Gishkishenh — Elk and Fox Wine Box

Published: 2007-08-31 09:49:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 2269; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 37
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Description Carved as a Rosh-Hashana gift for a dear friend of the family.
Out east, things work a little different with Toreks and Totems. While Totems are the same as out west (Northwest Pacific), some cultures east also believe that each one (as an individual) might carry personal Toreks unrelated to the Totem.
Our dear friend has 2 for sure. The Elk (known out East as "The Good Father") and the Fox.

Fox Story
Every night when he comes back form work, our friend passes by a little ravine right by his house. For the last few years he stops every night to say "hello" to one of his "close friends"- A fox. Every night that fox sits at the corner of the ravine, right where it meets the street, and waits for him to pass by before getting up and going back into the forest.
One night when our friend didn't appear (as he was sick home from work), he got up late in the night especially to go down to the ravine. Low and behold the fox was sitting at the corner, leaning over into the street with both ears perked up. It was about 1 hour passed the normal time our friend and the fox usually say their "hellos" and the fox was still there. Our friend greeted the fox, who quickly darted around (our friend was coming from behind him as he was coming form home, not work). Upon seeing him just stood there. Our friend said he apologized to the fox, and told him how he felt sick. The fox "seemed concerned" and then they proceeded to "have our nightly conversation" (translated from a cute term in Hebrew).
Well, they both said their "hellos" and went off as usual.
When I asked him how he felt the following day, our friend replied "You know, it was like I was totally over it the next day. A little fever, but it wasn't by FAR as bad the day before. And I was really sick! We were thinking of taking me to the hospital!"
I told him that the fox was the one to cure him. He said he wasn't surprised- he's used to having friends in high places.

About the Box
I have to admit, I'm proud of this one for a number of reasons- Mainly because this box was REALLY uncomfortable to carve. The wood wasn't meant for carving, and I had to spend a LOT of time sanding down edges that had lots of splinters and unsmooth cuts. Regardless, I had a wonderful time working on it. I also love when the in-lays turn out well. Totally smooth and flat to the top of the box.
Both In-lays are Abalone shells.
On the top of the Box, and Elk sings while a spirit doe dwells within him. On the front, Mischief-maker Fox grins a friendly welcome. His eyes are carved as well as painted (the interior carve is painted).

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Comments: 23

J-Cleo [2007-09-01 19:17:22 +0000 UTC]

That's really cute and interesting with the story. X3 And I love the grinning fox on the front. It's almost as if he's teasing you to try and open the lock above him before pulling some sort of trick. :3

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Jetsun [2007-09-01 02:00:09 +0000 UTC]

How do you embed the stones and how do you color it

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Gishkishenh In reply to Jetsun [2007-09-01 06:00:40 +0000 UTC]

They are not stones. As I wrote they are Abalone SHELLS. You have to carve out the area that they need to sit in, but I usually carve 1 mm smaller, so then I hammer in the shell and no glue needed! XD

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Jetsun In reply to Gishkishenh [2007-09-01 18:53:03 +0000 UTC]

o I see

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Caitriona695 [2007-09-01 01:10:00 +0000 UTC]

Lovely lovely work. I like the purplish tint of the doe's eye. But what I like even more is how the fox seems to 'morph' in the two pictures. The one that is more distant gives the feel of watchful aloofness. Sorta "I may have my eyes closed, but I know you are there and I'm gonna run if you come any closer." But when I look at the one which is straight on and closer, the fox seems to be laughing at me so much it's eyes are squinted shut.

Do you seal the wood in any way after you finish carving/painting/inlaying?

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Gishkishenh In reply to Caitriona695 [2007-09-01 01:51:19 +0000 UTC]

I do not seal it. I try to be as "traditional" as possible. Mind you, Acrylic doesn't fade, and part of the beauty of this artwork is that you let the wood age as well. So it looks very unique as more and more time passes.

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RebexTrip [2007-08-31 23:43:49 +0000 UTC]

very nice story, and nice design of the fox.

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Gishkishenh In reply to RebexTrip [2007-09-01 01:38:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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RebexTrip In reply to Gishkishenh [2007-09-01 01:46:18 +0000 UTC]


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KC-Whitestar [2007-08-31 23:36:45 +0000 UTC]

Very nicely done

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Knightraptor [2007-08-31 22:49:10 +0000 UTC]

That was a lovely story!

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XELOTEN-XELET [2007-08-31 17:07:11 +0000 UTC]

wow another amazing box from you. I love this your friend is a very lucky person.

this makes me want to dust off my carving tools and yes i am ashamed that i have not carved in awhile, it has been over a year for me, ever since I started drawing on my computer.

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Gishkishenh In reply to XELOTEN-XELET [2007-08-31 19:53:36 +0000 UTC]

You know, every form of art- be it whatever medium- has a "time" when it needs/wants to be worked on. Don't force it.. the worst is trying to force yourself to do something and then you are uninspired and it comes out awful, and you just get all upset about it. Happened to me a lot... now I just bide the time. Don't worry, you'll get back to your carving when the time is right!

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XELOTEN-XELET In reply to Gishkishenh [2007-08-31 22:55:54 +0000 UTC]


Your last few replies to me you have told me to take my time. I am actually a very patient guy. I know everything has its time and I will start carving again soon. seeing your boxes has reminded me how much fun I have carving. Your carvings have also reminded me how much more natural this art form looks when painted/carved on wood and eventually the art work I am creating now will end up on some cedar when the time is right and I find the appropriate pieces of wood. the natural grain of the wood adds so much to the image.

but yes the forcing and uninspired thing has happened in the past to me also.

Do you make all your boxes yourself?

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Gishkishenh In reply to XELOTEN-XELET [2007-09-01 01:56:51 +0000 UTC]

I do not make the boxes. I have- admittedly- NO patience to put together boxes. SO either friends put it together, or I order them. I'm horrible I know... but I really really REALLY can't stand putting the boxes together.

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XELOTEN-XELET In reply to Gishkishenh [2007-09-02 20:31:50 +0000 UTC]

Why would you feel horrible?

It is the final product that counts and I think you just recently said something similar to me. How many painters do you think make their own canvases? Besides your carvings and pyrography are so beautifully done I think it would be a waste of your time to make the boxes.

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Gishkishenh In reply to XELOTEN-XELET [2007-09-03 06:31:10 +0000 UTC]

Wow.. you really REALLY made me feel inexplicably better.. and incredibly flattered! I really want to finish this Quatee fanart I have started... every time you comment or make a post, I'm so inspired to get more stuff done!

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mialythila [2007-08-31 14:18:51 +0000 UTC]

Your carving skills are wonderful! =^_^=

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Gishkishenh In reply to mialythila [2007-08-31 19:50:30 +0000 UTC]


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mialythila In reply to Gishkishenh [2007-09-01 01:51:41 +0000 UTC]

No problem! =^_^=

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Leena-Erufu [2007-08-31 12:10:29 +0000 UTC]

It's a very pretty box. :'D And that story is cute. ♥ I could imagine it'd be hard to carve. >:

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Gishkishenh In reply to Leena-Erufu [2007-08-31 19:49:28 +0000 UTC]

Yah... the woods had "sap runs" in it.. so every time I'd hit one, it would bump and I had to try and carve through it.. NOT fun. But the end result was worth it!

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Leena-Erufu In reply to Gishkishenh [2007-08-31 20:18:54 +0000 UTC]


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