); my Crowley is a 30-ish year old man in a tailored black suit with a Bentley and dark shades and short spiky hair.
But I reckon long hair would suit him too. Who do you reckon should play him in the (future yet-to-be-made) movie?
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TigressofBlood [2011-04-12 20:41:30 +0000 UTC]
That's excellent! The book is phenomenal and as much as I love the camp Aziraphale, Crowley is just PHOAR![link] The art is so detailed and you obviously put a lot of effort into it.
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tessiinabottle [2011-01-28 16:06:00 +0000 UTC]
i just realized i never commented on this, even though i first saw it a good while ago. it's fantastic, you got the expression spot on, and i love how you worked his wings into the background. and your Crowley is kind of, well, really sexy
This is one of my favorite moments as well. Great job !
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Serene-Moonlight [2010-12-27 23:57:53 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh... I saw this on the Crowley shrine website yesterday.
Go-...Sa-...ADAM, I don't even know where to begin with this one. It's just... so amazing. I'm jealous of your skills.
The water, the face, the hands, the folds in the clothing... the fire, the- oh GEEZ, EVERYTHING is just perfect.
I adored this scene... and yes, you're quite right, that is damn sexy.
...I feel very in-eloquent right now. I'm not usually this... blah. That's what your amazing art has done to me, it's made me speechless. Feel proud, because my friends have been trying to do that for years.
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chip93 [2010-11-10 19:17:04 +0000 UTC]
Nice work! Probably Crowley's sweetest moment; rushing into a burning building to find Az, then having a mild case of Freak the Hell Out when he can't find him....
Again, great piece!
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SnowleopardCriss [2010-10-27 03:25:55 +0000 UTC]
*just finished the book today* AWESOMESAUCE!
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canadiankazz [2010-10-03 05:09:43 +0000 UTC]
Fantastic job. You got the look on his face just right, I think.
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av-marten [2010-09-28 06:45:56 +0000 UTC]
I recently finished reading this book, and this pic and Linnpuzzle's "After the war" pic are the two pieces of GO fanart I keep coming back to, Linnpuzzle's because it's friggin adorable, and this one because it's friggin epic.
I keep telling myself I'll draw this scene, if I work out how I'll draw the wet on him. I also plan to draw the scene where he's driving his burning Bentley, and accompany the pic with P!nk lyrics. ("Boulevard is freakin' as I'm comin' up fast/I'll be burnin' rubber, you'll be kissin' my ass.") Just 'cause.
Also, ohmygod wings. I totally did not notice those wings until I read some of the comments. I gotta say, nice touch.
Personally, this is my second favorite scene in the book, but only because my absolute favorite is the entire battle between Crowley and the Dukes of Hell. You know what? The entire second half of the book is pretty much a giant Crowning Moment of Awesome for Crowley, or at least a series of them. For Adam, too, of course. When the chips are down, those two know how to get shit done.
"...it's simultaneously one of Crowley's most badass and most vulnerable scenes in the book..." So true. It's sort of like what TV Tropes calls the Heroic BSOD: [link] where some event "affects the hero or someone he cares deeply about, leaving him flummoxed or shocked to the point of mentally shutting down for a while." I like moments like those; it sort of reveals more of the character.
Okay, time for me to shut up now. Love the pic, anyway.
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rubberduckyutah [2010-05-28 04:30:40 +0000 UTC]
*drools* I agree with you. Crowley + ANYTHING = damn sexy. XD
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ljscribbles [2010-05-18 18:01:32 +0000 UTC]
Amazingly done! There's so much detail--I particularly like his expression and the wings in the background
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kayshasiemens In reply to hypergirl99 [2010-04-30 03:15:51 +0000 UTC]
Why yes indeed they are. ^^
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kylieleane [2010-03-17 11:31:04 +0000 UTC]
You're an amazing artist. This is a beautiful piece of work, the time you spent on it payed off. I'm amazinged at the detail.
Thank you for sharing you wonderful work!
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bassist08 [2010-01-19 02:41:01 +0000 UTC]
This is stunning! I love the wings that are just visible through the flames.
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marmota-b [2010-01-12 08:52:24 +0000 UTC]
One of my favourite scenes, too, exactly because Crowley is so badass and so vulnerable.
Which you portrayed perfectly.
