2devils β€” DDLC oc : Tomoko

#dokidokiliteraturecluboc #dokidokiluteratureclubfanoc #fanoc #dokidokiliteratureclub
Published: 2018-03-29 03:54:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 13695; Favourites: 157; Downloads: 89
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Description  "I don't want to play. Now go away."

(Okay so like if you haven't played/seen Doki Doki Literature Club, there's gonna be some MAJOR spoiler warnings because this kid is def in need of a spoiler warning. If you haven't seen or played DDLC then don't read everything before doing so, please!!)

Name: Tomoko
Age: 18

Height: 5'3

Birthday: March 23rd

Preferred words: Isolation | Glitch | Damage | Erase | File | Busy | Important | Computer | Video | Game | Ending | Documentary | Pen |

Personality: The newer addition to the Literature Club, joining the day after MC is dragged into joining. The girl seems very kind and considurate to the girls.  However she seems far more interested in the other girls than you. Dissmissive to whatever you say, this girl is very standoff-ish. Being rather blunt in not wanting to speak with you. She is brash and rude and always seems to have a sarcastic remark ready when you try to speak with her. She is the only one who definitely does not want to spend time with the MC, as opposed to all the other girls.

    The girl is very interested in computers and seems she'd rather type up her poems than write them out. She's also interested in videogames, even if she states that they aren't "Anything you would be interested in." Not to be confused with a Tsundere, she is is clear in stating her dislike of something, and while she does warm up to MC to a point, she refuses to back down or apologize for anything she's said about you beforehand.

    Her tough exterior is meant to cover up that she is keeping a secret that she doesn't want anyone to know about. However she does slip up here and there, hinting at the bigger picture. Despite being a new member, Tomoko has some kind of connection with each of the girls, having met in or outside of school by chance with each of them prior to joining the club. All the girls will comment on how she's very sweet and nice to them (a few times even saying that MC should just try talking to her more to get to know her), but also will critizise her for not giving MC a change to get to know her. Sayori even goes so far to say "Even Natsuki isn't that stand-off with him!" much to Natsuki's annoyance. However Tomoko just replies that MC makes her feel nervous when he's around.
    As the days progress closer to the festival, no matter who's route MC is following, she will try to speak with Sayori more, asking to plan dates to spend time together going to the mall or other locations. She however also seems to isolate herself more from the others, hinting at even being somewhat depressed with whatever is happening with her. On the day of the festival, she is already in the class speaking to Monika, however she seems very tired and the conversation instantly ends without the MC being able to hear what it was about when he walks in. She pushes past him, saying "I'll get ready for the.... event.."

Route: If you choose to go after Tomoko, you have to be ready to constantly have her berate you for choosing to spend time with her. As her route progresses, she continues to push you away, stating she doesn't want to play the game you're playing and admits that she knows the MC is only in the club because of the 'cute girls'. Even expressing that if MC is so interested in spending time with someone he should do it with someone who actually wants the attention "Like Monika".  But does to a point open up to you through the poems and a few moments of talking. However normally when she will speak to you, she will try to do so without anyone around and she seems very aware of if anyone is around and will instantly be quiet or change the topic if she realizes any of the girls are there listening. Most conversations however will normally be about her worrying over the other girls feelings, and growing concern that you should stop spending so much time with her. If you follow her route to the day you pick who to help for the festival over the weekend, she'll be late to the club meeting. MC expresses concern about it and the girls will comment that it is odd that she's not there as she's normally very punctual. MC assumes something is wrong then decides he'll find her, heading out of the classroom much to the girls' protests, insisting that it's probably fine. However down the hall he hears someone crying and walking over finds that it's Tomoko. When asked what's wrong Tomoko cries that "I don't want to continue this game." That she wished time would just stop or that she could go back. saying that she has "so many things left to do." And that there are so many things she can't fix and are out of her control now. Despite MC's confused encouragement, trying to help her, she doesn't seem to feel any better, but does stop crying. After cleaning herself up she and MC walk back to the clubroom. Monika is found waiting at the door asking if everything is alright. Tomoko will reply that she couldn't find something but she's okay now and not to worry. MC chooses not to comment.

Personality (2nd Act): With the restart of the game, she is the same as in the first act, however a bit more solem when it comes to the other girls, but still definitely avoiding/ignoring you. Surprisingly nothing about her personality changes, Tomoko ends up filling the role that Sayori had in act 1; Trying to play mediator between Natsuki and Yuri, but both become far too agressive later on that she can't help either of them much and just gets quiet after they yell at her to stay out of it. One thing to note is that she will have dropped almost all conversations with Monika that she'd had in the first chapter, and seems to actually be able to see the 'glitches' in the game, as the game sprite of her will change to a scared/frightened one when they occur with her on screen (even if she is not saying anything).

