LaColombeDeDeuil — Illusion Of Life- Chapter Two
Published: 2010-02-02 04:21:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 817; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 8
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Description       "And they score!" The announcer's voice boomed around the Melon arena, the crowd leapt to its feet even before he was finished, including Marika, whose thoughts had been interrupted by the announcement and Eric, the man beside her. She cheered and clapped along with his wild howling. All the white, black and gold shirted Penguins on the ice gathered around the first player on their team to score of the evening, the home team crowd going wild, and it was only the first five minutes into the first period of the game. Her eyes gleamed with the excitement of the crowd, her smile full now, her face lit with the same exhilaration of the other fans around her. Suddenly she found herself swept up into Eric's arms in a hug of enthusiasm. "We are definitely the cup winners this year for sure!" his voice echoed in her ear but she was lost in the sensuality of the touch of another found in Eric's embrace of her physically. "Dah tis a most definite possibility now, neyt?" her voice quiet but filled with a passionate tone as she responded to his excited remark. "This calls for a drink. How about letting me buy you a beer? Beer Marika?" She wrinkled up that nose of hers and answered in the same tone she had been using, "lf you will but place me down safely upon my feet I believe I can do better than that weak American liquid you call in this country an alcoholic libation." Her dark gold eyes were lit with a hidden fire that enticed him, she knew that she had connected with him in that moment, it was quite evident as he pressed her to him in that huge hug. "Well come on girl, give!"Eric smiled as Marika's face was but a breath's length away from his now, she lowered her lips to his, forcing blood into them to give the illusion of warmth, as she gently brushed them across his. Blue eyes met dark gold ones in that one second of touch, and then he slowly let her slide across his frame, to her feet, her at her five foot seven inches, and him at his six feet one inches towering over her. She grinned now genuinely up at him as she turned and reached to the back of the chair behind her, digging in the hidden inner pocket of the bomber jacket. From it she pulled a flask of ebony onyx, trimmed in silver, decorated on the front with an intricate and well painted firebird. Eric appraised the flask for a brief minute, "Whoa, you come prepared for every possibility." His returning grin was evidence of his willingness to participate in whatever she had planned at that moment. Unscrewing the top, she offered the flask to her companion first,"Tis the mother's milk of my motherland of Russia, drink comrade and enjoy." Her words seemed to flow past his ears and into his mind, his hand reached out, retrieving the flask from hers, his eyes never leaving hers as he brought the flask to his lips. The vodka was of the finest he had ever tasted its bite like fire but smoothing, it's burning almost addictive as it coursed down his throat and into his blood. His eyes took on a seductive and also more appreciative gaze as he looked down at the feminine young woman beside him now, handing her back the ebony container." Not only are you the most beautiful and enchanting woman have I ever met, but you know your drink." His voice was deeper now, softer, and richer in its tones, as he leaned slightly down towards her as she retrieved the flask from his hand. "Nostrovia!" The word escaped from her lips, just a second before the flask reached them, her dark gold hair falling back from her shoulders as she tipped her head back to draw deep upon the contents of the flask. Her eyes closed for a moment, the fire of the vodka coursing thru her, stoking the already lit hidden fires of her gypsy origins that had existed since her birth. "Yeah, whatever you said." the male voice stating the words lower and in a slower repetition. Eric was definitely in a total mode of reassessment now as he watched her drink deep of the vodka. His mind began turning, his thoughts enveloped around the remarkable sight of her consuming liquid fire, the hopes that the Penguin's had record scoring, enough though at least that a sufficient quantity of  vodka would be absorbed by them both and he was hoping then to do some scoring himself. This young woman beside him was quite a package, yes indeed. He made himself a personal silent bet. He bet that behind those wild exotic eyes burned a passion and a fire he had never known before with any other, and he began making plans to let that fire burn him in anyway it could.

      As Marika lowered the flask, replacing the cap, she slid a sideward upward glance Eric's way, her gaze seductively shaded through those thick eyelashes. This time the smile that graced those lips covered in a perfect blue red shade of lipstick was one of a mere hint at a promise of possible continuation of this encounter continuing further into the evening. At least Eric hoped that was what he read as he perused her gaze, and he had read her right for his intentions were precisely Marika's as well.

