#gorilla #joe #mightyjoeyoung #harryhausen
Published: 2016-11-19 09:19:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 2786; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 2
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January 15, 1949
I have recently been invited to Max O'Hara's new "Golden Safari" nightclub in Los Angeles in order to interview Mr. O'Hara and study his newest attraction and the star of the club: a fifteen-foot-tall gorilla named "Joe", advertised as "Mr. Joseph Young, of Africa".
Joe had apparently been brought to America by Mr. O'Hara thanks to his friend Jill Young, a woman of exceptional brilliance from a small farm in the Congo. Jill apparently bought Joe from two passing trappers when she was a small girl, and he an infant. Joe appears to be surprisingly intelligent, able to understand many of Jill's words and performing in Mr. O'Hara's nightclub as the star attraction. However, I also saw Joe's "room" backstage, a cage that might be comfortable for an ordinary gorilla, but far too small for Mr. Young. Only time will tell how this will play out...
March 14
Mr. Joseph Young was thrust back into the spotlight today when he was found guilty of going on a rampage and tearing the Golden Safari nightclub apart. During the rampage, a large cage full of lions was broken open, allowing the big cats to roam free through the nightclub. Amazingly, not a single death was reported. Despite this, several injuries were reported, and the Golden Safari has been smothered under a tide of lawsuits. The lions were killed on the spot by the police, and Joe would have suffered the same fate if he hadn't been led into his cage by Jill and made to sit tight. Police are still investigating what provoked Joe's rampage, but several empty liquor bottles were found in and around his cage. Nobody has come forward to confess giving the immense ape alcohol, though O'Hara admitted that security had been unusually loose backstage that night, due to giving most of his bouncers a holiday. Joe is sentenced to be executed by firing squad this Saturday.
March 20
I expected to open the newspaper today to find news of Joe's demise at the hands of a firing squad. However, I could initially find no news about Joe, and it took me several minutes before I noticed something in a seemingly-unrelated story about a fire in an orphanage outside of Los Angeles. In it, I discovered to my amazement that Joe had been officially pardoned, due to "A display of remarkable courage and strength beyond the ability of most mortal men." Apparently, Jill, Max, and Gregg had attempted to smuggle Joe out of his cell and past the authorities, all the way out of town to an Africa-bound ship that Max had commissioned. While the foursome eluded the police for quite some time, with Max separating from them to delay the officers, they soon found themselves driving past the Westgate Orphanage, which had erupted in flames due to faulty wiring. Gregg and Jill worked together with Joe to save several small children trapped in the fire, but apparently they missed one. In the end, Joe clambered up a massive tree outside the burning building to save 2-year-old Patricia Brown, who was stuck on the roof. For his heroic actions, Joe was pardoned by the police, and went back to Jill's farm in the Congo with Jill and Gregg.
September 12, 1982
Mr. Joseph Young of Africa was laid to rest in the remaining pasture of Jill's farm today. He apparently died in his sleep of old age on Saturday. With Joe dead, Jill apparently plans to move back to Los Angeles with Gregg, and live out their golden years in a beach condo less than a block from where the Golden Safari once stood. Jill's daughter, Ruth Young, is a conservationist who is studying a large troop of mountain gorillas a few hundred miles north of her mother's farm.
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Comments: 4
Lediblock2 [2016-11-19 15:43:39 +0000 UTC]
Huh. I never actually watched Mighty Joe Young; it's nice to see that at least one classic movie monster got a happy ending.
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Drakefilmstudios1 In reply to Lediblock2 [2021-04-03 20:43:20 +0000 UTC]
I watched the original black and white mighty joe young and the disney one too.
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Adiraiju In reply to Lediblock2 [2016-11-20 14:16:23 +0000 UTC]
I can only think of three off the top of my head: Joe, the Toho King Kong, and Gorgo & his mom. Oh, and the remake takes place in this universe, too, it'll be here next week.
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