Published: 2015-05-31 04:01:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 2688; Favourites: 41; Downloads: 5
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Name: Marie Painter
★ Nickname/Alias: Mary, Marie
★ Dreamer Type: Dreamer
★ Gender: Female
★ Age: 15
★ Birthday: March 3rd.
★ Personality:
Despite her appearance Marie has tried to become the happy girl she once was when she was little. She isn't the most street smart girl and some of the more adult things tend to go just way over her head. She's usually very childish and happy, if not very hyper. she can be semi loud but usually stays at a reasonable volume since loud sounds can bother her. She can have moments of pure hyperness where she'll start jumping around, this usually is because she's easily excited by things and if she gets super excited she needs a way to get it out. The more hyper she is the more child like she is. However just as there is moments of hyperness she can also have moments of deflation where she gets momentarily depressed and not want to do anything. Usually when this happens she will just sit down and wait for it to get better. She isn't all that easy to fluster, but were someone to give her a kiss or hug unannounced she does get a bit flustered and when she's flustered she can be clumsy.. She doesn't really hate anyone but can hold a bit of a grudge if anyone does something that she sees as bad. She won't do anything bad in return but it takes awhile to rebuild trust with her. She can be very passive agressive, knowing full well she could never possibly hurt anyone, but does tend to have some venom in her words if someone gets her mad enough. If someone does become close friends with her be prepared to have her follow you alot. She tends to want to cling onto someone but at the same time doesn't so she tends to resort to just holding onto their shirts and follow behind them like a duckling. She can be fairly nervous to talk to new people, and mostly will be shy when speaking to them.
★ History: Marie was born into a normal loving family. Her mother and father worked extra hard to give her anything she wanted. Her mother only 6 years after Marie’s birth unfortunately fell ill and passed away. Marie’s father seemed to take this very hard and at one point almost lost his job. After that it seemed to jolt him back to reality and now he works two jobs to try and keep everything nice and good for his little girl. Unfortunately that meant that Marie didn’t get to see her dad as often.
Durring the time her mother died until up to about a few years ago, she was fairly depressed and at times refused to eat or leave her room. She was taken to a doctor and was given some advice as well as medicine to help her.. The medicine worked and she’s been doing better, with her father out of his stupor, Marie’s been extra careful with not falling back into the pattern. With that period of depression, as well as it still being a thing in the back of her mind she never did make many friends and the few she did have were for some reason always older then her and they graduated school before her so now she was by herself again.
She had started visiting the Dream world about four years after her mother’s death, and has dreamt about it ever since. At first, since she was still very depressed and apathetic to the world, she never did anything and would avoid everyone there, but after she got a bit better she decided it was time to explore why she always dreamt of this place.
★ Height: 5’0
★ Weight: 120
★ Likes: instrumental music, arts, her stuffed animals, cartoons, Ponies and cute little animals, Multi colored things.
★ Dislikes: Bugs, big crowds, being on a stage, being alone, Grizzly bears.
★ Tokens: 199
★ Relationships ★
★ Status: Single, Not Looking.
★ Orientation: She’s Heterosexual, Heteromantic
★ Interests: Well tbh she’s not really looking for anything in anyone romantic.(at least not yet) She just wants a bit more friends.
★ Relationship Ranks:
Relative / Relative-like
Good friend
Best friend
♡ ❤ 💔
Name of the character // (bullets) // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "Thoughts on the other character..." (Note: most of what she says in quotes would most likely be quotes from her dream journal.)
Ret Gaslin// // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "She's nice! I found out that she likes sharks. She's Really fun to play with and she can float! that's super amazing! I wish i could but i guess since she's not really alive anymore she can do whatever she wants.. I hope she feels better, she always seems down when i talk with her.."
Xina Cloud // // ❤❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "She's really Pretty! and gave me cookies and drinks! She's So nice and treats me like my mom would.. which is nice you know?.. I like her alot and i hope to see her again"
Theo Mathews // // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He's really fun~! I enjoy playing with him. We're the same age too which is nice. there's so many older people around. i hope i get to see him more. He's really kinda cute too. We dreamt up the turtles on the beach too! they were adorable! I can't wait to have another adventure with him."
Mikhail "Kyle" Kousaka // // ❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He showed me the bunnies they were cute! he said it was weird for me to talk to him first but he's really nice so i don't see why? He dissappears alot but enjoy spending time with him and i hope we can do it again soon! Maybe we'll actually be able to go to the beach together again. He's kinda like a big brother to me and i'm really happy i met him. I hope i get to talk to him soon i haven't in a really long time.."
