MetroXLR — Protective

Published: 2013-12-15 18:08:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 3784; Favourites: 52; Downloads: 13
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 Inspired by: fav.me/d4gmnuq


 'I said I wouldn't be Overprotective..
  that I wouldn't "obsess" over being the 'Perfect Parent'.

  but, I'm Twilight Sparkle..One can't describe me properly without the word "Perfectionist"

  and, This is my Only Son we are talking about.

  I was still pregnant with him when his father died.
  I swore on his deathbed that I would Protect Him, and give our child a better life..

  and, I meant it.

  So..when I saw my little foal being harassed by older colts,
  I couldn't really just stand by, and do nothing.

  the moment I saw my son on the ground, crying..
  and, those older kids laughing and teasing him.

  old memories of my foalhood returned..days I wish had stayed forgotten.

  I too was mocked and ridiculed..I was alone.

  Not my son..NOT HIM.
  Something took over me, and I found myself raging at the bullies.

  NOPONY hurts my son, and get away with it..Nopony.'


Fully Colored Version of an older sketch drawing I made of
Twilight Sparkle, her OC foal 'Alex Jr.'

the idea is that in my mind,
I imagine Twilight would be a protective type of mother.

one who loves her son..and, would blast anyone who looks at him wrong.

The link is crucial to this artwork,
as It is my inital inspiration for why Twilight is protective.

 "Those that suffered pain usually want to prevent others feel similar pain"

or, to put it simply: Twilight had BAD foalhood experiences,
                             and, wants to protect her only son from that.

though, mostly..It is because Twilight's soulmate is dead,
and, all she has left of him is her son (who looks EXACTLY like him)

Seriously, though..Do NOT get on Twilight Sparkle's bad side.


 My Little Pony copyright Bonnie Zacherle/Lauren Faust/Hasbro

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Comments: 28

DarthWill3 [2014-07-21 17:13:53 +0000 UTC]

You go, Twilight!

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The--Predator [2014-07-16 03:16:03 +0000 UTC]

I remember seeing this last year.

I like how Twilight despite her nerdiness can go "haarrdcooore" like Bubbles. It's just a matter of time before we hear "Twilight SMASH!"

This is well drawn. Well done. I like the MLP styled effects you added like the outline. And Twilight is well drawn as if this was a scene from the show itself. The Pony OC fits right in.

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MetroXLR In reply to The--Predator [2014-07-16 03:36:28 +0000 UTC]

Yes, well..as you already know, it's part of the MLP:FIM show style to have character outlines that are colored, and not your basic black.

Due to Twilight being pretty, but nerdy. she is actually most like Blossom in terms of a PPG parallel
(ironically, she is voiced by Tara Strong, who voiced Bubbles. though, this image theme reminds me of Buttercup and HER children.)

Nice to know that you find this show accurate.
when coloring artworks, I always go to the source material and use screenshots not only as reference in design..but in color as well.

Twilight was easy, obviously..but, OC's like Alex Jr. take some work.

for Alex (both the father and the son) I thought green and orange were a good color scheme
(Alex Jr. has blue streaks in his hair because he had to inherit SOMETHING from his mother)

Some criticized the coloring as "terrible"..However, I found a MLP artist on DA
who designed a race of ponies who special talents are nature and plant life who are colored almost EXACTLY like Alex (Green and Orange)

So.."Haters gonna Hate, and Lovers gonna Love."

the story here is that I want to capture how a perfectionist like Twilight would have handle being a first time mother, whose son was just bullied for the first time.

she will obviously overreact, and totally freak out.

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The--Predator In reply to MetroXLR [2014-07-16 03:46:46 +0000 UTC]

Don't listen to those who say the colouring is horrible. They sound just like the idiotic "Zilla hater" G-fans. MLP fandom is as extreme as the Godzilla fandom. I should know.

It's funny to go on any "Hulk vs Godzilla" or "Batman vs Godzilla" or "Superman vs Godzilla" and watch the fanwar rage.

I shudder to think what goes on in a "Goku vs Godzilla" thread.

So no, your colouring is not "horrible", language like that throws their point and opinion down the crapper. "Your colouring could do some more work" is a better way to put it and THEN they may have a point once they point out why it should be polished. But fanatics don't have the mental capacity to do that now do they? "It's horrible" is all their simple minds can muster.

The "perfectionist" Twilight reminds me of Blossom who can be a perfectionist at times. No surprise to seeing more PPG similarities.

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MetroXLR In reply to The--Predator [2014-07-16 04:15:37 +0000 UTC]

Well, I have stated that the ponies who are the most similar to the PPG are Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Twilight is most like Blossom, because Twilight's idea of a "perfect day"
is reshelving every book in her library home, and makes a check list for all her check lists.

she also treats magic like a science (she refused to believe in Pinkie Pie having a "Pinkie Sense", as she could scientifically explain it.)

Rainbow Dash is a deadringer for Buttercup with her competitiveness
and, the fact that she is the first to fight when something dangerous comes along
(in one episode, she thought the best way to get rid of a dragon was yelling at it and kicking it's nose..DESPITE the fact said dragon is big enough to chomp her dow like she's a McDonald's chicken nugget.)

Fluttershy just LOVES animals. her house is full of every critter you can think of, and, often doubles as a unofficial vet
(in one funny scene, she appear to beat up a bear and kill it by snapping it's neck..but, was really just giving it a massage.)

