Retro-tv β€” No Friendigo of Mine by-nc-nd

#horns #originalcharacter #referencesheet #snowboarding #wendigo
Published: 2017-01-25 22:31:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 370; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Description Dunno if anyone remembers No Name? Well anyway I just wanted to draw him again and give him a new ref sheet cuz I remembered how much I love his design and colours <3

Here's the old one

Also I might want to ship him with someone! But more on that later..
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Comments: 17

JUNlP3R [2017-01-26 01:20:00 +0000 UTC]

ooooo he looks so cool im screaming??

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Retro-tv In reply to JUNlP3R [2017-01-26 18:48:37 +0000 UTC]

AAA thank you I'm glad you like!!~

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MorbidMist [2017-01-26 00:04:11 +0000 UTC]

I can imagine him just excitedly running out a building or something excitingly to go snowboard but his horns coat line him as he tries to pass through the door.Β 

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Retro-tv In reply to MorbidMist [2017-01-26 18:48:05 +0000 UTC]

Hah! Ye.. then he has to try pry himself free.. prob taking bits of the doorway with him..

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MorbidMist In reply to Retro-tv [2017-01-26 20:52:07 +0000 UTC]

X"I Poor dude... =w=;; pffft poor door...he Β would not be as happy as he was prior eh? I guess the doors of his house are wider then to try and avoid those types of situations?Β 

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Retro-tv In reply to MorbidMist [2017-01-26 22:47:38 +0000 UTC]

Haha ye.. the doors in his house are just big wide circles, kinda like a cave entrance? encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/ima…
so he has no problems with getting stuck while at home

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MorbidMist In reply to Retro-tv [2017-01-29 03:19:06 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh o3o Β makes better since since he's a wendigo~ I like it though, bet he has a pretty nice pad right?Β 
And how'd he kill someone when skateboarding? Is that why he avoids people now or was he always avoident?Β 

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Retro-tv In reply to MorbidMist [2017-01-29 17:37:08 +0000 UTC]

Ye ahaha! And he sure does! He lives in a kinda cave house, the outside looks somewhat like this us.123rf.com/450wm/liailian/li… and the inside like prepare-and-protect.net/wp-con…
his cave house is a LOT nicer than the dank old cave Mordecai and co. live in, one reason being, No Name's actually has comfy furniture and lights.. Mordecai's cave only has candles and actually leaks when it's raining.. this irks Mordecai so much cuz sometimes it drips on his notes n stuff and he has to move them.. :/ Sylvester sometimes sticks his tongue out and tries to catch the drops x'D

He ran into someone while snowboarding.. he was coming down the mountain real fast and BAM straight into a wandering hiker.. there was no way he could have avoided them.. this sent No Name tumbling, he broke his board and this is how he injured his eye.. na he was always super avoidant..
the accident just left him ten times worse.. when he came to he saw the hiker.. in a heap.. not moving.. his heart sank.. he stumbled up and quickly ran as far away from the scene as he could.. he got home and just sat hunched in a corner for the rest of that night.. but ya know, the hiker might not have been dead, No Name just assumed.. he was so panic-stricken and shy he didn't check..

But ye No Name is a very small wendigo.. (even tho he's 5'5'' which isn't small really but compared to other wendigo he's tiny! Which you'll see soon enough ovo) for this reason he was bullied by the bigger ones when he was a kid.. he still is which is why he doesn't want to meet any other wendigo or anyone else tbh.. and is pretty much a hermit. I feel tho if he met someone who was nice enough to him he'd get real clingy and never want them to leave x'D

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MorbidMist In reply to Retro-tv [2017-01-29 22:02:47 +0000 UTC]

Oooh~ I like that! X"D I'd live in a place like that if it wasn't for the cold and snow hahaha~ o3o I'm sure he has one of those retro looking box TVs and blue and purple ornaments or rugs in his house~ X"D Aww!! Poor Mordecai!! ;u; that's gotta suck he works hard on those notes!! X"I SYLVESTER NO don't be a turkey!! aAAaaa there's so much bacteria on a cave ceiling! Imagine drinking water that's dripping off of it?!? X"P Β 