     "Comrade! Tis so good to feast my eyes upon your beauty once more. I had heard your travels and wanderings had brought you to this city of steel marvel." The voice, deep and husky in its deliverance with an accent matching that of her own, caused Marika to stiffen. She knew before she even turned who was standing beside her aisle seat." Why Serge, tis a most curious surprise that I find you at such, shall we say, as you would put it, an American exhibition of fruitless time use and frivolity." Her tone was warm but her eyes showed none of that warmth as she turned them Serge's way. Eric too turned and looked at the tall man standing there, hair as black as the night sky, long, thick and pulled back into a braid that cascaded down his back, his eyes of hazel as deep in mystery as the other male who was wondering how this dark stranger had come up on them without his even noticing or hearing his approach." Why Marika, you know how I enjoy games my dear one" the last two words spilled from his mouth in a language other than English. Eric was both immediately curious and slightly ticked as to what this extremely handsome man had to say to his new found attraction. He sized him up quickly, definitely as tall as he was and at least as handsome, his clothing screamed opulence in a very well put together way, and  he was dressed in exactly the relaxed way that Marika was, even down to the strange neck decoration, a choker of sorts that encircled his throat. Oh Eric had already noticed Marika's. That black leather, woven in such an intricate way, the large dark red stone held in place somehow by the dull silver that surrounded it. Eric has tried not to look at it too much. It had made him very nervous. It seemed, well he hated to admit it even to himself, to almost glow with the presence of a hidden fire, and surely he could not have seen flames inside it. His eyes must be playing tricks on him in the arena light or that was really good vodka. .It was only then as Marika turned her head to face full the one she had called Serge that he noticed the thinly braided part of her thick hair down the back of her head, was decorated with beads that seemed to be made of the same dull metal that surrounded the choker's stone. At this point his observation of both of them deepened. How could he have missed the many gem encrusted silver bracelets that ran up her right arm? If those gems were real they were worth a fortune, the size and abundance of them overwhelming to him, a gemologist and jeweler by profession. They jangled soft one against each other, as Serge reached for and took her hand in his, lowering his lips to it, kissing the top of it with an intimacy and gentleness that suggested something far more than just being a gentleman, letting his lips linger there for longer than Eric found himself liking. The conversation between Marika and Serge continued, low and in a language that Eric assumed was Russian. He found him not liking this man more and more with every second that ticked by. It was obvious from Marika's tone and body language; she was not exactly thrilled at this intrusion either. Well, this called for action, and Eric rose to the moment. Standing to his full height Eric thrust his hand forward," Hi there Serg, I am Eric, Eric Snyder, a friend of Marika's. Just thought I should introduce myself as it is the polite thing to do" he smiled at the man, but it was a smile that only one man could understand as it was given to another and it screamed scram buster. Marika' s eyes went from Serge's back to Eric's and then returned to Serge's as she watched with amusement Serge react to this handsome, visibly seductive, man. Her eyes sparkled with a wicked mischievousness as she watched the change occur in Serge, not one that Eric would notice, but one that Marika had come to know well over the centuries. Serge was not pleased, and this pleased her. It did more than that, it brought her great enjoyment. Taking Eric's hand in his own, warmed with the push of blood to it, Serge introduced himself masterfully. With a slight bow to Eric, he spoke with an authority of one used to being obeyed and in charge," I am known as the Duke Serge Gregori Romanov. I am of Russia, just as my dear Marika here." As he spoke he let Eric's hand drop, and as his passed by Marika he traced her cheek lightly. Eric was not going to permit this action to go unchallenged. "Yea, well I am Eric Snyder of the royal kingdom of Mt. Lebanon." Marika chuckled out loud at Eric's response, obviously a stab at Serge's inflated ego over his royal blood, like it mattered at all these days. All the Romanov's that mattered were dead. Well not all, but the world thought so. The tall handsome man with the same exotic shaped eyes as hers continued in his intrusive conversation with Marika."I only found out several days ago that