Sleepstar β€” The Pokemon fandom is toxic

Published: 2019-06-13 13:44:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 4308; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Now, before you ask, yes, I'm a Pokemon fan, and I do have problems with the fanbase.

I have been a Pokemon fan since I was 6, and didn't get back into the series until I was seventeen (When HeartGold and SoulSilver was announced, and I became more interested in the Games instead). In 2013, when Pokemon X and Y was announced, that was when I got interested in the Pre-Release news (I decided I was going to use Froakie as my Starter. Since I played Diamond a year earlier, I have been using the Water-Type Starters.) I remembered reading the Pre-Release news and taking notes on when a character or Pokemon was announced (Recently on Tumblr I did a post about when the Rivals/Gym Leaders/Regional Professors/Trial Captains/Elite Four/Champion was revealed, as many people thought it was strange that the Regional Champion of Galar was revealed so early in the Pre-Release, and I pointed out that Blue and Alder was revealed early as well; both ended up becoming important in the Generation they were introduced. As the Rival, Hop, in Sword and Shield is the Champion's brother, I think there is some interesting story potential there; we haven't had a rival be related to the regional Champion before.) When Sword and Shield was announced,Β  I was excited for it (Not just because the Region is based on where I live, but in anticipation of what new Pokemon and characters will be like, as well as what changes will be brought to the table. So far my favourite new Pokemon is Wooloo, Grookey, Sobble, Yamper and Scorbunny, though Impidimp is beginning to grow on me. As for the human characters, I don't have a particular favourite but I like Professor Magnolia, Nessa, Milo, Hop and Leon; however, all that can change as more information is released). But recently, many people in the fandom have started to complain that they won't be buying the game as it won't have all the Pokemon in it. I'll be upset that I won't use my favourite Pokemon, but there is a chance they could be working on Diamond and Pearl Remakes and some of the Pokemon whose data is missing from Sword and Shield could be included in that. Apart from that, you have the Genwunners (Who thinks Generation 1 is the best Generation ever and who thinks Mewtwo and Charizard is the best Pokemon in existence.) Rule 34 artists (The ones who draw porn of new Pokemon and human characters; I have seen unfiltered porn of Shauntal on here once), nitpickers (I admit, I used to complain about X and Y, whose biggest flaw was the large group of friends; Tierno and Trevor is bland in comparison to Calem/Serena and Shauna. Generation 7 made Hau, Gladion and Lillie interesting characters, and Hop so far is shaping up to be an interesting character; I don't think he will be the only Rival, and I think there will be one more Rival.), people who spam the GTS and Wonder Trade with Route 1 Pokemon (I have received fifty Wingulls on Wonder Trade in UltraSun to the point I was overwhelmed with them, and started releasing them. Little kids Wonder Trading I can understand, but when it's idiots who catch the Route 1 stuff in Ultra Balls, that is crossing the line. The worst is when someone floods Wonder Trade with hacked Pokemon with pretty disgusting names; I have received a hacked Meloetta on Wonder Trade back in 2016 with the most disgusting name. Thankfully, I had an Event Meloetta I had got earlier that day, and so released the hacked Meloetta rather than sending it back out and it ending up with a small child. I would have been as bad as the hacker, named Chiicken, if I had sent out the Meloetta. I was aware of the hacker flooding the GTS with his disgustingly named Meloettas in Generation 6. The Generation 6 GTS is now full of hacked Pokemon and hackers nowadays.) and people obsessed with Shipping (Pokeshippers vs Armorshippers). I like the games, but hate the fandom.

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Comments: 33

TheSupremePokeFan [2025-03-07 17:10:42 +0000 UTC]

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Sleepstar In reply to TheSupremePokeFan [2025-03-07 21:37:34 +0000 UTC]

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MattJWatts [2022-09-19 23:14:26 +0000 UTC]

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Sleepstar In reply to MattJWatts [2022-09-20 09:06:23 +0000 UTC]

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NotADrummer [2022-08-22 20:42:54 +0000 UTC]

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Sleepstar In reply to NotADrummer [2022-08-22 20:45:53 +0000 UTC]

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BluePowered30 [2022-05-22 05:39:31 +0000 UTC]

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Sleepstar In reply to BluePowered30 [2022-05-22 09:29:44 +0000 UTC]

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briangamer36588 [2022-04-02 15:30:12 +0000 UTC]

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Sleepstar In reply to briangamer36588 [2022-04-02 16:08:53 +0000 UTC]

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HurriScuriWurri [2021-08-01 00:20:19 +0000 UTC]

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Sleepstar In reply to HurriScuriWurri [2021-08-01 08:36:35 +0000 UTC]

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Rebeccachu-Chan [2021-06-11 17:41:44 +0000 UTC]

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Sleepstar In reply to Rebeccachu-Chan [2021-06-12 11:11:51 +0000 UTC]

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Rebeccachu-Chan In reply to Sleepstar [2021-06-12 21:49:26 +0000 UTC]

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juanisawsome98 [2021-03-26 14:42:45 +0000 UTC]

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Sleepstar In reply to juanisawsome98 [2021-03-26 16:18:30 +0000 UTC]

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DaBair [2019-06-28 17:08:07 +0000 UTC]

I definitely agree with you on the whole Pokemon Sword and Shield fiasco. I'm still going to get the games (most likely Shield) and formulate a team with Pokemon I like. I think I might use Impidimp since I love its type combo.