Aww, so it just repressed him further into his shell then poor dude.. Poor snowboard too though, good ones can be so expensive... Β He didn't even check to see if he was okay or at least called someone for help?!!? Ffff, I'm sure if you explained what happened they would have understood!! (Side note: The patterns on his sleeves remind me of the Tardis! X"3) Β 

>w< OOoh~! CUTE then!! ((X"D I swear the only characters you have that I'm taller than are Leprechauns, hahaha!)) ;u; Aww you can't bully someone just cuz they smol... ;u; Aw you're an adult now I'm sure they won't pick on you too hard No Name!!! //pap// uvu and I'm sure he'll find someone to be clingy to some day~ Pffft maybe he'll snowboard into a big buff wendigo male and just fall arse over elbow for the guy and be even more loss for words than usual the precious little hermit~ uvu Plus he's SO preciously hardcore looking and his wonked up eye gives him character (what did happen to his eye btw?) *w* Someone would have to be crazy not to love him!! X"D fff iwanna touch his antlers I bet they're covered in a velvet fur~ <3 >w< Or maybe they're hard and smooth like BONE!!Β 

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Retro-tv In reply to MorbidMist [2017-01-30 18:49:49 +0000 UTC]

Same.. I hate the cold.. I mean I love snow but not how cold it is! Ye! He'd have blue, white and green stuff as those are his fave colours! He has a tv like this cept it's blue n white images.doba.com/products/4093/… And I imagine he has lights that look like this! img.lightersideofrealestate.co… and an opening so he can go out onto the roof and have a great view of things! He also has LOTS of locks on his door.. cuz he's so suspicious of everyone.. and he keeps his most valuable stuff in a secret safe in his wall o.o He also has a metal baseball bat that he keeps under his bed in case of any unwanted guests.. I mean he hopes he'd never have to use it.. yes ahahah Mordecai after doing a pile of maths and writing down ideas for new inventions and stuff only to have it all ruined by dirty cave water ahaha.. so for this reason he puts all his notes into a closet ff I KNOW RIGHT AHAHA and the thing is Sylvester would prob find the water nice.. xp How he doesn't get violently sick I don't know.. green eyes are just walking garbage cans..

Ye it left him kinda fearful of the one thing that used to make him feel at peace.. ye, good thing he makes his own! Ye he didn't check but not because he didn't care he's just SUPER SHY and he was REALLY panicked, he just saw no movement and thought.. dead. Then he just ran as far away as he could out of fear.. and who could he call for help.. they were on a huge isolated mountain there was no one.. and No Name hates interacting with people anyway.. he wouldn't have the courage to approach them and explain anything xD ((ahaha maybe he's a Dr. Who fan x'D)) but really he should have checked if they were ok cuz he doesn't know what happened to them he just thinks they're dead and it haunts him everyday.. he thinks he's a murderer..

((FFF this is true they are my smallest characters x'D I love tall characters tho.. ouo)) well the other wendigo did.. they'd push him over a lot and lift him by his horns -which was actually really painful ;n;- and even stick his horns into trees and leave him stuck there.. dunno how they didn't break his little horns.. and ye even tho he's an adult and it's not as bad they still pick on him.. like they'll grab his horns and not let him move and he's just.. terrified of them.. he just covers his face and wishes for them to let him go.. but that doesn't happen him much anymore as he takes care to avoid them all completely..
aaaaa well we do have Rufus.. he's big and buff and a wendigo and male.. >v>Β Rufus (i just stuck No Name in there too to show the height/size difference.. xD) tbh I ship them,, I could see No Name crashing right into Rufus and it not hurting Rufus at all and I'm drawing up a little one page comic with them and aaaaa it's cute x'D Aww he'd be too shy to even be anywhere near Rufus.. but Rufus is a nice friendly wendigo, he cuts down trees and makes wooden figures out of them.. he wears a mask to protect his eyes/face from splinters.. as for No Name's eye, he hit it on a rock when he fell after colliding with the human.. it was sore but he could still see.. but a few months later his vision got real bad in it and it developed a cataract.. which left him blind in it.. but you know, cataracts can be removed if No Name could get to a hospital and get it off he might get his vision back.. but alas, I don't think he'd want to go to a hospital.. but YES the little lonely hermit needs love ahaha <3 xD His antlers actually change with the seasons! So in the winter they're kinda soft/fur covered and in the summer they're hard/smooth.. so best of both worlds!