Yuki Nakahara// // ❤❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "She's Shy... But really nice and kept giving me the dust bunnies. She likes them too and i think she had a few in her house. She is super sweet and i like talking to her."
Ann Hathway // // 💔💔♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "Her name's Ann.. she.. is really weird. i don't get it. she seems like she wants to say something then doesn't?.. i think she's trying too hard to be part of the talking group and then gets irritated when she doesn't say anything?.. But she seems really nice otherwise! I don't think she likes me.. she always just stands back when i fall down and everyone else is checking on me.. and she gets upset alot when i talk to her.."
Finnian Lewis // // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "His name's Finnian he's super nice and Kyle's friends with him too! he's kind and sweet and i like talking with him evven if i don't really know what to talk to him about."
Al Koshizuka// // ❤❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He seemed grumpy but he was pretty nice when i talked to him.Turns out he was actually grumpy that day! he's really polite. But i think he got mad at me for calling him Mister.. i didn't know he wasn't that old?.. it's weird he looks like dad's age.. I found out he works alot when he's awake. "
Kieran Evans // // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He makes flower crowns and was super nice! i wish i had the crown when i woke up it was really nice looking.. i drew a picture in my journal of the flower crown. He has really pretty tattoos."
Ice Murokwa // // ❤❤❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "mmmm.. grumpy.. he was kinda grumpy.. but he protected me so i don't think he's that bad. Jia said he was tsundere and i sorta agree. he's very grumpy but patted me when i was sad. He liked fish too and stared out to the water alot.. i think he might be how i was when i didn't want to do anything..but it's hard to tell.. I want to show him alot of things i hope that'll make him happy. WE got bunnies and he named his Kai! it's really cute and he's really nice."
Keylee Quinn// // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "She's super fun and nice! She's a bit shy at first but i like her. She seems really into Qiezi. it's kinda weird."
Cloudia Sox // // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "She's SOOO silly! I love her and her hair is super cute! I hope if i ever see the beautiful queen i get to with her so we can thank her for the flowers!"
Abigail Eckerman // // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "Umm He showed me the clock tower that was really pretty! He seems nice."
Galileo Hamlet // // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "hehe i like her last name. OH but she's super nice and i like her hair!.. she's kinda shy and stutters a bit but i do too at times.. i really like her. Her hair is honstly so pretty i wonder if she dyed it too.?? I hope i get to meet up with her again."
Chong Jia Heng (Jia) // // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "I just met her but i like her and she really seemed worried about me being sad. i'm sorry that she had to see me sad but i cheered up and felt alot better. She took alootta pictures too, i guess she wants to make something out of them?.. Maybe she's photographer."
Qiezi // // ❤❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He's super nice! he healed all my bruises, and he has a cute tail! he also offered to kiss me too but he never did. At first i thought he was gonna give me candy or something. Hhaa. Ah well i hope i get to talk to him again soon! i wanna go get a tail belt thingy from one of the stores so i can be like him! his tail is cute but he wouldn't let me touch it... oh well maybe it's like super sensitive. We get to be adventure buddies now! i wanna hang out with him more i barely get to! We got to paint each other's faces and put bows in our hair and i really wanna play with him again..
Dean Barnes// // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He seems really silly and kinda nervous around other guys.. I don't really know why but he's nice to hang around with! and he likes dust bunnies too!"
Nate Salcedo// // ❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He's super nice, and kinda like a big brother to everyone? Brandon called him Puppy for whatever reason but he does seem like he'd be a cute puppy. He planned that pool party thing too! and we had a cocoa and Coffee party a little while ago. i like hanging out with him i wanna do that more."
Amaryl Firam// // ❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "She's really nice and i really like her hat! She's really caring and stuff too i like spending time with her."
Percy Crowe// // 💔♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He's kinda weird.. and he falls down alot like i do.. i hope he doesn't get hurt too badly.. He has a creepy doll and even if it seems nice i don't like it that much.. he also made me think he was a vampire... that was meann..."
Kiera Danielles// // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "i really like her hair. it's so pretty!"
Lillian Moore// // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "She's fun to hang out with even if she pranks people. She apparently got the bunnies upset though.. and that's kinda sad."
Allen Sky// // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "PUDDING! he has so much of it and we're like sorta adventure buddies now! we got lost in the forest while trying to find the lake.. But it was a fun adventure!"
