Rodwendess — DotW | Khione

#arpg #dotw #rpg #wolf #wolves #khione #heylguard
Published: 2016-11-12 04:14:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 4963; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 3
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 Updated her app art! Her baby coat is falling off and her 'true' adult colours are starting to show  


 Khione (Goddess of Snow and the North)
        Nickname: Khi
Age:  Young Adul (lil baby all grow'd up  )
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 34"

Weight: 89 lbs
Khione is growing into her adult form. But she's still fairly lanky. Her fur has smoothed....mostly, but her mane still looks like it's been tousled by the wind...even when there's no wind. Her coat had shed to reveal the adult golden colours of her Haviran heritage. 
Not the prettiest wolf to walk the domain, Khione's fur can't seem to work out which way it wants to go. Mostly floof, she is very lanky and tall, but unlike her pretty sister Eros, she's disproportionately tall with long legs and a shorter body. The fur of her rump is smooth, but the fur about her shoulders sticks up at every which angle, something that her mother often attempts to comb down to little avail. Her tail is long and also 99% floof. Her cheek fur is long and...floof.
Scars: None

Voice: Georgie Henley (Pup/Juvenile), Lena Headey  (Adult)

Theme: Drink up me hearties (PotC main theme)

Territory: Heylguard
            Siobhan  (Mother/surrogate)
            Aphrodi  ( Biological Father )
            Ruston  ( Adoptive Father)
            Eros  ( Sister-Littermate )
            Asclepius  (Brother-Littermate)
            Livia  (Sister-Littermate)
Extended Family: 
            Saurugol  (Paternal Uncle-cousin) 
            Artemas  (Paternal Uncle-cousin)
            Rutnik  (Paternal Uncle-cousin)
            Evander  (Paternal Cousin)
            Ira  ( Paternal cousin ) 
            Arthur  ( Paternal Cousin )
Rank:  Delta Envoy



| Outgoing | Sweet | Clumsy | Inconsiderate


Khione has very little filter once she starts going. She often forgets that others don't feel the same way about things as she does.


Long legs, big paws, floofy mane...How's Khione supposed to see where to put her feet?! 


Khione talks. A lot. She likes telling people all about the things she knows and that she thinks they should know. She has very little trouble talking to people and could strike up a conversation about anything.


Khione at her core is sweeter than honey. She would climb the highest mountain or brave the widest sea for you...or she'd give you pretty flowers she's picked herself every morning just because she can.

 Her siblings and friends
 Listening to her parents stories
 Hide and Seek
 Being an Envoy
 Meeting new wolves

 Being told she looks weird
 Getting things stuck in her coat
 Cruelty to others
 Being reprimanded

 Doing all of her parents proud and becoming the greatest of Heyl's Envoys.
 Leading an exciting life. 
 Helping people.


Pre-Group History: 

Khione was born of a unique love story. Her family was from the religious pack of Havi. Father Aphrodi and Daddy Ruston, while they loved each other very much, were biologically unable to have pups. Siobhan, Aphrodi's best friend, agreed to bear pups for them. The trio had their little family soon enough, with a litter of three girls and one boy, however it came at a terrible price. Just as the meteor that destroyed Havir struck, the four were born and the little family were forced to find a new home, in Heylguard.  



  • Deep down, Khione really cares about what people think of her looks. As she ages she will either become more invested in her appearance, or more confident in herself. 
  • Khione is not brave, but she loves the romanticism that comes with adventure. 
  • Khione loves her siblings, but tries to avoid any of their squabbling.
  • While she is shy, when she gets into a pack mindset (*cough* when she and her siblings go on adventures *cough*) Khione is very, very....gung ho (she's a mindless disaster waiting to happen).
  • Khione LOVES wolves who are a little bit different. Her family is not quite 'ordinary' and she has learned to appreciate every aspect of a wolf's disability, and what makes them who they are. 
  • Khione does not particularly believe in boundaries of any kind. She had a sheltered childhood, free from danger and fear (except for the stories of it told to her by her parents). She therefore doesn't quite understand the intricacies of lying and subtle emotion and is straightforward in everything she says and does. What you see is what you get. 


