WinterFrostDragon — WSD: Students of the speaker of the past

Published: 2015-10-26 13:44:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1455; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 0
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Description These guys are some more characters for my Watership Down comic I plan on doing you could say they are partly OCs as they are based on background characters from the show. We see these guys very briefly in the episode "the eyes of Silverweed" ( www.highlonelyhills.com/images…) they are the students of the speaker of the past (here's a picture of the speaker if you need to refresh you memory   www.animationsource.org/sites_…) the speaker teaches them the history of Darkhaven and probably lots of other things too. I thought that these characters potential was wasted in the TV series, they are not bound by Darkhaven's laws of battle and I thought that would make them very interesting because they may not be bloodthirsty monsters like the rest of Darkhaven. Of course I altered their designs as they didn't have the best designs because they were just background characters so not much effort was put into them they even change colour and positions at one point when the camera angle changes which proves my point even more so I tried to make them look more unique and interesting. I decided not to do a background for this one because when I tried to do one it looked terrible and its just a ref sheet sort of thing so it doesn't need it anyway and it doesn't need the shading too its not just cause I was lazy and couldn't be bothered noooo 

But anyway time for the personalities bit:

Name: Dunite
Gender: Male
Parents: father: Shale (that's this guy: watershipdown.wikia.com/wiki/S… , Mother: unknown 
Siblings: Layia (sister) 
Other rabbits he's related to: the speaker of the past is his grandmother

Personality: Dunite pretends to be tough and unfeeling but really is a big softy inside only his sister and the rest of the students see the soft side of him. He cares about his sister very much and would protect her to the death (not that she needs much help nowadays but still). He wishes he could have a family which actually cared about him and loved him although he would never let another rabbit know he thought that. He is feared by the other rabbits of Darkhaven that are about his age, even though he does not fight everyone knows what he is capable of and go to great lengths to avoid him. Dunite and his sister Layia are inseparable and have always got each others backs and never go anywhere without the other.

Background: Like all of the Darkhaven rabbits he never had his mother or father looking after him no one can even remember who there parents were and most don't care, their mothers take care of them for the shortest possible amount of time then abandon them as they want to get back to fighting as soon as possible and don't care about their kids the only reason Dunite knew that Shale was his father was because the speaker told him but she can't remember who his mother is. Most Darkhaven rabbits follow the example of their parents soon after being abandoned and steer clear of any family members as they don't want to have to look after any of them if they get sick and they believe that family is just a distraction from fighting but not Dunite he felt sorry for Layia who was bullied by the rest of his siblings because she was the runt of the litter, being the strongest of the litter he fought the rest of his siblings off with ease and him and Layia have been inseparable ever since. He joined the speakers classes because he wanted to learn about things and not just fight all the time and he thought it might be the closest thing he could find to having a family and you could say the students are all an odd little family.

Name: Layia
Gender: Female
Parents: father: Shale, mother: unknown  
Siblings: Dunite (brother)
Other rabbits she's related to: the speaker of the past is her grandmother

Personality: Layia is very clever and cunning and she may be the runt of the litter but be careful if you say she's weak she'll kick your fluffy bunny ass. She may have started out as the runt of the litter but is an excellent fighter now and people always underestimate her which makes it that much easier for her to defeat them. She cares very much for her brother Dunite and is still grateful that he saved her from the bullies when she was younger although she would never let him know that she spends most of her time trying to annoy him but in a friendly sibling kind of way their is no malice behind it. She never cared as much about being abandoned by her family as Dunite did probably because she still has a grudge against them for bullying her and she believes that Dunite, the speaker and the rest of the students are all the family she needs.

Background (most her background was covered in Dunites background but oh well): She was the runt of this litter and so was bullied by her siblings in the short amount of time that they were all together but Dunite saved her and they have been inseparable ever since. As she got older she got stronger and can now even overpower some the siblings that used to bully her. She decided to join the speakers class because Dunite was going to and she didn't want to leave him an also even though the idea of fighting for your rank and beating a load of smug rabbits who thought they could beat her sounded tempting she realised that violence was not the answer.

Name: Jacinth
Gender: Female
Parents/ family: unknown

Personality: Jacinth's has very strong opinions on what is right and wrong and wants to change Darkhaven for the better she hates living there and the only reason she stays is because of the rest of the students who have become like family to her and because she wants to change Darkhaven for the better. She is not much of a talker but is always happy to chat with the rest of the students but tends to stay away from the rest of Darkhaven. 