Also, there was one time Fluttershy went "hardcore" for a brief moment.

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The--Predator In reply to MetroXLR [2014-07-16 15:21:06 +0000 UTC]

Also in that episode with Spikezilla, I liked when Rainbow Dash went up and said "HEEYY! YOU PUT HER DOWN RIGHT NOOOWW!" and on the other side is Fluttershy "uhm, please Mr. Dragon sir, can you please put her down?" "YOU PUT HER DOWN OR I'M GONNA--"

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CookieNine [2014-03-12 23:57:19 +0000 UTC]


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MetroXLR In reply to CookieNine [2014-03-14 19:29:25 +0000 UTC]

Yeah..That is certainly One Way to put it. 

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CookieNine In reply to MetroXLR [2014-03-14 20:41:55 +0000 UTC]

XD Yup!

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UniversalCrystalGem [2014-03-12 21:57:28 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful. This piece is heartwarming and it grabs my attention. I hope to see and learn more Alex JR.

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PhantomOfDestiny [2013-12-29 21:21:53 +0000 UTC]

Aww poor twilight...and alex jr.

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Pegasister15 [2013-12-24 13:53:39 +0000 UTC]

the concept is beautiful but the art is not very attractive 

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MetroXLR In reply to Pegasister15 [2013-12-24 13:58:31 +0000 UTC]

Well, that can't be helped.

despite my best efforts, I still consider myself an Amateur Artist,
compared to some of the other artists on DA, or any other art website.

I am much more skilled at fiction, that artwork
(in fact, my artwork more-or-less serve as illustrations to my literature.)

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Pegasister15 In reply to MetroXLR [2013-12-24 14:10:31 +0000 UTC]

oh well...

keep up the good work anyway!

and maybe try working with bases.


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MetroXLR In reply to Pegasister15 [2013-12-24 16:26:54 +0000 UTC]

I've just started using 'Bases' as reference.

problem is, there are so few bases available
(and, even fewer to accommodate my needs)

I do the best with what I have..that's all I really can do.

(but, thanks for the advice.) 

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Pegasister15 In reply to MetroXLR [2013-12-26 14:43:43 +0000 UTC]

i wish you good luck for the new year and a happy Christmas full of winterwonders ^3^

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MetroXLR In reply to Pegasister15 [2013-12-26 16:23:52 +0000 UTC]

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dragonslayer32294 [2013-12-20 00:45:59 +0000 UTC]

I bet nopony messed with Alex again after that day.

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MetroXLR In reply to dragonslayer32294 [2013-12-20 04:30:14 +0000 UTC]

No, they really didn't.

Twilight's freak-out had a lasting impression,
and, most ponies thought 'Princess Twilight' would banish them to a dimension of Pain and Suffering if they did.

(Whether or not Twilight Could or WOULD do this is debatable..but, It's likely.)

If Twilight is this protective of Alex as a baby,
I can just imagine how she'll behave once he's older, and starts becoming interested in girls.

I look at Twilight as being the kind of mom who would "screen" possible 'fillyfriends'
you know..like a Film Noir Police Interrogation scene (only Twilight is the "bad cop")

the scene I visualize would go like this..

Twilight: "GIRL..look at me.

               You see that colt over there??..He's my little boy, My whole LIFE.
               so, if you start thinking about 'making out' with him, I just want you to remember these words..

               I've got no problem going back to JAIL."

Twilight just strikes me as the type of Mother.

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dragonslayer32294 In reply to MetroXLR [2013-12-20 04:38:28 +0000 UTC]

Me too, It's kind of like Simba and Kiara from The Lion King II   

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MetroXLR In reply to dragonslayer32294 [2013-12-20 06:50:05 +0000 UTC]

'cept in Reverse, obviously.

When it comes to family stuff,
I always find it funny how while Fathers are closer to their Daughters, Mothers are closer to their Sons.

you know..the terms "Momma's Boy" and "Daddy's Little Girl"

But, for the 'TwiLex' canon, it's a bit more personal..

Remember, Alex Jr. is all Twilight has left of her boyfriend (who died)
so, her protectiveness of her son will be motivated mostly by Fear.

She already buried someone who loved ONCE..she doesn't want to do it again
(If she ever had to bury her son, I do believe Twilight would go insane..Again.)

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dragonslayer32294 In reply to MetroXLR [2013-12-20 07:23:22 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, poor Twilight!

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JFPierre [2013-12-16 01:45:18 +0000 UTC]

very cool dude

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Hordaks-Pupil [2013-12-15 18:30:44 +0000 UTC]

A beautiful pic, Twilight is someone who I wouldn't want to get mad

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MetroXLR In reply to Hordaks-Pupil [2013-12-15 23:19:40 +0000 UTC]

Especially if Twilight is in 'Mama Mode'

Nothing says 'Rage' like a POed mother
(even worse if said mother is an Alicorn Princess.)

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Hordaks-Pupil In reply to MetroXLR [2013-12-16 00:54:42 +0000 UTC]


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KaijuAlpha1point0 In reply to Hordaks-Pupil [2013-12-15 19:59:45 +0000 UTC]

Well, considering she's the former student of Princess Celestia, a former Element Bearer and a princess whose mane and tail can burst into flame at the first feeling of rage, I wouldn't be surprised.

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Hordaks-Pupil In reply to KaijuAlpha1point0 [2013-12-15 20:15:04 +0000 UTC]

very true

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