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Retro-tv [32610688] [] "Not obsessed, dedicated~"

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Favourites: 705; Deviations: 818; Watchers: 457

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# Comments

Comments: 861

DiamondArkAngel [2019-09-05 15:35:22 +0000 UTC]

Omg it's youuuuuuuu! 😲

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pezzimizt [2019-03-07 23:01:37 +0000 UTC]

Β i like your green money kid he is an acceptable capitalistΒ 

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Retro-tv In reply to pezzimizt [2019-03-08 15:38:42 +0000 UTC]

AAA oh my gosh what a nice surprise I love this!! Thank you so much this is great, glad you like the little green money gremlin xD <3
Would you mind if I shared this on my Instagram? I'd be sure to credit you, I love this a lot super cool style you got there~

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pezzimizt In reply to Retro-tv [2019-03-08 15:58:22 +0000 UTC]

i dont mind - as long as you credit me i'd be happy! im glad you like it!Β 

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Retro-tv In reply to pezzimizt [2019-03-08 17:35:18 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing I'd give credit! Do you have an Instagram or should I just credit your DA? c:

It's great, your style suits him so well x'D

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pezzimizt In reply to Retro-tv [2019-03-08 17:39:33 +0000 UTC]

i dont have instagram, but crediting my DA or tumblr (which is also pezzimizt ) is fine!Β 

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Retro-tv In reply to pezzimizt [2019-03-08 18:44:09 +0000 UTC]

Alright thank you~

((I must follow you on tumblr too!))

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WhiteKnuckleRider [2018-05-13 05:31:01 +0000 UTC]


They're my favorite band in the whole word.Β  I'm seeing them live in September in NYC.

Sorry, a bit of a nerdgasm there, I love your art style!Β  It's incredibly quirky and unique, awesome stuff.Β  You should totally draw Jay if you haven't already.

Anyway, nice to see another person who likes them to.

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Retro-tv In reply to WhiteKnuckleRider [2018-05-13 11:21:24 +0000 UTC]

AAAAA yes it is!! I love their music so much too!! Old and new stuff <3
Got so many fave songs from them but Feels So Good is among the top!
Oh really you are?? That's so cool I hope you have a great time! Their concerts always seem like they have so much energy~ it's so nice they're still touring! ;u;

Aww it's fine fff! And thank you I'm glad you like my style!! I actually do plan on drawing Jay ahhah just keep getting distracted by drawing other things x'D I really love him in the Canned Heat video! One of my fave videos of theirs~ oh and I like your art too it's cute~

Yesss same to you! Their music is kinda all I've been listening to lately xD

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WhiteKnuckleRider In reply to Retro-tv [2018-05-13 15:42:59 +0000 UTC]

Wow, thanks for the watch, I really appreciate it!Β  I really like your stuff, so it's no problem.Β  The one thing I remember fondly about DA after coming back is being able to find art and people randomly like this.

I can't wait to see Jamiroquai, it's going to be amazing.Β  It's sad I won't be able to see Stuart Zender on bass or Toby Smith on keyboard or Simon Katz on guitar, but this is like the first time they're coming to the US in maybe ten years I think?Β  It's the my only chance to see them so I'm jumping on it.

I have all of their albums, I only really liked Shake It On, Automaton and White Knuckle Ride (obvious ) from the last two albums, but if I had to pick five favorites, it would be Main Vein, Canned Heat, (Don't) Give Hate A Chance, Emergency on Planet Earth and Virtual Insanity.

Thanks for watching me too!Β  To answer your question, he's a massive asshole, so sorry lol.Β  I just introduced him into this music-based story I've been working on since forever.Β  If you're ever interested , the main character uses a Jamiroquai song you like.

Do you like nu disco in general?Β  I like Brand New Heavies, Icognito, and most '70s disco groups too, but lisltening to Jamiroquai got me into this one Japanese band and probably my favorite song ever, LOVE TOGETHER .

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Retro-tv In reply to WhiteKnuckleRider [2018-05-13 22:27:33 +0000 UTC]

Welcome! Awww thanks again! Ahaha yeah.. ah did you leave for a bit? :0

Yeah I'm sure it will be! From what I've seen of their concerts ((on youtube)) Jay's still got it! I love his dancing xD
Ahh yea kinda sad it's not the original crew but yea at least Jamiroquai is still around~

Ah I see.. ahh I love Summer Girl and Vitamin and Dr Buzz oh and ye Automaton ;u;
I figured as much from your username ahaha xD I really only like Two Completely Different Things from rock dust light star.. ^^' but YES i love all of those others you mentioned and I love Little L, Slipin n Slidin,
Plant Home, Dynamite, Cosmic Girl, You Are My Love, Too Young to Die, Deeper Underground, Space Cowboy, Starchild, Seven Days In Sunny June, Soul Education, High Times, Light Years, Love Blind, Just Another Story, When You Gonna Learn, Alright, Destitute Illusions and gosh I'm sorry I could list more I just LOVE almost all their stuff xD