Route (2nd Act): As the game progresses, if you are trying to follow her route, she will tell you to stop and just go spend time with Monika. She will also claim that "Because it's just going to be a repeat of what happened to Sa-" But will glitch and black text will appear over it saying "Just go to Monika, you know you like her better than any of us." Then she will revert back to normal, clutching her folder asking if you noticed she'd said anything weird and then excuse herself out of the classroom for some air. It's discovered later in one of the last conversations she has with you on her 'route' that she keeps her file of herself so Monika can't mess with it without her having a backup, however she is very much aware of what is going on and is trying to avoid anything dangerous.  Often times it will be the pattern of her almost breaking the forth wall, only to be cut off by game glitches, then return to normal with her clutching her folder. Often times she will ask you if you saw anything, however MC just responds that he didn't and wants to know if she is alright. The route will end prematurely by Yuri's growing obsession with MC. When sharing poems Tomoko does express she's sorry she can't help him reign in Yuri, but she says she simply knows there's no point in trying to interact with him due to how everyone here is. She'll say she knows it's not everyone's fault, but she is contemplating leaving the club. When everyone is picking jobs and who is going to help, she offers to assist whomever needs it if MC doesn't decide to go with them, but nobody else seems to listen. After MC makes a choice on who to help (just Monika) she quickly says that she's going to go prepare for 'the event' and leave the room, leaving MC to wonder what that meant when she never was assigned a job. However the conclusion with Yuri comes and Monika deletes everyone as usual.

Deleted: After the incident with Yuri durring the weekend before the festival, she is not seen again. When Monika is deleting everyone, it seems she just quietly lets herself be. However in the game files, her char. file can be found in a folder that was created just everyone was deleted. The folder is titled "Safe", it seems the folder has been locked so only the creator (Tomoko) can edit it.

Personality (4th Act): Once again she's the same as Act 1, but a bit more transparent. Tomoko remembers having been deleted (thanks to the Safe folder she'd made) and even goes so far to break the fourth wall before Sayori does to thank the player. In the normal ending, Tomoko will catch MC directly after he leaves his classroom to head to the club he had in mind. Here she'll start a conversation with him. Tomoko will admit "I wish i'd been able to talk to you (the player) more directly than I have with you, [MC name]. But even now.. i probably shouldn't be doing this..Maybe if i had done so earlier, this wouldn't be happening still.." However once they get to the Literature club she'll say she doesn't want to enter and excuse herself. In the special ending it will start out the same as the normal ending however instead of saying she shouldn't be talking directly to the player she'll say " Maybe I should have tried getting to know you more.. I could have at least attempted to help.. I was just... so scared of her (Monika). You know? Even so.. I'm very glad you were the one who joined the literature club." The two will get to the Literature club, here Tomoko won't excuse herself and enter after the MC and the ending will continue as usual.

She used to be the President in a club, but the club no longer exists (thanks to Monika deleting it.), so no one talks about it or knows it's name.

She keeps hold of papers in a file folder and will always have it on her. In Act 2 she admits that it is a copy of her file, kept just in case something happens.

Depending on which girl you are spending more time with/route you are following in Act 1, she will actively speak with the others more.

Each poem she writes is based on one of the other girls' writing styles. One day it will be similar to Natsuki's the next Yuri's, then Sayori's and Monika's. In Act 2, the poem that should be in 'Sayori's' style is instead replaaced with one that seems like her own personal style. However it is about 'the one no one remembers.'

In Act 1, when complaining MC isn't spending time with the other girls, she will state that "you should just go back to the beginning and spend time with anyone else but me."

It is implied that since she was the club president of a club, that Monika deleted to make sure MC joined the literature club, she has similar knowledge and 'abilities' to Monika, but since she is not president of the Literature club, she does not have any control over the game other than her own file (which she has saved copies of in a folder) and the knowledge of being a game character.

In Act 1, when MC is deciding on who to help for the festival, she will say that she can help the other girl, however if she is the one MC chooses to help, she will panic and say that she doesn't even have a job yet and that he's stupid or just trying to get out of doing work for the club. Forcing you to choose between the other girls.

Tomoko knows about Monika's powers and Monika knows about Tomoko's knowledge. However she doesn't know about the backup file and seems confused at first, in Act 2, when MC doesn't understand when Monika tries to tell him that Tomoko can be a violent bully sometimes (Monika having tried to mess with Tomoko's files to be more physically harmful (as well as verbally abusive) to others rather than just verbal rejection) when Tomoko hasn't ever shown that she was violent thanks to her keeping her own backup file safe.

It's not until Act 3 that Monika finds out about the backup files and comments that she had been wondering who else was messing with Tomoko's file whenever she'd try to do it. She'd assumed it had been you, the player, but apologizes for thinking you'd be that cruel as to edit the girls' files yourself. 

Her name means Intelligent referring to her knowledge in game. 

