Published: 2015-06-04 06:30:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 854; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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*Cries over my children*
I've never written this much for a character so easily before........
I'll redo the art at some point if I get in, I was art blocking on character design and needed to hurry qvq
Also check out my friend and her character! Yaaay for linking backstories, always wanted to try that!
Fixed the info, however, my code stuff crapped out for the most part q q
I'll try to shorten the reading material sometime because I know I wrote a lot...luckily there's a TLDR! for the history!
Name: Gale Bennet
Nickname/Alias: -None for now-
Dreamer Type: Deceased Dreamer
Gender: Cis Male
Age: 20
Birthday: May, 2
{| Anxious | Clingy | Aware | Feminine | Quiet (at first) | Cooperative | Forgiving | Well-intentioned |}
”Do I know you?” Tier
When you first meet Gale, he comes off as unbelievably nervous. He has trouble forming the words to greet you, he’ll anxiously try to occupy his hands with something to keep his mind busy and at least somewhat distracted, and he’ll never look you in the eyes. At this point, he won’t feel comfortable stating anything that requires an opinion, and he’ll always be standing up a bit straighter.
”I guess we could hang out” Tier
After you’ve known him for a little while, Gale will start to relax a little. He might let himself slip into his more comfortable self around you without even realizing it. You might see him playing with flowers, or playing with his hair. He’ll gaze off into the distance and might ramble a little bit about things that make him happy. He’ll usually catch himself after a bit and apologize before straightening up again.
”F-FRIEND!” Tier
When he gets very comfortable around you, you’ll see a whole new side of him. Gale will quickly become very clingy at this point. He won’t be afraid of physical contact (he also tends to forget that he’s basically a small bear) and will make himself, almost too at home. He’ll tell you all about his day and actually become quite talkative. When window-shopping he’ll point out anything he thinks would look good on you and complain about about he can't afford. Basically at this point, you wouldn’t be able to get rid of him if you wanted to! (well you could say something mean, but then he’d turn into a big cry baby and do you really want to deal with that?)
Gale grew up with his younger sister, Adelaide, and his mother in the upstairs of a two bedroom duplex. They weren’t the most well off family, but they certainly didn’t have it the worst. He was lucky enough to get along with his sister for the most part, and other than fighting over the bathroom in the morning, the family was rather well put together. On the weekends and after school he would play tea party with his sister. She’d dress up as a fairy princess and he’d wear a frilly tutu. His childhood was really happy.
Around the age of seven, he had become a bit too comfortable with his feminine tastes and decided to wear the tutu to school. The teachers whispered and the students giggled and it was at the playground that he was confronted. “Why are you wearing something so girly?” one girl asked “because I like it” he answered “but you’re a boy.” This conversation confused him greatly. What was worse was at the end of the day when a teacher called him aside. “Don’t you think you should wear something a bit more boyish?” she had asked. When he left it was as if they thought he couldn’t hear them. “It’s cute, but what about when he’s older?” “This is just bad parenting if you ask me.” “Perhaps we should call his mother.” (The following scene is done in the rp sample)
By the age of ten he was almost a complete outcast. He had stopped wearing the tutu in public, but he didn’t hide his feminine traits. During recess, they were given a bit of freedom, and Gale would choose to wander off to the flower fields behind the school. He could still hear the bell from there, and he would be able to get away from the other kids. He would sit down, eat his lunch, and then pick flowers to refill his lunch box afterwards for his sister. There was one day however, that a few kids that tormented him in the halls had followed him to the flower fields.
The kids laughed and whispered amongst themselves for a bit before they approached him in that ‘we’re not your friends but we’re saying nice things so you can’t get mad at us’ way that he absolutely hated. After a few minutes of attempting to ignore them, he finally muttered in response “why do you have to be so mean?” They went silent for a moment as if that simple sentence had been so offensive and out-of-nowhere that they didn’t have any response to it. Suddenly a boy stepped forwards and began to pull at his hair. “What about you?! Why do you have to be so weird? My mom says people like you were mistakes. Why don't you act more like a boy? You’re such a girl!” When tears were welling up in his eyes, it was at that moment that he met somebody that changed his life.