No prob :] Ahhh no don't be sorry I love asshole characters, most of mine are asses ahaha they're the most fun to work with I think!
Oh interesting! I might read it when I have the time~ Jamiroquai actually inspired me to make these two guys
They're a music duo ;u;

Yeah I do!! And gosh I was just listening to Brand New Heavies the other day! Never Stop and Dream On Dreamer~
Ahhh what a nice song that is! Love the beat, thanks for introducing it to me~

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WhiteKnuckleRider In reply to Retro-tv [2018-05-13 22:53:01 +0000 UTC]

Thanks.Β  I really mean that when I say it's my favorite song ever.Β  I forget how I found it exactly but I like it a lot, haha.

Wow, Verticall and Horizontall are AMAZING. I love their designs, kind of like Gorillaz meets Jamiroquai.Β  They're awesome, would you be okay if I drew them sometime?

Your Jamiroquai song choices are great!Β  A lot of cool stuff I forget to mention.Β  When I think a little more, I also like Falling, Travelling Without Moving, Runaway, Radio, Blow Your Mind, Revolution 1993, Love Foolosophy, Corner of the Earth, Feels Just Like It Should, King for A Day, Do It Like We Used To Do, Scam and Talulah.Β  The last three are bonus tracks on A Funk Oddysey, Return of the Space Cowboy and Dynamite.

Nona Reeves is really good though.Β  He's got a lot of other great ones, a lot of which are very Jamiroquai sounding, but Stop Me , LOVE ALIVE , Where's The Party At? Β and Sweet Survivor Β are all amazing.Β  It's literally Japanese disco and I literally love it.

Do you stream art ever?Β  Are you on Discord?Β  Sorry if I'm hammering questions now but you got me talking lol.

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Retro-tv In reply to WhiteKnuckleRider [2018-05-14 14:32:34 +0000 UTC]

Welcome! And that's cool~ I sometimes just randomly come across songs too xD

AAA thank you!! So glad you like them! And huh now that you mention that I can see Gorillaz meets Jamiroquai in them ahaha.. though honestly I wasn't thinking of Gorillaz at all when I drew them x'D And ye course you can draw them if you want! I always love when anyone draws any of my characters, go nuts!

Thanks ;v; oh yeah I love Runaway too! I must go listen to some of those you mentioned because I'm not sure I've ever really heard them :0

I've never heard of him til now tbh xD yeah they all sound nice! I really like Where's The Party At? <33 Apparently Persona 5's soundtrack was inspired by Jamiroquai, have you ever heard of the Persona games? I really really love Shoji Meguro's music too, he's the composer for those games and he was for the old Shin Megami Tensei games.. ((i love his work on the old SMT games best!))

Ahh sorry no I don't stream or have a Discord right now.. if I ever get one I'll let you know.. nah it's fine ask as many as you want I don't mind at all! Sorry if I take forever to reply but I will always try reply eventually! ^^

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HomieBoon [2018-03-20 23:45:20 +0000 UTC]

thats pretty good

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Retro-tv In reply to HomieBoon [2018-03-21 15:18:14 +0000 UTC]

I'm not sure what you're referring to but alright ahaha!

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HomieBoon In reply to Retro-tv [2018-03-21 16:53:51 +0000 UTC]

just generally, your whole thing

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Retro-tv In reply to HomieBoon [2018-03-21 17:57:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh alright! Well thank you then~ <3

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hostlessghost [2018-03-19 01:34:55 +0000 UTC]


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Retro-tv In reply to hostlessghost [2018-03-19 19:09:44 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh thanks glad it does!! <33

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hostlessghost In reply to Retro-tv [2018-03-19 19:25:39 +0000 UTC]

aaaaaaa its such a good style thoo

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Retro-tv In reply to hostlessghost [2018-03-19 22:56:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you again I'm glad you like it so much means a lot to me x'D <3

I like your stuff too!

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hostlessghost In reply to Retro-tv [2018-03-20 00:09:02 +0000 UTC]

aw thank ya !!! m flatteredΒ 

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Retro-tv In reply to hostlessghost [2018-03-20 16:03:35 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome~ uvu

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hostlessghost In reply to Retro-tv [2018-03-20 19:40:09 +0000 UTC]

owo im honored

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Retro-tv In reply to hostlessghost [2018-03-20 21:27:34 +0000 UTC]

xD <3

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hostlessghost In reply to Retro-tv [2018-03-20 21:50:09 +0000 UTC]

forgive me fer m owo

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Retro-tv In reply to hostlessghost [2018-03-20 22:36:41 +0000 UTC]

Wha? ovo

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hostlessghost In reply to Retro-tv [2018-03-20 23:41:55 +0000 UTC]

ahaha sorry m jus akward

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Retro-tv In reply to hostlessghost [2018-03-21 15:17:50 +0000 UTC]

