Published: 2013-02-08 07:40:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 1869; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 27
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Trying out for with several others Hope we can make it in!OMG I can't believe I made it in--- Feel free to hit me up for a RP if you dont mind my derpy girl ahahah and I might reply a lil slow //sobs I'm a Lit RPer ; u;//
Also for now Nele doesn't venture out of Limbo, so unless someone brings her out she will be sticking around there for the time being---
[Data Update] Character Info//
Name: Nele
Level: 1
Age: 650 (13 in human age)
DOB: March 13
Gender: Female
Race: Pandemonian
Division: Limbo
“. . . . Do you know what I am?”
“Tell me, what is outside of Limbo?”
- Quiet, uses body language and minimal word.
- Wears her emotions on the sleeve, which really aren’t much, sadly. Most of the time she behaves like a child, or a small wild animal. Just one who doesn’t get excited easily.
- Often times extremely curious, especially at new things/people. Although she would keep a distance to observe before jumping in.
- Often being seen as air headed and having slow reaction, which isn’t exactly the case. If she senses no danger, she won’t bother to be on guard and will have slower reaction time. But if she is threatened, you might find a chunk of flesh missing from your shoulder.
- Appears to be fearless, as she rarely flinch from danger. (This is perhaps her only least animal like traits, which will usually flee when they meet a much larger and ferocious opponent) Also growing up in peaceful Limbo isn’t helping to improve this at all.
- Insensible and blunt. Even though her words might hurt, but they are all honest words.
- Thanks to her animalistic instinct, she often establishes an impression for someone she met, even before she interact with that person. And she will hold onto it until proven otherwise. Which means if you thinks that you are a bad person, she will dislike you and keep a distance with you until you prove her instinct wrong. Many might call it prejudice. But it is a way of survival.
- Her love for creatures can be considered an obsession. In her mind, creatures are always right and would refuse to believe that they can actually harm residents intentionally. Unless there is solid proof. And it is made worse that she grew up in the peaceful circle of Limbo. (Someone show her the outside world please!)
- Very protective of people that managed to establish trust with her, almost like a guardian.
+ Nature (which includes plants, animals, insects, the wilderness, and fresh air, generally being free from confinement)
+ Snuggling against warm fur and under a blanket or sheet or something that can cover up her body and provides warmth. (Only when she is resting)
+ Raw food (prefers raw or dried over cooked food)
+ Being petted, especially when she is in her beast form. (Doesn’t means she beg for petting. And advise against petting when still keeps a distance with you. Only works for ‘friends’.)
+ Had an interest for Pandemonians that travelled to Limbo, as she was curious about the world out there and wanted to travel one day.
- Being baited, especially with food
- Her immature voice, she can’t be as intimidating as she wants to.
- Strong, pungent smell. Especially chillies.
- Those who kill animals unnecessarily, and for reasons other than food.
- Rude and loud people.
- Able to mimic the cries of creatures. Her voice chord allows her to produce a wide range of sounds and makes communication with creatures much easier.
- Is capable of partial transformation, such as turning her hands into paws and her lower body into that of her beast form. It is just about halting her beast form to humanoid form transformation, and vice versa. This doesn’t happen often as being full humanoid or full beast tends to be easier and more convenient.
Nele was raised by a small group of canine-liked creatures in Limbo. Despite being slightly larger than her siblings, with a horns that looked slightly different and fur a little too dark, she was accepted into the family. A happy young pup. But the creatures she grew up with abandoned her when they realized she could transform into a humanoid form at the age of 6, and was definitely not of their own kind. The parents, or who she assumed to be her parents, made it very clear that she should never step into their territory again, or they wouldn’t show any mercy. Nele wasn’t scared, no, she was simply depressed that, one moment she was still playing with her siblings, perhaps a little too rough, and from the height of excitement she suddenly transformed, which scared the wits out of the other pups. The parents immediately mistook her as an intruder that attacked their pups, and the father pinned her to the ground with his jaw around her neck, until she reverted to her beast form did they believe that she wasn’t an intruder. But they couldn’t accept her, for being different, as appearance wise she was already different from them.
Wandering on her own in the wilderness, not doing a very good job in surviving on her own, more so when the growth spurt hit and she wasn’t even good in finding food for herself, she was discovered by a couple of centaur Pandemonians, who brought her to their small community and nursed her back to health. (Also the ones who named her Nele.) But when they learned that she could transform, they were a little iffy about letting her stay. And after all, she looked nowhere near being a centaur. They were going to let her go when she was grown up enough to survive on her own. But the female centaur that was taking care of her grown on her as years passed.
At the age of 10, she left the centaurs. One reason was that she prefered the free life that she’d lead every since she was born, the other being that the leader of the community wasn’t getting very pleased with her presence among them. No matter what she looked like a carnivore, with her fangs, and who knew that one day she wouldn’t turn on them at make a feast out of everyone.
