BronyRainbowTomboy — MLP Top 10 Fave. Couples

Published: 2014-04-13 19:53:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 6352; Favourites: 59; Downloads: 0
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Description These are my top ten favorite MLP characters.

1) Soarin x Rainbow Dash
2) Fluttershy x Big Mac
3) Flash Sentry x Twilight Sparkle
4) Princess Celestia x Discord
5) Pinkie Pie x Pokey Pierce
6) Button Mash x Sweetie Belle
7) Rumble x Scootaloo
8) Pricess Cadence x Shining Armor
9) Rarity x Fancy Pants
10) Applejack x Caramel
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Comments: 45

Dawn-n-Night [2019-01-11 15:21:51 +0000 UTC]

1: ok
2: Big Mac already has a girlfriend
3: yes <3
4: n o
5: I prefer cheesepie
6: adorable <3
7: haven't decided
8: cannon
9: I prefer sparity
10: ok

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Dawn-n-Night [2019-01-11 15:21:34 +0000 UTC]

1: ok
2: Big Mac already has a girlfriend
3: yes <3
4: n o
5: I prefer cheesepie
6: adorable <3
7: haven't decided
8: cannon
9: I prefer sparity
10: ok

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Sapphieshymlp [2017-10-25 13:12:07 +0000 UTC]

The number 10 is my fav!

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spider-pony [2016-10-07 05:32:03 +0000 UTC]

i like Spike and Rarity  

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ILoveGreenDeathsALot [2016-06-06 04:17:37 +0000 UTC]

1,3,and 6 

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Peaacchy [2015-09-19 09:00:22 +0000 UTC]

10. Yes :3
9. I more like ShiningRarity :3
8. Canon
7. Ok
6. OTP
5. Ok
3. I more like CadenceSentry
1. OTP

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yoshi9559 In reply to Peaacchy [2018-04-26 05:04:44 +0000 UTC]

What does otp mean does it mean cool

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Peaacchy In reply to yoshi9559 [2018-04-28 07:20:33 +0000 UTC]

One True Pairing is a couple so perfect for each other. For example the line that Klaus ended all ships. "He's your first love, I intend to be your last. However, long it takes."

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DoctorDremora678 [2015-07-30 20:19:09 +0000 UTC]

Half of the popular ships are built off of nothing.
Twilight X Comet Tail
AJ X Caramel
Pinkie X Pokey Pierce

Admit it.

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LUIZFOXY [2015-06-10 03:02:07 +0000 UTC]

your are ginius 

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LUIZFOXY [2015-06-10 03:01:11 +0000 UTC]

my friendo your are a genius

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Traingeek833 [2015-03-24 07:50:19 +0000 UTC]

AJ and Caramel are cousins for Celestias sake. Have some dignity and don't show off your fetish.

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BronyRainbowTomboy In reply to Traingeek833 [2015-05-29 22:44:10 +0000 UTC]

I didn't know AJ and Caramel were cousins. I'm sorry if I offended you with this ship. But I was definitely not showing off my so called 'fetish'.

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GoldenLineS [2015-02-11 23:12:46 +0000 UTC]

10. Not really for me. Caramel isn't a character that I can easily write.
9. Am I the only one who notices the humongous age gap between these two? It's creepy...
8. It's canon, but I don't really ship it.
7. Too mainstream for my liking.
6. It's good.
5. YES!!!!
4. Not bad.
3. YES!!!!!
2. ...No.
So I agree on Pokey x Pinkie and Flash x Twilight.

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MikuHatsuneKawaii [2015-01-13 03:03:10 +0000 UTC]

10. i see them more like cousins
9. Yes
8. Noooo this couple is to lovey dovey 
7. Neutral
6. Yes
5. HELL NOOO sorry but i prefer Cheese Sandwich X Pinkie Pie
4. Weird O__O
3. Neutral 
2. Yes 
1. YESSS :3

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Pexxastar-OLD [2014-12-30 10:38:07 +0000 UTC]

10. YES !
9. YES !!

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TheLondonJamJar [2014-12-16 20:59:57 +0000 UTC]

