irkangirlq1516 β€” MLP Shipping Meme

Published: 2012-10-20 01:44:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 6502; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 68
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Description Okay.... Explanation time. I know I promised my own art.... But *bits lip* This one was too tempting. Keep in mind I will still find a way to upload the drawings I promised... But that will take a while to do. So in the mean time just enjoy this meme. Plus I feel I might as well come out and confess two things at once while I was gone...

Yes I watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and am a Brony... Or Pegasister considering that's the name for the girls... But I seriously like being called Brony better.
Yes I do the show and fandoms with all my might.
And yes I really do ship these characters... There just soooooo cute!!!

So let me explain my ships... Hopefully most of you will get it, but I wanna explain myself anyway:
#10: StrongBurn: SOMEPONY PLEASE TELL THAT I WASN'T THE ONLY PERSON TO SEE THIS IN THE EPISODE?!!?!?!? However its ranked so low because I don't think about it like I do the others. However I do find them kinda cute.

#9: TwistXSnails: Just something I discovered was shipped, and I couldn't help but find it adorable. But like 10, I don't think about it as often, so its low on my list.

#8: Soarin'Dash: PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!!!! I know this is a popular ship, but truthfully, while I do think about this often, I actually started out with the same theory that maybe Dashie WAS bi... However the ones I shipped them with my friends got me addicted to their other shippings and I realized just how perfect these two were... Really I only ship Rainbow with Soarin when I feel I need to defend her straightness.

#7: CadenceXShining Armor: This one's pretty basic. Its cannon. It happened. They're cute. And they're love story fascinates me.

#6: LyraXBon-Bon: I mostly ship these two because I freakin' love how their fandom portrays them!!! However.... Sorry Bon-Bon... But I freaking love Lyra's antics sooo much more!!! ^^

#5: Sparity: I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I SEE AN EPISODE IN THE FUTURE SEASONS WHERE SPIKE FULLY ADMITS HIS LOVE TO RARITY AND SHE REPLY'S BACK THE SAME FEELS!!!!! But truthfully.... At first I always thought that Spikes crush was just a passing fling... I am pleasantly surprised to find out that I was wrong with how they actually shape the little dragons feelings for her.

#4: OctaviaXVinyl Scratch: Like LyraXBon-Bon... Mostly because of the fandom that surrounds them. However unlike Lyra and Bon-Bon I actually find these two both interesting and quite the humorous, cute little couple. Well that and unlike the those two I actually have my own head-cannon on how those two became lovers and not just what all the other bronies think.

#3: Derpy and Doctor Whooves: Another confession.... I've also become a Whovian.... FREAKIN LOVE THAT SHOW!!!! And I Derpy too!!!(THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH HER FIRST VOICE HASBRO!!!) And these two are just SOOOOOOO ad'awwible that.... OOoooh.... EEEEEE!!!!

#2: FlutterMac: Truth be told I actually thought at first that Fluttershy had feelings for Rainbow Dash just as R.D. had feelings for Fluttershy. Mostly due to the fact that those two are so freakin close its hard not to think that!! I mean Rainbow Dash defended her against bullies all of Fluttershy's foal-hood. However thanks to my BFF Emmie.... She got me hooked on FlutterMac... Which at first made me made because I shipped Big Mac with Twilight first and just when I finally read a fic with TwiMac in it... All I could think up of was FlutterMac. But it keeps the number two spot because after I got over my rage at her at my folding in.... I found just how adorable these two are and instantly became one of my most thought up couples... Minus #'s 3 & 4 of course.... However none of these shippings can even begin to compete with my number one spot... Which would be...


