Published: 2010-07-01 03:22:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 11592; Favourites: 174; Downloads: 549
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Pokemon: Memory SpectrumOkay, about a week ago I had a weird dream in which they made like mini sequels for each of the Pokemon movies. Like they did with the first movie and Mewtwo returns. Only they combined the sequels for movies 5, 6 and 8.
It was a good movie, for a dream. Though I woke up before the end. (I hate when that happens) But I decided to make a little poster like thing for the movie and make up an ending for the movie. (There's no background because I was up til' 5 in the morning coloring this)
This is my 100th Deviation!!!
Edit: Thank you, everyone so much, for over 2,000 views! And for all the responses.
WARNING: This script may contain spoilers For Pokemon movies 5, 6 and 8 so if you have not seen any of them you may have difficulty understanding some of the text, also it will spoil the movies for you... So if you don't like spoilers then do not read the text below!!!!...... Is it enough to say I cried while writing some parts of this.
Movie description (I'll try not to make it suck):
Its three nights before the Sinnoh League Tournament, Ash is staying up late thinking over some battle strategies. He is a bit nervous until Pikachu comes over and nuzzles up to him, trying to reassure his trainer. The two of them walk out into the hallway of the Pokemon Center they are staying (In Sunyshore city) at and out the front doors to get some fresh air. While outside they notice something fly over head at the speed of a military jet. Ash dismisses it as being a wild Pidgeot "or something". (Dangit Ash after all the adventures you've had you still havn't changed a bit... -~-) The two head back to bed and try to fall asleep. However Ash and the gang are soon woken up by a strange, cloak wearing, girl. She leads them out the window of their room, obviously trying not to draw attention to themselves, then drags them through the city streets until they reach the City limits. The gang reaches the beaches of route 222. Ash tries to ask their summoner what is going on but instead she hushes him. They soon see what they came for, as a medium sized speed boat pulls onto shore. Ash reckognizes the driver of the boat as being Bianca from Alto Mare. She and the mysterious cloaked girl rush every one onboard and the boat takes off into the sea. Ash asks Bianca why she took them away from the tournament, and angrily comments on the matter. Bianca answers the he should "Keep his voice down, we're not the only ones out here tonight looking for you." The cloaked girl removes her hood, revealing herself to be a Twin of Bianca. She gives Ash a concerned look. "Latias?!" Ash says, shocked. The bianca twin nods, and reverts back into a Latias, then nuzzling up to Ash. Now as you might imagine Dawn is completely lost. (Y'know, she wasn't there for movie 5) Ash and Brock explain to her their adventures in Alto Mare from a few years back. To which Bianca adds a hearty, "Yeah, those were the days weren't they?". However before anyone can answer her, they find themselves under attack by a violent Dusknoir and a haunter. Ash tries to fend off the Gripper Pokemon with Pikachu's Thunderbolt, but the Dusknoir has other ideas and grabs Pikachu from the boat, Latias gives chase to the two, and manages to bring down the Dusknoir with her Dragon Pulse. Haunter tries to counter attack Latias but is stopped in his tracks by Pikachu's Iron Tail. With Pikachu back on board, Ash demands an explanation for the attack. Bianca starts, saying that Latias had somehow been able to contact her (now passed) brother Latios, who told her that their friend Ash was in grave danger. Though.... He didn't exactly say from what.... Just that she needed to bring Ash and his friend Back to Alto Mare, where they would be safe. Though it was now apparrant to Bianca that the Dusknoir and Haunter were part of it. Brock wonders who sent the Dusknoir on them and why.
Back in Altomare-
The crew reaches Alto Mare by Sunrise, all of them exhausted from barely having any sleep. Bianca takes them back to her and Lorenzo's home. They try to decide what to do with Ash and co. Latias points in the direction of the secret garden she and Latios used to live in, suggesting she try and contact her brother again. The gang agrees and Latias brings them to the garden. She shows how she managed to contact Latios, using her Sight Sharing ability while holding the Soul Dew. As she demonstrates this ability the gang suddenly finds themselves being pulled from the garden, into another realm. The spirit realm. (I think this part was the result of watching Avatar the last airbender before going to bed. XD) Though they aren't there physically. A bright blue light appears before them, but it doesn't appear to have much of a form. Ash hears a telepathic voice telling him that an old friend is depending on him, and that the fate of the world once again rests on his shoulders. (Big surprise right?) Ash wonders who this "old friend" is, however before his question can be answered, the gang finds themselves back in the secret garden. Latias nearly collapses from exhaustion. Lorenzo comments that it must take a great deal of energy to be able to reach Latios on "the other side". The crew takes Latias back to the house for rest. And Ash stays by her, still pondering who the "old friend" was.
