#brothers #crowbar #fullbody #mutant #originalcharacter #swamp
Published: 2017-06-07 22:14:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 217; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Billy Ray: 'Ah liked 'er phone so I took it, but ah also liked 'er teeth so I took em too!! Hoo lookit me ain't I a Mr. fancy pants??'Billy Bob: 'Why ya gotta be so gosh darn mean to the nice folk?.. : ('
In case it's not obvious Billy Ray has three nipples and a weird face on his torso o v o'
These two are brothers..
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Comments: 4
MorbidMist [2017-06-08 02:43:08 +0000 UTC]
;u; ahhh... Billy Bob, the sweetie looks so cute I adore this little bayou baby~ ovo Ray scares me a bit though...
(Ah! Think Billy Bob would know Tiger by any chance? )
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Retro-tv In reply to MorbidMist [2017-06-08 17:47:39 +0000 UTC]
He's an angel really uvu This song makes me think of him just sitting out on his porch at night.. www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZaRQo…
His shack would look something like this dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl…
Ah ahah and yes good Ray is suppose to be scary.. but let's be honest here Morbid you would hug him!! Then he'd cut your ear off in the process..
Ray sometimes visits Bob and just makes himself at home in his shack much to Bob's dismay..
(Maybe? It'd be nice if they were friends cuz Bob doesn't have many friends.. Tiger could visit Bob and they could shoot gators together! Maybe bring Sylvester along too.. Bob would just be happy to have company that isn't his brother..)
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MorbidMist In reply to Retro-tv [2017-06-08 20:04:41 +0000 UTC]
Ye~ I really love his design and everything!! uvu 10/10 hug material Oooh, yea the music's good and love the idea for his house~! <3
ovo;; nah I like to keep my distance from people that are 100% competent and could kill me! X"D I like my teeth and general adorableness, this is my bread and butter man, I don't want Ray to be messin' up my bread n butter!
;u; ahh... Poor BB... Guess he's not one for telling his brother to Get! u.u; such a little angel I feel so bad for 'im...
((Ahhh~! Yea they could have fun and just have fun Tiger and him could exchange different ways to cook gater, Tiger's personal fave is plain fried to be honest~ X"D Yea and Tiger's a sweet heart, they'd have fun just being hunting buddies but T might be really weary to come over to his house if Ray's over, Tiger's strong and tall but he's got a good eye for when someone looks like they could rip him in two! X"D))
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Retro-tv In reply to MorbidMist [2017-06-08 22:27:10 +0000 UTC]
I'M GLAD cuz I just realized how much I love him myself! Tbh he would blink twice real quick and be all like 'Really? Ya really wanna hug me?..' he'd love to be hugged but he would be a little shocked given people usually run from him x'D He'd be all like 'Golly ya gonna make me blush up a storm..' as he'd nervously rub his arm.. I love Jesper Kyd's music.. so otherworldly and mysterious~ uvu And ye he'd have to have a shack in the swamp right? xD
Just lives there by himself.. ah well his brother is there sometimes but he's generally alone..
FFF I see.. so that's why you go for the dumb/dopey/easily distracted killers.. xD
Oh he has tried.. like he might just calmly say to Ray he can't stay for whatever reasons.. but then Ray would be all like 'Am yar brother! We're family! FAMILY! Ya know I'd stick my neck out for you?! Even though you're a big ass coward!' and ye this kinda makes Bob feel bad.. and he's kinda a little intimidated by Ray.. Ray tends to talk real loud to get his point across this makes Bob uneasy.. Bob isn't really one for confrontation.. don't get me wrong he's not afraid to fight ahaa but he'd try never start one..
(OOOh ye they could! And well Bob actually likes to add lots of spices/flavorings to his! He has a place out back from his shack where he experiments with spices n stuff on the meat! He'd take Tiger out and show him! I'm sorry but I could picture them shooting gators then throwing their guns into the air all like 'Weaaaaaaa hooooooo!!!' well Bob would anyway.. and his hat x'D
Ah ye might not be wise for T to go over when Ray is there actually.. I could see Ray walking up to Tiger and just kinda getting in his face and looking him up and down.. he wouldn't touch him but he'd prob make Tiger feel uncomfortable.. Ray acts very fake.. like he'll act like your best buddy (even if he senses you don't like him) but really he's just waiting his chance to strike..)
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