you my little one, Durinna and Nikoli were here in Pittsburgh, this great city. Does it not remind of our dear beloved St. Petersburg, with its diverse cultures and beautiful rivers, neyt? I cannot help but recall with deep passionate fondness the many evenings we spent by the river there in our motherland. I am most fond of recollection of those intimate times. You are as beautiful now and as enticing as you were then. Neyt, moreso." Her eyes deepened in their hue, almost to a dark amber at these remarks as she prepared to answer him. "It would seem Serge, has remembered some of such encounters of ours in ways that other's do not, leaving out important portions of the details. I seem to remember we were more often than not joined, or should I say intruded upon by one of your latest flirtations. How many female feet tapped on that bridge's surface, disturbing our conversation and our, how did you say, enchantment with the waters below. It seems that there were as many as the stars that decorate the night sky, neyt? Such impatience these young women would display in their actions and tone of their voices as they would speak your name, reminding you of your prior commitment to an engagement with them that very same eve." Eric, at this point laughed out loud as Marika had delivered her little dissertation in English for his benefit." So you are a bit of a lady killer huh buddy?" this statement brought an immediate dark dip in the color of Serge's eyes. "Piece of advice dude, never schedule a date when you already have one with a beautiful woman. Women tend to get a little testy about that, especially here in the states. Marika impresses me as quite the lady, and from the content of her last remark I get the impression she is not exactly pleased with your intrusion into her evening at this moment. So what do you say you just amble back on up the stairs for now and maybe call her later that is if she is available? She may be free, but then again, she may not." Eric was no longer smiling at this point, now looking down at Serge as Serge had stooped so as to gaze deep into Marika's eyes. Slowly Serge rose to his full height. His eyes of hazel burned almost ebony in their hue, his voice changed in its intonation; it held a foreboding that Eric could definitely determine. He looked deep into Eric's eyes as he spoke." Be careful comrade what ground you tread upon. You may step on a snake and not know of its presence until it has bit your heel and you feel the deadly sting, neyt?" Marika watched with interest the verbal battle occurring between the two. She smiled ever so slightly more at this new development, quite entertaining to her and that had been most unexpected, and in that single second her plans for Eric changed immensely. "Serge", she softly called his name," there is no reason to be rude to this American. He is merely sitting beside me at the game which is thrilling and if you would move back to that dark area you crawled out of I would be able to both enjoy it and Eric's company easier. Is this not true comrade?" Her tone was one that did not give Serge any choice in the matter. He rose, once more taking Marika's hand in his, laying his lips softly upon it, as he very quietly spoke," I will have to wait then with great impatience and see you at the club." Her eyes narrowed for a moment at the mention of his being at the club. "Oh?did Nikoli invite you to the opening? I was not made aware of this Serge", her tone indicating if she had been it would not have been an action that would have received her vote. "I do not have an invitation, but I doubt he would dare refuse me entrance. Do you doubt that my dear little Marika?" He smiled then down at her, his eyes once more their normal deep hazel." Alas I must wait until then my ke'chara." His voice blatantly containing tones of seduction as the last words were spoken in English again for Eric's benefit. Marika turned from Serge and without waiting for him to leave she leaned over to Eric, gently tracing a finger along his jaw line, her gaze deep into his eyes, as Eric in turn met hers with the same intensity, the pair seeming not to even notice any of the crowd around them let alone Serge. Serge stood and watched the two, his anger mounting with each second, till he could stand no more without ripping out the throat of the impudent mortal young male pup. His smile reflected his mood, but just for a second for he wished the mortals around him not to pick up on his displeasure. Running his fingers thru her hair stopping them to fondle the braid, he softly spoke once more to Marika, "Till then" eliciting from her a response without her even affording him the respect of turning to look at him as she spoke," Till later, much later this eve then Serge.", with an emphasis on the words "much later" that only he would pick up and no other.