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MorbidMist In reply to Retro-tv [2017-01-30 20:08:09 +0000 UTC]

Same here.. uvu;; I couldn't live in a super cold place ouq;;
Sounds rad~ <33 X"D Awww I like it such a little TV~ The lights look cool too!! Ah, I bet the mountains look gorgeous during sunrise or sunset~ Think he lives near where you can see the Aurora lights? X"D And really, he's that paranoid of everyone then? Poor dude... :/ pffft, you'd think he'd find a way to make the roof leak proof at this point though, ye? X"D Blehh they really are... I guess al the human they eat keeps them healthy and their high pain tolerance keeps them from even noticing sicknesses haahaha!

Awww poor No Name! Pffft, what is he the type of person that wouldn't call an ambulance even for himself because he didn't wanna seem like a bother? X"D good lord the guy needs a hug and a confidence boost i swear! If that guy's still alive he probably never goes hitchhiking anymore that's for sure :I He's such an awkward turtle I swear, need to get this sweet pea grouch to come out of his shell or something!! ((X"D Awesome then~! secret whovian nerd)) Yea! Maybe they just got knocked out or something, he's not that big so he couldn't have done too much damage to the guy! ... //paps// Oh that's rough, 'specially if it turns out he's beating himself up for something he didn't actually do..

((X"D Yis~ Precious little red haired demons~ uvu i love tall character too no worries~! ouq i also like teensy characters who are just grouchy and smol!!)) huh, sounds like highschool o-o;; i hope his horns are okay though! o~q awww that all must've hurt like hell though!!!! man those jerks need to grow up and leave him alone he can't help that he's not as tall as the others.... no wonder he has trust issues.
ovo OH YAE~! I remember this guy!! >w< Big buff wendigo puff~ ((SO CUTE~! <3 X"D Love the height difference it's the best thing in ships~!)) ovo YAAAAASSS BETCH~! <333 he'd just feel a thud or something and look down to see little no namehad crashed into him! X"D Rufus is pretty much a huge tree then steady, tall, and strong! uvu Awww~ that'd be so cute~ What if no name broke his board again when he ran into rufus and the tall sweetie offered to make him a new one? uvu ....
=v=;;; No Name they could help you! X"D Stop being so nervous the doctors only wanna make you healthy and well they won't hurt you purposefully unless they need to!! //pushes no name to rufus// (/o3o)/ help this sweetie gain confidence Mr. Tree! <333 *O* OOOOOoohhh~ that's SO cool~! It really is, softness two seasons and smooth bone the next two~ <3333

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Retro-tv In reply to MorbidMist [2017-01-30 23:03:57 +0000 UTC]

It would be cool (pun aaa) but also suck OnO
Ya such a small cute tv aaahha he doesn't need too big of a one cuz he only has one eye to see anyway.. yes!! He goes out at night sometimes and is able to see it.. looking at it makes him feel SO calm and relaxed.. it's usually his fave colours too blue, green, white.. funny tho if he hears any kind of rustling or weird noise he rushes back inside xD
He also.. has a flamethrower.. this is used to clear real heavy snow away but he wouldn't hesitate to use it in defense.. ovo' And ye he is.. ever since he left his parents and went to live by himself, he left at about 19 he's around 27 now he's gotten much worse.. so many years by himself.. ahaha Mordecai has tried to fix it! But he couldn't ff.. and even when he'd thought he'd sealed a hole another would appear.. he even had a pot sitting over his notes at one point to try catch the water.. until he found out there was a hole in it too xD True that.. in a way the greens are kinda superior to other clans in that way!

