ZiskaJa — Pferd (Hector)

#buntstifte #coloredpencils #coloured #horse #mustang #pencils #pferd #prismacolor #ross #hengst #rennendes
Published: 2018-02-18 07:40:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 700; Favourites: 51; Downloads: 6
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Description Prismacolor

This is my first drawing with Prismacolor. I bought Polychromos a few years ago and I love them, but I allways wanted to try out Prismacolor. Now I got a huge pack for my birthday.

I've got to admit, they are completely differnt from any coloured pencils I've ever tried before (and I have a lot of coloured pencils, including coloured pencils on wax basis). But those are not as soft as these Prismacolor. Somehow they feel more like extremely high quality crayons, than like coloured pencils. I had enormous problems mixing colours (what I allways do with Polychromos is layering). But with Prismacolor it doesn't work, because they are so intense and they completey cover the colour underneath.
On the other hand it is so much easier to archieve a dark but brilliant colour. Blending is also easier (it's almost not possible with Polychromos).

Any tips on how to better mix colours with prismacolor?
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Comments: 19

SpaceDragon24 [2018-06-06 00:13:41 +0000 UTC]

This is beautiful! I can't believe this was done in color pencil! When I first saw this I thought this was a pastel drawing, I know prismacolor are soft and I used them before but man it's amazing how soft this looks. I suck at color pencil, I could never get it to look like this, amazing work!
The horses movement is so well drawn and the anatomy is perfect! The only thing I can point out is that the horses front right (or left depending on how you are looking at it) doesn't look like is bending towards you. I think adding some darker shades around the knee could help with that. Also I can't really see the hoof on that leg. I know the grass is covering the other three legs but the one bending you should see a little bit of the hoof. That's the only problem I see with the leg.
Another thing I think you did beautifully is the shading. It is so well done and I love seeing the different shades of brown and I can see a little bit of a pink in there. I like that you didn't use just 3 shades of brown but instead use pretty much all of them. Again amazing work!

I haven't used prismacolor enough to give you tips on how to mix colors. What I usually do is use the lightest color on the drawing and build up it up with darker and darker shades and try to over lap them to get a different shade of a color. I don't know if I explain that right... I am more of a pastel user so I can't give you a very helpful tip on color pencil sadly...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ZiskaJa In reply to SpaceDragon24 [2018-06-06 19:02:07 +0000 UTC]

Dear Spacedragon,
thank you so much for your detailed critique.
I think the reason thos doesn‘t look like coloured pencils is the strongly textured paper. Since the polychromos are so soft and this paper is really hard and strongly textured the coloures rub of more, like they do with pastels.

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SpaceDragon24 In reply to ZiskaJa [2018-06-07 21:08:33 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!
Oh yeah maybe, I've only used color pencil on textured paper once but it wasn't prismacolor.

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Emerald-Thrakena [2018-05-08 20:15:33 +0000 UTC]

Just a Note( I finally bought a small set of polychromos. I found they blend really nicely for me using natural turpenoid because they are oil based. ) It does give a painted effect more than a drawn effect though.)
I could not get the prisma to work well for me. I have a very hard time blending them . I haven't tried it with prisma but it might work with them also. I think you have done a great job with the prisma (especially the blending on the horse)   What I really like about this drawing is the feeling of very strong motion in the way you have positioned and drawn the horse.  The foreleg position is a very good lead into your drawing from the right side and keeps the viewer focus on the main subject with just enough background to add interest without taking the viewer attention away from the main focus.

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ZiskaJa In reply to Emerald-Thrakena [2018-05-23 05:25:25 +0000 UTC]

Hello Patty, I am so happy to hear from you!

Thank you so much for your detailed critique! 
If you write you use natural tupernoid, do you mean above the drawing whith a brush? That sounds interestinng.

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Emerald-Thrakena In reply to ZiskaJa [2018-05-23 12:04:55 +0000 UTC]

Hi Fran,  Your very welcome. I'm so glad to hear from you. I've always been so in awe of your work.  When I mentioned Turpenoid for blending I  didn't mean on this picture. Youve done a wonderful job on blending in layers with the prisma.

I just wanted to let you know that I found it works well for the polychromos pencils.  I never tried it with prisma. I don't know if it works with wax based pencils. !

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ZiskaJa In reply to Emerald-Thrakena [2018-05-23 14:18:40 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I understood it was with the Polychromos. Since I use a lot of polychromos, I was wondering.

When I drew this one I actually thought a lot about you. I remember you asking me about wax bloom, and I didn't really understand the question, because eventhough I hadwax based pencils at the time, they aren't as soft as the Prismacolor. So forget all the answers I tried to come up with back then- now that I've tried Prismacolor I can only say, I try to avoid smudging the bloom too much. And it's really anoying.

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Emerald-Thrakena In reply to ZiskaJa [2018-05-23 14:31:48 +0000 UTC]

Every time I tried prisma or any of the wax based pencils I always ended up with so much wax bloom when trying to layer. I decided I just didn't like them very much. But this drawing proves what beautiful work can be done with them.

I think Polychromos will be my favorite as far as colored pencils.

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Numbuh6001 [2018-02-25 10:12:07 +0000 UTC]

Running Dukes be like(GTA 4 jokes)

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diosrubra [2018-02-20 18:44:47 +0000 UTC]

i found the same thing i haven't used them together though which apparently works well i find im going through lead of the prismacolours a lot quicker because i think its softer lead i found starting with dark colours moving to lighter ones helped oms washes helped cover more of the paper and mix colours and using colourless blenders helped 

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ZiskaJa In reply to diosrubra [2018-02-21 05:45:38 +0000 UTC]

hey diosrubra, 
thank you for sharing your experience. you are definetl right about the lead being softer.
i am starting to like the prismacolor because they work really well on tinted paper and because I finish a drawing ten times faster than with polychromos. but on the other hand those drawings lack the details that I love so much about polychromos.
what are oms washes? or is that a verb? (sorry, my english isn’t perfect)

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diosrubra In reply to ZiskaJa [2018-02-21 18:03:37 +0000 UTC]

o.m.s. stands for odourless mineral spirits www.amazon.co.uk/Zest-It-125ml… you can use things like nail polish remover just make sure they don't have anything but alcohol in it 

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AeneanX [2018-02-18 20:44:46 +0000 UTC]

The light and the shades are awesome, well done ; D

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ZiskaJa In reply to AeneanX [2018-02-19 05:44:07 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much.

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Rose-Hunter [2018-02-18 14:42:36 +0000 UTC]

lovely work 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ZiskaJa In reply to Rose-Hunter [2018-02-18 15:36:47 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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Rose-Hunter In reply to ZiskaJa [2018-02-18 15:54:38 +0000 UTC]

  you're welcome

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Hoch-Spannung [2018-02-18 11:47:58 +0000 UTC]

Schön pferd!

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ZiskaJa In reply to Hoch-Spannung [2018-02-18 15:36:40 +0000 UTC]


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