Published: 2012-04-23 23:32:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 228; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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These are the two main characters from the movie: "Mirrormask." It was such an unusual movie that I had to draw something from it! So, here Helena is showing Valentine that she can juggle since she did grow up in a circus. (Valentine is wearing a mask which is why his face is kinda odd-looking) And I know the background colors are kinda weird, the entire atmosphere was very hazy throughout the film, so I had to get creative with the background colors!Β
Oh! And here's another drawing I did involving these two characters: zaloffshat.deviantart.com/art/β¦
Media: pencil, ink pens, and colored in Photoshop.
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Comments: 4
InstilledPhear [2012-04-24 00:37:39 +0000 UTC]
Mirror Mask! I want to see that movie! Apparently it's by the same guy who did The Labyrinth and Dark Crystal. Jim Henson, I think? Anywho, I haven't seen Mirror Mask, but I've really wanted to ever since I came across this song: [link] Whoever put together the video took clips from Mirror Mask. It's so cooooollll. OwO
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Zaloffshat In reply to InstilledPhear [2012-04-30 18:14:08 +0000 UTC]
You SHOULD see Mirror Mask! It is an awesome movie! (especially if you like The Dark Crystal and The Labyrinth!) I'm not sure if Jim Henson himself made Mirror Mask, because that movie isn't as old as Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. (I think it came out in 2006) But it was made by the same movie company, so you are right about that!
Oh! I like that song that they used with the movie clip from Mirromask! Do you know the name of the band and the song title for it?
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InstilledPhear In reply to Zaloffshat [2012-05-18 21:43:48 +0000 UTC]
I haven't watched The Dark Crystal the whole way through, but I remember really liking what I did see... So I'll add that and Mirror Mask to my list of movies to watch! Now, I just need to find someone who owns them so I can borrow them for a night...
Yeah! It's "Protège-Moi," by Placebo. Placebo is a good band... I think Brian Molko's voice takes some warming up to when he's singing in English, though.
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Zaloffshat In reply to InstilledPhear [2012-05-22 01:49:31 +0000 UTC]
I would lend you my Mirror Mask and The Dark Crystal DVDs, but we kinda live pretty far away to do that! (I could mail it, but kinda a hassle!)
Cool, I'll make sure to check that band out sometime!
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