from 10 to 1
10. I cannot say I ship this because they have barely een talked to eachother in the show. Just because 'Oh look it's an earth pony with a similar color scheme' doesn't mean that they're meant for eachother. NO
9. Um... who remembers Fluer de Lis (or however you spell it)? NO.
8. They're married. How can I not ship it? My friend, however, ships Shinign with Celestia for God knows what reason. Yes.
7. I luv dis ship. It makes total sense, but I'm also a bit of a Rain Catcher X Scootaloo shipper as well. I blame tumblr. Yes.
6. SweetieMash is mah OTP. Yes.
5. They've never even met. What kind of shipping is this? Who came up with it? No.
4. Celesticord is unbelievably cute. When Discord gave her flowers I literally spent HOURS pacing in my room, hyperventalating. YES.
3. I did not like how Flash was presented in EG. '*crashes into her* Oh, um, hi. *blushes for no apparent reason*' This makes the movie feel like any other highschool movie from the 80s. No.
2. I'm sorry, I WOULD ship it if I wasn't a CheeriMac shipper. Sorry, but no.
1. Just because they are both blue pegasi that are in the Wonderbolts DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY'RE MEANT FOR EACHOTHER. I DO NOT LIKE THIS SHIP. Besides, I ship SoarinFire, which makes a hundred times more sense. NO!
If anybody likes or does not like the ships I do or do not like, doesn't mean that a flame war needs to start. If you ship it, I don't care. Compared to some ships, these are very awesome in my opinion. Now please, nobody spam me with hate mail. I'm open for conversation but not a flamewar.

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Traingeek833 In reply to TheLondonJamJar [2015-03-24 07:50:55 +0000 UTC]

I agree with you on 10

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BronyRainbowTomboy In reply to TheLondonJamJar [2014-12-22 22:49:41 +0000 UTC]

It's your opinion. I won't hate on what you like or dislike.

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TheLondonJamJar In reply to BronyRainbowTomboy [2014-12-23 00:51:35 +0000 UTC]

Same here

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RainbowAdlina [2014-09-22 11:02:02 +0000 UTC]

Where did you get the celestia and discord pic??

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BronyRainbowTomboy In reply to RainbowAdlina [2014-12-22 22:49:52 +0000 UTC]


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RainbowAdlina In reply to BronyRainbowTomboy [2014-12-28 11:47:48 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. No shit sherlock. -3-

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BronyRainbowTomboy In reply to RainbowAdlina [2014-12-29 01:48:11 +0000 UTC]

Just search 'Discord and Celestia' or something

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RainbowAdlina In reply to BronyRainbowTomboy [2014-12-30 09:33:47 +0000 UTC]

I did et

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Mickeymouseisgay [2014-09-21 17:41:25 +0000 UTC]

In order from 1-10:
7/10 pretty good

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SaraLauren [2014-09-20 14:06:43 +0000 UTC]

Rumbaloo I dont like, sweetiemash I change spikebelle and i change chessepie

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PinkiePie-PartyPony [2014-08-10 09:08:04 +0000 UTC]

Okay Now..Let's Analyse Ships xD 

1) Rainbow Dash Totally Loves Wonderbolts And She Saved His Life, Plus You Could See It In Her Eyes..She Loves Him..THey Totally Fir Each Other! Both Fast, Awesome, Nice, Helpful..Of Course They Have Their Differences..But They're Made For Each Other
2) They Would Be Too Shy To Confess Their Love For Each Other..Plus..CheeriMac Is Cannon..Cheerilee Still Loves Him..He Feels Something For The Teacher As Well..
3) It's Cannon..They Love Each Other..
4) He Gave He Flowers! No More Proof Needed! Plus..I THINK When They Were Young..They Totally Were Dating..I Mean...They Needed To Be Friends..They Know Each Other Very Well..
5) I SEE THEM MORE AS A BRO AND SIS..Plus..He's Not Actually A Nice Guy That You All Think He Is..You Jus tNeed TO Look For Him In The Background..He's Not A Goody Guy (Or In Simple Words..I HATE This Ship :3)
6) Gamer Buddies..Total Friends...So Cute~
7) They Totally Fit Each Other~ It's Like Thunerlane x Dashie xD But Filly Version..
8) They're Married..It's Cannon~
9) Rarity Loves Him..But It's A Pity He's Married 3:<

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Traingeek833 In reply to PinkiePie-PartyPony [2015-03-24 07:51:36 +0000 UTC]

10. Ikr

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haylee9981 [2014-06-13 02:33:35 +0000 UTC]

1) soarin and rainbowdash - 100% awsome

2) big mac and fluttershy - dawww both wise gentle and made for each other

3) flash and twilight - of course you can see it in equestria girls

4) discord and celestia -opposites attract

5) pokey and pinkie - sqeeeeeee!!!!

6) - button and sweetie - I never did xxx shillings before but look cute together

7) - rumble and scootaloo - same as 6

8) shining and cadence - there  married, cute couple

9) fancy and rairty - I love this shipping yet people think fancy is married to fleur de lis

10) caramel and aj - bucking  Apple's all day together "sigh"

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BelinhaMS [2014-06-12 20:47:26 +0000 UTC]

A fast analysis (my opinions) about these couples:

1) Soarin x Rainbow Dash - My main OTP with Rainbow Dash. They're so cute together!

