Azyhound — [WoLF] Echo

Published: 2022-01-30 22:55:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 4491; Favourites: 45; Downloads: 0
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► :: I D E N T I T Y :: ◄

Name: Echo
Alias(es): Eck 

    Gender: Non-binary (they/them pronouns preferred, ok with he/him)

Age: Pup (born January 27th, 2022)

Dominant: Mountain
    Recessive: Marsh, Timber

Height: Average pup height | 31” Mature
Weight: Below average pup weight | 80 lbs Mature

Voice: Low and sulky (Rami Malek when grown up) 

Mannerisms: Their ears rarely point forward and usually stick out the sides. Head is usually hung low and defeated with a bored, upward gaze. 

Physical Description: Small and underweight due to poor nutrition, but hidden by their dense fur and loose puppy skin. Their most striking feature is of course their mix of 2 different pelts caused by chimerism. Despite the mix of colors, their pelt is even in length and very dense and soft in texture. They have one gold eye and one brown eye. Just a very unusual looking pupper. 

Rare Traits/Birth Traits: Chimerism - Max
Related Deficiencies: 

  • Hormonal imbalace issues such as fatigue, moodiness and irritability, depression, & low sex-drive (when older)
  • Low fertility, possibly infertile
  • Skin allergies and hotspots in the spring & summer due to a mix of pelts
  • Autoimmune disorder that presents itself as random joint/muscle pain
  • Also underweight due to harsh lifestyle which lowers energy even further

Pack/Guild: Loner
    Rank: N/A

►:: P E R S O N A L I T Y ::◄

Traits/In Depth:


Reasonable & Rational

  • Echo has a good head on their shoulders and an acute sense for wrongdoing or danger. Being raised as a loner, this has given them a good survival instinct and intuition. Echo is quick to trust their gut as it is usually right.  


  • Echo tells it as it is. Why sugar coat things? The truth is very important to Echo even if it’s not pleasant, meaning they mostly stick to telling the truth. Aside from a white lie from time to time if needed, Echo always wants honest answers and understands they must give the truth in order to receive it.


  • Being non-binary themself, Echo is open to all views of gender, sexuality, life, etc. It doesn’t mean they have to agree with everything they learn, but it is very important to them that they learn it. Life is a spectrum to Echo, and they intend to explore that spectrum. 


  • Echo is what you would call “politically correct.” They don’t ever assume facts about others such as pronouns and always try to respect all views of others even if they don’t exactly agree. They are also quick to call out someone who is being disrespectful of such things.



  • They look different and don’t care. They don’t conform to gender. They don’t appreciate being told to live a certain way, or to conform to normal wolf societal standards. F*ck the mainstream! 

Sarcastic & Witty

  • They just can’t help themself. When the opportunity presents itself to insert a sarcastic remark or witty comeback, Echo takes it without fail. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if they are being serious or not.   


  • As their mother struggles to feed and care for Echo and Songaa, Echo has learned how to be independent and self-sufficient when she leaves them alone to find food. They tend to take the leadership role over their brother when left alone and has even learned how to scrounge up snacks.



  • Echo is not just honest, they are painfully honest. They don’t have much of a filter when it comes to telling things like they are. Being respectful of one's culture, sexuality, identity, etc. is one thing, but they’ll always speak their mind.   

Pessimistic & Gloomy

  • Echo is definitely a bit of a downer. They sort of have the belief that if they expect the worst case scenario, then they’ll never be taken by surprise when things go badly. Echo just sees themself as a realist even if that means killing everyone else’s good mood. 


  • Due to a hormonal imbalance which is a symptom of their chimerism, Echo’s mood can shift quickly and drastically. They can be peaceful and content one moment then irritable and angry the next. They never mean to lash out at others and always feel bad afterwards. It’s best just to leave them alone when they get like that.  

►:: H I S T O R Y :: ◄

Pre-Group History:
Loner Sparrow met Chief Odakota of the Tuka”ii Tribe last winter and soon began hanging around the outskirts of the tribe or trailing behind them during their travels to feed off of whatever scraps they left behind. Odakota quickly fell for the female and tolerated her shadowing the pack in hopes she would eventually be convinced to join, and while Sparrow shared these feelings she was far too fearful she would bring them bad luck like she did her birth pack. When a litter between them was conceived, Odakota pleaded for her to stay. But Sparrow, distraught by the pregnancy, refused once again before disappearing without warning. 

Soon she gave birth all alone in the middle of winter. Two small but healthy pups were born, one sporting an extremely unusual pelt as if her own coat had been patched together with Odakota’s. She named the pup Echo. While Sparrow is by no means a great hunter given her youth was spent in the hospital and is barely able to scrap by on her own, she loves her pups dearly and would do anything for them. Echo understands their single mother’s struggle and doesn’t hold anything against her.

While born male, Echo will quickly realize into adolescence that they do not fit into either gender role and will adopt they/them pronouns.

Group History: --

► :: R E L A T I O N S H I P S :: ◄

    Mate: N/A
    Offspring: N/A


    Father: Odakota
    Mother: Sparrow
    Siblings: Songaa


    Paternal Grandparents:  Akecheta & Makawee  (NPCs)
    Paternal Uncles: ChaskaEyanosa  (deceased), KangeeTeetonka
    Paternal Aunts: Keezheekoni , Chilali , Johona (NPC)
    Paternal Cousins: GreysonRemedios , Santiago , GeminiCassius , Hawkeye , Sullivan , CusaAndromeda

    Maternal Grandparents: Ashton  & Quill
    Maternal Uncles: Dorobengal
    Maternal Aunts: Wither , KestrelAithne , Azimuth  (deceased), Marrow
    Maternal Cousins: Padme , Hyperion , Leslie , LysanderMarcellus

(probably a whole buttload of other fam but this is as far as i go lmao)

► :: A V A I L A B I L I T Y :: ◄

Timezone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)

Preferred Methods
Notes: Nah
Comments: No way
Discord: Yes! 
Docs: Sure!
Other: none - Discord or Docs preferred!

:: E X T R A:: ◄

Scent: Mushrooms and moss.
Orientation: Too young!

Religious Beliefs: None. Sees how crazy the “ghosts” make their mother and wants nothing to do with any of it. 

Application for WolvesofLunarForest !

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Comments: 4

Feirn [2022-01-31 12:27:09 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Azyhound In reply to Feirn [2022-02-02 18:18:13 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IndiDreamer [2022-01-31 00:50:35 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Azyhound In reply to IndiDreamer [2022-02-02 18:18:36 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0