The encounter with *insert random villain name here* (I can't remember the bad guy's name... >~<)-
Team Rocket of course had been following Ash and co. from the air, but after the Dusknoir and Haunter encounter, the trio find themselves being taken by a spikey haired man named *insert random villain name here*. They fall unconcious and wake in a storage room. Jessie and James try to stuff Meowth through a small window to see where they are, and who is holding them prisoner. Meowth finally sqeeuzes through and ends up in a dimly lit hall. (Insert witty meowth saying here). He follows the hall down into a much larger laboratory. Inside the lab Meowth finds a roughly drawn (And I mean very rough, this thing looked like a three year old drew it. XP) blueprint for an energy drawing machine. The designs of which are very familiar. Suddenly two men in team magma suits drag Jessie and James into the room. Meowth hides behind some generator like thing. Then the spikey hair guy walks into the room, he introduces himself as (I think I shall call him) Samson and immediately demands that Jessie and James tell him where Ash is headed. Commenting that they are certainly pros at finding the boy. (Yeah they're Pros alright! XD Go Team Rocket!) James responds that if they hadn't been captured they would have known, but now they have lost the trail. (He says this while winking to Jessie) Samson has a hard time beliving them, and threatens to kill meowth if they don't reveal the location. Jessie, now shocked, asks if he really has captured Meowth. Samson nods to one of his henchmen, who grabs Meowth by the tail and pulls him from behind the machine. Samson asks if they have any other "stupid" questions they would like to ask. James, not wanting to cause his friend's death, tells Samson that Ash is headed for the City of Alto Mare. Samson says that to be sure he is telling the truth, Jessie and James will lead him there, if they are lying..... well if you read the text before this you should know. Which you probably did. But before he leaves the room he states, out loud, "Jirachi will be mine."
Samson's plans-
That night Ash has a strange dream The same voice he had heard before in the spirit realm was trying to make contact with him in his dreams. However the voice is much weaker in his dream, barely a whisper but still loud enough to be heard. "Ash.... Need help.... Stop the awakening...." Ash can see the images of an evil looking man holding a crystal, and placing it inside a strange machine. He can also hear Latias crying out in pain. He is soon awoken by the sound of sirens. Outside a large black Jet looms overhead. Latias, who had snuck out after everyone went to bed, glares hard at the ship. The jet comes down for a landing and Samson steps out. He orders his Magma henchmen to "find the boy" and they immediately start to scope the city. Latias manages to get Ash and the others out of the house before they arrive, the gang all heads towards the secret garden.They realize that Alto Mare is no longer safe, and that they will have to leave. Though Latias is reluctant to leave behind Alto Mare and the Soul Dew, she knows that if they stay everyone will be captured. But before they leave she tries one last time to contact Latios, to see if he knows where they should go now. But before they can leave, Samson (Somehow) manages to find his way into the garden. While Dawn, Brock, Bianca and Lorenzo manage to escape, Samson and his henchmen kidnap Ash, Pikachu and Latias. Now having witnessed Latias' ability to communicate with Latios using the Soul Dew, he believes he can use the Eon pokemon and Soul Dew to revive Jirachi from "his" thousand year sleep. How he is to accomplish this.... I have no clue... >~>
Skipping ahead a bit, cause we all know what happens when Ash gets kidnapped.... Anways he meets up with Team Rocket, who then explains how they got there, and Samson's threat on Meowth.
Ash tries to ask Samson why he wants him. Samson explains that Ash had witnessed the awakening of Jirachi, and also knew where the legendary Pokemon was laid to sleep. And that he was the only one who could lead him to Jirachi. (Good thing he doesn't know about Max... O~O) He also adds that he, like Butler, also worked for Team Magma, and after seeing Butler's "revival of groudon" he decided to redesign the machine to create not a Groudon but an Arceus. Ash then teams up with Jessie and James to escape.