Heart Chart | Bones Log 

Other Art:

ty to Wulfghast for helping me with her new design <3

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Comments: 33

akllozz [2017-12-02 20:11:06 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh, so beautiful<33 I love her, it fits her so well!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rodwendess In reply to akllozz [2017-12-02 21:29:41 +0000 UTC]

Oh thank you so much Kat ☺️☺️☺️ I’m so glad you think so. She is my presh lil sunbeam. <3

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Uniskorne [2017-12-02 15:46:03 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful, beautiful girl! <3

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Rodwendess In reply to Uniskorne [2017-12-02 21:27:37 +0000 UTC]

<3 <3 hope she makes her daddy proud

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florafudou [2017-12-02 14:58:38 +0000 UTC]


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Rodwendess In reply to florafudou [2017-12-02 21:27:10 +0000 UTC]

Tysm Flora <3 khi will have to come visit her big sis soon :3

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florafudou In reply to Rodwendess [2017-12-03 01:51:01 +0000 UTC]

Totally up for that!

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Rodwendess In reply to florafudou [2017-12-03 05:20:58 +0000 UTC]

If you wanna send me a starter! We can RP them meeting up next Spring? :3

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florafudou In reply to Rodwendess [2017-12-03 16:59:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh that would be great, and totally, shoot me

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Zoketi [2017-12-02 07:24:14 +0000 UTC]


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Rodwendess In reply to Zoketi [2017-12-02 10:39:36 +0000 UTC]

TYSM ZO <3 means a lot. So glad you like her :3

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Zoketi In reply to Rodwendess [2017-12-02 15:02:35 +0000 UTC]

whEEEE of course!! <3

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florafudou [2017-04-10 01:44:56 +0000 UTC]

LOVE HER SO MUCH! -screams-

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Rodwendess In reply to florafudou [2017-04-10 02:32:12 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh ty

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lilbeantrix In reply to Rodwendess [2017-07-03 16:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Would you like to rp with me?

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Rodwendess In reply to lilbeantrix [2017-07-04 00:55:10 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to! I prefer docs, with a note every time someone's replied? 

What should we RP about - do you have anything in mind?

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lilbeantrix In reply to Rodwendess [2017-07-04 02:24:02 +0000 UTC]

I've never used docs before, so I don't know how to use it. I can try though. Do mean google docs?

I was just thinking Vivian is wanting to get to know his fellow pack mates, nothing big sadly

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Rodwendess In reply to lilbeantrix [2017-07-04 02:33:57 +0000 UTC]

I do indeed mean google docs! It's just like a word document. I like it because it fees more like a flowing story i can go back and read which I find a bit hard with something like notes :3 

cutiepie. Is he still a pup? Does he like to wander? Khi is training to be an envoy so if he's gone and gotten himself lost she might spot him and bring him home? :3 

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lilbeantrix In reply to Rodwendess [2017-07-04 03:41:42 +0000 UTC]

We can try it, if I can figure out how to work it

He is indeed still a pupper, and he sure does. I think that could work.

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Rodwendess In reply to lilbeantrix [2017-07-04 03:51:41 +0000 UTC]

I'll create a doc and send you the link if you wanna write the starter? <3

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lilbeantrix In reply to Rodwendess [2017-07-04 04:04:20 +0000 UTC]

sure thing

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Wildfire-Tama [2016-11-22 22:24:03 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh I looove her in your style, you drew the fur shape so well! I love all her little facts in the Miscellaneous section xD it makes her so well rounded and adorable haha.

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Rodwendess In reply to Wildfire-Tama [2016-11-24 06:06:33 +0000 UTC]

awwww thank you so much! (still working out a style lol - not entirely sure what I'm doing 99% of the time ahah). She is my beautiful ball of floof <3 I'm so glad you like her!

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LESter66 [2016-11-15 15:43:58 +0000 UTC]


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Rodwendess In reply to LESter66 [2016-11-15 21:49:24 +0000 UTC]


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florafudou [2016-11-13 00:47:53 +0000 UTC]

Love her so much already!

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Rodwendess In reply to florafudou [2016-11-15 10:22:57 +0000 UTC]

Eeeeeeee thank you! I'm so glad you like her !  :3

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angelwolf [2016-11-12 23:32:10 +0000 UTC]

LOOK at this precious princess!! Protect her! *scoops her up and carries her away*

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Rodwendess In reply to angelwolf [2016-11-15 10:22:36 +0000 UTC]

eheheheheheheh I'm glad you like her. She is my cute lil fluffy derp :3 <3

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halloumicheese [2016-11-12 11:39:46 +0000 UTC]

She is super adorable

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Rodwendess In reply to halloumicheese [2016-11-12 12:04:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you :3 <3

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halloumicheese In reply to Rodwendess [2016-11-12 12:06:19 +0000 UTC]


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Rodwendess In reply to halloumicheese [2016-11-15 05:22:45 +0000 UTC]


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