Starry Gelandium// // ❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "She acts like she's my big sister, i don't know if i'd call her one yet but she does act like it! I like hanging out with her and she got me candy! She's really nice"
Brandon Lyons Ward// // ❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He's silly. but like really really intimidating apparently. i don't know he seems grumpy like Al is and both of them don't want to be here. maybe they can be friends that way?.. he doesn't seem to like Nate but called him a puppy??.. does Brandon not like puppies?.. that's rather sad.. he also has tattoos on his arm that look really cool."
August Gregors// // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "I fell yesterday and he hugged me and called himself big bro. He's really really nice i want to hug him and hang out with him all the time! he's like everyone's Big bro and he's really fun!"
Yuusei Kashima //// ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "He's really nice! but makes fun of Al for looking older then he is. i dunno but he made a flower crown for me and it was really nice!"
Robert Irwin Candy// // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "So fun and he made me a hat! his hair is so pretty i wanna dye it like he did! he seemed sad to be talking about some things but everyone does. He liked hanging out with orphans tho so that was really nice of him. I wanna spend more time iwth him he looks like a magician! i wonder if he does tricks.."
Michael Morrison// // ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "Really nice! i hope i get to spend mmore time with him."
★ Current Heart Points:
Ret: 5
Xina: 24
Theo: 5
Kyle: 14
Yuki: 24
Ann: 24
Finnian: 9
Al: 24
Kieran: 3
Ice: 32
Keylee: 6
Cloudia: 3
Abigail: 3
Galileo: 8
Jia: 5
Qiezi: 23
Dean: 9
Nate: 18
Amaryl: 18
Percy: 18
Kiera: 7
Lillian: 8
Allen: 9
Starry: 18
Brandon: 12
August: 6
Yuusei: 9
Robert: 3
Michael: 3
★ RP Methods: Story or Script is fine. I usually only use Skype if I already know you, but Comments, Notes or a chatroom is what I normally will use.
★ RP Sample: Marie sat on the ground busily playing with her teddy bear, the poor thing was in need of some more stitches. When she heard someone approaching she looked up and gave a quick short smile at the you. before going back to her teddy bear.
★ Timezone: EST
★ Extra:
She tends to chew on things when nervous, be it gum, her thumb nail/nails in general, a bit of her hair, pieces of string from her jacket.
Due to the time she had stopped almost everything in her life Marie’s become fairly frail and it caused her to be a bit stunted in growth, and she doesn’t mind too much since she enjoys being considered a little girl (about 9 or so) sometimes, but she is rather short for her age as well as a tiny bit underweight. Her body keeps bruises a bit longer then a normal person's as well.
She still sleeps with her stuffed animals in her bed, and every now and again they come with her into the Dream World. Her favorites are her little walkem dog (one of those toy dogs that have wheels on the bottom so that you just tug the leash and it follows) that she got when she was 8 from her dad and an old teddy bear (Named Mr. Tedds) that she’d gotten from her mother about the time when she was born.
She tends to draw alot as well and keeps a sketchbook on hand.
She keeps a dream journal that keeps record of everyone she meets there. She hasn’t shown anyone the journal yet since she finds it really weird to dream of the same place each night.
She somehow managed to convince her dad to let her dye her hair this lovely blue color. She says it was because one of her favorite characters from a show she watches has that color. Her original hair color is a very beautiful light blonde.
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Comments: 27
HalfEatenFry [2015-06-01 23:05:02 +0000 UTC]
She's so adorable! I'm sorry for what happen to her. I agree, We can rp sometime!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
2devils In reply to HalfEatenFry [2015-06-01 23:09:09 +0000 UTC]
^^ thankyou and it's okay ; w ; i'd love to rp sometime!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
CreepypastaxFan [2015-05-31 14:33:54 +0000 UTC]
//whispers hope we RP soon
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
2devils In reply to CreepypastaxFan [2015-05-31 16:33:08 +0000 UTC]
i'd love to rp with you ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
CreepypastaxFan In reply to 2devils [2015-06-06 03:48:01 +0000 UTC]
Glad to hear that~ ;v; Notess?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
CreepypastaxFan In reply to 2devils [2015-06-06 04:18:37 +0000 UTC]
Who'll start first? uvu
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
GUMMYdoodles [2015-05-31 13:38:58 +0000 UTC]
OHMAHGLOB!! SO KKAWAIIIII Hngg~~~ Hope to rp soon >w<~ <3 love her colors XD~
👍: 0 ⏩: 1