Azyhound — [WoLF] Cole - Sanguis - Tier 2 Geist

Published: 2020-06-30 01:30:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 2537; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 2
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“He who drinks from the deep water, may he know the depths of the well.”

► :: I D E N T I T Y :: ◄

Name: Cole
Alias(es): Ash (pseudonym outside of Sanguis), The Dark Prince (formerly)

Sex: Male
    Gender: Cisgender
    Orientation: Homosexual
Age: Young Adult

50% Mist, 25% Marsh, 25% Valley
Height: 35” current | 37” mature
Weight: 125 lbs | 145 lbs

Voice: Donald Glover (as Marshall Lee from Adventure Time)
Mannerisms: Cole generally carries around a charmingly crooked smile wherever he goes, and his reaction to uncomfortable situations is to flash that smile and chuckle lightheartedly, even if it isn’t the most appropriate response. Generally his body language stays neutral and relaxed, and he is not easily startled or made upset. Cole very much “speaks softly but carries a big stick;” he is docile when times are peaceful but will not tolerate others trying to start trouble with him.

Physical Description:
 Cole is a fairly well rounded wolf thanks in part to his complementary bloodlines. He has a tall, correct frame with an average but toned build and is the epitome of health. Long cheek fur surrounds a well proportioned face, highlighting his sharp, heavy-lidded green eyes, thick brows, and well defined cheekbones. Some more defining features are his small, pointed, wide set ears and longer than average cuspids which almost always protrude slightly. Aside from a torn ear, he doesn’t appear to have a single mark on his sooty hide.

Bloodline Traits:

    Mist: Dense black coat, green eyes, highly intelligent.
    Marsh: Long cuspid teeth, water resistant fur, agile build.
    Valley: Large size, smaller ears, lean muscles.

Rare Traits/Birth Traits:
    Related Deficiencies: Dysthymia (Chronic Depression)

  • He can fall into deep bouts of depression where he will not speak, eat or move for days before suddenly snapping out of it.

  • This intense depression is often accompanied by headaches, light sensitivity, anxiety, and outbursts of anger.

  • After being convinced it was a sign of weakness by his parents, he tries to hide it still and will often fake stomach aches as an excuse.

  • While they can be triggered by life events, oftentimes episodes happen randomly and without warning.

 Sanguis Cult
Rank: Tier 2 - Geist

► :: P E R S O N A L I T Y :: ◄

 Amiable - Cole is friendly in nature and has a natural charm about him, making him hard not to like. He is pleasant to be around and generally does not make enemies easily, nor does he get involved in petty drama. He would have no problem giving someone an ego boost if it means easing tensions and keeping the peace either. 

 Responsible/Reliable - If Cole is given a duty, he will insure he does his job and does it right. He is extremely loyal and trustworthy and enjoys having responsibilities, especially when it comes to helping his pack out. He takes great pride in knowing he can be trusted by others. 

 Steadfast - Dedicated and loyal to whatever he cares about, Cole would quickly put his life on the line to protect his cause or those he cares for. After turning away from someone he once loved, he vowed to never make that mistake again and seeks to prove this to his new pack.

 Open-minded - Cole is accepting of just about anyone from any walk of life. Given his own sexual preference and the harassment he has suffered for it, he understands that it would make him a hypocrite to judge others on things he might not completely understand. 

 Complaisant - He is not one to argue or question the orders of his superiors. Being raised to respect the pack hierarchy, this makes him a loyal citizen but can lead to him turning a blind eye to questions that need answers or possible discord taking place. 

 Perceptive - Cole always thinks about the bigger picture versus being in the moment. While this leads to him being quick-witted and having a lot of insight over possible outcomes or future situations, it also causes him to be indecisive and disconnected from the present. 

 Bullheaded - While for the most part he can be easily persuaded and is open to new thoughts or ideas, once he has made up his mind about something he can be ignorantly stubborn about changing it. Even when the evidence is mounted against him, Cole will still come up with every excuse he can to defend his opinions. 

 Distant - Cole does not like to open up about his feelings as he doesn’t want to be a burden, even if others claim they want to help him. When in a depressive state, this only worsens and he will refuse any offers of help or even talk at all to the ones he trusts. It’s easier for him to stay catatonic than it is to try to express the unbearable dread and pain he feels.