#1: DisPie: EEEEEEEE!!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE THESE TWO!!!! I LOVE THEM SOOO MUCH THAT I WILL ACTUALLY SWEAR FOR THEM!!!!! EEEEEEE!!!!!! I swear these two(minus #10 and #7 of course) HAS to be the most cannon out of my fanon ships!!! I mean just look at those two!! They were made for each other! Discord's the spirit and lord of all chaos, and Pinkie Pie is like the embodiment of all things chaotic wrapped up in a little pink earth party pony!!! Plus He even said that she was his favorite!!! And it's obvious that she 100% approves of the chaotic world he has to offer. No one will ever sway me from shipping these two... You hear me? NOBODY!!!! They are my OTP and will stay that way forever. DisPie forever bitches!!!!

I own neither most of the artwork here... Nor the ponies themselves as the ponies of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to
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Comments: 87

irkangirlq1516 In reply to ??? [2015-08-11 23:29:25 +0000 UTC]

I like your enthusiasm. Hehehe.Β 

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Misspegasister7858 In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2015-08-12 19:21:48 +0000 UTC]

I like shippingΒ  Β  Β 

I also like emojisΒ Β 

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to Misspegasister7858 [2015-08-13 00:46:26 +0000 UTC]

Nothing wrong with either of those things.

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CaptainPrower [2015-07-11 18:59:50 +0000 UTC]

10) YES
9) YES
6) Love Wins, even in Equestria.
5) SEY
4) Ehhhh, I ship Vinyl more with Neon Lights, but she's also bi in my headcanon, so...
3) Daleks and muffins and time travel oh my!
2) First MLP ship I ever started supporting, and damn it I'm sticking with it.
1) Though I prefer Dislestia for how absurd an idea it is, this is a close second.


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irkangirlq1516 In reply to CaptainPrower [2015-07-12 01:55:01 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe... That has to be one of my highest rankings yet!

Though I find it funny that whenever I post something about DisPie everyone who sees it usually says that they don't really ship it. But thanks for the love!

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CaptainPrower In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2015-07-12 02:05:23 +0000 UTC]

I'm not saying DisPie is bad, I just think Celestia is a better match for Discord.

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to CaptainPrower [2015-07-12 08:06:01 +0000 UTC]

I'm not you saying YOU said it was bad, you were actually nice about it.

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CaptainPrower In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2015-07-12 08:32:42 +0000 UTC]

Unlike some others...
Remember Cosmeon?
Deleted his profile after getting hounded for the shipping he liked.

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to CaptainPrower [2015-07-12 18:19:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh damn. Man, why haters gotta be like that? Can't we all agree that we have different opinions?

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Nubsies [2014-12-04 03:02:55 +0000 UTC]

10) nup
9) NO.
8) YES
7) Well, yeah its canon
6) no.
5)Β NO.Β Β  It's called RariLane
4) NO.
3) yeah
2)NONONONONO!!!!Β Β Β Β  I prefer CheeriMac and BulkShy
1)NOOOOOOO.Β Β  More like DisLestia and CheesePie

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to Nubsies [2014-12-04 04:27:35 +0000 UTC]

Well..... 3/10 ain't bad... you can have your opinions... these are just mine.... if not a bit outdated...

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cuddlerose [2014-12-02 19:06:34 +0000 UTC]

9:Β  always thought of a back of the head shipping
8: Β  Β 
7: kinda thought the samething....
6: favorite background pony shippings!!!!!!
5: 2 otp!!!!
4: 2 background pony otp!!!
3: same!!!

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wADr5535 [2014-06-11 15:09:42 +0000 UTC]

10: I thought I was the only one shipping them!
9: Never heard of it, I'll have to think...
8: Love this shipping! I ship them!
7: They sorta annoy me, but how can you unship them if they're married?
5: Sorry, but they kinda annoy me... So no, I don't ship them.
3: Soooooooooooooooo cute! I ship them!
2: Yeah, I like them. And ship them.
1: Sorry, but I really hate this shipping. So no, I don't ship them...

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to wADr5535 [2014-06-11 17:44:38 +0000 UTC]

Okay I'm not gonna throw hate at you because you don't like my fav ship.... but I find it just HILARIOUS when people comment on my ships and it's usually DisPie they REALLY don't like.

