Pedigri — Now, Kiss! - Power Girl Fan Art

#big #blonde #bust #cleavage #comic #comics #fanart #humor #pencils #powergirl #sexy #superhero #superheroine #exposedlegs
Published: 2014-12-02 21:54:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 3733; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 6
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Description This is my first FINISHED work after a long time of not being able to finish one, either out of a lack of motivation, fear of botching it, a lack of time or wanting to draw something else instead.

The whole picture was a learning experience. Many textures and colouring techniques you see here were improvised on the spot. For example I managed to overcome my long time problem of making things look flat (like the water or clouds). There are parts of it that I'm not happy with like the back of the ocean and the impression the sunlight doesn't reach the blue part of it, the transition on the clouds, additional lines on the right boot and bust - or the texture of the right rocket. It took me 8 days to colour and about 2-3 days to sketch and then draw the lineart.

There were days where I made only small progress, because I didn't know what I could colour without spoiling the whole. The last day(s) were frustrating as hell. I almost started to hate it, because of the stupidly put black spots on well lit clouds. I had to convert them to birds.

Again, the pic looks better when the sunlight blends the transitions with the white parts and makes the white parts glow.

Coloured with thick Bambino colour pencils and thick, somewhat oily Koh-I-Noor Harmouth pencils. Lineart done with stabilo fineliner.
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Comments: 11

Shawnlabomb [2016-07-06 17:21:39 +0000 UTC]

She has the power to make Nukes kiss? Whoa.  

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Pedigri In reply to Shawnlabomb [2016-07-06 18:29:34 +0000 UTC]

She has the power to make the American Republic of China and E.U.S.S.R kiss

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Lanaaris [2016-07-06 15:23:26 +0000 UTC]

oryginalnie ^^ ale ja dodałabym trochę więcej światło cienia, niektóre elementy wdają się po prostu płaskie  

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Pedigri In reply to Lanaaris [2016-07-06 18:27:26 +0000 UTC]

To taki specyficzny styl. Miał być podkładką pod glow w Photoshopie, stąd białe miejsca, ale się jeszcze do tego nie zabrałem. Dużo tu było eksperymentowania, bo to pierwszy taki rysunek, który dokończyłem. I tak cud, że go okończyłem. Rysowałem go warstwami i na przemian lubiłem i nienawidziłem.
Dzięki za komentarz.

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K-Risu [2015-09-06 22:35:46 +0000 UTC]

Chmury wyglądają trochę jak latające mózgi. Fajnie pocieniowane, ale trochę przyciężkie. Lepiej byłoby je malnąć akwarelą. Podoba mi się ta woda, ładnie to wygląda

A tak przy okazji

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Pedigri In reply to K-Risu [2015-09-07 08:30:43 +0000 UTC]

Komu lepiej, temu lepiej - na akwareli się nie znam, ale znam się na tyle by wiedzieć, że wbrew pozorom to bardzo ciężka i wymagająca niepotrzebnej cierpliwości (trzeba czekać aż warstwy podeschną) technika.

Faktycznie jednak z cieniowaniem ich był pewien problem, bo zacząłem je cieniować kolorem nie odpowiadającym oświetleniu.
A to, że wyglądają jak mózgi to nic - tak jak reszta są stylizowane. Mięśnie są specjalnie robione okrąglejsze by flow liń był przyjemniejszy dla oka. Podobnie jest z okrągłymi "wypustkami" na powierzchni chmur.

Dzięki za komentarz

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MetaShinryu [2015-02-20 20:40:45 +0000 UTC]

Fear of botching it... that's like, the bane of progress...

I realized that one way too late, how are you going to know what needs to be fixed in your methods/knowledge/technique if you don't botch it? I would say, if one wants to improve, one needs to crash and burn as fast as one possibly can, and make every mistake count.

I used to think every drawing had to be my best drawing, only to realize how much pressure that put on myself, and how much it made me cherish the crap I did. Nowdays I understand that I should seek to be proud of my skill level, not of what I can accomplish with it. When I started thinking along those lines, my skill level skyrocketed so fast every two days I would look back and facepalm at how proud I was of things I drew

Your artwork is quite good by now, don't feel afraid to botch it, it will only make it better

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pedigri In reply to MetaShinryu [2015-02-20 21:21:15 +0000 UTC]

That's true - fear of botching things create timid art with the same proven poses, angles, etc. There is one popular manga artist that does the same face in the same position just with different hair and clothes. It's so obvious someone made an animation of his works and while all the hairstyles and clothes flashed in front of your eye, the face stayed parctically the same all the time, in the same quarter-profile view.

Yes, I know that pain. I felt like I had to construct every drawing carefully, plan it, or the time I put into it when I botch it will be wasted.

While the initial stages of a drawing like this progress fast, it's the last days where you ponder for hours what to colour next, because everything is so delicate even choosing the wrong colour or putting too much pressure on the colour pencil could irreversibly ruin it. Sometimes you do something that you take as damage, but then find a way to correct it to your advantage - that's what happened with the red part of the water that I started to see as a happily accidental continent and not inconsistent water colour.

Thanks for the compliment, encouragment and the thoughtful comment!

I'll take a look at your 'gally' now

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MajorO [2014-12-05 06:02:38 +0000 UTC]

Not bad at all but you're working way too hard at it. You should be enjoying it. Maybe you should try a different medium like pastels. You could definitely speed up the coloring time.

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Pedigri In reply to MajorO [2014-12-05 10:23:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the comment. Perhaps I am working harder on it than I should, but then again I have this kind of personality that is motivated by challenges. I like it uphill. As long as I see a chance of getting on top of that hill, that is

I'm always trying something new, so time for pastels will come, but right now I feel there's a lot to learn from using this technique, so I'll stick with it for a while.

Although it may not seem so from what I wrote I do like what I accomplished here. If I seriously botched the pic early on I wouldn't feel motivated to continue.

It's not necessarily about speed here. Or the quanity of pics I could produce with a faster technique. I prefer one pic reflecting the peak of my current abilities in a medium rather than 8 pics where I went along the path of least resistance.

But the thing is that once I get confident I can replicate a texture, the process will speed up of itself.

Thanks again for the comment.

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MajorO In reply to Pedigri [2014-12-05 23:38:43 +0000 UTC]

Ok and thanks, yes I agree with you concerning the drawing part of the process. If the drawing isn't right it's just not going to work. keep on doing what ever you're most comfortable with. I was just making a suggestion not a judgment. 

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