CamomiIe — Top 10 MLP Pairings

Published: 2018-06-02 22:47:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 3956; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 1
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This is like the fourth time I've re-done my top 10 Pony ships list :') If you don't agree with me, then you can just leave and don't be a dick about it, thank you~ 

10. PipBelle: PipBelle has always been a pairing I really liked, they just seem like they'd suit eachother very well!
9. MaudMac: I know Big Mac and Maud are both dating someone else, but honestly, Maud and Big Mac would work very well together! They're both very calm and they both don't like talking. I can dream, guys-
8. GilDash: I started shipping them during the episode where they made up with eachother. Their friendship is really cute, and I can totally see them being a power couple~
7. Twixie: Even though they were originally rivals, I feel like their dynamic together is great. I really hope Trixie and Twilight interact more in future episodes, instead of Trixie and Starlight.
6. RumbleTiara: I admit that this is more of a guilty pleasure ship, since I don't think they've interacted much. They just look very cute together so I couldn't resist-
5. CheesePommel: Same as above. They contrast eachother very nicely, Coco being quiet and calm, while Cheese is cheerful and happy-go-Lucky. It reminds me of FlutterPie!
4. SoarinFire: Soarin' and Spitfire have always striked me as a great couple. They work together and their similar but still different personalities would work great together.
3. SkyPie: Just go watch the clip of "One Small Thing". That's all that needs to be said here.
2. FlashShimmer: That Equestria Girls short had me SCREAMING. It proves that even after all they've been through, they still want to stay friends, and that's some real dedication, seeing what Sunset's done to him in the past. For Flash to forgive her just like that, I think that really does mean something.
1. FlutterCord: Okay look I adore FlutterCord. Discord's admiration for Fluttershy is adorable, and I'm so glad that the writers decided for Fluttershy to be the one to reform him. Every scene they have together just works so well, and even though they're completely different, they also have many similarities which makes their bond even stronger.

HONORABLE MENTIONS! (A lot of Flutterships-)
Rarity x Fancypants
Spike x Ember
Fluttershy x Soarin'
Adagio Dazzle x Aria Blaze
Sunset Shimmer x Starlight Glimmer
Fluttershy x Twilight Sparkle
Scootaloo x Sweetie Belle
Apple Bloom x Tender Taps
Applejack x Flim
Spitfire x Rainbow Dash
Fluttershy x Capper
Diamond Tiara x Apple Bloom
Octavia x Cheerilee
Bon Bon x Lyra
Fluttershy x Pinkie Pie
Celestia x Chrysalis
Trouble Shoes x Tree Hugger
Double Diamond x Sugar Belle
Party Favor x Night Glider
Rainbow Dash x Dumbbell
Lightning Dust x Fleetfoot
Derpy x Doctor Whooves
Silver Spoon x Featherweight
Babs Seed x High Score
Flim x Luna
Sombra x Celestia
Silver Shill x Applejack
Twilight Sparkle x Thunderlane
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Comments: 9

AliceStarMlp [2018-06-14 12:57:35 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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CamomiIe In reply to AliceStarMlp [2018-06-14 13:15:56 +0000 UTC]


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CarolinetheWerewolf [2018-06-10 04:14:53 +0000 UTC]

I like the idea of Rumble and Diamond Tiara. Both were brats who had opposite opinions on cutie marks but learned to mature about it

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CamomiIe In reply to CarolinetheWerewolf [2018-06-10 13:41:53 +0000 UTC]

I agree! They go together better than expected.

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PurpleWonderPower [2018-06-09 17:36:52 +0000 UTC]

I love Applejack x Flim, it's one of my favourite ships. And although I prefer Spike x rarity, Spike x Ember is great too. Fluttercord is a no for me, however.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RealLordofPizza [2018-06-04 23:19:54 +0000 UTC]

The first one is my art. I did that a long time ago lol   ;-; 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CamomiIe In reply to RealLordofPizza [2018-06-05 06:24:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I’ll update as soon as I can

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chevy-runs-deep [2018-06-04 20:39:44 +0000 UTC]

you know you can't just say "credit for the art goes..." you need to link the art and/or the person who made it 

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CamomiIe In reply to chevy-runs-deep [2018-06-04 20:58:06 +0000 UTC]

Some of the art is from places like Pixiv and such, and since I don’t have an account on there, I can’t exactly access the images. I’ll try to find the ones from Tumblr and Deviantart, but not right now since I don’t have the time.

You should go comment the same thing on the 100s of other artists who’ve done the exact same thing, then~ I sure as hell ain’t the only one

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chevy-runs-deep In reply to CamomiIe [2018-06-05 14:41:31 +0000 UTC]

Haha. don't worry, a site called derpibooru has people who help give artists proper credit derpibooru.org/1749857 this is your post with the proper credit given 

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