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lobvethefuhrer [2009-11-28 09:24:40 +0000 UTC]
Yummy crowley is yummy. I loved this scene too. Crowley cares. =w=
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Lightning-Mage [2009-10-16 19:48:34 +0000 UTC]
this is too awesome for my vocabulary to do justice to...
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moshesque [2009-09-10 11:27:11 +0000 UTC]
Again, this is just so perfect. I love how you get the movement so spot on, too - in the flames and in Crowley's pose. Plus, the gorgeousness of him totally slays me. *__* Awesome stuff!
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Margot-Eve13 [2009-08-20 14:27:46 +0000 UTC]
I like the way his wings are showed ;]
(sorry if my english is bad x])
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aunt-zelda [2009-08-08 18:45:16 +0000 UTC]
That scene made me go from thinking of Crowley as a fun anti-hero to ... well, I'm not quite sure WHAT Crowley is, but after he ran into the bookstore looking for a Aziraphale ... my previous mental image of him changed pretty significantly. Kinda like how everyone's mental image of Snape changed after 'The Prince's Tale' ... ok ok, not THAT dramatic, but the same sort of thing.
*has rambled* Sorry ... this is great ... *favs*
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kayshasiemens In reply to aunt-zelda [2009-08-09 18:02:02 +0000 UTC]
That's the exact reason it's my favorite Crowley scene. Suddenly he went from a witty, charming, very likable character (but still a little 'constructed' feeling) to one with depth and feeling and vulnerability -- not just likable, but lovable. I'm not the type who generally loves the 'evil' characters of a given book or series, but I LOVE Crowley. Then again I don't see him as particularly evil - not *really* - but I have my own reasons for that. ^^ Thank you for such a lovely comment!
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aunt-zelda In reply to kayshasiemens [2009-08-17 18:06:42 +0000 UTC]
Couldn't have put it better myself! (Though I would have tried rather a lot ...)
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TrivettJames [2009-07-16 06:58:51 +0000 UTC]
I knew this was THE Crowley from the book "Good Omens" when I was browsing the deviations. I really like the messages the authors gives to the reader. Anyway, awesome rendition of him from the book. I finally finished it a few days ago. It's amazing. My favorite part is on Pg. 321
"A high-pitched keening noise, haunting and strange. Like a thousand glass harmonicas being played in unison, all slightly off-key; like the sound of the molecules of the air itself wailing in pain.
And 'Vrooosh'.
Over their heads it sailed, forty feet in the air, engulfed in a deep blue nimbus which faded to red at the edges: a little white motor scooter, and riding it, a middle-aged woman in a pink helmet, and holding tightly to her, a short man in a mackintosh and a day-glo green crash helmet (the motor scooter was too far up for anyone to see that his eyes were tightly shut, but they were).
The woman was screaming. What she was screaming was this:
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seiizuki [2009-04-14 03:58:49 +0000 UTC]
That is some excellent crosshatching/shading right there.
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deadrabbit13 [2009-02-26 03:16:16 +0000 UTC]
Damn sexy indeed.
And I love how the wings are worked in with the pattern of the flames. Pure genius!
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LeonaWriter [2009-02-19 18:06:52 +0000 UTC]
That scene - I think it's my MOST favourite with Crowley, apart from the burning car bit. You've done it brilliantly, my dear.
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sena-sena [2009-02-01 23:47:03 +0000 UTC]
great piece! There's so many things I like about this but my favourite is the detail on the suit. Just awesome
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Del-Borovic [2009-01-06 19:52:41 +0000 UTC]
I have had this picture in my inbox for weeks now xD But I absolutely adore it. It's beautiful, and the emotions that come across from a black and white picture.. I'm very impressed. I love this! I hope you can be making prints of this to bring to your cons >3< because I would LOVE to have one...
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Spirit-Chase [2008-12-24 14:57:46 +0000 UTC]
Fucking love that book. xDDD
I particularly enjoy the scene when Crowley and Aziraphale get drunk together.
'Cause that's the point. They've got big brains...
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twosen [2008-12-17 18:51:04 +0000 UTC]
Fave-ing like a fave-ing thing because this picture is INSANE WIN. I identified the scene you were drawing straight off from the thumbnail and put off actually viewing the deviation for so long because I wanted to wait til I had the time to devour the details properly like this deserves.
I LOVE Crowley's expression; the wetness; the suit; the flames; the silhouette of wings; the... GUHHH you make me wanna re-read. And possibly draw, except I'd fail miserably unlike this!
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