Background: Jacinth used to be a normal member of Darkhaven she had just started fighting like the rest of them for about a week and enjoyed it but then she watched a fight where two brothers fought to the death the winner shrieked in victory and ripped the head off the other then threw it around and into the crowd where everyone else started to throw it around too this disgusted and horrified her more than anything else she had ever witnessed she just couldn't believe that two rabbits who were brothers (or rabbits who were not related for that matter too) could do such a thing she hadn't realised that the other Darkhaven rabbits were that blood thirsty and she had thought all of the fighting was done for fun and as training it was at this moment that she realised that what the Darkhaven rabbits were doing was wrong and decided to become a student of the speaker and to learn about how Darkhaven got like this and if there was anything she could do to stop it.

Name: Flint
Gender: Male
Parent/family: unknown

Personality: Flint is the youngest of the group and also the most stubborn and he lacks common sense a lot of the time which can get him into trouble but the rest of the students are always there to help him out. He can be very sweet sometimes and offers the other students help or assistance not that that happens much because he is usually the one in trouble but still. He is very determined and once he has started something he will not stop till he has succeeded unless the other students spend a lot of time talking him out of something which they know he will probably never succeed. He shares a very close bond with the students and he considers them his real family. He has a crush on Jacinth whether or not he will ask her out is another thing and you'll just have to wait and see  

Backstory: Flint was the only survivor in his litter the rest of them died from a nasty disease. He can't remember who his parents were but remembers that they were both some of the best fighters in Darkhaven and were disgusted by his puny appearance and lack of strength and abandoned him even earlier than most parents do. He was lucky to be found by Dunite, Layia and Jacinth who were still very young and had recently just joined the speakers classes they taught him how to survive and looked out for him so he has a very strong bond with all of them.

that took me soo long to write so I hope you like them

Characters original designs (C) to altime entertainment I think?
Characters updated designs are (C) to me
Please don't use the characters or artwork in any shape or form

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Comments: 13

Ziblink [2015-12-10 05:16:33 +0000 UTC]

Loves the names of these guys.

I do wonder how many of darkhaven were 'bloodthirsty monsters' as opposed to being sorely misled. After all, Spartina saw sense.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WinterFrostDragon In reply to Ziblink [2015-12-10 14:39:36 +0000 UTC]

thanks, I actually took quite a while to choose the names as I decided to look up names of rocks because I noticed that the Darkhaven rabbits are usually named after rocks (for example Shale, Feldspar and Granite) so I just spent a while on Wikipedia looking at a big massive list of names of rocks and gemstones and picking out ones I liked and I also looked at a list of names of flowers too
Dunite is named after a rock, Layia is named after a flower, Jacinth is named after a gemstone and Flint is named after a rock

I wonder that too I think maybe quite a lot of them were misled when they were younger but by the time they became adults its all they had ever known and then they enjoy it at that point or that their tough childhoods made them bloodthirsty and bitter. Spartina saw sense but I think that was because she wasn't born in Darkhaven (well at least I think she wasn't born in Darkhaven I remember when Blackberry asked her why she was helping her in the episode "the eyes of silverweed" and Spartina replied with "because no one helped me when I came here" which implies that she was not born in Darkhaven and rather was probably taken hostage by the Darkhaven rabbits) so it might have made her see sense a bit more easily than what a rabbit born in Darkhaven would have but I think it is possible I think maybe even Granite started to see sense near the end of the series I think the only think which was keeping him at Darkhaven was his warrior oath

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Ziblink In reply to WinterFrostDragon [2015-12-12 01:40:32 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, there's real theme naming with the rabbits in the TV series. (The rocks apparently were to show their unrabbitlike behavior, while even Cowslip's warren tended towards plant names Darkhaven took their names from inhospitable minerals.) There's a wealth of possibilities in both, plants that heal or poison, rocks formed in fire or at the bottom of the sea... A good name takes time.

You still have to wonder, I mean when you look at human atrocities most people who perform them led normal lives for all but a few years. At the same time people raised through utter hell can rise above it. If it's all you've ever known, how hard is it to know something else? I remember at a lecture given by a lady from East Germany she said 'When I looked at my friends I didn't see people anymore, just minds that had been so long in terror it was all they remembered anymore.' Perhaps there was a better way. (Like with Efrafa where the whole damn warren goes from enemies to 'Well you one, friendsies now!' in like, a single day.*)

*With the exception of Vervain.** I mean sure, give everyone a second chance. Except for you for... reasons. You can go wander off alone into a place we know has already killed a rabbit. Well that worked out well didn't it, with the whole 'army starting with one.' Honestly!