Her design and name are meant to not only stand out but also blend in with everyone else in game, giving a visual cue that she isn't like the others while still having Monika stand out more than her. 
    -Monika wears black thigh highs, the other girls wear white knee-highs. Tomoko is different and wears black and white tights.
    -Monika wears pink and white shoes, the other girls wear blue and white. Tomoko keeps the blue and white shoes.
    -Every girl except Monika has an unrealistic hair color. Tomoko's hair is a realistic color but has an unrealistic fringe to it. She says she dyes her hair (but never specifically says if the black or pink part is dyed)
    -Every girls' name except Monika's ends with an "i" and is explicitly the rōmaji anglicization of transcriptions originating in the Japanese language. Tomoko's name ends in o but follows the other rule.
    -Every girls' sprites except one of Monika's have them facing slightly side-on. Monika's primarily used sprite has her looking directly frontward at the protagonist. Tomoko's sprites have her body facing forwards most of the time, but very rarely is she looking in the player's direction.


I've uh.. thought waaaayy too much into this child. woops.
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toomanYYuser15 [2024-09-26 05:09:28 +0000 UTC]

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ColbyJames2902 [2023-12-29 05:33:17 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to ColbyJames2902 [2024-02-20 17:38:46 +0000 UTC]

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branchca18 [2023-08-22 07:24:29 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to branchca18 [2023-09-09 23:56:40 +0000 UTC]

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AwesomeNinjaXD [2023-01-30 08:37:33 +0000 UTC]

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SyrisJohns03 [2022-11-01 22:02:49 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to SyrisJohns03 [2022-11-12 23:59:18 +0000 UTC]

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SyrisJohns03 In reply to 2devils [2022-11-25 04:23:00 +0000 UTC]

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SyrisJohns03 In reply to 2devils [2022-11-14 03:24:58 +0000 UTC]

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ElPictureBandito [2022-05-30 16:00:39 +0000 UTC]

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llemi2kpo [2022-01-14 19:46:14 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to llemi2kpo [2022-01-24 10:16:28 +0000 UTC]

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llemi2kpo In reply to 2devils [2022-05-12 04:07:04 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to llemi2kpo [2022-05-28 06:27:40 +0000 UTC]

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X4X5 [2021-12-15 19:06:35 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to X4X5 [2021-12-16 22:16:55 +0000 UTC]

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StormBlazed [2021-11-16 03:54:27 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to StormBlazed [2021-11-17 02:28:41 +0000 UTC]

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StormBlazed In reply to 2devils [2021-11-18 04:43:11 +0000 UTC]

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StormBlazed In reply to 2devils [2021-11-18 04:13:44 +0000 UTC]

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ToshinoriStudios [2021-04-30 06:21:46 +0000 UTC]

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GhoulGirls90 [2021-03-09 12:53:22 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to GhoulGirls90 [2021-03-11 04:16:45 +0000 UTC]

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ShadowBionics [2020-11-17 00:00:16 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to ShadowBionics [2020-11-20 11:19:28 +0000 UTC]

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sxnny1sxnshine [2020-10-24 21:06:49 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to sxnny1sxnshine [2020-10-29 03:29:46 +0000 UTC]

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sxnny1sxnshine In reply to 2devils [2020-11-03 20:08:51 +0000 UTC]

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sxnny1sxnshine In reply to 2devils [2020-10-30 00:16:25 +0000 UTC]

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aMurderousC0w [2020-09-08 09:21:17 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to aMurderousC0w [2020-09-12 03:56:10 +0000 UTC]

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aMurderousC0w In reply to 2devils [2020-12-08 02:21:43 +0000 UTC]

Heh I gats no money.

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2devils In reply to aMurderousC0w [2020-12-08 06:16:24 +0000 UTC]

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aMurderousC0w In reply to 2devils [2020-12-08 21:41:37 +0000 UTC]

Nah it’s fine, we should feel bad for those who don’t even have a home.
Great day to you!


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2devils In reply to aMurderousC0w [2020-12-09 08:52:08 +0000 UTC]

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aMurderousC0w [2020-08-24 08:31:45 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to aMurderousC0w [2020-08-25 21:12:03 +0000 UTC]

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aMurderousC0w In reply to 2devils [2020-08-26 05:24:19 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to aMurderousC0w [2020-09-03 07:36:33 +0000 UTC]

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aMurderousC0w In reply to 2devils [2020-09-07 06:17:02 +0000 UTC]

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ItzJustMonikaM [2020-08-13 16:05:37 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to ItzJustMonikaM [2020-08-14 00:49:43 +0000 UTC]

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ItzJustMonikaM In reply to 2devils [2020-08-14 08:06:26 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to ItzJustMonikaM [2020-08-21 04:38:24 +0000 UTC]

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aMurderousC0w [2020-08-04 05:24:14 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to aMurderousC0w [2020-08-05 22:46:08 +0000 UTC]

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aMurderousC0w In reply to 2devils [2020-08-06 07:46:59 +0000 UTC]

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2devils In reply to aMurderousC0w [2020-08-06 23:43:30 +0000 UTC]

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aMurderousC0w In reply to 2devils [2020-08-08 07:53:57 +0000 UTC]

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