Sleepstar β€” Fandom stamp

Published: 2017-04-25 15:05:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 2514; Favourites: 57; Downloads: 1
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Description In light of recent events in several of my main fandoms, I decided to create this stamp. Here are some recent fandom controversies:
Β Controversy surrounding Thistleclaw and Onestar (Namely, the fact Thistleclaw fell in love with a kitten. I may be a bit of a hypocrite considering I ship Luke and Aurora, but there's a big difference with Luke/Aurora. Aurora, even though she spent centuries in ice, physically resembles a girl around Luke's age, she is actually ageless. She doesn't get with Luke, and her primary focus was on her mission. Once her mission was complete, Aurora basically dies, but she accepts the fact she will one day die. Because she completed her mission she was given a chance to be "Reincarnated" as a human. Luke saw Aurora as a friend. When Aurora revealed her origins and the fact she will die, Luke begs her to stay with the humans, and after a few flashbacks, he cries "Goodbye, Aurora". But the recent controversy in the Warrior Cats fandom about Thistleclaw and Spottedleaf is getting to the point several fans have left the fandom. There are rants about it, as well as the fact Onestar had a "Secret Family". The question was "Why did Onestar fall in love with a Kittypet?")

Fanon Discontinuity: When "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" was released, many fans felt that "Cursed Child" reads more like a fanfiction. I don't know about it, as I have yet to read it. There were rants everywhere on "Cursed Child" , even on Tumblr.Β 

Pandering to Social Justice Warriors: This controversy began a year ago, of all female reboots. I've even seen someone claim that "They won't be playing Lady Layton as they genderbent the titular Professor" when it was announced. Level 5 stated that "The reason why they are doing Lady Layton was for three reasons: One, to celebrate the series' Tenth Anniversary. Two, we discovered that half the players were women. Third, it's time for a female protagonist." Just before "Azran Legacy" was released, Level 5 stated "Azran Legacy will be the final game to star Professor Layton, but the series will continue". "Azran Legacy" had a character named Umid. "Azran Legacy" was in production before Social Justice Warriors was all over the place, with part of the plot to centre on a worldwide search for five eggs.

Bashing over casting choice: This is what's happening with the "Doctor Who" fandom after the announcement that the next Doctor will be played by a woman.

Pokemon: When "Pokemon Sword and Shield" was revealed at E3 2019 not to have a National Dex, the fandom called on for a boycott of the game until the National Pokedex is included. Yet hypocritically they didn't complain about "Sun and Moon" not having a National Dex (Only a small minority of Pokemon players ever complete the National Dex. I have only completed two Regional Dexes so far; "Pokemon Diamond" and "Pokemon UltraSun", the former when my brother wanted to restart "Pokemon Pearl" and the latter when I checked on the Alola Dex and saw I was nearly close to completing the Dex.) Even when the games was released people still moaned about it, to the point the hatedom began backing "TemTem" as the "Pokemon Killer" (Despite the fact "TemTem" is still unfinished) as well as praising "Pokemon X and Y" for Mega Evolutions (Seriously, only five Trainers in total in the game has Mega Evolution; Calem, Serena, Korrina, Lysandre and Diantha, out of 20+ Trainers who in theory, can Mega Evolve) and the characters (There's people that thinks Tierno and Trevor are well-written characters. I'm sorry, but nearly every single character in "X and Y", bar Sina and Dexio, are either bland, too forgettable or too snobbish. Tierno feels out of place for a region without any Contests/Musicals/Pokewood, and Trevor fails his Pokedex collecting. Every other Rival before and after "X and Y" were all interesting in one way or another; Blue was Professor Oak's grandson, Silver has a story arc in which he learns kindness, Brendan/May are the child of Professor Birch, Barry's dad is a Frontier Brain, Lucas/Dawn are assistants to Professor Rowan, Cheren is still questioning on strength, Bianca is unsure what she wants to do, Hugh just wants his sister to be reunited with her beloved Purrloin, Hau wants to be a Kahuna like his grandfather, Gladion suffered abuse from his mother, Hop wants to break out of his older brother's shadow, Bede was orphaned and wanted someone to love him, Marnie want to be Champion in order to rejuvinate her dying hometown and Klara was a failed pop star (yes, her League Card stated that "her debut album "Krazy for Klara" only sold seven copies") and that was why she decided to be a Gym Leader)

I will update

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Comments: 13

VanessaWeisz2003 [2021-06-10 18:06:42 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Firecat15 [2020-07-29 01:36:04 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Imtheaura [2017-12-17 07:22:05 +0000 UTC]

I personally found the cursed child to be really boring

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Sleepstar In reply to Imtheaura [2017-12-18 09:16:45 +0000 UTC]

From what I heard, it does sound boring.

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Imtheaura In reply to Sleepstar [2017-12-18 18:52:36 +0000 UTC]

Its just a bunch of boring time traveling

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Sleepstar In reply to Imtheaura [2018-02-01 10:36:03 +0000 UTC]

I don't mind Time Travel if done well, however the time travel aspects of "Cursed Child" disregards what was previously established in the seven books (All time turners destroyed on the Ministry of Magic's order, it's impossible to travel beyond the five-hour into the past time limit) There was a reason why Hermione was given a time turner in her third year, and she only used it to get to lessons. Because Sirius' and Buckbeak's would-be deaths would have occurred within the past five hours and by that point both Harry and Hermione knew Sirius was innocent. They needed to save Buckbeak so that Sirius and Buckbeak can escape and go into hiding. Prisoner of Azkaban had a reason for time travel, and it didn't appear till the climax (After Harry, Ron and Hermione uses an invisible cloak to witness Buckbeak's execution and when it was revealed that Sirius was innocent all along of killing twelve muggles.)Β 

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Imtheaura In reply to Sleepstar [2018-02-01 14:08:16 +0000 UTC]

Exactly, if people can do time traveling well, I'll read it, but I didn't even finish the book without cringing

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LadyClassical [2017-06-08 03:43:56 +0000 UTC]

Those people are wrong about Cursed Child. It was a great book. I don't know what "read like a fanfiction" means.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Sleepstar In reply to LadyClassical [2017-06-08 09:00:23 +0000 UTC]

I agree. Basically in some fanfiction in the Harry Potter fandom Voldemort has a daughter, which many Canon Nazis claim "Is virtually impossible as he cannot love anyone". One person even claimed that "Bellatrix wasn't pregnant in Deathly Hallows". Some characters tend to hide their pregnancy and Bellatrix might have done, or she might have Delphi by then. Then there were those that claimed "It wasn't a novel". I see plenty of those on Amazon, and even the author said "It's a Script Book". But I will read it soon, as my sister is still halfway through. Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

LadyClassical In reply to Sleepstar [2017-06-08 09:12:18 +0000 UTC]

I thought JKR was supposed to be one of the co-authors on it or something. I'm pretty sure she said herself for fans to consider it canon. As for the Delphi thing, sex is not the same thing as love (although I was surprised that the Horcruxes didn't impede fertility). Bella definitely would've tried to hide a pregnancy. If your sister likes it as much as I did she'll be done in no time flat!

If you want you can check out my comic on Delphi here: BellaxVoldie

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Sleepstar In reply to LadyClassical [2017-06-08 09:35:45 +0000 UTC]

She was one of the co-authors. That does make sense, and my sister will be done soon.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Pastelkittyqq [2017-05-07 14:00:22 +0000 UTC]

In the Warriors one;
Cats don't care.
So many couples in the Warriors universe;
don't care.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Sleepstar In reply to Pastelkittyqq [2017-05-08 08:42:24 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I agree. Fandoms are supposed to be fun.

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