#dotw #nikolai #vale
Published: 2016-11-09 19:16:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 74325; Favourites: 838; Downloads: 124
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"Once you've accepted your flaws,
no one can use them against you."
Name: Nikolai
Alias: "Nik" (familiar), "Nikky" (by his siblings & mother), "Valerian Imp" in slang
Age: Juvenile
Birthdate: November, 2016
Gender: Male
Height: 34
Weight: 80 lbs
Build: Thin and frail, Nik inherited his mother's lithe build, though is far less graceful. He has long, thin legs which makes him look rather gangly, like he hasn't quite grown into himself. His pale fur hangs in thick clumps, which adds to his altogether dishevled, unkept appearance. He has a crooked, narrow snout and long limbs. His body language is generally subordinate, though not necessarily lacking confidence.
Defining Features: Shaggy and matted fur, a narrow snout, bagged "tired" eyes, flowing cheek fur inherited from father.
Scent: Evergreen pine, muted but fresh
Voice: Christian Slater - youtu.be/2LkFNZauk90?t=2m1s
Theme: A Lannister Always Pays his Debts- www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTuhpJ…
Territory: Vale
Rank: Apprentice in the Highland Guard; Prince of Vale
Friends: Elisabet, Charlotte, Gabriel, Alastor
Mate: None
Family: Faust (father), Ira (mother), Elisabet (sister), Gabriel (brother), Charlotte (sister), Saurugol (uncle, deceased), Tilika (aunt, deceased), Nadina (aunt), Arthur (cousin), Renae (cousin), Alastor (cousin), Silvanus (great uncle), Zinnia (first cousin, once removed), Hieronymus (first cousin, once removed), Hera (grandmother, deceased), Sandre (grandfather, deceased)
[Imaginative] [Anarchist] [Academic] [Calculating] [Pacifist] [Self-Concious] [Kind] [Engaging] [Unstable] [Jealous] [Easy-going] [Patient]
Nik is an academic wolf. His mind is constantly buzzing with unexplored ideas. He loves to learn about his world and is a natural improvisor. He's interested in unconvential and ambiguous things and has the patience and desire to figure out how things tick. Especially is his youth, Nik spends much of his time alone, exploring intriguing ideas and studying everything he can gets his paws on. Insects, birds and everything that flies is a particular interest of his. He's a dreamer, viewing the world through creative blinders.
Overly critical of all he observes, Nikolai never fails to question the apparent laws around him. He disagrees with the heriarchy created by his parents, deeming it a dangerously flawed system. Rather, he believes in freedom and a lack of rank for all wolves. He craves the power to put an end to Vale's hierarchy. He is the voice of subordinate wolves, having identified with them all his life.
Nik is capable of extreme cunning and will take calculated measures against others when he deems it necessary. He is especially talented at acquiring information. He has to make up for his physical weaknesses through the use of a sharp tongue and keen intelligence. He uses wit and intellect to overcome prejudice against him. He's rather well-spoken, especially for his age, and is very careful with his words.
Being generally weak, and much smaller than those in his family, Nikolai is a natural pacifist and does not like war, nor the fighting culture of Vale. His opinions and flaws are mitigated to some extent by his family's noble origins, but he's still viewed as a disappointment. After all, the runt was born to two, large, aristocratic warriors. Nik feels as if he's constantly on trial for being the Alpha's weak son. He fears that he will be persecuted for his lack of prowess in a pack where size and skill at arms are hugely respected. He tries not to allow it become a weakness and does his best to use his wits to an equal effect as any warrior wielding his muscle. Yet still, his shortcoming have made him a self-concious wolf, controlled by emotions and heart over logic. He's governed a bit by what others think, and this definitely weighs on him growing up in Vale.
Nikolai is a wolf capable of great empathy and genuine kindness, especially towards those he percieves as helpless to help themselves, or outcasts, like himself. He is always ready to stand up for the "little man". Nik retains a strong sense of humor, and likes to surround himself with like-minded, easy-going wolves. He has few close friends, but gets along well with others and always willing to collaborate. Often times he'll be the first to take the initiative in social situations, doing what he can to provide a warm common ground for the pack.
Nik can be quite moody, and will snap if pushed too far. Especially in his youth he can have a real snarky attitude. Usually he feels guilty about losing control of his emotions. This cycle can be exhuasting for his friends and family to put up with, but he seems powerless to alter these flaws. Nik is constantly comparing himself to his family. His mother and father are brilliant warriors, while his siblings are strong, skillful and energetic pups. He feels he is different, and cannot keep up with the physical demands of his pack. Nik is especially jealous of his brother, Gabriel, as he is the largest of his siblings and heir to Vale.
Nik is unmotivated and rather lazy. He is quite the opposite of a typical Vale wolf, who is passionate and hard-working for their tasks. Instead, Nik likes to go with flow and indulge in slothful behavior like observing nature or going out for leisurely strolls with his friends. He doesn't like to make commitments, and would rather keep his options open. If at all possible, he will avoid strenuous work. He is a true procrastinator and can easily crack under pressure. His gentle nature, however, makes him a great listener. He is patient in his relaitonships and always willing to help his fellow wolf.
