Azyhound — [WoLF] Roman (RETIRED)

#morass #romanapp #wolvesoflunarforest
Published: 2019-03-22 02:49:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 3080; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 14
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◆March 21st 2019 - Roman is accepted into the group!
◆April 17th, 2019 - Moved from Loner to Morass after discovering his uncle's pack!
◆May 11th, 2019 - Became a Tier 1 Hunter; updated group history and extras section!
◆October 19th, 2019 - First in-game litter of pups are born to Ophelia!
◆December 12th, 2019 - Achieved Tier 3 Hunter rank!
◆November 25th, 2020 - Roman finds his daughter Riley again and the two venture off together to explore the world, thus he retires. 

 OPEN for RPs, Collabs, and always open for hypo pup memes! 

►:: I D E N T I T Y ::◄

Name: Roman

Alias(es): Rome, Romeo, Romey

Sex: Male

Age: Adult (6 years old)

Bloodline(s): 87.5% Forest Steppe, 12.5% Valley

Height: 39”

Weight: 170 lbs

Voice: Nolan North 

Mannerisms: Very flirtatious and playful during casual encounters but can be serious when needed, often looks like he just woke up from a nap (since he probably did), has a relaxed expression/presence most of the time.

Physical Description:

  • Body: Roman is a very tall wolf with a medium but well-toned build and long, heavy-boned legs.
  • Pelt: His coat is long, thick and silky and shines like gold in the sun.
  • Eyes: His eyes are an icy blue color and tend to be heavy lidded, conveying his relaxed demeanor.
  • Gait: Fancy movement with a huge, ground-covering stride.
  • Forest Steppe Traits: Tan and brown colored pelt; thick, long fur; long powerful legs ideal for sprinting in quick bursts; long nails and an athletic build.
  • Valley Traits: Large size, muscular frame and powerful limbs.

Rare Traits/Birth Traits: N/A

Pack/Guild: Morass

Rank: Tier 3 (Murmur) - Hunter

►:: P E R S O N A L I T Y ::◄


 Easy-going - relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner.
    -Roman is a pretty chill and carefree guy. He spends much of his time relaxing or sleeping and is very approachable and easy to make friends with. He is never one to start a fight, however he will certainly end one if needed. Roman like things nice and quiet so he tends to play the roll peacekeeper, and given his size and strength he can break up fights with ease, though it's usually because it interrupts his beauty sleep, not because he cares.  

 Patient - able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
    -He is not one to lose his temper and never seems in a rush to do anything. Usually it’s other wolves becoming impatient with him that’s the issue, but it of course this does not phase him. Push him too far, however, and watch out. Underneath that calm demeanor a force not to be messed with. Generally, though, he is quite passive and rarely is pushed beyond his breaking point. 

 Loyal - giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
    -Growing up with strong family ties and being instilled with respect for those close to him, Roman will always have his allies backs. Though he may not be willing to die in the name of his pack, he is always someone you want on your side. He will do everything in his power to keep his honor and the respect of his fellow packmates.

 Brave - ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
    -As big and as skilled as he is, there is very little if anything that he fears. While he knows he’s not invincible, he has never been outmatched in his life and is boasting with confidence. He also knows never to challenge his place, though this is mainly out of respect and not because he is worried about being overpowered.

 Overindulgent - To indulge (a desire, craving, or habit) to excess.
    -Whether it’s sleeping, sex, or drugs, Roman certainly knows how to have a good time and feel good in the process. He loves to get high off of the hallucinogenic flowers that grow rampant throughout the territory and will often go on bingers, using the drug quite heavily on a daily basis before sleeping it off. Even when not binging on it, he likes to rub just enough on himself to keep a nice buzz going throughout the day.

Flirtatious - behaving in such a way as to suggest a playful sexual attraction to someone.
    -Male, female, or whatever you are, you can’t escape his smooth-talk and various compliments. He will flirt with almost everyone he meets (given it is a casual encounter) and even if met with hostility or straight up denied, that does not always stop him from continuing his advances. He does, however, know when he crosses a line and may even offer an apology if he makes someone feel too uncomfortable.

 Promiscuous - having or characterized by many transient sexual relationships.
    -If his advances are indeed accepted, well, you know what happens from there… While he is not one for a serious relationship, he does enjoy having many partners at once, and/or bouncing from partner to partner. He’s always down to screw anyone and everyone however they’d like, as long as it’s consensual of course. He’s also sired several litters after leaving his family though he has never met a single one of his offspring.

 Provocative - causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
    -If he thinks he can get a rise out of someone, he will certainly try. He often finds humor in annoying his packmates or any stranger temperamental enough to respond to his prodding, though it's all in good fun. He knows when to call it quits, however... once he's had his fun of course. 

 Lazy - unwilling to work or use energy.
    -Roman is lazy to a fault. He spends most of his time napping in the shade or sun depending on the weather and doesn’t like to participate in the pack’s activities unless he absolutely has to. Though he claims he’s merely “conserving energy,” he also tends to “half-ass” his duties and is the king of working smarter, not harder. Though he always finds the easiest shortcut he can, he surprisingly usually gets the task at hand done, albeit not with much effort.

 Selfish - chiefly concerned with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
    -Given his easy upbringing and carefree, indulgent lifestyle, he is quite self-centered and mostly aims to please himself. While he always comes through for the good of the pack, he still holds himself with high regard and always seeks to put himself first. If something does not benefit him directly he is not very likely to partake, and will rarely if ever go out of his way to help others beyond his current duties.

