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Genealogy of the Mystic Islesby *LaColombeDeDeuil
This is just for this story as the whole genealogy can be found by the links in author's comments as well as background tales of the individuals.
Kaylia Summer Merrick -------- ------- Kaylian Spring Merrick
Twin Daughters Born from
The Uniting of
The High Serene Laird Andrew Merrick & Her Serene Highness Ambriel Merrick
All above are of the Lineage of the Ancestors of the Sidhe, and known as Emparian Valerian.
The Sidhe were also royals in the Isles and also served the Emparian Valerians in many honored stations.
Both daughters born as mirror twins of the other, save for their temperaments. Kaylian was taken from Ambriel by the Goddess Etain
And raised in her womb in Tir Na Og becoming known in Legend of the Mystic Isles as the Forgotten Child. Kaylia was born into the Royal Keep of her parents and began even at a young age to show her need for her independence. Much to the chagrin of all of the nannies of Sidhe she went through.
His High Laird Dair Cisarian MacArdry is one of seven of the MacArdry Borthers that make up that Clan. It is the second clan in line for the throne along with the High Laird Allan Gregory MacWellan's Clan due to intermarriage.
The MacArdry Clan is unique as Dair is of Dernyi origin.
The MacWellan clan are Emparian Valerian.
Her Serene Highness Crystal Lasair of the Fae is a Fae of unkown Origin other that as long as there has been magic and Fae she has reigned as the Queen of them. She is the last, as far as she knows of her type of fae. And lives in seclusion in a province of the Isles. She is a dear friend of Kaylia's. She is also a character I created and have roleplayed for over ten years. I am dedicating her to Arwen!
Osiris is of a breed of wolves that are prevalent throughout the isles and usually stay in the high regions of the mountains and crags. He and Kaylia met when she was very young and he has stayed by her side whenever she ventures beyond the walls of the Keep at Laas where she resides now with Dair. There are many secrets of this breed of wolf and some will be revealed, some only Crystal will know.
Kaylian is now the object of a quest. As she has somehow been taken and controlled by a power that has very evil intents for her use.
LINEAGE Of Kaylia and Kaylian:
Paternal Grandfather - Oisin
Pathernal Grandmother - Niamh of the Sidhe
Father: Andrew Sean Merrick, Laird of Emparian Valerian
Mother: Lady Ambriel - Sidhe Queen Royal and Nephalim was to bear but one -
Only Child of the Two Born
Or so she did believe but Etain, Goddess of Fertility
Would nae wish the times that were coming hard as foretold for The Prophecy Child, for She would be Special, the hardest tested of all as she watched Evil
deprive the Land of her people of the One that could help.
So Ambriel, touched not once but twice did conceive Two Daughters,
One to remain on mortal land to be born, the other to be carried by
a Goddess as her own and remain safe with Tuatha de Dannan
So should the Time of the Dark Ones succeed
There would be a Merrick
To fulfill the Prophecy that has gone on For Thousands
of Years
Every 1000 Years there shall be born of the Union of the lineage of Oisin and Niamh of the Emparian Valerian Sidhe a single Heir to a Queen of these Sidhe and a Nephalim who has Royal Emparian Valerian Sidhe blood true. This child, of female nature, is destined for great things, Seer, Healer, Mystic, Warrior Great, Clan Chieftan, and lover with passions unmatched. But - should the heart that weds her hold but a bit of doubt or pride, then all her powers as Emparian Valerian Sidhe Royal shall then be denied and she shall be doomed to wander the earth not ere knowing love again, though surrounded by those that love her as family, Laird Dair MacArdy and Lady Raine MacArdy, Sidhe Royal as well, as their daughter now true, since all of her clan was slaughtered by the Black Flags that flew untrue. With this betrayal the Prophecy of the Sidhe shall end and no more of her kind shall grace the highlands of Scotland or Ireland again. But Kaylia lives -
if love is not found to mend a heart that by one has been so torn asunder - Kaylia Summer Merrick - Emparian Valerian - Queen of the Mystic Isles