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wADr5535 In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2014-06-12 17:54:18 +0000 UTC]

Hehe... XD

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ScootFlutterDash [2014-03-11 19:09:47 +0000 UTC]

#1 is my OTP they're just meant for each other..just shut up if you hate this shipping..please..for pinkiecord's sake..Β 
#2 SUPER DUPER CUTE! but i don't ship them..sorry..Β 
#3 yeah this is one of teh cutest ships..did i mention ever? Β 
#4 Uhmmm..i acutally would do OctaviaFrederic and VinylNeonLights
#5 srry now im on LOVE/HATE on this..idk what to choose.. Β  orΒ  Β  (love or hate for example)
#7 Canon,Married,Cute what else? i can go on and on..it actually would be better like CadencexShiningxChrysalis..just sayin'..came in mind Β 
#8 Yeah Canon,Cute,Awesome,BEST!!! Β 
#9 Yeah both nerds..cute.. Β 
#10 CUte and almost canonΒ  Β 

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to ScootFlutterDash [2014-03-11 20:12:40 +0000 UTC]

#1 Yay!!! Another DisPie shipper!

#2 This is actually my innocent ship for Fluttershy since my other ship involves Sombra...

#4 I have no idea who Frederic is and I've only ever seen glimpses of Neon Lights...

#6 Not really my line of thinking.... more like the ship pics I've seen are cute and I like it.

#7 Hey, ChrysalisXFluffle Puff forever man!!

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ScootFlutterDash In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2014-03-12 16:51:13 +0000 UTC]

2. sombrashy creeps me out..Β  he is a pedo or what? plus if she's alright with it that would change my thoughts on flutters forever O_O
4. frederic is another classic music likes and creator..
6. yeah cute but no sense..like one said..bonbon x big mac and for my own thgouths lyra x Flim/FlamΒ Β  so much effin awesome shippings those two are XD
7. not canon in mlp fim but awesome in fluffle puff talesΒ Β 

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to ScootFlutterDash [2014-03-13 00:05:25 +0000 UTC]

2. I'm pretty sure the Mane 6 are of age... EQ not withstanding since I'm pretty sure there's a time hiccup between both worlds... But looking at your icon I can see who you had in mind for Flutters. (BTW... SUPER cute icon!)
4. I think I MIGHT have seen him... But I mostly like Vinyl and Tavi because they seem like that polar opposite pair that would mesh in a very amusing, and special way.
6. O_O I don't think I've seen either of those ship pics... And I honestly wouldn't how it would work... Care to give me an idea?
7. It may not be canon... but hey you just know that if Hasbro DID put Fluffle Puff in the show... even for a few frames, you KNOW that the ship would be canon.

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ScootFlutterDash In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2014-03-13 12:17:55 +0000 UTC]

2. THANKS finally somepony who likes my icon..plus i Β ship flutters with pinkie,dash,soarin and thunderlane as well..but sombra is like 9000 and flutters is 23 or so..she is the oldest of mane six for me..Β 

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to ScootFlutterDash [2014-03-13 18:43:54 +0000 UTC]

So many Flutterships....
I'm pretty sure Sombra is only around 1000..

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ScootFlutterDash In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2014-03-14 05:19:55 +0000 UTC]

but anyways he is not a pedo..he might be a villain but that doesnt make him pedo bear :3

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to ScootFlutterDash [2014-03-14 05:30:38 +0000 UTC]

True... now if went after the CMC... But since Fluttershy is of legal age it technically doesn't count... plus I sort of don't count the 1000 years he's been in shadow/iceberg prison.... Hmmm... but how old would he be still?

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ScootFlutterDash In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2014-03-14 13:33:46 +0000 UTC]

100 is minimum

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to ScootFlutterDash [2014-03-14 18:38:14 +0000 UTC]

Man... ponies sure have a long life line.