Pff aren't we all at times ahaha it's fine~

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hostlessghost In reply to Retro-tv [2018-03-24 23:03:10 +0000 UTC]

-comes out of the void to see messages- aaaaaaa thank u

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Retro-tv In reply to hostlessghost [2018-03-25 14:52:29 +0000 UTC]

Welcome ^u^

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StarJita [2018-02-18 10:50:27 +0000 UTC]

Ooh forgive for my late replies to your comments, I'll reply to them after I get some sleep =^= it's been a helluva weekend and I've been pretty overwhelmed aaa

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Retro-tv In reply to StarJita [2018-02-18 15:41:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness you don't have to apologize I understand!
Reply whenever you want/can if you want aahaaha I don't mind, I am slow at replying sometimes too~ uvu

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StarJita In reply to Retro-tv [2018-02-20 07:50:43 +0000 UTC]

OK OK I'M REPLYING TO THEM NOW tysm ;; I'm so overwhelmed holy crap but I think I'm almost outta the woods ;v;

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Retro-tv In reply to StarJita [2018-02-20 21:57:19 +0000 UTC]

It's a ok no prob okie dokie doo I assure~ //pats you//

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StarJita In reply to Retro-tv [2018-02-22 10:04:52 +0000 UTC]

=//v//= I am accepted. I am loved. Bless you kind one~

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Retro-tv In reply to StarJita [2018-02-22 21:00:02 +0000 UTC]

uvu/ <33

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0000yr [2018-02-14 22:35:24 +0000 UTC]

jfc how did i not found you sooner
i absolutely love your art and art style ?? its perfect and super inspiring aaa
keep up the great work <3

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Retro-tv In reply to 0000yr [2018-02-15 00:27:01 +0000 UTC]

AAAAaa gosh thank you so much!! I really appreciate it~
I shall definitely try!

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0000yr In reply to Retro-tv [2018-02-15 13:12:41 +0000 UTC]

no problem !

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hoz-boz [2018-01-21 00:32:06 +0000 UTC]


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Retro-tv In reply to hoz-boz [2018-01-21 18:22:50 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh you're very welcome your art is SUPER GREAT!! <33 ouo ((cute character there too <3))

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hoz-boz [2018-01-14 22:06:02 +0000 UTC]

hohohohoholy fuck your art tho
fUCK Im in love with your ocs
shit boy
I love Angel so mch

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Retro-tv In reply to hoz-boz [2018-01-14 23:29:44 +0000 UTC]

AAAAAAAAAAAaaa goodness thank you SO much!! I love your style and characters too holy moly!! ;A;
And sure I'm all for talking about them but I warn you I tend to talk ALOT.. is there anyone in particular you'd like to know about? ;u;
Everyone loves Angel aaahahaha x'D

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hoz-boz In reply to Retro-tv [2018-01-15 03:15:45 +0000 UTC]

DUD swamp me about it talk about all of them cause fuck me
aesthetic tho???????????? <3

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Retro-tv In reply to hoz-boz [2018-01-15 18:16:46 +0000 UTC]

ALLLL OF THEMMMM?? But I have SO many!!!
I'll guess I'll start with one of my faves, my dumbass vampire Sylvester! retro-tv.deviantart.com/art/Sy… ((old ref ughhu))
But anyway yeah he's a part of my own original species of vampires! More on them here retro-tv.deviantart.com/journa…
He is sooooo sloooow in the head that even if he's injured he doesn't notice or it takes him a super long time to notice.. he loves booze and is super flexible retro-tv.deviantart.com/art/Sl… ((one of his many amazing poses..)) he generally wanders around aimlessly in a world of his own and is almost always oblivious to his surroundings but he has a goal of killing all the vampire hunters and taking over their city.. dunno how he's gonna achieve that given how stupid/inept he is when it comes to most things but good luck to him!
Ah, tho despite being obliviously stupid he is actually pretty good/savage at fighting and can turn nasty/aggressive under certain circumstances.. he's not someone you'd want to be around when he's fired up and ready to brawl!

He is generally a huge idiot tho yes.. huge.. stinky.. idiot.. :'T

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hoz-boz In reply to Retro-tv [2018-01-16 01:27:42 +0000 UTC]

There he is
a cutiepie
holy shit I love him I had a read through the species and I love them too holy shit

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Retro-tv In reply to hoz-boz [2018-01-16 23:24:53 +0000 UTC]

AAA I'm so glad you like him!! He is one of my all time faves x'D
And glad you like the species too I'm forever adding stuff to them ahahah

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Wolfie4201 [2018-01-13 01:22:12 +0000 UTC]

Hello! Here is a video!

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Retro-tv In reply to Wolfie4201 [2018-01-13 18:13:49 +0000 UTC]

Hiya~ And ff thanks for that ahaha gave me a chuckle xD

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