      With concern reflected in his eyes Eric took Marika's hand that she had warmed just as Serge had warmed his, "You ok? That guy was a jerk. What was he trying to prove anyway?" then he changed course in mid- stream,"Hey you two aren't like attached or anything are you? I mean I don't want to be swimming in another guy's lake you know." As quietly sensuous as she could with her eyes locking onto his she returned his questions with her answers,"Neyt my sweet man, he is merely an insect that must have drifted into the country upon someone's luggage. True at one time we were deeply involved but as you heard that involvement involved others as well, as I came to find out as time did pass, as it always does. It was a wound to my heart that caused a fissure that was deep and left a scar that is irritated by the very mention of his name let alone his presence. I do hope that I did not offend in anyway, you, in my treatment of his obvious attempt to intrude and upset our meeting." She lowered her eyes then, as she finished speaking, softer still," I have been intrigued by your presence and do hope so that as the game progresses we continue to explore each other. "Eric placed a finger under her delicate chin raising her face to his,"Marika, I am not one to be scared away from someone I desire by a mere mosquito. And I do desire to get to know you better." At that point the crowd's cheer diverted both of their attentions to the ice as the Penguins scored once more ending the first period two to nothing. Eric smiled at her as she settled back in her seat.

      "He mentioned a Durinna and Nikoli, friends of your's?" "Dah, they have been friends of mine it seems for an eternity but Durinna besides being my best friend is also my sister. They traveled to this great country of yours with me. Nikoli wanted to participate in capitalism and in the, " she hesitated looking for the right words as she still had not completely mastered English," Disco scene? Is that what you call those places that offer enchantment and entertainment and an opportunity to meet another opposite of yourself?" Eric laughed, his laugh pleased Marika and she smiled, even a soft giggle came at his response, "Man disco has been dead for years no, I think you mean the club scene. I take it your friend has a club that is opening this evening?" "Dah tis true. He has purchased a building in Shadyside in the, how you say upscale part. He has worked hard and worked hard the ones that have made it a thing of beauty, a place of fascination and enchantment. It is a jazz club and tonight is the grand opening by invitation only. The great American saxophonist that you all seem to enjoy will be there this eve to perform all evening. I am looking forward to it." She stopped for a moment, as if to get her bearings, when really she lowered her eyes and let a sense of shyness come over her. "A jazz club, man I love jazz. And if he is a friend of yours I am sure it is indeed a place worth checking out." Very softly and leaning close to him as she raised and then locked his eyes with hers she broached the question," Would you like to accompany me this eve? That is if I am not treading on another's ground or if you do not have other plans. I have heard enough female foot tapping to last me ten lifetimes. "Eric chuckled. "No I was just going home after the game, but would be glad to escort you to the opening. Besides, do I remember you mentioning you have a sister? I have a friend that maybe interested in knowing that. May I ask him to join us?" "Of course." was Marika's eager response. Durinna would be pleased she was sure; this Eric was indeed a charmer like she had not met in quite sometime. Eric reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his cell phone. After he pressed several numbers he waited a mere few seconds. "Hey Dude, how you doing? Who me? I am sitting at the Penguins game with a real beautiful woman who just happens to have a sister. You doing anything?" A short pause and Eric listened intently. "Well here is what is happening. They are going to a new jazz club's grand opening and 1 was wondering if you would like to join us? Yeah dude if she looks anywhere close to the vision I am staring at you won't be disappointed." Again another pause. "Ok listen, hold on a moment." turning to Marika he inquired," Is your sister here at the game?" "Dah she is and she is sitting alone, we both marvel at the fact that whoever owns the seats beside us either does not like hockey really or Russian women for they ner do show. I know this eve; the seat beside her is vacant. Would your friend care to occupy it? Perhaps he could make it before the game concludes?" "Yeah that sounds like a plan to me." Back to the cell phone and Eric told the person on the other end to get his butt down to the arena now. Then pausing he turned again to Marika,"Where is your sister sitting?" Marika smiled, "She is in the next section, if you look all the way to the end of the corresponding row you will see a dark haired young woman sitting alone." Eric leaned over and as if she somehow knew, Durinna turned and looked directly at him, she smiled. Eric immediately returned to the cell phone, "Damn dude get your ass down here now. I think we have found the two most incredible women in Pittsburgh that ever existed. Ok guy, I will have her leave the ticket at the will call. Later." Eric hung up the phone." So do you think your friend is interested in a meeting?", she inquired with a secret smile and slight hesitation between her words, after all they were respectable young woman who did not do these kinds of things very often, only say twenty times a year for the last century, and she wished not to give Eric the wrong impression. "Oh yeah, he is on the way. Let's get your sister to go to the will call and get him in." "That will not be necessary. I will return in a few of your American moments and your friend will find it clear all the way to his seat." Marika rose and began the walk up the stairs to the passageway that would lead her to the next section. As she rose higher on stairs, Eric checked her out up and down and then groaned, god he was a lucky guy tonight. Legs that went all the way to her neck, a body that was perfectly proportioned and the face of an angel. Hey even a brain to boot. Man, he smiled as he thought again of his good fortune. Aaron would buy him beers for a year for this favor he was doing him.
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Comments: 13

LaColombeDeDeuil [2014-09-17 18:27:50 +0000 UTC]

~~ Please check out my newest journal entry for update on where the book stands. Thank you my dear friends Bill and Sid.~~


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dofaust [2012-02-02 07:04:08 +0000 UTC]

