#rp #wolf #wolfrp #wolves #wolfart #art #digitalart #dotw #domainofthewolf
Published: 2017-07-23 02:49:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 1928; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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"Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone. Your posture can shine your heart or transmit anxiety. Your breath can radiate love or muddy the room in depression. Your glance can awaken joy. Your words can inspire freedom. Your every act can open hearts and minds."
David Deida---
Update 9-4-17: Moved to Vale! Also added a more in depth link of her personality.
| | B A S I C I N F O| |
Name: Saphira
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Height: 33"
Weight: 93 lbs
Rank: Brood
Build: At first glance anyone will be able to see she is a very feminine figure who gives off a strong aura of confidence and sense of purpose. Her snout tends to be quite narrow, while her ears form a thicker, more rounded shape. Saphira is built with strong, long legs, with paws that tend to be more on the larger size. Her fur is thick and corse, but is a bit short, resulting to her having a scruffy coat. The longest fur on her body would be her tail, where the fur still remains rather thick and scruffy. Overall, she gives off the impression of being very sturdy and strong.
Territory: Vale
Family: Sorren {Brother, Deceased}, Eryk {Father-Figure}, Lapis {Guardian, Missing}
| | P E R S O N A L I T Y | |
Saphira loves nothing more than an adventure. She is quite fond of exploring anything she finds, as anything will catch her interest if it hasn't been explored by her already. Often she can be caught sneaking away from others to find someplace new to explore, never afraid to go somewhere others would fear to venture. In this sense, she can be quite the daredevil, and will go anywhere should you dare her, as she quite enjoys the thrill of taking risks.
Saphira is always challenging her limits, whether it be physical, spiritual, or even emotional. She purposely seeks what scares her the most and chases after it, striving to overcome her fears so that she may continue living her life the way she wants to live it. Saphira refuses to let such things interfere in her path that ties her down or blocks her way to success.
Inquisitive/Knowledge Seeking
Everything has it's way of fascinating Saphira. Her thirst for knowledge is undoubtably powerful, as she feels the need to absorb every bit of information to make her better acquainted with the world in which she lives. She hates the idea of not understanding what could be learned, everything has a purpose and she strives to know why that is so.
Just like many others, Saphira believes that her ideas and opinions are right and true, so if someone tries to argue against that she can fasten her grip onto what she wants. It is difficult for her to accept the idea of being wrong, unless there is an accurate reason on why that is so. This tends to give her a hard head in these situations and may result in reckless behavior. You see, she has this mind set that if she feels her own reason is more thorough than another, then it is the best. This doesn't mean she isn't open to other options, though. Just that it is very difficult for her to change her view once her mind is made up.
Saphira doesn't often give into pressure, which makes her very unyielding at times. Though it can be quite useful, it can also be a problem. She won't obey those who do her wrong, and if there is no respect or loyalty for another, she will not submit to them. Not even if she was outnumbered or standing in front of someone with a higher status.
Saphira believes deeply in herself, and the ability to do anything and become anyone. Rarely is she offended by the remarks of others who try to get under her skin, and she'd rather just brush them off her shoulders. She is always dreaming big, believing they were given dreams for a reason, as she is always ready to act on those dreams. Life is too short to wait. She is always ready for a change, a chance to experience something new and different. A chance to improve to her highest potential. She isn't easily pushed around, and will instantly stick up for herself and others. She usually chooses words over a fight, believing words cut deeper than claws to the flesh, but if a fight is needed she won't hesitate to take actions.
Though her thirst for knowledge and adventure is very strong in Saphira's life, so is her craving for danger. As she would say "To live is to dare", believing danger is something that is key in life to keep her sharp and alive mentally and physically. She isn't afraid to take risks, and actually enjoys the 'thrill' of danger, as she would call it. Dangerous ideas and situations don't scare her away, they draw her closer. Danger can lead her to be quite reckless and naive at times. This can often place her in dangerous situations if she doesn't put much thought into it. More so when she is alone then when she is with another wolf, as she wouldn't want them getting hurt. Danger makes her feel alive, something that really brings her joy, and she can never stay away from it for long.