"T'was a time I remember- tis not too long ago - when I was just shy of 15 - I could stand upon the rise and see my father's armies - so bold and vast - move across our clan's lands - protecting all who dwelled therein. I remember in those days - as the wind from the moors would softly blow through my hair - how I marveled at their bravery - how I knew that the wildness of the highlands and the fire of my father grew daily more powerful in me there. T'was a time of many pleasures - I being his only child- was allowed to learn the ways of the warrior as well as the ways of my mother now gone. Ah my mother, she was a beauty, whose reputation for kindness was only surpassed by the hypnotic ethereal beauty of only a fae pure and holy could have. Tis said that I am a perfect combination of the two- the fire of my father runs in my veins - the beauty of my mother I wear as well as she - along with all her grace and charm as well she did with me endow was a thirst for the things of the magics - and I learned those arts well - as well as I learned to ride - to plan - to use a rapier - to throw a dagger straight and true - and ride like the wind. How like a young girl to never imagine that when on moonlit night - when on the moors I rode far and wide- disaster to my clan would strike. I left a keep of fires burning, of music and gaiety - only to return in the wee hours of the night a week and a day later before the dawning to slaughter and burning ruin. I pulled the sword of my father from his bloodied chest and I vowed to avenge his name and kill the thieving ones.
T'was a land of magic into which she had been born, a land where the people still believed in the fae and their mounds, the legends were like fresh streams that ran ore the land, and Kaylia Merrick could nae be happier. As a young child often she would ask of her mother, the Lady Ambriel of the Tuatha de Dannan, if by chance there was not somewhere another just like she? For she would say in her childhood midnight dreams, she would hear the softest voice whisper her name, then tell her it loved her and then fade away. "Why tis only the wind whispering round the battlements child, that the child of my own and my Laird of true love, is but loved by all folk and the others beyond as well. Why even the very wind Kaylia whispers your name and tells you it loves ye,now hush, and close those emerald eyes and get ye to sleep." Then the beautiful, unchanging face of her mother would lean low and kiss the little cheeks of the child nae six yet. Blue eyes would sparkle with the thousands of stars placed in them as she smiled, then her mother would quietly leave and close the door, but only to pause outside the chambers for a plea, "Etain, thou didst promise me, that ye would keep safe that which I have entrusted to thee till time proves out there can be two and the fears of my daughter shall be cut in twain." Then on satin slippered feet she would with grace step down the torch lite hall to the chambers of her Laird go and find peace in his arms. Till the sun would herald another day, and the struggle to keep Kaylia calm and safe would take on a new battlefront, as with each day the spirit of the child grew just as wild as she grew beautiful. Off she would go on her stallion into the moors, to ride head on into sun or storm, and Ambriel would stand on the battlements top and watch and cast forth words of power to ward dangers off. Then, one eve, her Father to her chambers did come, in his hands were the clothes of a young stable lad,"Hurry lass put ye these on." His voice was deep and with no hint of taking a no contained in it,and Kaylia, now 15 did dress and out the window she was lowered and did as she had been told,"Ride my daughter ride, to the safety of the highlands and the moors and do not look back nor come home this way, for nary a week, my heart, and then add a day. Then ye may return if ye see all is quiet. Now hurry child, to yer mother I must attend." And that was the last Kaylia saw of them. For the night held many a wicked soul and ashore they did come and tear her people low. Butchering and raping and destroying, taking all the wealth they thought but had only found a 20th of it. Upon the blood soaked ground Kaylia did tred, tears filled her eyes and streaked her face, till at last she found the body of her Father laid low, and with a mighty force she pulled the Claymore from his chest, raising it to the sky and swearing to Beltane, that the name of her family would be avenged. And from the land just beyond all reality Ambriel heard. Her mother there stood beside her Laird, alive but willing to take his spirit to his people home, Lady Ambriel knew that the time had come full course. Soon the Dark Ones would be on the land, soon Kaylia would find dangers at every hand, she turned and smiled at the face of the young woman standing near her,"Aye tis time ye go to her, yer sister", so Daughter of Laird Merrick and his Lady true also daughter carried to term of the Goddess Etain as well, did smile in gracious duplication of beauty replayed,"Aye Mother tis my time now, if the Prophecy be saved. and thus began the journey back to her home of the second daughter of the Merricke, the twin, Kaylian Etain Merricke, The Forgotten Child.