Back into the wild, she had encountered several other creatures that resembled her, but not the same as her, seeing that none of them grew up to her size nor could transform. What am I? Where are my parents? The centaurs had asked her when they found her but back then she didn’t give much thought about it. Despite not wanting to live in a community, she still wished to have some company, which were the creatures that she’d met and befriended in the wild.
She wishes to travel out of Limbo one day, when she was grown up enough, and strong enough to handle whatever that was out there.
- Nocturnal, large eyes allows better night vision and dark fur allows blending in the dark.
- You can approach her with the idea of a small animal in mind, minus the tendency to get scared, though. So if you are approaching her because of her fluff and want to get a feel of that fur, be careful.
- The voice she was born with is something like that of a wolf’s, but since she is still very young, she sounds more like a pup.
- The flowers and vines on her hair band and horns are preserved by her passive ability. (see Powers section)
- Usually walks tiptoed.
- Irises are larger than normal, taking up almost 90% of the visible part of her eyes.
- In beast form she has both canine and ‘normal’ teeth, similar to that of a rabbit’s skull, but replace the front teeth with 5 canine teeth each for top and bottom jaws.
- Despite being an omnivore, she was raised as a herbivore and lives off only on plants, which makes her a little weaker from the lack of nutrition only meat can provide. And if she takes meat all of the sudden, she will get sick and throw up.
- Her height is 4’8”. Beast form stands at about 4ft from paws to shoulder, slightly smaller than a mature Great Dane.
- Her beast form looked somewhat like an oversized puppy, with flowers and accessories adorning places the same as her humanoid form, except for the absence of the sash and cloth around her waist. Measures approximately 4’3” from snout to rear, 5’10” including the tail.
- She have never tasted meat before.
[Update] Inventory//
Prior Ownership:
- A few accessories she received from the centaurs.
Store Bought:
- none -
- none -
[Log Sequence] Battling//
Contract Availability: Yes, but it probably wouldn’t be easy seeing that she is still a pup and isn’t exactly attached to any other beings except animals. And she has yet to encounter a human.
- Animals calling. Not just to lure the preys in for food, but is able to call for aid from the creatures nearby when in danger. Although the more creatures she tries to summon, the lower the success rate would be. She doesn't control the minds and actions of the creatures, simply a cry for help because she have yet to fully master this ability.
- Mind reading by touching another creature with a certain amount of concentration. Only limited to creatures with below human level intelligence. Nele was aware of this ability when she was 11, and she have yet to discover the on and off switch for it. Although she didn’t quite mind understanding smaller creatures.
- Controlling the growth of vegetations. She needs to touch to channel her powers and to guide how a plant will grow. She can’t make something grow out of nothing, and harsh geometric conditions will make it harder since she is more accustomed to Limbo where everything needed for plant growth is in abundance. This power brings convenience to her survival in the wild, as she could make a shelter at almost any place, such as a grass bed or a shade from woven vines and branches.
- (Passive ability) She can prolong the life of a small amount of plants for several days. For example, flowers decorated on one's hair might wilt the following day. But if it remains in contact with any part of her body it might even last for five days to a week, depending on the type of plants. She has no control over this ability, and certainly can’t sustain anything bigger than a strawberry plant since she was still young. That was already pushing the limit.
- Quick reflexes, even better when in beast form with the benefit of four legs instead of two, and her tail. Also better sense of hearing and smell in beast form due to the difference in her nerves structure. Beast form allows her to roam on land more easily and be better in stealth, while humanoid form allows better climbing.
- Two small knives. (the first weapon that she would usually pull out when threatened since it fits into her smaller hands better than any other weapons. Ideal for throwing)
- Dagger. Short, curved knife that she happened to pick up.
Health: 70
Magic: 100
Attack: 110
Defense: 30
Speed: 190
(500 in total)
Battling Style:
Generally she isn’t that skilled in fighting. Mainly relies on her beast form since fangs and claws are much easier to use. Also means messy business. She can weave barriers and stakes out of vines and roots, also can be used to obstruct the sight of her enemy while looking for an opening, or to trap the target in it.
Other Visual References:
Related content
Comments: 38
yaocchi In reply to TheLegoFan [2014-08-10 23:39:23 +0000 UTC]
mmmm i dont really get what you mean a
it was an application for a group called combo-lock
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Freckles102 [2013-09-07 07:44:34 +0000 UTC]
I bet to eat mainly raw instead of cooked would be healthier. But, few probably do that !
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takarayume [2013-03-10 03:14:36 +0000 UTC]
eeeeehh Chiacchi joined too~! ashkdvasjk your daughter is so adorbs--
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ssspitfire [2013-03-06 22:57:12 +0000 UTC]
Wow, what an awesome character! I love the design and personality, not to mention all the little things!