Gaining Saphira's trust is easy the first time around, as she likes to see the good in everyone, but once you betray that trust you probably won't be able to gain it back again. It takes a lot to lose her trust, a heavy blow, such as betrayal or dishonesty. Once trust is lost, she is unwilling to see a reason why she should be involved with someone who has hurt her. Saphira locks them out of her life and refuses to listen to what they have to say, believing anyone who truly cared for her wouldn't betray something as sacred as trust. They are lost to her, and no matter how much it pains her, she is too afraid to welcome them back with open arms. To give second chances just isn't in her nature. Though with time she may come to accept someone back into her life, she knows it would never be the same with the wolf as it had been before. The relationship/friendship has been broken and can never be mended to be the same. Saphira doesn't easily 'forgive and forget'. She knows the pain will always remain.
If you are a close friend or family member of Saphira, you can expect to be teased a lot. She loves to mess with the people she knows, always laughing at their mistakes and making sarcastic remarks. Although she never tries to push people to the point of anger. Just know she only does this out of love or with a comfortable friendship.
Trust and loyalty is a delicate thing to Saphira, and it holds great importance to her. It is what she looks for in others, and also herself. She would protect someone she loves and/or cares for with her own life. She never wants to be betrayed, and she has made an oath with herself she will never do the same to another.
(For more in depth click here )
| | P R E - G R O U P H I S T O R Y | |
Saphira was one who grew up never knowing the warmth or love of a mother or father, only a brother. A brother who stayed in her life when the others couldn't. She never had memories of anyone but him. All she had to grasp onto were the stories her brother would share. Therefore he was all she knew, Sorren was her world.
Back in the cold set of winter, a young litter of pups were born. Though despite the cold, the pups were happy. They had a warm mother who fed them, and a father and big brother who guarded them. Little did they know that their world would soon fall apart. Soon their mother became terribly ill from giving birth to her children, and the harshness of winter was slowly taking it's toll on her. There was nothing that could be done. Living the life of a loner, the option of finding a healer didn't exist as it did living in a pack, and despite her mate and son's best efforts to save her life, she passed away.
In despair, the once happy family slowly started to fall apart. Their father became distant and overcome with grief with the loss of his mate. The young pups began to starve, as they were too young and were unable to digest solids. It wasn't long until the weakest pup passed away, cold and hungry, and not long after followed others, until the day arrived that one pup remained. A small female coco coated pup. By this point their father had lost all hope and abandoned what was left of his dying family. Feeling there was nothing he to do, and unable to watch his last daughter die, he snuck away into the night. Leaving Sorren, his oldest son, to care for the pup in her final hours.
Though their father gave up, Sorren refused to let his young sister die, and clenched onto hope. The answer to saving her life would not be sitting in a cave, waiting for some miracle, but in the beyond. He left the den that that had called home with the pup grasped tightly in his jaws. perhaps he could find a pack who had a den mother who could sustain Saphira with the food she needed. While searching for a pack, he came upon a lone she-wolf with her infants. Sorren made a deal with the lone parent. In return for nursing his sister, he would give her the protection she and her pups needed. So it was then Saphira grew healthier, slowly but surely. Within three weeks, Sorren started to encourage Saphira to eat the flesh of prey, and it wasn't long before she accepted it. Sorren and Saphira thanked the she-wolf, and said their final farewells to the family, and lived a life with just the two of them.
As Saphira grew older, her brother started to leave her for long periods of time. The first time he left for a while and returned, Sorren was very shaken up, ignoring the many questions she pestered him with. As the weeks went by, the situation became worse. Sorren would have nightmares about things he would not reveal to her. He would scream and toss. When he left, Sorren started to come back with small wounds and even sometimes she would pick up the strange scent of crimson blood from his fur. Blood that was not his own. One afternoon he left her, and by nightfall Saphira became nervous because he had not yet returned. The night passed on and he never came back.
The next morning Sorren returned to her, ushering her to wake up and follow him. He was cloaked in dirt and blood, with a wild gleam in his eyes. Together they fled from the unknown. After that day they never stayed in one place too long. Often they would travel through streams or next to rivers. They would sleep during the day, and hunt and travel at night. Constantly Sorren's eyes darted about, as if an unknown monster would spring from the underbrush at any given moment. He became uneasy and full of fear, nothing like the brave warrior she once was so familiar with. Whoever was out there must have been very powerful to scare her brother in this way, and it terrified her to the bone.
Sorren began to talk to her about packs, and his new desire to join one. He told her of a newly founded pack by the name of Heyl. One he was sure they would accept and protect from the dangers that hunted them. He told her of how their pack was a safe haven to wolves in need. He told her of the spirit of Icadority, the mother of healing and reformation. He told of their power of knowledge, and the Sages who sought it out. A pack sounded wonderful to her, something she had yet to experience.