But time there was not as time was on the planes of the mortals. Kaylia would have to fend for herself and this she did well enough.
Harsh the wind that blows ore the moors sometimes at night, harsher still the memories it fosters in yer mind as it whispers in yer ear of what it has seen, tasted and found. Tis in these hours of witching time, that one must in caution step forth, for tis the time of the good and the bad, the light and the dark, tis their time to come truly forth. I ner understood all that did mean till one eve I was whisked by magics away to a battlement tall and strong, a battlement burned and without a keep to watch ore anymore. There the moon was bright and the wind blew ore me chill, there I saw approaching me the ghostly appearance of one that looked to be of a woman in form, trembling I wrapped my cloak around me, t'was nay enough to keep me warm. Then my eyes did fill with tears as closer this beautiful ethereal creature approached, and I saw in that face the beautiful face of my mother, the Lady Ambriel Michalia O'Cannon Merrick, a fae pure and holy. She beckoned me but she did nae need to do so for within a second of time into her arms I did fly. She held me and soothed me and then, oh sweet miracles of the night, my mother to me she spoke. She told me of what I was made of, she told me of what she was allowed of things to come, she told me wherein lay my strength and she told wherein lay my trappings as well. She also told me of one to come, a sister she said, though I did nae understand her, what sister, ah but me mother did ner betray me.
Chains, oh yes chains, they are found everywhere, in dungeons bleak and dark, and on the piers of where the great three masted ships do dock, the contrast tis severe. There she told me I would find the way to what I truly was, there by the sea, and on it, as I embraced it and welcomed all of it, there I would find my destiny. Oh too soon, too soon, the night did begin to fade, and my mother had to return to the place of her staying, a place I was nae permitted to follow her to yet. Then left alone once more I was, a young woman barely of age, to stand alone in the chill of the night, and turn my face to the sea, darkness ore it's waters danced, and as I stood atop the remainder of what once had been great, I knew that there on that constantly changing force of nature, there in the times of quiet gentle moving and in the times of waves huge and ore whelming I would find my way. So I turned now, and walked down the crumbling steps down into the remaining darkness till my foot at last on Merrick land did step, and then I ventured forward once more, to that cottage I had come to call home. Not knowing , nay not being able to see, that my mother had touched me, changed me, and I bore the look of her now in my eyes and smile. I opened the door of the cottage and into I did go. And upon the closing of it behind me, I resolved the next rising of the sun to return to the sea's shore, and be what my mother had come to tell me of.
Lady Kaylia Merrick
Rose Of The Highlands
Beauty Divine of Royal Heritage Borne
Heir of Laird Andrew Sean Merrick
Bearer Of The Green Falcon Jewel
Aye these things she be, true, but the reality of their meaning fell with her mother, her father, her kin, and her will. Till one day a Laird she did meet along a lonely road, his face was kind, his manners most excellent, his smile one that warmed her soul. He gave her a ride to her cottage, humble abode it was, protected from storm and sun by the burnt battlement walls of her family's keep, walls she had sworn to rebuild. That eve, he returned this Laird, to her door, he came into the cottage bare and began to unload a cart he had driven, food, ale, and comforts all that she had lost, he replaced for her that night, t'was then Kaylia found a new alliance, Laird Dair MacArdy, her benefactor and her teacher and her father reborn. He schooled her moreso than even her father had in the ways of the fight, with a sword she became swift and lethal, with a dagger she could throw true to any mark. She learned how to use a staff to make a man fall, before he had even realized she had won the fray at all. Dresses soon gave way to the clothes of a lad, for protection as she set out, on the fine battle stallion her Laird had given her, to head to the sea, and to seek out her enemies wherever they be found. She was embraced by a beauty, a tendress of a bar, a Mistress Mariel, they became friends fast and true.She found like none other she had ever known, Mariel she could turn to. Soon she was working aboard a ship, earning her way, though little knew that the small but swift and fierce lass, needed nothing material, she had of that plenty. For her father the Laird Andrew Sean Merrick had for her preparations made. So now she struts by the sea, upon docks of wooden plank, in boots of a lad's in trousers slightly big, and the loose linen shirt of the poet. Her father's sword she wears at her side, beware, for tis not the sharpest weapon she has.