Since they said Hop will be "one of the rivals", there's probably going to be at least one other rival. I'm guessing it will be either the player character who isn't picked or someone who hasn't been revealed yet. As for the rivals in Gen 6...yeah, Tierno and Trevor got screwed over. Hopefully once it's time to remake X and Y, they'll give them more characterization. But getting back to Hop and Leon...a lot of fans are speculating that Leon is going to be a villain (much like how Lusamine ended up being the villain in Gen 7). I'm kinda unsure whether to agree or not - I'm on the fence about the idea.

I hate that about the Wonder Trade - people sending you Route 1 Pokemon, especially when you give away something good. The GTS is even worse since it's virtually impossible to get a fair trade - people on there love demanding legendaries (often event legendaries) in exchange for ordinary Pokemon. No, I'm not going to give up my Necrozma in exchange for a Rufflet.

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Sleepstar In reply to DaBair [2019-06-29 18:14:14 +0000 UTC]

I agree. I'm still undecided if I should get Sword or Shield, but it depends on the Version Exclusives. So far I plan to use Impidimp and Yamper in my pending team, and depending on which Starter I pick, possibly Gossifleur as well.

I remember in Sun and Moon's Pre-release news cycle that Hau was revealed to be "One Rival you'll have during your journey" when he was introduced, then two months later, Gladion was revealed as "Team Skull's enforcer, and a rival you'll encounter". A potential "Second Rival" being revealed later is quite likely, but the "Second Rival" could also be the Player Character you don't pick. Tierno and Trevor got pretty much screwed over, and if X and Y gets a remake in the future, both should get characterization. I am quite unsure about the idea of Leon being a villain.

When I use the GTS, if it's Version Exclusives I put up a Pokemon from my version of the game and ask for the opposite version. If it's a Starter I put up another Starter and ask for the Starter I'm looking for in the same level range. Recently on UltraSun I put up a spare Buzzwole on the GTS and asked for a Pheromosa. The Buzzwole was traded. I hate using Wonder Trade in Generation 7. Since I started UltraSun in November 2017, I had over a hundred Wingulls. Even worse, half the Wingulls I received on Wonder Trade was in Ultra Balls. I remembered on the old Marriland forums back when X and Y was out, they had a forum titled "The Worst Wonder Trades Ever" and someone had stated that they will put in "Good or Decent" Pokemon into the system and remove the Route 1 Pokemon from Wonder Trade, and someone else replied that "It's even worse when they use Quick Balls/ other than Poke Balls. It's as if they are sticking up a big middle finger "I am far in the game but I go to Route 1 and catch these useless things for you". The Necrozma for Rufflet Trade is one of the stupid trades I hate (alongside the requests asking for "Female Ditto" and "Male Chansey".)

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Sasuke-sama28 [2019-06-16 16:53:22 +0000 UTC]

I will still be a pokemon fan no matter what, I won't let that toxic minority bring me down. No matter which pokemon will be missing in Galar, I'm still keeping my pre order for Pokemon Sword up and getting the game.Β 

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Sleepstar In reply to Sasuke-sama28 [2019-06-16 18:10:50 +0000 UTC]

Well said. Never let the toxic minority bring you down.

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Migatte-no-Gokui [2019-06-15 00:46:30 +0000 UTC]

If you don't mind, I feel the need to put my foot down and defend my stance on Sword/Shield for a bit here.

From a completely personal view, I'm okay with the lack of certain PokΓ©mon in the game. I love all PokΓ©mon, so I'll gladly use any I can find. But out of respect for the fans who don't like this change, I don't want to support Game Freak's new approach. PokΓ©mon shouldn't be a popularity contest, or a series where people have to wait for their turn, but this policy is undoubtably going to cause both. I don't want there to be flamewars based on what PokΓ©mon "deserves" to be in each game from now on, since that would be the most toxic thing to ever happen to the fanbase. It should go without saying that all PokΓ©mon always deserve to be in every game.

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for you for being able to look past this problem, and if you'll end up loving Sword/Shield anyway, I'd be happy for you. But I think it's understandable that a lot of players don't approve. If Game Freak can't make it a reality, then it's not the end of the world, and openly rioting is going way too far, but if people don't want to grant them a profit for that, that should also be fine.