But seriously, welcome to the group! I hope to RP with you sometime! Note me anytime!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
yaocchi In reply to ssspitfire [2013-03-07 01:00:54 +0000 UTC]
Oh, thank you!!! Me too but my girl just doesnt venture out of Limbo, not for the time being at least
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
ssspitfire In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-07 01:02:25 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, no probs. Although Amelia can't travel to the Pandemonian world alone, she enjoys hoping a rid with Kaleo, her contact partner, and then exploring. (In franker terms, getting lost.)
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yaocchi In reply to ssspitfire [2013-03-07 03:20:51 +0000 UTC]
wow~ I-if your partner is fine with it then I'm good!
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ssspitfire In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-09 17:14:05 +0000 UTC]
Mari is cooler than cool!
And nice job getting into SPEIL!
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yaocchi In reply to ssspitfire [2013-03-10 05:23:09 +0000 UTC]
dfkjghkjsdhfgs t-thank you!!! how should we do this ksfghkjfh do you guys lit or script? i can do both bbut im leaning more to lit ahahah //slapped
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ssspitfire In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-10 15:39:52 +0000 UTC]
Oh, would you like to RP with both of us? (we're both Lit) I'll go and ask Mari, then.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
yaocchi In reply to ssspitfire [2013-03-10 23:25:01 +0000 UTC]
jfhjgkshfdkjhsf I-i thought that was what you meant since she need to come to Pande with her partner I would love to RP with both of you but if Mari isn't free then it's fine--
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ssspitfire In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-11 00:29:13 +0000 UTC]
sdjkafhdksfh I'll ask her! No worries!
So you know, her timezone is wacky, so it'll be kinda like a long distance RP? Is google Docs fine?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
yaocchi In reply to ssspitfire [2013-03-11 00:41:31 +0000 UTC]
Oh yesh! I prefer Docs anyway~ O uO// And thank you again!!
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ssspitfire In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-11 00:45:57 +0000 UTC]
No thank you!//goes to wake up Mari
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seth-ravenclaw [2013-03-06 10:23:05 +0000 UTC]
she looks like a nice and sweet pand. just like my OC. we should do an RP when you have time. just note me. ^^
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yaocchi In reply to seth-ravenclaw [2013-03-06 10:29:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you!! Ah yesh I would love to rp with you!! lovely pand <333 i-if you dont mind me replying slow
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VenomX3000 [2013-03-06 01:52:30 +0000 UTC]
Was glad to see she got in. Welcome to Combo Lock hun~
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VenomX3000 In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-06 04:07:36 +0000 UTC]
Hope to see ya in a rp sometime
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yaocchi In reply to VenomX3000 [2013-03-06 09:04:22 +0000 UTC]
ah yes though it's a lil problematic for my OC seeing that she doesnt venture out of Limbo--
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VenomX3000 In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-06 09:06:12 +0000 UTC]
easy enough. my character is a wanderer. while a slow one, he gets around
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yaocchi In reply to VenomX3000 [2013-03-06 09:13:57 +0000 UTC]
!!!! w-will it be okay i-if i ask for an RP??!! t-thou i might reply slow sometime skjdfhgshfdjshf
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VenomX3000 In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-06 09:15:19 +0000 UTC]
its all good hun. figure you prolly gettin hounded for rps anyway. take ya time
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yaocchi In reply to VenomX3000 [2013-03-06 09:48:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!! how should we start this? What do you prefer? Lit? Script? Doc? Notes? or anything else i might have forgotten dkjhgkjds
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VenomX3000 In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-06 10:09:05 +0000 UTC]
we can do lit. seems to be the best for this group so far. and you can start with a note. since its in Limbo youre more familiar with it.
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yaocchi In reply to VenomX3000 [2013-03-06 10:31:49 +0000 UTC]
ah yesh I'm a lit RPer myself Okay I'll start it then O uO)b and not to say more familiar seeing that it's just a forest LOL and not much descriptions in the journals so i might be making up a setting or something if you dont mind---
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
VenomX3000 In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-06 10:34:40 +0000 UTC]
by all mean hun~ its prolly gonna get destroyed anyway~ haha
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VenomX3000 In reply to yaocchi [2013-03-06 10:50:00 +0000 UTC]
hahaha we'll never know til we start~
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Misachi-Chan [2013-03-06 00:41:57 +0000 UTC]
Myyyy! Isn't she a cute little Pand! =7=
Congratulations on making it in~
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Mishii-C [2013-02-08 07:45:05 +0000 UTC]
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yaocchi In reply to Mishii-C [2013-02-08 08:21:01 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
KiyokoAmaya [2013-02-08 07:43:48 +0000 UTC]
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yaocchi In reply to KiyokoAmaya [2013-02-08 08:19:48 +0000 UTC]
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