The Le'Annan Sidhe's Appearance:
:eyes of green change with her mood from bright emerald to deepest shade of dark, hair of auburn and fire now sunlight kissed from the ways of the sea she has found. a form of fine making, a figure well cut, in either lad's disguise or those of proper attire, all this is Kaylia tis true, but look in her eyes, see in her smile, enchantment reigns, and danger dwells, for this lass has once been laid low and be never again, if she has her will:
"T'was long ago I had a dream, of life, of love, of hope, but ye know that as the sea changes each moment aye so dreams go. Once I was a Lady Royal, aye by rights still am, but then he returned and with him came the blood which on the moon ran. His eyes were like the pits of hell, his voice was deeper still, his power was strong, dark foreboding but he was with a faery woman, who found her destiny by the sea and became for him a storm. Tortured though his soul is, by one that is not of his being, he is still evil walking on legs of two and I the only one to heal him. So I shall obey and then rebel and obey and then rebel again. For only in this wild creation of fury will his passions begin to emerge again and then with them hope shall bloom once more. T'wil be this way or trust me, he dinna wanna know the other side of settling the score. For the moors run far and he shall find I am as far in power, and as beautiful in strength, and like the ancient stones that stand as wise. For I am Lady Merrick, Daughter of Lady Ambriel and Andrew Sean, and nae will I be taken for pleasure and sport, if not for love then by none. This Laird known as the Bloodmoon shall find all this and though he walks with a faery woman by his side, a storm she be or so she says, neither has met what I bear in me, for I am the Maelstrom, fury shall blow in my winds like ner afore, thunder shall shatter the very rocks of the earth and the lightening shall set aflame their world. But in time, all in time, as the sand falls in the glass so does their destiny fall into my hands."
"Aye I dreamt of love, and I saw his eyes each night as I closed my own, I heard his voice, I felt his touch, and then as my vision he was gone. T'will be long time coming, maybe not, who can say,for what the fates will play out for them tis truly a game and only in dreams my true love of my heart, a vision appears once again till the fates smile and his arms are real around me drawing me in."
"Till then when the Bloodmoon nae does not think his power ore me overwhelm I shall in seclusion seek comfort in the woods on the lands of home and dwell in sweetest repose and love with dearest sister adopted Mariel and my nephew, nae he is more like my own son. One day he shall be Laird of all - aye - unless my vision comes."
Blessed be the gods and the goddess of the sea for that which came to me from them, one eve, just passin, t'was a ghost, an apparition I thought I was seein walking till he called my name, as he had when I was small, "If it tis not the wee bird of prey grown tall. Kaylia tis good to see ye lass." Apparition, ghost, I care not which, demon, angel tis no matter to me nor t'will it be to my sister Mariel, ahhh but the surprises I shall have for her when I return from this sail t'was then t'was then only as I gazed upon him, his shoulders so broad, his chest mighty and his eyes as full of fire as the ires of hell's sin, that I knew I was gazing upon a true Scottish Laird, a man of might, a man of which to be aware, he took the lost one under his care, and I watched and I learned as I followed his every move. And the young girl did nae age maybe a few weeks or more in time per mortal thinkin', but in her soul she a full woman was born, and then he was ready to be gone, as if the night called out his name, and we took to the seas and brought home sweet cargo, money to be made, spices, and silks, jewels and musical instruments, and when into the port of Merrick we did put, t'was nae that young woman of innocence that stepped from the bridge, t'was a Warrior honed, with a vision again.