The day arrived when the pair reached the boarder of Heyl. The forest was silent as she noticed that no birds sang their usual musical note and no little plump creatures scurried about the forest floor. Saphira thought it was strange, but didn't think much further than that. Sorren on the other hand, didn't show the same relaxation. He stopped and listened, and he put her down to smell the air. He told her something felt off, but that he didn't understand why. With a feeling of unease he picked her up once more and continued into Heyl.
It had only been minutes since they stopped in the forest when the soil beneath them started to tremble and roar. Trees began to sway fiercely, and large rocks split and cracked. Instinct kicked in and Sorren ran with Saphira's scruff secured tightly in his jaw. It wasn't long before Saphira's weight started taking toll on Sorren and he placed her on the ground. He was quickly tired out, as she was becoming too big to be carried, but still too small to be able to keep up with him at his speed.
While trying to form a plan to escape the unknown dangers of the earth, the dirt floor before them began to crack. Soil and rocks slid inwards as the split widened with rapid speed. From behind them came shouting, and in the distance three bulky figures of wolves came into view, snarling with the success of finding their targets. Sorren stared into the eyes of the wolves in front of them for a moment, and then quickly looked down into Saphira's eyes, smiled sadly at her, and said "Saph, I love you". With those final words he picked her up and chucked her across the widening gap in the earth where she landed safely on the other side, rolling in dirt. She jumped up and stared terrified at him as he shouted at her. "Run Saph, run and don't look back! Find Heyl!" With heavy breaths she watched her brother urge her to finish their journey and go on without him. The wolves behind Sorren would soon be upon him, and there was nothing she could do. He was her brother and she had to obey him. Reluctantly she turned around and ran away as the roaring earth pounded in her ears, along with the snarls of her brother and others. She hoped he would be okay, he had to be.
As she fled deeper into Heyl she was found by a group of wolves who she knew must be the Heylians, they too were fleeing the shaking earth. They took her to the rest of the pack. Everyone wore worried expressions, as they didn't expect this to happen either. This was her home now, despite how shaken up it was at the moment. She was excited for the change and the chance to become part of something bigger than herself. Although she had left her brother, she was sure he would come soon, but somewhere deep in her heart she felt as if she may not see him again. Heyl was her home now, her first real home, and she was ready to be part of it.
Art & Character (c) Renezmee
Application Template (c) Domain-of-the-Wolf
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Comments: 17
Renzaele In reply to Zoketi [2017-09-05 23:03:06 +0000 UTC]
i forgot to message u on skype loll I'll do that nowww
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Renzaele In reply to Wildfire-Tama [2017-07-27 00:44:50 +0000 UTC]
Aw thanks Tama!!! Means a lot <33
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
KaeliARPG [2017-07-23 14:23:45 +0000 UTC]
This is one of my favorite characters and I'll tell you why
Your focus on her physical traits plays a huge part in her distinct characteristic when in comparison to your other characters. Not to mention her design and gradients just mesh so effing well >.< Great job!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Renzaele In reply to KaeliARPG [2017-07-23 15:00:50 +0000 UTC]
Aaaahhhh Spicy thank you I'm so glad! I never really thought Saph would be anyone's favorite, so that means a lot!
And wow that's so cool you think so, physical traits was something I never really tried to focus on, but now that I have tried to add them I'm glad they are noticeable! Thanks man you seriously made my day <3
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
KaeliARPG In reply to Renzaele [2017-07-23 15:10:48 +0000 UTC]
yiosss all the physical traits! They become fun after you practice them a while trust me XD <333
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Renzaele In reply to KaeliARPG [2017-07-23 15:17:54 +0000 UTC]
Lmao, I should try to do some memes and start working on that xD
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
halloumicheese [2017-07-23 12:57:22 +0000 UTC]
Wow what a difference! Your style has already evolved so much, Saphira looks amazing.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Renzaele In reply to halloumicheese [2017-07-23 15:03:22 +0000 UTC]
Loomi you're the best thank you so much! I'm so glad you think so, those months of sketching on paper did me well xD but seriously though I'm so glad you like her new app art!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
InstantCoyote [2017-07-23 03:36:42 +0000 UTC]
SAPHIRA <3 Trygg is so proud of you. She looks so beautiful. =3
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Renzaele In reply to InstantCoyote [2017-07-23 05:47:24 +0000 UTC]
AAH THANKS MINNOW. <333 And yessss tryygggg D:
👍: 0 ⏩: 0