** And Woundwort. That guy was never any good. Loses half his captains goes all 'Oh no! Campion hates what I've become, what have I done?' and does what? Goes right back to fighting. Dude, WTF?)

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WinterFrostDragon In reply to Ziblink [2015-12-13 19:45:25 +0000 UTC]

well it wasn't exactly like the Efrafans got along with the Watership down rabbits well not the rabbits who used to be part of the Efrafa owsla anyway, there was a lot of potential with the Efrafans its a shame they left so quickly.
I agree that Vervain doesn't deserve a second change he already got one when primrose and the rest saved him from that wire and he didn't do any good and woundwort wanted nothing but to kill all of Watership down so there wasn't really any other option but for him to die

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Ziblink In reply to WinterFrostDragon [2015-12-14 06:49:31 +0000 UTC]

Indeed, it makes me wonder how long they lasted. Moss was a pushover, he didn't want to lead. Half the bunnies were so used to slavery they couldn't go outside without asking, the rest were a bunch of bullies. What would happen if one decided to take the lead from Moss? Who would protest? I fear the whole warren would fall back into their own ways.

I don't think that was much of a second chance, it was saving from death to be sent to death. The rest of Efrafa got peace. I figure it's karma he ran into Woundwort and fell into his influence again. They could ahve avoided all that trouble if they had been more noble but pettiness won the day there were consequences.

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WinterFrostDragon In reply to Ziblink [2015-12-15 22:07:25 +0000 UTC]

well I like to think that they went through a tough time adjusting to a normal life, the old Efrafa owsla would probably be pissed and bully the "weaker" rabbits or try to change things back to what Efrafa was like and the rest would be too scared to do anything but all this faded as time went on well that's my head cannon anyway. As for Moss I think he would become a better leader as time went on he was a pushover at first but at the point when they started cheering moss-rah just before they left WSD I think he liked the idea more and might have become a bit stronger then.

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Ziblink In reply to WinterFrostDragon [2015-12-16 04:52:50 +0000 UTC]

It's a pity there wasn't another season. There were a lot of loose ends. (Looking at YOU Cowslip you murdering sod! You got away with everything!) It would have been nice even just to have had an episode covering them, show us what's happened in all that time, like the last chapter of the WSD book. (Instead it was 'Woundwort died. THE END!.)

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WinterFrostDragon In reply to Ziblink [2015-12-17 13:35:08 +0000 UTC]

Yeah another season would have been nice, I mean there's so much to work with as well! you got cowslips warren and him wanting revenge, moss's group and what happened to them, Vervain and granite are still alive although I dunno if one episode showing what happened to them all would have been a good idea they probably wanted to leave some unanswered things just encase the company decided to make a 4th season and it would have been hard to cram everything into 1 episode. But I also wish that it just didn't end straight after woundwort and the Darkhaven army died they could have at least just had a bit where they all go back to the warren and Hazel does a speech or summit 

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Ziblink In reply to WinterFrostDragon [2015-12-18 11:43:10 +0000 UTC]

It just seems so.. sudden. Not even 'end of an episode' sudden, but like an episode cut down the middle. Yet we had an episode for the bird's girlfriend. Pacing people, pacing!

There was a pretty good fanfic on DA (Till the author got themselves into some drama.) that covered a hypothetical 4th season as a series of scripts. Basically Granite and Vervain end up at Cowslips where he's been kicked out because Silverweed isn't there to keep everyone calm. Vervain gets set up as chief rabbit under the belief he's like General Woundwort. Darkhaven regroups to try a revenge attack and Watership tries to find a way to save Silverweed. (Vervain tries like hell to stay as far away from the place that can call magic from the sky.) Wish I'd saved it at the time.

Whelp, not making that mistake twice! *Right click, save image as*

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WinterFrostDragon In reply to Ziblink [2015-12-18 12:04:31 +0000 UTC]

That's exactly what it felt like to me too, just an episode cut down the middle! and of course it had to be the final episode where they do it so it can't be tied up in the next episode

That fanfic sounds interesting such a shame the author got into drama and deleted it its so annoying when that happens

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NoeticNoir [2015-10-31 04:51:01 +0000 UTC]

Great work on making the rabbits so diverse, I really like how you gave them all different body types. Best of luck with your comic!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WinterFrostDragon In reply to NoeticNoir [2015-10-31 12:17:23 +0000 UTC]

thanks i really tried to alter their designs to make them look more diverse and interesting too and progress will probably be slow with the comic but it will be done!

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NoeticNoir In reply to WinterFrostDragon [2015-11-01 01:33:13 +0000 UTC]

Oh very nice!

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