That and.. SHY!! He couldn't look the paramedics in the eye x'D He'd just have his head down the entire time talking into his chest.. he really does..
he needs someone to show him the entire world isn't out to get him.. ye that hiker prob had to drag himself back down the mountain with broken bones if he survived >.>
If he forced himself to be around more wendigo it'd prob be better for him.. even if they teased him they'd eventually stop! or he'd learn to stand up for himself.. they might respect him then.. like 'Whoa this shorty wendigo actually has some fire in him!' (maybe he has the complete box set in his house somewhere xD) Ye.. sometimes it just hits him when he doing everyday tasks and he'll freeze.. and have to sit down.. I mean dang the hiker could be alive and well but No Name wouldn't know and he's just left with horrible uncertainty.. :/

((yass i should draw them more the tiny little gold hoarders <3 ye i love tall and short ones tbh.. and ye there's just something about small grumpy characters that's so endearing xD I think it's cuz they're all talk but really are no threat?! xD)) ye I guess that's the best comparison for it.. his horns are fine! A little wobbly but they wouldn't fall off or anything.. that all happened him when he was younger! He's fine these days.. well fine as in they don't do that anymore to him.. but yes he's still super cautious of everyone.. these days he's more worried about if he killed that hiker or not and what designs he should put on his snowboard.. and if he'll ever get his sight back in his eye..
Yes ahaha big jolly buff purple puff!! ((it really is I love it so much too! No Name could sit on Rufus' shoulder!!<33)) yes ahaha that's what I was thinking that's what happens in the comic! XD
Just No Name crashing into him, breaking his board almost knocking himself out and Rufus just turns around like 'Huh?'
He is!! he's so big/tall even birds sit on his antlers and he has NO idea they're there.. and if he did.. hoo boy he'd FREAK THE FUCK OUT.. it'd be too funny big burly wendigo getting a shock from little birdies x'D
Tbh.. No Name would be up and RUNNING AWAY before Rufus could get that offer out xD (his shyness would cause him to flee..) but if No Name stuck around to hear him out he'd be THRILLED.. Aa but I could imagine No Name keeping his head down and looking left and right while blushing trying to not make eye contact with Rufus.. he'd feel so intimated by the huge wendigo towering over him but at the same time he'd want to know more about him xD <3
Awwahahaha I could see Rufus (if No Name came to trust him) trying to get No Name to go see about his eye.. and if No Name did in the end he'd want Rufus to go with him and he'd be clinging to him the whole time ahaha xD 'DON'T leave me for a second!!!' Also No Name might eventually tell Rufus his real name.. OuO But yass Rufus would help him big time!! Yes hahaa it really is! No Name has no idea really tho cuz he never touches his horns he'd be as shocked as you xD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MorbidMist In reply to Retro-tv [2017-02-01 20:07:14 +0000 UTC]

X"D Pfffft, but yea... ovo;; i don't think i could physically live in suck a cold Climate...
uvu So cute then~ ouq; still kinda sucks about his eye though merrr... Oooh~ uvu sounds like such a lovely sight then~! =w=;; he's kind of a pansy then ey? uvu;; bless his poor little soul!! X"D
My lordhe's so scared of confrontation but aparently he's not scared of defending himself hehehehe~ uvu;; sure he'd be a nervous wreck after he used the thing though hehehehe~! X"D he just needs to get out and force himself to socialize every now and then and he'd be fine though, i know it's hard to be social when you're afraid of people though ouq he's a complete loner now and it's just gonna make things harder for him!!!
X"D OH no then hahahaha, that sucks so bad, just holes in everything i guess the poor guy.... :I merrr.... Damn need to get them some kind of seal for their roof or something and just put it all across the ceiling... Β X"D Pfffft, one of the few ways Green are superior again then haha!!

Awwww~ X"3 he'd probably also just feel so guilty and everything ovq;; he needs so much pets and love man this poor antisocial wendigo!!
>3< Just need to get him and Rufus together fast then I'm sure the big guy could show him being around people doesn't have to make you shy ouq;; yea.. man No Name must have been going pretty FAST to have hurt the dude THAT bad!! X"I
Yea!! They'd just become friends with him after a while, or maybe they'd tease/ gently bully him to show friendship like Jackston does //shrugs// i don't know how wendigos work.. Unless they're lie humans then if he tried standing up for himself they wouldn't take him seriously because of the height....do they knock horns together to fight/play around like other antler and horned animals? ((CUTE! X"D)) OH man those kind of memories are the WORST like you'll forget about them for a while and then you remember them and just fucking crumple up and cringe... it just ruins the rest of your day..Yea he'd have n idea and just be freaking out the poor thing!!! :"I

