#dreams #flame #love
Published: 2019-02-07 19:49:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 1177; Favourites: 62; Downloads: 0
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Misty kisses, made of a gentle moist rapture's desire, wherein is a fantasy's erotica foundCaresses of touch sought, their rhythm an eternal echo of angels' whispered sighing
A gentle accented song softly mixed with a rebounding beat of my hidden soul,
A symphony choreographed by the night's mistress's conducting,
Gentle moonlit rays entice the tides of desire, beckoning, releasing, a passion longed for,
A passion almost found, yet never touched, never brought to completion
A heart yearns for the touch of a lover dreamed of in the shadowed realms of my spirit
Oh that he would come.
Then, as a cottony night's breeze comes over me in a slumber most sweet,
I feel a teasing, easing wind with fingers made of a mystic fire containing a promise,
A promise bearing in it's golden flames a fulfillment burning bright,
Casting forth a glow most mysteriously desired to the eyes of my spirit's core,
I see you
I hear you
I feel you
In the wind's heat,
You beckon to me, I walk into the flames of a now existing new sign of completion as I am swept up,
Lips touch, I feel you in the wind of your rapture and I am now found.
Carry me away, whisk me away on your brilliant flame touched wings,
Make me yours,
Mold me as yours,
Melt me as now I willingly fall into you, a plunge into a honey touched chorus,
Orchestrating you and I to become as one, as together we fly forth from this dreamscape,
Soaring into a climax of a sweet chord of completion, a climax of a forever love found
Blessed is this puzzle once scattered in longing, once a picture fractured,
Now sculpted into this miraculous gift you bring to me on wings feathered with flames of love.
We simmer
We burn
We explode into a constellation glorious,
We become a lover's forever dream now found.
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Comments: 4
GhostOfTheEmptyGrave [2019-02-07 22:09:07 +0000 UTC]
I wonder if I'll ever feel such a thing...
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LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to wizillusions [2019-02-07 21:37:53 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much my Wizard of Kimberling. I am so thankful for your friendship.
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