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HopefulDragon In reply to Migatte-no-Gokui [2019-06-16 04:54:10 +0000 UTC]

My big issue are the people who are claiming that the team making the game are lazy, or using personal attacks against the people working at game freak. It's ok to not be happy with missing out on so many pokemon, but there are a lot of reasons that they are doing this, and not one of them is the team being lazy. I'm sad because I want to bring my luxray along, but a lot of people refuse to see why this decision was made, and are acting like Game freak owes them something.

It's stifling the real conversations we need to have about the consequences of it. Be cause both sides have really valid concerns.

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Migatte-no-Gokui In reply to HopefulDragon [2019-06-16 09:19:26 +0000 UTC]

I know, it's really bad that those are the conclusions being leapt to. While I do think some of Game Freak's more questionable decisions in regards to game design were made deliberately, I understand that they wouldn't have done something like this if it wasn't neccessary. I don't think GF are actually lazy, but their own franchise has become too large for them to invest the neccessary effort into. I feel like that makes the situation even worse, though.

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Sleepstar In reply to Migatte-no-Gokui [2019-06-15 12:17:32 +0000 UTC]

I understand. In previous games the old Pokemon was there, but you had to fulfil certain requirements to bring them over or obtain the National Dex(Defeat the Elite Four and Champion, or defeating or catching Groudon/Kyogre in OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire). Sun and Moon didn't have the National Dex, but every single Pokemon was coded into the game apart from the ones introduced in UltraSun/UltraMoon (There was a Twitch Streamer last year who traded Zeraora from UltraSun and UltraMoon to Sun and Moon on Wonder Trade, and they turned into Bulbasaurs with an Ability and Movesets Bulbasaur doesn't have. However, it's in-game sprite was an egg and it couldn't be released. It was because the game's internal coding only covered Pokemon up to Marshadow.) Pokemon shouldn't be a popularity contest or a series where people have to wait for their favourites to be in the game, and all this will increase "Flamewars" as to which Pokemon deserves to be in a regional dex. I feel sorry for the players whose favourite Pokemon from Generations 2-7 hadn't made it. Anything can happen between now and November, and we are still early in the news cycle. I hope we get something that could clear this up before November. For now I am going to take a break from the fandom.

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Migatte-no-Gokui In reply to Sleepstar [2019-06-15 12:42:30 +0000 UTC]

It's a smart idea to do so, I've actually been avoiding the bulk of the fandom for a few years by now. I've been getting really tired of all the aggression and negativity within it.

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Sleepstar In reply to Migatte-no-Gokui [2019-06-15 13:06:49 +0000 UTC]

Same here.

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Pokedragon8 [2019-06-14 04:10:06 +0000 UTC]

I don't hate all of the fandom, but there are those that drag it down.Β  I just read another post where a person was claiming they were going to boycott the game because it didn't have all the pokemon in it. Get over it!Β  Transfer the pokemon from a previous game, just like the last few generations, or wait 'til the next one comes out and send them over.Β  It's not like the pokemon cease to exist!Β  I've never had that much trouble with wonder trade, though.Β  Sometimes you get junk, but you can end up with a pokemon with good IVs.Β  I'm sorry you eneded up with that Meloetta.Β  I thought the games had safeguards against bad/offending names like that.

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Sleepstar In reply to Pokedragon8 [2019-06-14 10:26:07 +0000 UTC]

Exactly. It's the vocal minority that let the fandom down. We don't know how many Pokemon are in the Galar Pokedex, or if we are going to get Sinnoh remakes. Even if half of my favourites are missing from the Galar Pokedex, I know that they will appear in another game in the future, so they are not really gone. I love using Pokemon I would never thought about using in my games, and I love rotating my Pokemon depending on the situation. When I saw that Meloetta in my box on Y (I was trading some Eeeveelutions that I evolved following a failed attempt at Masuda Methoding and I was clearing out my boxes) I was fuming that I was unable to name my Winter Deerling after a tree species yet the hacker named that Meloetta a very disgusting name (That was what the Pokemon was called; I'm no prude, but naming a Pokemon that and send it to Wonder Trade knowing that a child could be Wonder Trading is very disgusting. It's no wonder why I stopped Wonder Trading in Generation 6 after that day) On my first Wonder Trade in Y, I received a Hidden Ability Chimchar in a Dream Ball with good IVs from someone from Japan (I received it on 28/12/2013, three days after Pokemon Bank was released in Japan and then the server went down, and the summary stated that it was hatched on 25/12/2013 in Lumoise City). As I said, the vocal minority makes andoms look bad

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MatLPlays [2019-06-13 21:39:34 +0000 UTC]

You can say this with any fandoms nowadays. I enjoy the games and franchises, the other people however..... to hell with them!

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Sleepstar In reply to MatLPlays [2019-06-14 08:14:59 +0000 UTC]


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zinyaon [2019-06-13 15:56:36 +0000 UTC]


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Jamie260397 [2019-06-13 14:52:05 +0000 UTC]


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