A girl came forwards out of nowhere, somebody he didn’t recognize. She yelled at them and pushed her way between them. As quickly as she had come, the others had left. From the point on they were best friends. He would walk to her house and enjoy tea parties with her, she would do his hair and test make-up on him, and even let him try on some of her skirts! She lived in such a big house compared to his, he never wanted to leave, and especially never wanted her to see his tiny room that he shared with his sister. He was inspired by how strong she was, and so whenever he got sad, he would start to run. Sadly though, the day came when nobody answered the door, the cars were gone, she would have told him if she had gone on vacation. He checked every day for four months before the new family moved in and he stopped.
Through middle school, he kept to himself more. His mother had gotten a job that required her to be out more often so she could support the family, and he didn’t get along with his sister as much as he used to since he had sort of ditched her for the girl from the flower field; she had new friends now. Into high school his running turned into weight lifting as well. He spent a lot of his free time working out because it made him feel productive. He joined track and people seemed to try and be his friend again. At this point he wasn’t really showing too much of his feminine side.
At the age of nineteen he applied to college and quickly got out of that place as fast as he could. While the community was a bit more accepting, he still felt uncomfortable with most people and felt rather lonely most of the time. It was around Christmas time and he went back to visit his family. He finally got to sit alone with his sister in their old room. She was going through that gothic rebellious phase now and she looked really pissed off as he rummaged through the closet. He pulled out the old tutu and laughed as he showed it to her. “...That was really weird you know. I hope you’re not still doing that.” His face dropped a bit.
When he returned to college, that continued to bothered him. He ran more and spent a lot of time at the gym. He pushed people away more than normal and this continued for a few months. It was one run specifically that he suddenly felt overwhelmed. He ran his usual route, around the corner, down past the convenience store, over the bridge...except this time he stopped and looked over the edge at the rushing water far below. He felt sort of...calm, unbelievably calm, and yet his heart was beating so fast. Probably from the running. Without thinking too much, he climbed up onto the ledge and just looked down. After a moment, he shook his head. This was ridiculous, he wasn’t about to kill jump. Still, he didn’t move for a while and just looked down. It really was pretty high up and the river was swelling from the rain lately. Maybe he could walk down to the ri-”HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING” He jumped in shock and as he started to turn to see who had called him, he was already falling over the edge.
○He grew up with his younger sister and mother. Always was a bit more on the feminine side.
○He wore the tutu that was usually for tea parties with his sister to school - bad idea.
○He got bullied until he met the mysterious girl in the flower field that became his only friend.
○Girl moved away and he didn’t know, felt alone again. He exercises his pain away *wipes away a tear*
○Middle and High school nothing important happened. He started weight lifted and joined track.
○Goes to college on a track scholarship, comes back for Christmas, sister says something rude and he couldn’t get it out of his head.
○Runs more, accidentally jumps off a bridge and dies.
Height: 6’3
Weight: 240lbs
Loud noises!
Pants are uncomfortable!
Being yelled at!
Being silently judged!
Being verbally judged!
Tokens: 00
Status: Single Not looking, but hey, if it happens *wiggles eyebrows*
(I'd like him to make a few friends before he finds anyone special)
Orientation: Bicurious (though he’ll say hetero because he was called gay a lot in middle school)
Interests: Pretty, Accepting, and Decisive
Relationship Ranks:
Relative / Relative-like
Good friend
Best friend
Name of the character // (bullets) //❤ 💔♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ // "Thoughts on the other character..."
Current Heart Points:
Contact○ RP Preference
Short lit is preferred.
○ Method
Chatrooms, Skype, Notes, and Google Docs are all fine by me. The only thing Im not comfortable with are comments.
My skype is "aqua-sama" please don't judge me too much, I made it like five years ago.