Aye tis but a tale of the sea I tell, a tale of joy, of adventure, of vision and of sorrow as well, for in the night when all seemed lost, t'was as I knelt in the heart of the keep that was so burnt out, I found the vision that did come for me, and I , on the in an instant repaired ship I called me own,The Peregrine, and one thought to be lost and gone for all eternity, a sister, born of same blood and womb on the Black Rose, did for the orient and the east make. Sails full of a blessed wind, the wind and the sea were with us that was as sure as some powerful makin'. We did embark under fair skies, not knowing that ahead lay a test that would er make or break the both of us. As into the far port of an ancient eastern land we did finally put, we were besieged by the Bloodmoon, fired upon, full, caught as two rats in a trap, but he was nae successful and The Peregrine and the Black Rose did last, along with the help of one that is a mystery, aye a mighty one is he, standing ore 6 stones high, and he cleaves a claymore through his enemies as if they were butter and he bearing in his hands a warm knife.
Then t'was then only as I gazed upon him, his shoulders so broad, his chest mighty and his eyes as full of fire as the fires of hell's sin, that I knew I was gazing upon a true Scottish Laird, a man of might, a man of which to be aware, the very Laird that had taken the lost one under his care, and now I watched and I learned as I followed his every move. For to his keep Laas did he move me when to the Isles we did safely put into port. And the young girl did nae age maybe a few weeks or more in time again as mortals see it, but in her soul she a full woman was born, bearing that countenance outside as well. Then one night he came and said it was the time of our once again agoin', as if the night called out his name, and we took to the seas and brought home sweet cargo, money to be made, spices, and silks, jewels and musical instruments, and when into the port of Merrick we did put once more, t'was nae that young woman of innocence that stepped from the bridge, t'was a Warrior honed, a Sea Captain full made, a Chieftain and a Princess, a Shield Maiden with a vision again.
Shore up your walls that around your heart stand, seal up your eyes for soon in front of them a Goddess of the Sea is to stand, a vision of beauty,combined with strength, Lady Kaylia Merrick, she be home again, and she is very much changed.
It calls to me from time to time, like out of a dream, it's voice is warm yet can chill, if memories it does bring, it calls to me of times gone by and hills of heather and green, it calls to me of crags and moors, and I, must finally answer it, and leave the sea behind once more, and be as I was borne to be, a highland lass borne to rule, a Lady Of Highland Royalty, so to the hills of the isle of green, I turn my eyes, my heart, my soul, and when I do tis no memory be nae stopping me, this lass be agoing home past sands of death that lie atop the very fields of green, I move with silence and solemn memories, the black birds of the spirits fly above and call out to me in the voices of all that died and bled, the ground holds their very souls essence in the blood they did bleed, but nae do the spirits cause me to waiver in my earnest quest for still the wind of the moors does call me home to rest. As I move past the sighs of those that lay beneath I hear two voices most of all, one soft gentle, the other strong, call out to me and in the tears that fall as I recognize then the words I hear, as words of endearment replant themselves deep within my spirit, they comfort the Rose of the Highlands.
The Moon Cycles, as does the sea, Time Cycles, and so do we, Changes come, and we are taken by their grasp, Salvation comes by way of a Fae Passed, Lady Ambriel takes a Daughter home, A Father Dies and A Clan Chieftan with hair of Auburn is borne.
To float between time and space to feel the touch of sea waves and then to feel the water surround me whole, it is a soul changing thing ye know,a hand doest clutch at heart, a second Laird lost nae he is still there is he not? No need, no need for worry Maab says, take no care for hearts not be needed where I be taking thee, then hand bound in colors of clan true seize me and I am dragged first down, down down into the darkest depths of the sea's soul to find him still and cold. Then up, up, up, into the light, by wish of myself ore sea, for though it is mighty so much more mighty is the Maelstrom ore the Isles waves. I lay him on the sand and breathe into his form but still a Father succumbs, so I in sadness do take him where help is to be found, where dark souls walk, where Death doest control. There among the homes of the dead, where lays the ice of nothingness, he and I were ensconced, oh Dair, precious Dair, a gift ye were to be given, but what a gift to lose to grievous loss.