((Yes~! >w< I'd love to see more of them realy! X"3 <33 uu same~ X"D And yea all bark no bite like smol dogs who think they're big and tough!! )) o3o yea i think animals with antlers usually have them fall off then they grow bigger for adulthood right? i could see him scratching his antlers against a tree once the weather warms up so he can try and remove the soft velvet fur from them, hehehe imagining him getting stuck in the tree while doing it too! X"D and what does he do for food then? Does he ever go out to town to get food? Does he need to eat? Have a job or what ever? >w< What kind of designs does he usually put on his skate boards anyhow~? =w= and he'd be abe to see again if he just went to the dang doctor!! X"D
>w< Yeee~! ((Awww >3< He could and it's be SO cute~ uvu I bet he'd be so light to Rufus that he would barely even feel him!! X"D )) AWWwww~! IT's gonna BE SO cute I swear~! ;w; ffffff so precious~! <3333
X"D AWWHAHAHA~! <333 The poor big guy!! Why do the birds scare him is it just that he doesn't notice they're there? X"D hehheheeh~
=w=;; ffff oh yea you're right he would probably look up to him freak out and just zip off without uttering a word other than maybe a mumbled SORRY.... ;u; ye it'd make him so happy for the offer.... I keep imagining Rufus with a russian accent and I don't know why, it's like whenever i see big buff guys like that I just can't think of them with any other accent, no name trying not to make eye contact sounds so cute though... uvu <333
(If is good though! X"D )) Awww just full on anxiety attack mode of being in the doctor's office and them looking at his eye and Rufus having to reassuringly pet his hair telling him that the doctors are just doing to try and fix him up <333 o3o that's like Max level friendship for him to tell someone his name I'm guessing~! <33 >3< so perfect then!! ;;u;; Ahaha he never touches his horns?? X"D Is there any reason to that or that thoughts just never crossed his mind?

AH! I waned to show you earlier, I'm playing a little phone app game and I made Micheal in it (well as well as I could in the game at least) i.imgur.com/TeBqEBq.png

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Retro-tv In reply to MorbidMist [2017-02-02 17:30:01 +0000 UTC]

Well I kinda do and yes it's not very nice xD
Ye.. it doesn't hurt him tho he just can't see out of it.. I guess the only good thing about it is it looks kinda cool.. and yeah! I mean, multiple locks on his door, weapons for self defense.. he even has a night light.. >.> and he's a real light sleeper.. any little noise would wake him up.. and sometimes he just can't get back to sleep so he wanders around his house for a while and ends up falling sleep on his couch xD FFF yes ahaha.. he would never intentionally start a fight but damn if you attack him pure fear will make him strike back HARD.. he'd really let you have it at the spur of the moment but then ye when it's all over he'd prob whimper and be all like 'What have I done??' True true.. I mean, even Mordecai has more confidence and people to interact with than No Name and he has zero confidence and only Sylvester/Gertrude..
Ye Mordecai was fuming.. so much so he tried to throw the pot in anger but ended up pulling a muscle in his arm.. and couldn't write for a few days then.. which made him ANGRIER =v=' Ye.. that would be a lot of work and probably Mordecai would be made do it even tho Sylvester would be much more capable for a task like that.. if he didn't try to eat or play with the seal.. x'D Probably the only way tbh x'D