[Pre-Group History]
Nikolai is the youngest son of Faust and Ira, the alphas of Vale. Driven from their home in Havir after a meteor decimated the pack, Faust and Ira along with the survivng Havirinas traveled North to reclaim Vale. After a showdown between those loyal to the new queen, Faust was able to revive Vale and chase the corrupt ruling party from the lands. They did not escape unscathed, however. Alar delivered a powerful blow to Ira's stomach, inducing early labor. The parents think this could be responsible for Nikolai's small stature.
[Group History]
+ 2 bones Joining
+ 1 bone Nik and the Grasshopper
+ 1 bone Humanization
+ 0 Fira Pups
+ 0 Lovely Night
Total: 5 bones
[Featured Artwork]
[Artwork By Others]
DotW: Thankful
Wise Beyond his Years
[ DoTW ] People Will Say
Personality Type: INFP: The Mediator
-coming soon-
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Comments: 169
Tazihound In reply to ??? [2018-11-23 18:05:20 +0000 UTC]
Aww I wish, perhaps some day. I am trying to see if I can manage more characters- back when I had six I felt like I was drowning xP But I think 3 is a good max for me!
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bubblegum123333333 [2018-06-19 19:45:56 +0000 UTC]
he is sooo cute....i love how you drew his head down to make him look shy sooooo adorable
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IraWolfeh [2017-03-05 05:43:24 +0000 UTC]
Eyyyyyyyyy me and Nik have the same personality type xD
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FairyBox [2017-02-12 18:05:05 +0000 UTC]
Let me guess...
Nikolai Lantsov.
I will love him forever just as much as Ravka.
What a pretty design for a wolf though!
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MediocrePotato [2017-02-12 03:47:11 +0000 UTC]
My GOD this guy is gorgeous <3
I adore the new ref art!
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Mirteae [2017-02-11 21:46:20 +0000 UTC]
He was such a cutie as pup and he's such a beauty now as adult °^° Why I'm not in DotW, why
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Quaylak [2017-02-05 00:52:09 +0000 UTC]
Little brother is becoming quite the looker, mmhmm. lol Love this update, Tazi! <3
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Wildfire-Tama [2017-02-03 03:43:06 +0000 UTC]
I love his fur shape and build, all so unique. And this design, I just love it. As handsome as ever <3
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Naviira [2017-02-02 23:34:31 +0000 UTC]
I love his clumpy fur! Fira babies are growing up so fast :')
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Armidillio [2017-02-02 22:48:35 +0000 UTC]
Ah he's big now! /Has he been like this for a while? I really haven't checked his App/
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cobu96 [2017-02-02 21:16:14 +0000 UTC]
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92CaptainWolf [2017-02-02 20:33:11 +0000 UTC]
Alright, this is a new one! Nikolai, huh? What a nice name for a arctic/white mix wolf!
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ThomasBlack1 [2017-02-02 19:40:27 +0000 UTC]
He is just beautiful! and fluff on the nose and IIIh I want to hug him
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Aleu-i [2017-02-02 19:38:43 +0000 UTC]
awww he is soo beautiful!! <333 I love his colors, and his pose is so pretty!!! *w*
I really love his personality too!!! HNHNHNHN!!!!! <3333
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Lachtaube [2017-02-02 19:34:53 +0000 UTC]
ohboy ohboy ohboy!
Seeing his pelt in its full glory is breathtaking! And of course those fur tufts <3
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AgentSpicy-BBEFUBAR [2016-12-14 22:39:58 +0000 UTC]
So I don't drew a thing and it's all sketchiness but nik the bab is gettting cuddles to death by Amara
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Tazihound In reply to AgentSpicy-BBEFUBAR [2016-12-15 16:15:43 +0000 UTC]
AWWWW I bet it's adorableeeee
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ileaa [2016-12-13 23:29:58 +0000 UTC]
"He craves the power to put an end to Vale's heirarchy."
what are you plotting to do with this cute bab
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WolfsRaven15 [2016-12-07 03:12:34 +0000 UTC]
His adorable little face!! :3 I just want to squeeze his fluffy little cheeks
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anastasia01998 [2016-11-15 20:18:06 +0000 UTC]
That's so sweet !!! He resembles both in the mother , while the brothers look like of their father .
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Tazihound In reply to anastasia01998 [2016-12-02 16:02:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much!! That's what I wanted, since Gabe takes after Faust, and Nik definitely looks more like his mom
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Wildfire-Tama [2016-11-14 00:26:30 +0000 UTC]
Ahh the baby is here!! He's so cute, I love the pose <33
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Quaylak [2016-11-12 04:55:52 +0000 UTC]
I love Nik so much and am soooo looking forward to having him meet Nyru! He could have been her son, honestly, haha. (don't tell Ira omg)
He's beautiful and we're going to have a blast with them! So happy our babies are here.
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Tazihound In reply to Quaylak [2016-12-02 16:03:15 +0000 UTC]
he really could have lol!
Thank you so much Quay!! I am so happy I brought him in. And me too, gah <3
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Flufferooni [2016-11-12 00:48:05 +0000 UTC]
Oh boy
He is so precious! *u* I thought I had seen all the amazingness and adorableness before, but Nik is a whole new level of both things! <3
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