Published: 2013-02-01 18:18:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1414; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 0
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[Data Update] Character Info//ID: #MHS2092
Name: Shizca Blanchett
Nickname: CZ (read as: chee-zet.)
Level: 1
Age: 17
DOB: Feb 4
Gender: Female
Race: human
Division: East Cauhara High
"I hope they're not around" ("they" refers to the Phands and Khands)
See music section for more quotes.
Passive: She's reluctant to take action before others, so she always let them go first. She also lacks the confidence to lead people, and would rather be a 'stepping stone'.
Cowardly: Shizca has been avoiding risks ever since the kidnapping incident (read bio below), so she's prone to danger. She is easily scared and would not hesitate to scream for help.
Quiet: her lack of confidence causes her to think negatively, which results in a habit of assessing possible risks and scenarios. This way of thinking takes time, and so she often takes pauses in conversations to do so. The pauses gives off an impression that she is a quiet person.
Humble: She realises her own shortcomings and respects many others who have what she lacks; mainly, confidence. Shizca lowers herself down before all.
Blunt: this special case only happens when she throws punchlines. It flows naturally to her.
Witty: when all else fails, Shizca will think up of excuses to get herself out of tricky situations, even if it means deceiving.
Likes: her dog, pastel colours, small, cute and harmless looking animals, sweets, vegetables, fruit juice, sweing
Dislikes + hates: Anything scary looking, anything that looks gross/unhygienic, getting hurt, the combat class, height (phobia)
Throwing punchlines
Additional abilities:
Since her mother is a tailor, she has seen numerous clothes of different kinds. It led her in the habit of observing people on the streets more closely. This makes her able to judge people by their clothes alone; the design, the way they wear them, etcetera. This can only give her a rough impression and not 100% accurate, of course.
The war has ended. The remaining Khandromans and Pademonians who stayed in Dimension Zero had settled down, completely forgetting their original races and kept their powers dormant.
That lasted until 40 years ago, however, until the Great Door was unlocked.
All three races have been mingling amongst one another ever since. Some others get along, while some don't. Many humans still fear the Phandormans and Khandromans, for they wield powers much greater than them. Shizca Blanchett is one of the many who does.
Shared by her father who had seen innumerous powers of the two pure races, he had been instilling fear to her since childhood. As expected - this made her wary of the the two races, but it didn't escalate until she experienced a fragment of her power for herself. It was a common story, really; she was separated from her parents in a commotion once, and -- then -- she witnessed a being with demonic appearance - Phandemonian - flying straight at her, snatching the little girl and used her hostage. The two flew away from the police, and then landed at an abandoned building. The kidnapper, annoyed by Shizca wailings, left her there and fled from the scene.
It wasn't long after that another being came across her. He was gleaming white, with sharp features and overwhelming aura. The Khandroman did not waste time and casted destructive magic at her surrounding -- an attack meant to chase her away. Little Shizca cried even louder as she ran.
She was found a while later by her father, but that incident scarred her greatly. She became extremely afraid of Phandormans, Khandromans and boys ever since.
Following which, she was enrolled in an all-girls middle school and graduated safely from there. She also planned to get a scholarship so she could get into an all-girls high school as well, but she pushed herself too hard and blanked out for one of the examinations. That did not qualify her for a scholarship. Since she did not want the family to have much financial burden, she reluctantly enrolled into a mixed school - East Cauhara High.
It took her a bit of trouble - and time - to get used to the opposing sex, but she has gotten over her fear of men now. The other two races are separate matters, however. Shizca has been avoiding her ever since the incident, and plan to make as little contact with them as possible.
Her father is a police officer, while her mother is a tailor. She was taught to sew since young, so now she sews and remodel her own clothes. Mainly to cut down cost, but she also enjoys sewing since it takes her mind off things.
The kidnapping incident traumatised her, so now she has a phobia with height.
Civilian type.
She has a pet dog!