...yep the hockey game is a memorable scene....as are all the settings, IMO....
...please don't forget several hunting scenes..... I am not a voyeur re those, either, I just
see the need for those, for reasons I already suggested...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to dofaust [2012-02-12 17:14:00 +0000 UTC]

~~ And for reasons I agree with. We are so close. MARCH! Is it now wonderful! I look forward my partner, my friend, my confidant to our travels together as author and cover artist! The book is much more now full of action, romance, humor and Anne Rice type vampire action. I am so pleased the VP of marketing sees it as such a possible success he is handling all the publicity! We are blessed in so many ways. ~~

always and truly,

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Valedhelven [2010-02-02 23:12:07 +0000 UTC]

You are quite the traveler - you are familiar with Pittsburgh, too, I see

Very good story, my dear!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to Valedhelven [2012-02-12 17:24:22 +0000 UTC]

~~ I was born in the South Hills of there and my parents live in Mt. Lebanon in the South Hills. I wrote the book while in recovery from a severe trauma and now it is being released in March through a good publisher. It will be available in 6 x 8 hardback, paperback, E book,and through Barnes and Noble stores and others like then as well as over 2500 on and off-line distributors. I am so excited. The cover artist and I will be doing our first book signing at the largest Barnes and Noble in Pittsburgh. I can hardly believe it is finally happening.

thank you so much my dear for your sweet and generous comment.


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Valedhelven In reply to LaColombeDeDeuil [2012-03-28 18:27:55 +0000 UTC]

Is your book available now, Katti? I would love to read it! Wish I could have made it to the book signing....

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to Valedhelven [2012-04-14 21:11:10 +0000 UTC]

~~ I switched publishers. Actually I got picked up a publisher that is an American publisher based in Philly, and it is a very good thing! But it has put the publishing back so you did not miss the signing. This company is going to have me doing all kinds of publicity, TV, radio, newspaper and signings in different Barnes and Noble across the country. I guess they think it will be good. Hope I don't disappoint you. I am not ignoring you sweetie! I have been working night and day on it. They also want four sequels. So - we shall see. I just don't see myself as that good a writer, but this VP of Marketing seems to think I am and that there is a whole range of people out there waiting for this type of vampire book in the genre'. But I have not forgot you sweetie! I shall send you an 5 1/2 x 8 inch signed by me hardback if you want. I want to do that for you. You have been such a good friend to me always. ~~


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Valedhelven In reply to LaColombeDeDeuil [2012-05-14 17:25:10 +0000 UTC]

silly Katti - you could never disappoint me Glad to hear that things are still moving forward Good luck. and happy belated birthday, sweetie!!

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LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to Valedhelven [2012-06-09 11:22:53 +0000 UTC]

~~ it is done and at the publisher's for their job now. they are calling me the new Anne Rice, i am not quite sure of that but we shall see - i am so shy about all this at times i hide riding a lot in the Arkansas mountains and well trying to encourage back my poetry muse. she is feeling a wee bit slighted i fear. i am also working manips again and have one half done to post soon. thank you for you continued kindness, support, friendship and constant blessings. you are one in a million.~~

ps: you - if you wish one - shall get a signed 5 1/2 x 8 hardbound with separate dust cover containing the cover art from me signed to you, if you wish

always with love,

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Valedhelven In reply to LaColombeDeDeuil [2012-06-11 17:35:24 +0000 UTC]

That would be SO sweet!!!

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wizillusions [2010-02-02 21:50:18 +0000 UTC]

I remembered you posting part of this on your "ShadowedEiegance" account. I went back to see my comment from back then.

This is truly amazing reading and continues on well the story. I still love the setting of the hockey arena.

Also I feel sorry for poor Eric and his friend, the fool knows not what he is getting into.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LaColombeDeDeuil In reply to wizillusions [2012-02-12 17:28:03 +0000 UTC]

~~ Bless you my Wizard of Kimberling and Pen's Master. HeeHee Eric finds out in a most unfortunate surrounding. That is all I will say here! Thank you for you kind and heartfelt continued support even when I am gone as you know for a very good reason from here. I look forward to our next conversation. ~~

always and always,

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wizillusions In reply to LaColombeDeDeuil [2012-02-12 17:44:27 +0000 UTC]

I will call you later this afternoon. Will be putting you on speakerphone and Regina will be in on our conversation.

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