 Reckless - without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.
    -Being raised as the golden child, he has always been doted on and maybe even a little spoiled, so punishment means very little to him. He generally does not care when he is reprimanded for his laziness or other behaviors and thinks very little of the consequences to his actions. He tends to act first and think later, and rarely learns from his mistakes.

 Apathetic - having little or no interest or concern.
    -While he is likely to jump in and help if someone is in physical peril, that's about as far as it goes. He doesn't really care about the feelings of others or their hindrances and/or traumas and often has a "not my problem" view when it comes to issues that others are facing. 

►:: H I S T O R Y ::◄

Pre-Group History:

Roman comes from a family of prestigious bloodlines who rule their lands with honor and an iron-clad hierarchy. He is the son of Sigurd, younger brother (same litter but born after) to King Astor. When Astor was shunned for being unable to bear pups, Roman’s father became the new Alpha and Roman was next in line for the throne. He was the first-born and the largest and strongest of his siblings, therefore there was immense pressure put on him in order to succeed. While his siblings were allowed to romp and play for most of the day, Roman was made to focus his time and energy on training. He also ate before his siblings to ensure he got the most nutrition and was clearly the favorite of his parents.

But Roman did not want this life. His easy-going and laid back attitude was often reprimanded as these were not the traits of a good leader. Roman would’ve much rather spent his time loafing about without the pressures to succeed from his family. Even before Astor was shunned, he was put on a pedestal from birth simply for his great size and sturdy conformation. When overwhelmed from training, he often sought out his Uncle Astor for a much needed a break as he enjoyed his uncle’s more theatrical antics and he did not pressure Roman the way his parents did.

Once Astor was shunned and finally left the pack, the need for Roman to become a successful leader intensified greatly. His father now the alpha and his spot as future alpha secured, he soon became overwhelmed with responsibility. His life was an endless cycle of training, hunting, and lessons. There was no time for rest or relaxation, and it wasn’t long before the young prodigy couldn’t handle it anymore. He decided to run away one night, leaving his family behind to pursue a simpler lifestyle. He spent a little over a year as a loner philandering about, moving from territory to territory, spreading his seed and leaving his mark on various packs. Eventually he found himself wondering into a place known as the Lunar Forest Sanctuary, seeking a little fun and adventure, but possibly finding more than he bargained for...

Group History:

WoLF: Roman's Antler Tracker

►:: R E L A T I O N S H I P S ::◄


Mate: Ophelia  

Offspring: RileyMarshallMarcellus,  Rui

Father: Sigurd (brother to King Astor) (NPC)

Mother: Freya (NPC, deceased)

Siblings: 2 brothers, 1 sister (NPCs)

    Uncle: King Astor

►:: A V A I L A B I L I T Y ::◄

Timezone:  PST (Pacific standard time)

Preferred Methods: 

Notes: Nah

Comments: Nope

Skype: No way

Docs: Sure!

Other: Discord! (Azy#3660)

►:: E X T R A::◄

Sexuality: Pansexual polyamorous
Experience: Non-virgin

Theme Song: Steve Miller Band - The Joker
Alignment: True Neutral
Religion: Non-religious but open-minded.

Likes: Sleeping, getting intoxicated/high, lounging in the sun, teasing his packmates, fulfilling his “desires.”
Dislikes: Being woken up, loud noises, senseless squabbles, unnecessary violence.


Application for WolvesofLunarForest !

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Comments: 9

Timber-wolff [2019-10-21 03:40:33 +0000 UTC]

He’s such a pretty boy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Azyhound In reply to Timber-wolff [2019-10-21 08:07:21 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Timber-wolff In reply to Azyhound [2019-10-21 08:09:39 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EdgyBeast [2019-08-18 08:56:54 +0000 UTC]

Hey! I had an idea for an RP between your boy Roman and my lass Kayoxak! I thought they could meet up one day, and I wondered how Roman, being the flirtatious male he is, would react to a female who had no romantic interest in males at all. I don't know how exactly their meeting would go. Either there could be an argument (if Roman takes it the wrong way, or if Kayoxak gets irritated) or maybe a possible friendship (so they could essentially be each others "wingmen"). Tell me what you think!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Azyhound In reply to EdgyBeast [2019-08-18 23:52:13 +0000 UTC]

Oooh that sounds like it could be fun! I'm honestly not sure how Roman would react to that! I feel he would probably start getting pushy until Kayo snaps at him to leave her alone ;3c
But after that would realize 'ok dude, she's not into me at all' and at least try to be her friend
I'd definitely be down for that, but I might be pretty slow until the start of the new season if that's alright ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EdgyBeast In reply to Azyhound [2019-08-19 06:50:03 +0000 UTC]

That's fine! We could do it on docs or discord, whatever is easiest for you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Azyhound In reply to EdgyBeast [2019-08-19 20:53:35 +0000 UTC]

I'm fine with either! \o/ hit me up on discord whenever you're ready! (i'm Azyhound on there too ;3)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Aleicha [2019-03-22 10:45:16 +0000 UTC]

OMG He's so handsome!!!! ahh Let me know if you'd like to rp with my gal <3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Azyhound In reply to Aleicha [2019-03-23 00:22:52 +0000 UTC]

I would love to!! Natara is such a pretty girl, he'd definitely flirt his head off around her xD note me or hit me up on Discord?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0