Devotion , Honor, And a Long aduiex, was what was forced by hand of own, but in the coming of the next Magics so came she, my Mother, Lady Ambriel to take me home to save me, three days lay I supposedly, three days it was to be, but a father's cries were heard and I ventured forth to bring him here, and death surrounds us, he is so cold, in body, mind, heart and soul. How can the seeing of this not change me? From Lass of Passion to Soul of Ice with eyes of green.
Three days , nae I canna stay, three days in this place of death, I must find in Dair's soul the strength to rise - I reach - I grasp - I rise - I with greatest intent and purpose to take on the Honor granted, ahhh heavy responsibilities, do I employ, My Life , My Own, My Life, Now the Clan's to Own, so rise I Through the Mists of the beyond and Dance the Dance of a Clan Chieftain in Death's fogs.
Dair, To Live without your touch is not living, it is existing, to Survive without your kiss tender is not surviving but merely surrendering, to go forward without the scent of your skin, is not to go forward but merely take steps instead, I shall continue to walk in the Mist, till the day, afternoon, or eve they let you come home, to your Daughter, who adores you and is without you as is Lian, merely apparitions, walking alone.
They said it was impossible, nae it could ner be done. Once a pure Lass was left, and the Lairds of the Shadows called on her heart, she was Forlorn and would eventually disappear to take but one final look back on the home and the love she knew would never know again. But they did nae count on who they were calling.
From Heart of Purity Do I fall
To Soul of Ice and Chill of Bone
What say I of Two Borne to be?
I say they be Borne to nothing but Misery.
But beauty of Spirit granted by a goddess sure
Can ner be taken not even by Death's conjuring
So by the powers of the Isles and all I am
I take his hand and Dair and I rise again.
But not known nor told nor ev'r spoken of
Is what I must use as a bargaining chip to that old scoundrel
Aye he released Dair and let me take him back to light
But green eyes that shine, shine nae with the sun's light
They shine with the crystalline shimmering of icicle's prisms
Nae know and that shall be my secret held in my heart
There be but one cure but that cure did sail on a ship, he did misunderstand
Seein' me sister, thinkin' I had betrayed his heart and his hand
Lost and gone, I canna find him nae ev'n with the Mysts powers
He is an immortal Beloved, and I am lost till he returns to my towers.
Power of The Most Ancient Magics Ignites
The Passions of a Royal Sidhe and The Fierceness of Her Adopted Father The Laird MacArdy Become a Formidable Foe To Any Enemy, Nae They be More Than That, They Be Death Walking to Any That Trespass
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Comments: 16
Chezzy-Am [2012-11-29 05:47:44 +0000 UTC]
It was a very very grueling read, but the most satisfying experience I've ever had.
You have an amazing imagination - the attention to detail was very poignant. The detailed genealogy of Kaylia is well written, and curious enough, just looking at the introductory notes alone adds an indescribable amount of depth to the work.
This work requires constant re-reading - a truly worthwhile reference and annex, if I do say so myself; J.R.R. Tolkeins is a prominent influence for the most part save for the wording. Over there, I give you credit, you've delivered really well with your writing. The use of the Olden lexicon provides this... antediluvian feel to it.
I admit, I had to rush through a lot of things, so I was completely overwhelmed by the enormity of backlog that I was missing - but I'll try getting back to it, whenever I can.
Its a good work. Keep at it.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to Chezzy-Am [2012-12-01 16:29:04 +0000 UTC]
~~ You continue to amaze me, humble me, and honor me with your most gracious and honest comments. Four weeks and the novel hits the stands so forgive me for not being able to get to your gallery as I wish to. You are a wonderfully gifted writer. I am pleased we met!~~
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Chezzy-Am In reply to LaColombeDeDeuil [2012-12-02 11:06:43 +0000 UTC]
That's wonderful! Your first big step... Do let me know about your progress, I'd be glad to listen to how you've handled your baby
Take care.
