BC-LS — Meme - Top 10 MLP:FiM Pairings

Published: 2020-01-09 23:14:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 3205; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description 10) Diamond Tiara x Silver Spoon: Best foalhood friends who have a lot in common. Such as both being reformed bullies, coming from fairly wealthy families, etc. Plus, it makes more sense than having Diamond with Apple Bloom because it is the bad version of Rarijack.

9) Apple Bloom x Tender Taps + Scootaloo x Rumble + Sweetie Belle x Button Mash: This is a three way tie with the CMC because I could not decide on just one. Although now that I really think about it, I would have gone with TenderBloom because AB is my fave CMC pony. Ever since their interaction in On Your Marks, I have been deadset with these two together because they share more interests and hobbies together than with any other (except for Sweetie and Scoot).

8) Feather Bangs x Blaze: During the Hearth's and Hooves day mobile game event in 2017, these two became a couple. When Feather Bangs was searching for his special somepony, Blaze was helping him through it and he later figured out that he liked her. Anyway, I think this is a cute pairing because even though Blaze and Feather Bangs never got much screen time, they had some interactions off-screen.

7) Radiant Hope x Sombra: Another foalhood pairing but this time, from the comics. Hope was the best and only friend of Sombra when he was a foal. He literally would have died if not for Hope. Plus these two are super cute together. Even when he was corrupted, he still cared about her and her well being. It is too bad this never got to happen in the show. (I am still very salty about that.)

6) Lyra Heartstrings x Bon Bon: Best friends who became lovers and then wives. I have shipped these two since Slice of Life and I am very glad that they became canon!

5) Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich: Again, two ponies who are very similar with similar interests, both came from a rough childhood into a joyful party-filled life! Especially when they finally got to meet face-to-face for the first time! (I'm not counting their childhood interaction.) Not to mention that they met when they were foals and as most of you should know, I am a huge fan of childhood shippings.

4) Fluttershy x Marble Pie: As I have been saying, these two would be great together because they are both shy. I also can't really see Fluttershy with a stallion, especially old Fluttershy (when she was really shy) and since the only stallion I would have shipped her with is now married to Sugar Belle. I could also see Fluttershy teaching Marble how to become braver.

3) Applejack x Rara: Applejack and Rara play off each other really well, plus they are foalhood friends who are honest and good ponies. They also have a love for music.

2) Sunset Shimmer x Flash Sentry: Ever since Flash brought up being back together, I loved the idea! They are so good together! Plus, I really don't think Flashlight would work out, you know, Twilight being a Princess and Sci-Twi dating Timber Spruce. I donno, they just seem to be what could be a good couple since they also both have a love of friendship and music (specifically guitar).

1) Twilight Sparkle x Sunburst: They're both bookish, bright ponies who studied at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and have deep knowledge of magic. He already has a good standing relationship with her family and is an old friend of her former student (Starlight), so there would be a lot of opportunity for them to be near each other on a semi-regular basis. I could easily see her trying to tutor him to improve his magic, too, and there being a relationship blooming from that. It's a shipping goldmine. It's just too bad it's so underrated.

Honorable mentions:
Glitter Drops x Fizzlepop Berrrytwist (aka Tempest Shadow)
Rarity x Applejack (Equestria Girls)
Fluttershy x Sandalwood (Equestria Girls)

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Comments: 18

ChipmunkRaccoonOz [2020-06-12 20:22:28 +0000 UTC]

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BC-LS In reply to ChipmunkRaccoonOz [2020-06-12 21:27:10 +0000 UTC]

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ChipmunkRaccoonOz In reply to BC-LS [2020-06-12 22:16:29 +0000 UTC]

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BC-LS In reply to ChipmunkRaccoonOz [2020-06-12 22:53:28 +0000 UTC]

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ChipmunkRaccoonOz In reply to BC-LS [2020-06-12 22:56:40 +0000 UTC]

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BC-LS In reply to ChipmunkRaccoonOz [2020-06-12 22:57:30 +0000 UTC]

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ChipmunkRaccoonOz In reply to BC-LS [2020-06-12 23:00:47 +0000 UTC]

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BC-LS In reply to ChipmunkRaccoonOz [2020-06-12 23:25:03 +0000 UTC]

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ChipmunkRaccoonOz In reply to BC-LS [2020-06-12 23:25:35 +0000 UTC]

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Jokerarthur20 [2020-04-29 21:58:23 +0000 UTC]

I ship it both ships of Twilight
Discord x Twilight and Twilight x Sunburn

Also I ship it Cheese x Pinkie Pie 👌

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BC-LS In reply to Jokerarthur20 [2020-04-29 22:02:57 +0000 UTC]


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AntiVillain26845 [2020-03-31 00:45:20 +0000 UTC]

It is too bad this never got to happen in the show. (I am still very salty about that.)S9 = #NotMySombra .

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BC-LS In reply to AntiVillain26845 [2020-03-31 02:03:05 +0000 UTC]


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ShieldWing1996 [2020-01-10 00:44:20 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful choices 

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BC-LS In reply to ShieldWing1996 [2020-01-10 01:11:07 +0000 UTC]

What are yours?

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ShieldWing1996 In reply to BC-LS [2020-01-10 01:16:17 +0000 UTC]

I like the shipping of Lyra Heartstrings x Bon Bon, Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich, Apple Bloom x Tender Taps and Sunset Shimmer x Flash Sentry.

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BC-LS In reply to ShieldWing1996 [2020-01-10 02:20:19 +0000 UTC]

I mean, what is your top 10?

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ShieldWing1996 In reply to BC-LS [2020-01-10 02:29:20 +0000 UTC]

Oh right, you want to know what's my top 10 here it is.

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