2) Fluttershy x Big Mac - Aww, gentle lovers!

3) Flash Sentry x Twilight Sparkle - Forever my OTP. The guard and his princess.

4) Princess Celestia x Discord - I kinda like this couple, but I prefer Celestia being single (I see Celestia and Discord as good friends).

5) Pinkie Pie x Pokey Pierce - Well, I like this couple, but I prefer CheesePie better.

6) Button Mash x Sweetie Belle - I'm sorry, but I don't like this couple (I prefer Sweetie Belle with Pipsqueak better).

7) Rumble x Scootaloo - My CMC OTP! Rumble and Scoots are made for each other.

8) Princess Cadence x Shining Armor - They're married, but I still love them together.

9) Rarity x Fancy Pants - Same thing with PokeyPie. I prefer Sparity better.

10) Applejack x Caramel - Work-hard ponies together!

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Mickeymouseisgay In reply to BelinhaMS [2014-09-21 17:45:08 +0000 UTC]

I ship celestia and sombra

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Ninetailsofawesome [2014-05-26 18:51:09 +0000 UTC]

1) Soarin x Rainbow Dash- Oh yes.
2) Fluttershy x Big Mac- YESYESYES
3) Flash Sentry x Twilight Sparkle- I'm not against it, and Flash looks so cute~
4) Princess Celestia x Discord- OHYESPLEASETHISMUSTHAPPEN *dies*
5) Pinkie Pie x Pokey Pierce- Neutral.
6) Button Mash x Sweetie Belle- Oooh yeah, foal shipping.
7) Rumble x Scootaloo- Even better!
8) Pricess Cadence x Shining Armor- My OTP, next the Celestcord.
9) Rarity x Fancy Pants- Neutral.
10) Applejack x Caramel- Neutral.

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TobyandMavisforever [2014-05-07 11:38:25 +0000 UTC]

10: Love!
9: Love!
8: Love!
7: Love!
6: Neutral (Prefer PipBelle and ButtonSeed)
5: Neutral (Prefer CheesePie)
4: Don't like (Trying to think of a good ship for Celestia)
3: Love!
2: Love!
1: Love!

7/10. Not bad.

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Mickeymouseisgay In reply to TobyandMavisforever [2014-09-21 17:46:46 +0000 UTC]

I ship celestia and sombra

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Sinaherib [2014-04-19 12:39:04 +0000 UTC]

1)Absolutely! They match each other perfectly
2)Love it! They are a nice couple, and I really hope to see more cute moments with them in the future
3)I don't care about fandom's hate, I fully support this ship. Besides, "Knight&Princess" pairing looks very romantic
4)Can't call myself a supporter, but there is something cute in this ship
5)No, sorry.
6)I like this pairing!
7)Same here
8)It is canon, so what else can I add?
9)Yes! I think that Fancy Pants is that very "Prince Charming" Rarity has always been dreaming about
10)Indifferent to it

So, 8/10 total

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Angelabunny666 [2014-04-18 22:08:13 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely, yes, absolutely, absolutely, yes, no, yes, absolutely, no, maybe

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DarthWill3 [2014-04-18 21:06:57 +0000 UTC]


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bronybyexception [2014-04-18 20:32:12 +0000 UTC]

1. I like but don't support
2. It's adorable but I prefer the Canon one
3. This one annoys me centrally because he's a throwaway character but it could have worked really well
4. I want this to be real
5. I have never seen any evidence of this and also I don't like him at all
6. Adorable
7. Also adorable but not as much
8. Yeah they're definitely marrie
9. I always think the age difference makes it seem slightly creepy
10. Eh why not

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CocoPonyel [2014-04-18 19:09:48 +0000 UTC]

I ship almost all of them except number 2 and 5

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FlashXTwilight [2014-04-18 18:57:46 +0000 UTC]

I agree with every single one

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yanoula12 [2014-04-18 18:39:23 +0000 UTC]

All of the above.YUSH 

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ScootFlutterDash [2014-04-18 18:38:18 +0000 UTC]

1. Yes It's Awesome..Was There Ever Any Doubt?  
2. One Of The Shippings I Hate..What The Hell Like Seriously.. 
3. Never Say Never TO This Ship
7. Cutest Filly Ship EVER  
8. They're Married...  
9. Yes Strangely...I Agree  
10. No..Number 10. Of My Top 10 Pairings I Hate  

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SuperSmashBrony475 [2014-04-18 18:32:43 +0000 UTC]

Candicearmor:Yes (have nothing against it but I'm surprised there is no anti stamps of it)
Raripants:NYET, NO, NEIN,

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AnimaDrawsArt [2014-04-18 18:24:36 +0000 UTC]

Daww almost every ship I sale

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