#himurakenshin #rurounikenshin #rurounikenshinfanart #sketchdrawing #satohtakeru
Published: 2014-10-15 05:39:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 2479; Favourites: 85; Downloads: 0
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The one to follow.. but a hard act to followRelated content
Comments: 34
UsamahDraws [2016-01-24 02:20:37 +0000 UTC]
This setup is perfect, i love the shots you setup, they're all fantastic!! thanks!
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amie689 In reply to UsamahDraws [2016-01-26 10:26:51 +0000 UTC]
Thank YOU... I won't take credit for the shots... they're all from screencaptures. I will take credit for copying though
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Steffel [2015-07-14 20:23:22 +0000 UTC]
Another fantastic sketch. I envy your skills with creating such a threedimensional feel just with using lines. And those highlights in his hair look so natural. Just amazing!
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amie689 In reply to Steffel [2015-08-22 10:00:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the comment. I really appreciate them and am really thankful I do justice to the subject.Β
Sorry for the late reply. Haven't been out of my cave much lately
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Steffel In reply to amie689 [2015-09-09 20:57:16 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome.
And please stop apologizing for any late replies. It makes me feel even more guilty about my own tardiness.
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amie689 In reply to Steffel [2015-09-10 12:00:15 +0000 UTC]
Let's not make each other guilty
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HoshisamaValmor [2014-10-31 00:14:17 +0000 UTC]
I just love what you can do. This is such an apparently simple image, no background even, and yet it's beautiful. And you can immediately tell it's Kenshin
I saw this on tumblr days ago but hadn't come by to fav it here. Also I'm really glad your work is getting more exposure there, like with HYRK reblogging your drawings you deserve it
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amie689 In reply to HoshisamaValmor [2014-10-31 06:08:58 +0000 UTC]
Personally I'd always loved sketchy pieces, painted of lines; but I have a tendency to keep going at it and it gets a more finished look.Β
I think I need an assistant just to take away the art to stop me from tweaking them, haha.Β
but for lines, such as these, it is harder to paint over, takes too much work; so they are safe.....For the moment
Thank you so much for saying such wonderful things.. I really appreciate it.
I'm glad for HYRK too.. firstly I get to share it with fans who are more likely to understand and appreciate what I did.. not just the exposure Β
I haven't decided what exposure means to me, yet... so I can't say if its good or bad. I do post in multiple places so that people would recognize the work and as a way to prohibit thefts to an extent.. simple because I abhor it, not because for profit or anything.. but as I said, I haven't decided if exposure is a good or a bad thing for me... heck, I haven't even decided how far I'll go with art....Β
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HoshisamaValmor In reply to amie689 [2014-11-01 20:48:28 +0000 UTC]
I understand what you mean about continuing to work on the drawing until it's more 'finished'. Still, even as more finished work, it looks very interesting because it joins a sketchy image with more touch-ups, if that makes sense?
Yes, exposure can be both good and bad... I guess I could have thought about it before saying, but well yeah I said it anyway...
I guess that with exposure here, in the context of HYRK and RuroKen fans in general, what I mean is that through such a group that fans are easy to find and follow the great stuff they post, having your drawings featured and shared there provides a widder range of people seeing your work. That's a great way of meeting/talking to other fans ( having been talking to people there myself, it's such an unreal and fantastic feeling, people have been so nice!) and that's a nice thing. It's always great to be able to find other people who like the same things and talk about it, share some different views and the such.
So here I wanted to say I'm happy that you have the chance of getting your work appreciated by people who can actually understand/know the characters being drawn, and that's good. HYRK is a great blog.
I think of exposure in this case also in a way that it also allows people to see your other works, things not related to RuroKen, and that's nice too. They get to know your art through RuroKen, but can go through your gallery and see other things you like/do, I think that's nice.
So yes, it can definately be good or bad - more exposure also allow more people to see it and try to make it pass as their own, or can mean that you 'meet' people who can be rude - but by also being in multiple places like you are, you can try to 'control' art theft a bit more. Maintaining this exposure subject on the side of meeting other fans throughout the world, I'm just happy for you that people can appreciate the work you do and say good stuff or constructive criticism or even ideas to you
...did this make much sense, I feel I'm missing something.
(and only 5 days to go for you guys there! It's so close to finally see Kyoto Taika Hen)
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amie689 In reply to HoshisamaValmor [2014-11-03 10:05:36 +0000 UTC]
Haha.. yes I understand..
The exposure thing.. no worries..it is not something which actually bothers meΒ either wayΒ at the moment ...Β Β I was just Β airing myΒ idleΒ thoughts..Β
But the sharing of experiences is certainly what I value.. and you are right, they are such wonderfully nice people. So happy we're in the right fandom.. haha.Β
Yes!! Going with my husband I'm pretty tempted to go a few times to just fangirl alone too
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HoshisamaValmor In reply to amie689 [2014-11-05 23:40:58 +0000 UTC]
It's definately a wonderful thing to have so many nice people in this fandom
Oh my as stupid as it sounds I'm actually counting down here ahahah I'm happy you'll get to see it I have a friend who lives in the UK and I read they'll get the premiere there too but she doesn't like RuroKen and me here who wants to see it can't, oh the irony.
Hope you and your husband enjoy your time in the movie Β
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amie689 In reply to HoshisamaValmor [2014-11-06 04:40:30 +0000 UTC]
I'm going tonight. I was pretty cool before this but now I'm so excited. Would you believe that I'm actually considering how many times I can watch?!!
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AngieVX [2014-10-29 15:06:44 +0000 UTC]
Your sketchy works are full of emotions and dynamics! Love it!
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amie689 In reply to AngieVX [2014-10-31 05:48:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Β
Sketches don't detract from the message... unlike paintings, which makes you enjoy its beauty more, I think.... does it make sense?
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AngieVX In reply to amie689 [2014-10-31 08:20:13 +0000 UTC]
I think it does ) I have the same problem with inking manga - often sketches look emotional and dynamical, and inked works - somehow dull and stiff ^^ I should practice more XD
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amie689 In reply to AngieVX [2014-10-31 08:43:43 +0000 UTC]
Yes,... we all should practice more
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AngieVX In reply to amie689 [2014-11-02 08:40:30 +0000 UTC]
Practice makes perfection, but perfections is boring... It creates a dilemma
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amie689 In reply to AngieVX [2014-11-02 09:14:59 +0000 UTC]
LOL!! How true
That's why Picasso spent a lifetime to learn to paint like a child.....
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KaiDarknight [2014-10-15 23:51:59 +0000 UTC]
Kenshin was the best and awesome anime and manga and I love the live action movies too
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Arsiekdhol [2014-10-15 14:28:06 +0000 UTC]
That's one of the nicest kenshin back ever!
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amie689 In reply to Arsiekdhol [2014-10-15 14:42:22 +0000 UTC]
Yup.. it was a nice screen shot
Self righteous anger and all that... Β
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