Feel free to add me if you're in the group, just please let me know who you are or I'll likely decline
Eastern Time Zone (UTC-05:00)
RP Sample: Generally two to three paragraphs for a starter and can go down to one sentence to a paragraph for back and forth
After talking with his teacher, Gale was completely flushed red. He ran to the bathroom and stuffed the tutu into his backpack before briskly walking down to where his mother would always park around the corner so she wouldn't have to wait in line. People were giggling as he walked by and it made him uncomfortable. He knew that he never saw other guys in skirts but he figured that was just because they didn’t want to wear them! Not that there was some sort of secret rule that said he couldn’t dress one way because he was a boy.
When he arrived at the car, he quickly opened the door to the passenger's seat and slammed it shut, throwing his bag at his feet and moving to buckle his seatbelt. His mother didn’t say a word as if she had known something like this would happen. It was a quiet drive, and he couldn’t wait to be home. Except, they didnt go home. They went to the little ice cream parlor, and his mother bought him his favorite banana sunday, and they sat down at the wooden bench and ate their treats.
“Some people are just like that.” She began and he stuffed another spoonful into his mouth and looked away. “When people don’t understand something, they can be so hurtful, but you know, being different isn’t bad.”
“Do you think I’m weird and girly? Did you know that this would happen?” He asked.
“Being ‘girly’ isn’t weird or a bad thing.” She said and smiled before licking her finger and wiping a bit of fudge from his face. “Don’t change anything for them, this will only make you stronger."
Extra Extra, read all about it!
He went to college on a track scholarship.
It wasn’t any big or important school, but he’d make it out with almost no debt and he really wanted to get out of that town.
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Comments: 27
NeonAquarius [2015-06-15 22:22:58 +0000 UTC]
'v' I like your character,
//nervous laughter// maybe we can RP sometime //wink wink nudge nudge
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
crovvyn In reply to NeonAquarius [2015-06-16 14:04:48 +0000 UTC]
Thank yooou! qvq
And omg your character is such a cutie too! We definitely should!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
NeonAquarius In reply to crovvyn [2015-06-16 15:45:25 +0000 UTC]
Hhhh you're so kind 'v' <333
//papapat my child on head//
^.^ I sent you a note!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
crovvyn In reply to NeonAquarius [2015-06-18 18:26:12 +0000 UTC]
Im so slow and got distracted! i'll try to respond to you tonight!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
NeonAquarius In reply to crovvyn [2015-06-18 18:37:01 +0000 UTC]
shhhh //pets// it's ok 'v' take thy time
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
GrilledandCheesed [2015-06-13 18:52:14 +0000 UTC]
What a cutie! I love the coloring you did for his face! I am super jelly!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
crovvyn In reply to GrilledandCheesed [2015-06-13 22:04:36 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh thank you!!
He's my little baby
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
ieari [2015-06-06 13:55:45 +0000 UTC]
ahh, he looks awesome!! i'm loving his personality >w<
welcome to the group!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
mei-senpaii [2015-06-06 13:01:19 +0000 UTC]
oooh what a lovely character you got there! <33
hes so adorable omg ;;e;; i hope we get to RP sometime
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
crovvyn In reply to mei-senpaii [2015-06-07 02:18:21 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
And yeah! We should definitely rp sometime!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
crovvyn In reply to Pippery [2015-06-06 11:10:51 +0000 UTC]
WOO *dances*
TY AGAin for voting me in yo!
We should rp!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Pippery In reply to crovvyn [2015-06-06 11:14:28 +0000 UTC]
No problemo again!!
And yeees totally!! You okay with notes or?...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
crovvyn In reply to Pippery [2015-06-06 11:22:53 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! Notes are fine by me! Do you have something in mind, or would you rather I type up a starter? ovo
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Pippery In reply to crovvyn [2015-06-06 11:30:27 +0000 UTC]
Awesome! And I can't really think of anything in particular so if you could start that would be great! owo
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Miinu-Inu [2015-06-06 10:00:05 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
crovvyn In reply to Miinu-Inu [2015-06-06 10:57:44 +0000 UTC]
YEs! Your child's hair is lovely!
Gale is gonna think he's so pretty haha!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
crovvyn In reply to KingTracer [2015-06-06 10:56:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
Your guy is a super cutie too omg!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0