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ScootFlutterDash In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2014-03-16 09:15:35 +0000 UTC]

yeah..but irl the oldest pony in world was who lived up to 64

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to ScootFlutterDash [2014-03-16 19:15:54 +0000 UTC]


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ScootFlutterDash In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2014-03-19 16:30:20 +0000 UTC]

yep :3 he was called big billy i think..

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ScootFlutterDash In reply to ScootFlutterDash [2014-03-11 19:10:24 +0000 UTC]

idk why this is here instead of top..two i guess O_O

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pinkiedashxdiscord [2014-01-26 09:50:22 +0000 UTC]

YAY at last people finnaly notice that discord and pinkie pie are made foeach other!!

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to pinkiedashxdiscord [2014-01-26 20:08:01 +0000 UTC]

The totally are!!! (btw: LOVE your icon!) I mean... It's chaos mixed with randomness! How can you NOT go wrong with that!?

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Sephirath21000 [2013-10-04 03:22:41 +0000 UTC]

Strongburn: "Pocahontas, but with cowboy ponies and Native American bison"


And yes, I too thought of this pairing, wishing that these two would return again in another episode.

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to Sephirath21000 [2013-10-05 18:07:18 +0000 UTC]

I know right?! Well... Braeburn did... Not that he had any lines or anything.

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Sephirath21000 In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2013-10-05 18:40:36 +0000 UTC]

Cinema Sins: "Braeurn isn't talking in this scene."

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Ameythst [2013-09-21 04:46:13 +0000 UTC]

My opinion: is that Cadance and shining aren't shipping becuase they are married. Marriage basically means " hey now you don't have to ship ?!"

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to Ameythst [2013-09-21 06:13:48 +0000 UTC]

That doesn't stop the yoai ships with Shining Armor.

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Ameythst In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2013-09-21 20:52:53 +0000 UTC]

Wait. What? Omg xD somtimes I love how messed up shipping is.

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AlexandBelle1993 [2013-07-13 02:21:09 +0000 UTC]

4 I just do NOT get because MLP never showed them in the same room heck not even in the same episode......... so why are they a shipping?
6 yap your right
7 they are married so that speaks four itself
3 I think you're married I don't know really
5 I do like them but I also like Sweetie Belle x Spike too
2 I love that shipping
8 they are meant for each other
9 they're new to me
10 good couple?!
1 I love Discord x Celestia better, Pinkie does like the chocolate rain but only the chocolate rain, but Celestia had was a friend of Discord when she was ten

but I still love it

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Kbean404 In reply to AlexandBelle1993 [2013-07-17 01:58:25 +0000 UTC]

I agree with you on everything.

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AlexandBelle1993 In reply to Kbean404 [2013-07-17 15:54:27 +0000 UTC]

wow really........ thanks

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Kbean404 In reply to AlexandBelle1993 [2013-07-17 17:12:16 +0000 UTC]

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but if you're not, it's no problem.

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AlexandBelle1993 In reply to Kbean404 [2013-07-17 18:12:31 +0000 UTC]

I do not know if I'm being sarcastic or not .......Β by the way thanks for talking to me for the past week only one person (and you) replied to me

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royalcelastia [2013-06-19 04:20:47 +0000 UTC]

or you can refer to it as DISCOPIE HAHAHA

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DemonBlud [2013-05-23 17:31:19 +0000 UTC]

Dispie, y not Datpie?

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to DemonBlud [2013-05-24 16:56:56 +0000 UTC]

Because DisPie be good!!!

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Pinkieluka [2013-05-21 06:38:02 +0000 UTC]

<3 dispie

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fluttershy8803 [2013-04-21 03:18:57 +0000 UTC]

2,3, and 7 are my absolute fav!!!

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gaybiez [2013-04-21 00:54:09 +0000 UTC]

number 3 was from that wasn't it?

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irkangirlq1516 In reply to gaybiez [2013-04-21 20:31:14 +0000 UTC]

Probably... I just looked up the pics from Google.

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gaybiez In reply to irkangirlq1516 [2013-04-21 20:31:44 +0000 UTC]

Well it is.

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