P.S. Compared to you, I'm not. Believe me...
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
BelovedImmortal [2011-01-14 01:58:31 +0000 UTC]
Aye the one you call immortal Beloved sails the seas, but will their voyage ever cross?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to BelovedImmortal [2012-12-01 16:26:52 +0000 UTC]
~~ Strangely enough Kaylia is sailing as well in the flagship the Peregrine and accompanied by her sister's ship The Blooded Hawk. She is looking for Lian who has been kidnapped and does not remember who she is. This is the work of the kidnappers. So Kay is out there looking for and they could cross paths? Just a thought. ~~
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
BelovedImmortal In reply to LaColombeDeDeuil [2013-01-24 05:48:48 +0000 UTC]
drake is always available to help Kaylia. Only whisper the words and the Dark Lord is hers to command.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to BelovedImmortal [2013-01-25 01:56:06 +0000 UTC]
~~~Beloved, it has been such a long time since I have read any communication from you. My most deeply cherished, Lord, aye tis a long time truly. Many times the glass has been turned ore marking it the new pristine sand of hope - hope that on a certain grain of sand strikes a chord with a certain magic of wishing again to see yer sails coming to her port's side and nae be departing again. Come and seek me out, see me as I stand in the wind's embrace at the edge of a tide's gentle lapping, kissing ev'r so softly then taking her with him the tides recedes as if they are one and the same. Indeed they are m"Lord, indeed they are." Having spoken thus the young woman turns and allows the sea to embrace her in its breezes, feels the rushing of it as it courses through her auburn hair, her white chemise blowing in the winter's chill, embraces herself then walking towards the Keep of Merrick, s small single snowflake feel of snow lands on her slightly upturned nose, and then another till soon all the moors would be the same, blanketed in a white enchantment, she whispered as she stopped for one more moment to look out ore the sea and said only one word, "Drake." his name whispered in an almost sacred reverent wishing.:
always and still,
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
patrick2006 [2010-12-12 14:52:51 +0000 UTC]
:Wow: phenomenal creative work my friend,i love the world you create with words
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to patrick2006 [2010-12-12 23:28:22 +0000 UTC]
~~ Thank you Patrick, there are five chapters of the book in my gallery. It is an ongoing work hopeful for production.~~
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
wizillusions [2010-12-10 22:29:25 +0000 UTC]
Sorry to say that at this moment I haven't had the time to read all of this. I have and will be checking back to finish reading at a later time.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to wizillusions [2010-12-12 23:29:40 +0000 UTC]
~~ Okay I am working on the sixth chapter and am waiting for your work on Caitlin and Liam to begin our collaborative work.
Thanks Bill. ~~
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
wizillusions In reply to LaColombeDeDeuil [2010-12-12 23:41:30 +0000 UTC]
In reading I find some similarities between your work here and what I started for Caitlin and Liam. Have you dig up what I had sent you on C&L?
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LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to wizillusions [2010-12-13 01:21:22 +0000 UTC]
~~ No I have not found it yet, this is stufff I have had lying around since 2000. But the story lines are similar. Please if you can resend it to me at my new email that you have, the one for MSN Messenger as well.~~
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wizillusions In reply to LaColombeDeDeuil [2010-12-13 02:49:56 +0000 UTC]
I lost all of what I had when my computer crashed a while back.
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LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to wizillusions [2010-12-13 03:10:07 +0000 UTC]
That just means e get to start over with a new beginning and I think we should start from her seeing him from the window, I am working on a manip that would be a perfect piece to inspire us with!
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wizillusions In reply to LaColombeDeDeuil [2010-12-13 21:34:13 +0000 UTC]
The manip that I did "Caitlin at Sunrise" was part of my story before where both Liam and Caitlin were up to see the sunrise. He upon a hill above the village.
The story I had started, started at the end with Liam standing upon that same hill after returning home after Caitlin and his journey/adventure.
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