Yes come bully my girl, Phands/Khads~ 8DD /sado /shot
[Log Sequence] Battling//
Contract Availability: available.
Powers: none.
Weapon: Her intelligence and wit. none.
Health: 300
Magic: 30
Attack: 35
Defense: 35
Speed: 100
Battling Style: victorious defeat
Prioritise survival over anything else, and will try to think up a way to get out of a nasty situation quick. She takes her surroundings/terrain of the 'battle field' into account and make use of it to her advantage... in order to successfully escape.
[Main Theme] "Where shall we go today?" // Welcome to the Magic Workshop: Mana Khemia OST [link]
[Battle Theme] "I have a bad feeling about this..." // Pulse: Mana Khemia OST [link]
[Sad Theme] "Please, let me go home..." // Lost Paintings: Castlevania Symphony of the Night OST [link]
[First Encounter] "This isn't what I signed up for!" // Moogle's theme: Chocobo Racing OST [link]
[Joyful] "That was fun!" // Penpen (Kara Cola)Hymmnos Orgel Collection // [link]
[Cynical] "e-Excuse me? I think there's some kind of misunderstanding here...." // Chocobo's theme: Chocobo Racing OST [link]
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Comments: 34
Ley-kun [2013-03-08 04:23:28 +0000 UTC]
yayyyyyyyyyy Shizca-chan get in
I really loved her, so sweet hahahaha. Hope to RP with you soon =v= don't be shy to send me a note/sykpe when you're in mood to RP
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shotafied In reply to Ley-kun [2013-03-09 02:30:48 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, and will do! : D I prefer going into the chatroom for RPs, tho albeit the lack of free time nowadays ack. Do you go there often?
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Ley-kun In reply to shotafied [2013-03-10 22:51:59 +0000 UTC]
not really often, and when I do there is no RP going on S-so I prefer note and skype more ^^'.
Buttt I will try to go to chatroom more often~~
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iMunchyMoo [2013-03-08 04:10:46 +0000 UTC]
Amg I'd love to rp with you sometime.
Although idk how she'd like meeting a Pand like my baby Luciana uwu''
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shotafied In reply to iMunchyMoo [2013-03-09 02:27:24 +0000 UTC]
I'll try to finish all my work quick so there's time to RP, too ;v;b Do you pop by the chatroom often? That's where i'll go when I'm in the mood : )
She'd freak out and run away, obviously 8DDD And maybe try to use a bug repelant /shot
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iMunchyMoo In reply to shotafied [2013-03-11 03:02:18 +0000 UTC]
Ahh, I usually forget that there even is a chatroom. orz I'll try to visit it more often, but school and stuff also tends to take up a lot of my time. ;^;
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ssspitfire [2013-03-06 22:53:21 +0000 UTC]
Cheez-it? She's a cracker?//shot
But wow, she'd be really interesting to RP with in a situation with a Pan. or Khrad. Only I can't offer that, I'm only human
But seriously, welcome to the group! I hope to RP with you sometime! Note me anytime!
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shotafied In reply to ssspitfire [2013-03-06 23:08:03 +0000 UTC]
I have no idea what that is but lol
I know riiiight. Here's hoping I can come across a Pand/Khad someday so she can be all scared and racist towards the-- oops I mean.
Thank you!
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ssspitfire In reply to shotafied [2013-03-07 00:09:05 +0000 UTC]
[link] it's like a cracker thing USAians eat...the weirdos!
There's no en to them in my experience! They'll get you and eat-opps I mean find you and then roll around in the sun and IDK what I'm doing anymore.
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shotafied In reply to ssspitfire [2013-03-07 03:29:27 +0000 UTC]
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loool That sounds like fun, though! Chaotic RPs are the way to go, yes? o7o/
ssspitfire In reply to shotafied [2013-03-07 23:18:27 +0000 UTC]
Alot of people like it.... but I'm not one for cracker opps
Always. Alll the text and letters just flyin' all over dat' page is just so chaotic it makes we want to pet it. and I'm also weird after I eat tons of candy, heads up.