 Self-loathing - Cole truly is his own worst enemy. Despite his outward charm and the fact that he is loved by many, he is highly critical of himself and will dwell on and scrutinize his every little mistake. The darkness inside of him tries to make him believe that others hate him as much as he hates himself even though that is far from the truth. 

In Depth: All in all, Cole is a good guy who has fallen down a dark path. He is loyal and dedicated but also stubborn and willfully ignorant at times. He carries around a lot pain and regret which has led his confidence to plummet and his depressive states to worsen. While he is generally a team player and is always willing to lend a helping paw for the sake of his pack, his mood can swing in the blink of an eye for seemingly no reason, causing him to become catatonic and distance himself from those around him. However when in a more balanced state, he is calm, easy to talk to, and sensible when it comes to making decisions, making him a valuable asset in every way.

► :: H I S T O R Y :: ◄

Pre-Group History: Long before his birth, Cole’s pack hailed from a very different area of the Sanctuary than the one he grew up in. Located in the misty, overgrown forests of the northwest, this pack grew far larger in numbers than other packs in the area. They owed their good fortunes to wet, fertile land and sparkling lake nearby which drew in deer from all over the area. However, due to the lack of large prey in such a densely wooded area, the pack simply could not hunt enough large game to keep everyone fed. The pack was faced with a choice: move on or reduce their numbers.

The pack’s Alpha, Draco, (Cole’s grandfather) decided to move the pack south where the tree line met open, coastal plains and where large prey grazed in herds. But there was a problem: this land was already claimed. Though this pack was smaller in numbers, they were massive in size and could prove to be deadly. However, since there were not many other wolves in that area, the coastal valley pack was welcoming of these forest-dwelling travelers and offered to merge the two packs in order to secure healthier offspring. Draco agreed to these terms, but not happily so.

Only a few months into the merger, Draco began to grow restless. While his pack seemed content, Draco disliked these new wolves. He found them to be dull brutes and felt his family was intellectually superior, and that he should be the lone Alpha instead of ruling alongside another. A coup was formed consisting of Draco’s most trusted comrades in order to kill the valley wolves’ Alpha. But others soon caught on to this, and what was meant to be an assassination attempt erupted into all-out civil war. Both Draco and the former valley Alpha were killed in the battle, and those who did not want to fight for their lives—regardless of which pack they originated from—were led to safety by none other than Draco’s own son, Gabriel. 

Gabriel led the exodus east through endless dark woods until eventually they encountered an area where trees met vast, open plains. There he established his own pack and soon coupled with a female from the coastal valley pack named Minerva. Their first litter yielded only two daughters, both of which showed no desire to eventually lead a future pack. A year later, Minerva gave birth to a single male with a pelt darker than his father's, whom they named Cole.

Cole had a relatively normal yet lonely upbringing. He was dubbed the “Dark Prince” as he was destined for the throne from day one and spent much of his youth learning the bureaucratics of running a pack instead of playing with others his own age. He did not have many friends nor was he ever able to confide in his parents, and due to this emotional isolation he has been known to suffer from bouts of depression.  

But as Cole began to grow into adulthood, he met someone who changed his life: a small blonde male from the neighboring pack named Elliot. Cole had been tasked to deliver some information to his pack’s allies when he first laid eyes on the blue-eyed blonde. While Cole had always had a suspicion that he liked males in that way far more than females, this had confirmed it. Though they never even said a word to each other, Cole knew he had to see him again. 

That night Cole returned to the outskirts of the ally's territory desperate to catch a glimpse of him once more, and as if fate itself had intervened, Elliot seemed to have had the same idea. The two quickly fell head over heels with one another, and met in secrecy every single night for next several months just to talk openly and cuddle together without judgement. For the first time in his life, Cole felt truly happy. That smile he always wore actually meant something. 

But that happiness shattered as quickly as it had formed. 