Ye ahaha I could see them telling him to speak up and this just making him slink further into a pile xD
YES they'd be so cute ahhaa.. just.. some days No Name not wanting to leave his house and Rufus trying his hardest to coax him out xD Ff I could see Rufus gently tapping on No Name's door with his finger.. cuz if he knocked with his fist he might knock the door in and scare the hell outta No Name x'D Yea he was.. with No Name it's either real fast snowboarding or don't bother snowboarding at all.. going slow would bore him!
Hm ye I don't think they'd take him seriously, cuz they're all seriously thrice his height and as big as Rufus! Even the females are a good bit bigger than him.. females have horns too but they're smaller and kinda different than the males! My race of wendigo are like giants! Even taller than my green eyed vamps! o.o and they all tend to wear warm clothes, like scarfs, big puffy jackets etc.. except Rufus.. he finds the cold refreshing xD but ye the best No Name would get with them is just allowing them to gently bully him and he might get used to it and they might even get sick of annoying him and stop? He'll never know tho as he refuses to interact with them >->
And yes! They knock horns as a way of playing with each other! They have a game which involves two in a circle and one has to try push the other out of the circle with their horns to win! Kinda like the green eyes games but MUCH MORE civilized as the wendigo are not trying to kill/hurt each other and actually have BRAINS.. my wendigo also have a mating dance in which a male wendigo dances furiously around a female one.. this can either be really cool or really cringey x''D
Ye they are.. and yes which is why he usually plays some calming music when he starts thinking too hard about it.. or just puts on sounds of the ocean or birds chirping..

((there's a whole lot of my ocs I need to draw more ahaha.. but ye I loved Franklin!! What a tiny little bully he was.. liked his design with his gold tooth xD yes hahaa that's what makes em so great!!))
Ah ye, well my wendigo don't lose their antlers until they get VERY old.. a real old wendigo will have no antlers or maybe only one.. old wendigo kinda lose the colour in their antlers and they look real grey.. PFF yes he would do that ahaha I could see him having a fave tree not far from his house in which he goes to do that.. it'd prob have a lot of scratch marks on it xD and ahhaa if he got caught in it he'd panic it'd bring back memories of the bigger wendigo and he'd feel real vulnerable..
There is a big wendigo town.. which he never goes near.. he orders all his food online and gets it delivered! (less interaction with others that way xD) My wendigo eat a lot of fish, shellfish.. and yes he actually does work! He's a part time security guard works at night sometimes.. he just sits in his little station on his own and open/closes the gates.. ideal for him.. hm well he really likes patterns like these! s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/o… and YES he needs Rufus to take him to the doc xD
((yes ahaha so light Rufus might even forget No Name is up there.. I could see No Name hanging on to Rufus's antlers too xD)) Yup ahaha almost done with it~ ouo He just doesn't know they're there! He can't feel them, so they'd just spook him if they flew off! I could see him just dropping to the ground in shock with his arms up with an 'AH?!' x''D
Yea Rufus wouldn't get time to say anything.. No Name would just hop up, grab whatever is left of his board, maybe say sorry then he'd be OUTTA THERE.. ahhaa I do think a russian or norwegian accent would suit him GREAT! and yes same it's just like big buff guys NEED an accent like that to complete them it's so perfect xD No Name would be blushing so bad.. just looking down at his feet and maybe trying to look up at Rufus but he jUST CAN'T BRING HIMSELF TO x'D poor sweetie
Yes ahaha he'd get to the door without too much of a problem.. maybe.. then it'd just hit him and he'd be like NOPE.. Rufus turns to talk to him and he's gone.. xD
Then when he did get inside he'd be so anxious he'd almost be on top of Rufus's back ahaha.. xD but ye Rufus would just pet him and talk to him and tell him everything is alright <3 ouo then when it's all over, Rufus would give him a big hug and a pat on the back xD YEA he'd rather forget his name himself so him telling it to someone else is a true sign of trust..
Ah, and he never touches his horns cuz it makes him REALLY sleepy! Even just a quick tip causes him to feel tired/drained.. that and he just never really thinks of it xD oh when I say touch, it doesn't effect him if it's trees or that but touched by hands causes it..

OHMYGOSH it looks -almost- just like him!! Just needs longer/poofier hair and it'd be perfect! What a cute I love~!! xD <3
//smooches him// ouo

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AwkwardMuch [2017-01-25 22:38:39 +0000 UTC]

Cool. I really like his character design.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Retro-tv In reply to AwkwardMuch [2017-01-26 18:46:48 +0000 UTC]


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AwkwardMuch In reply to Retro-tv [2017-01-26 22:24:24 +0000 UTC]

Mhm! You're welcome!!

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