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dyaer [2013-03-06 19:18:16 +0000 UTC]
aAAAH what an adorable character oh gosh she has such a nice outfit akakakllklsdf such a cute cardi omfg// congrats on getting in, I hope we can rp sometime o/
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shotafied In reply to dyaer [2013-03-06 23:03:35 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Glad you think it's nice XD Congrats to you on getting in too!
My schedule's been packed lately, but I hope so too : ) What's your preferred method of RPing?
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dyaer In reply to shotafied [2013-03-08 19:19:40 +0000 UTC]
Shooosh, she's lovely omg I want to make lovely female ocs like that but what is life and talent LMFAO // but thank you! /o/
Amg same ;v; school has been esp a butt lately cus all the teachers are feeling the exams draw near and plying us with homework orz, but I can rp via notes or skype, depending on what you prefer?
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shotafied In reply to dyaer [2013-03-09 02:25:03 +0000 UTC]
Psssh. Screw talent, we can achieve anything as long as we put our hearts out in it! Given enough time too, of course.
I TOTALLY FEEL YOU BRO. My mid term's closing in too, so assignments have been flooding in lately ugh ;_;
Skype's good! My skype's distant.melodies. What's yours? : D
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Skylinne [2013-02-21 23:16:35 +0000 UTC]
Heey, just a small whatsup for something we've only noticed now.
A khadroman cannot turn into a human, nor the other way around, so please edit that bit of the app as soon as you can!
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Skylinne In reply to shotafied [2013-02-26 23:07:07 +0000 UTC]
Also, just as a personal note.
I loved her battling style title
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shotafied In reply to Skylinne [2013-02-27 02:31:32 +0000 UTC]
Lol thank you XD You know the phrase "the last man standing wins"? I made this oc based on that phrase, actually >w>
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manisaurus [2013-02-06 15:24:43 +0000 UTC]
C-C-C--CC-CUTEEEEEEEEE oh my god she's so precious i wanna protect her skldfjklsdfjklsjdflksf /kidnaps
lmao she fears boys ; v ; i hope our oc can be friendddssssss
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shotafied In reply to manisaurus [2013-02-06 23:20:10 +0000 UTC]
Not anymore so they can be friends! But yeah, she's still fidgety around boys, if that still hits your kinks.
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manisaurus In reply to shotafied [2013-02-10 16:33:08 +0000 UTC]
but moe frail girls are still in my cup of tea u//////u hnghhh my boy isn't exactly what you call sociable so i hope it will go well lols
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shotafied In reply to manisaurus [2013-02-10 23:37:49 +0000 UTC]
We can always think up of something! And uh, whenever you're free after your mid terms to, I guess >v>"'
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immasweetslovinggirl [2013-02-06 15:22:20 +0000 UTC]
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shitashi [2013-02-02 14:04:47 +0000 UTC]
Cutie Patotie megane daughter~ <3333
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shotafied In reply to shitashi [2013-02-02 14:38:37 +0000 UTC]
I haven't filled up her bio and everything ;;7;; Will do after I get rid of my flu, so I'll be joining your bandwagon in finishing an app at the last minute orz
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shitashi In reply to shotafied [2013-02-05 02:52:22 +0000 UTC]
Well, she sure is a cutie Patotie~ *Hugs her*
Let my dork demon son eat you up~
Shhhhhh, you're riding a beautiful carriage~ My lousy bandwagon is no place for your brilliance~ *Silences your purdy face*
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shotafied In reply to shitashi [2013-02-05 04:36:32 +0000 UTC]
l-lol. You'd have second thoughts after seeing her full profile which I've yet to type aaah why is writing so difficult /lazy
Psssh, what are you talking about. The procrastination bandwagon is free for all! /o/
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