One night Elliot’s brother caught onto their late night meetings and told their father, a rigid and traditional wolf who did not believe in love between two males. But Elliot had decided that he was tired of living a lie and outed himself in front of his father, expecting Cole to do the same. Only…

Cole panicked. Being faced with such a tremendous complication, he made the most cowardly decision of his life: he denied it. He claimed they were merely friends and that Elliot was crazy and a liar. He knew it was wrong, but he wasn’t ready. He couldn’t face his pack once they found out the truth. He needed to be there for them as it was clear his father’s health was beginning to fail. Cole didn’t even dare look at Elliot as he turned his back and ran for home. He thought things would be easier that way… little did he know it was just the beginning of his problems. 

An all-consuming guilt washed over the black wolf, plaguing his already fragile mind. He could hardly sleep or eat; he merely wanted to lay in his den and stare at the wall. How could he have done that to the one he loved? But more importantly, how could he continue to live a lie? To be a coward while Elliot had been so brave? With his head hung low, he shuffled slowly towards his parents den and told them the truth about who he really was.

Gabriel and Minerva were stunned by their son’s confession. Though they did not outright forced to leave, he was stripped of his title of future Alpha and was told never to tell a soul as to why. However prying ears had overheard the conversation, and soon the whole pack seemed to sneer in disgust whenever he passed by. He was ridiculed relentlessly, called a failed heir and harassed by those who once respected him. Cole could only handle so much before reaching his breaking point.

And reach it he did. After an incident involving a fight with the pack’s beta—his own uncle—which started with homophobic remarks and resulted in a torn ear and the loss of whatever self-esteem Cole had left, he decided he clearly no longer had a place within the pack. He left and headed straight towards Elliot’s pack, desperate to make amends. He learned from Elliot’s mother that her son had been exiled by his own father, and that she did not know where he was. Already feeling broken beyond repair and having no idea where to even start to look for Elliot, Cole wandered the Sanctuary aimlessly without purpose. 

That was when he found the Sanguis Cult.
Upon meeting a strange wolf, a casual conversation took place in which Cole confided to this stranger that he no longer felt he had a purpose in life. He wondered if it was even worth living anymore, and had even hinted at feelings of wanting to end his own life. But this wolf seemed unfazed by such talk and offered a rather interesting solution: bring a live rattlesnake to their pack’s religious leader and be reborn with purpose as a Sanguine. His curiosity piqued, Cole considered the offer. What harm would it bring?

...And just as the wolf had claimed, Cole truly was reborn. 

Having never really heard of gods before as religion was not something he grew up with, Cole learned of blood gods. He learned what it meant to live and what awaited him after he died. That blood was what gave life and how it must be honored. That he was perfect just the way he was so long as he lived his life in the name of the gods. And while not completely believing of everything that was said right off the bat, Cole was truly fascinated by their teachings. He felt… alive. Accepted. Like he had finally found somewhere he could belong. He had found a purpose, even if the path to salvation was paved in blood.

To this day, he is a loyal Sanguine though he tends to be far less violent than many of his packmates. He is still relatively new to the teachings of the blood gods and so he mostly keeps to himself, but he is always willing to help the pack that saved him in any way he can as well as obey their laws without question. Despite some reservations when it comes to their more brutish practices, Cole owes everything to the Sanguines and will continue to serve them faithfully. 

Group History: Cole's Activity and Relationship Tracker

► :: R E L A T I O N S H I P S :: ◄

Mate: N/A
Offspring: OrioleHecateObadiahAsaiahSylvanasSerravalleJebediah


Father: Gabriel (NPC, status unknown)
Mother: Minerva (NPC, status unknown)
Siblings: Shira and Zena (NPC older sisters)
Other: Draco (NPC paternal grandfather)

Elliot (ex-boyfriend) 

► :: A V A I L A B I L I T Y :: ◄

Timezone: PST

Preferred Methods
Notes: Not really
Comments: Nope
Skype: No way
Docs: Sure!
Other: Discord!!! (Azy#3660)

► :: E X T R A:: ◄

Scent: Fir trees and wet moss. 
Likes: Starry nights, thunderstorms, cloudy days, deep conversations. 
Dislikes: Hot days, judgemental wolves, arrogance, blatant stupidity.

Application for WolvesofLunarForest !

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Comments: 2

Bluebellpaws [2020-06-30 01:36:55 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely love this guy!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Azyhound In reply to Bluebellpaws [2020-06-30 01:44:28 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0