Enter the spirit realm-
After teaming up, Ash and Pikachu with Jessie and James battle with some of Samson's Team Magma henchmen and rescue Latias and Meowth. They focus their attention on getting off the ship. They manage to find the Team Rocket Meowth balloon, and use it to make a getaway. But midway into their escape, the crew encounters Dusknoir and Haunter again. Latias goes straight for them but this time she is weakened from having been captured. Dusknoir manages to stun her for a moment with a Shadow Ball attack. A flashback to Samson cursing the Ghost Pokemon reveals that they aren't working for him. Haunter goes to paralyze Latias with his lick; in a desprate attempt to protect Latias Ash and Pikachu attack Haunter with a Thunderbolt. But while they are distracted with that, Dusknoir grabs both Ash and Pikachu, then opens an ominous portal in midair. Haunter follows Dusknoir into the portal, with Latias hot on their tail. Leaving the Team Rocket trio flabberghasted at the scene that just took place. Upon entering the portal, Ash, Latias and Pikachu find themselves lost in what seems like a storm of darkness. Dusknoir loses his grip on Ash, sending the trainer tumbling into the churning chaos. Both Latias and Haunter try to grab him, but he slips from both their hands. Just when it looks grim for our hero The portal opens up underneath him, and all 5 of them are sucked into the light. Ash tumbles through the other side and ends up falling into another realm. He hears a familiar voice calling out his name, he turns to his side to see a bright blue flash heading for him. A black paw catches him by the collar. He looks up to see the glowing form of Latios flying him through the air, and riding the Eon Pokemon was the Aura Pokemon, Lucario. Ash stared at them, his mouth agape. They are soon followed by Pikachu, riding atop Latias and a Pidgeot whose trainer rode his back. Latios and Lucario brought Ash down onto a ledge above a foggy abyss. Across it, the Tree of beginning was clearly visible. Ash is shocked to see it but even more so the two of them again, and together. Latias greets her brother with a hug, and the two celebrate with a playful flight through the "spirit realm". Ash asks where they are, but is soon greeted by the Dusknoir and Haunter that had "attacked" them before. Lucario explains that the two of them were just trying to bring Ash to the spirit realm so that they could warn him of what was about to happen. Ash then asks if Lucario was the voice he had heard before, to which he answers yes. The two are then greeted by a trainer sporting a cape and spiked hat. Lucario introduces Ash to Sir Aaron. They then explain to him Ash's situation. He'll have to battle and defeat Samson before his creaton destroys the world. Ash then realizes that if Samson creates a False Arceus, the results could be as disastrous as the last time Butler revived False Groudon. Latios and Lucario offer their help, to which Ash responds with "Thanks but... You're both... Well how are you going to be able to help me from here?" Lucario answers him in a serious tone. "Whenever you call for it, help will come." He smiles slightly. With that, Ash and Latias say their goodbyes, and Latios responds to Latias in a telepathic voice "It isn't goodbye, it never was." Dusknoir and Haunter then bring Ash and friends back into the living world. They are found by Team Rocket in their balloon, and this time Dawn and Brock are there waiting for them. (not quite sure how they got there.....) As they are flying they soon realize they have drifted to yet another familiar place.
At this point I woke up from my dream.... So the rest of this is coming straight from my imagination. Basically, I'll be making it up as I go.
Fight for Forina!-
Ash and co. find themselves in the land of Forina once again. The resting place of Jirachi. Pikachu points out Samson's ship in broad daylight. He is already setting up the machine. Ash prepares himself to battle for the sake of the world (again). They land on one of the rock pillars. Team Rocket decides, to make up for their wrong doings to Ash, they will fight alongside him. Ash and the others attack Samson's forces from the ground, while Team Rocket launches attacks from the air. Unfortunately despite their best efforts, Samson captures them, and shoots down the T.R. Meowth Balloon. He forces Ash into showing him the location of Jirachi's resting place, then places the cacooned Jirachi onto the machine. However, he explains that the machine will only work if Jirachi is awakened, and that he plans to use Latias and the Soul dew to revive Jirachi. Though Ash tries to protest, explaining that having Latias use the Soul Dew in such a way could kill her, Samson continues with his plan. Remarking that Team Magma will do whatever it takes to expand the landmasses of the globe. Once Latias is hooked up to the Machine, Samson tries to force her into using her power to communicate with the Soul Dew. Desprate, Ash calls out for Latios and Lucario to come and help them. Samson asks who is calling to, but is interrupted by Team Rocket's "Classic" Motto. And the Trio reveals that they are not alone, they were saved by a Lucario, riding atop a very angry looking Latios. (Now it's Brock's turn to stand there shocked) Samson comments that he "Isn't afraid of the terrible trio and their flying Lucario." However he soon eats his words as the Eon and Aura Pokemon begin attacking the machine.Samson tries to stop them using his Kingdra, but is defeated by Lucario. Latios frees his sister, but she is very weak. He hides her away from the chaos. Meanwhile the top of the machine is an all out war. Dusknoir and Haunter join in the brawl as Ash takes down yet another Magma grunt with Pikachu. Dawn sics Piplup and Buneary on a Grunt with his two Poochyenas. Brock is fighting with Happiny and Croagunk. Team rocket fights off their fair share with Seviper, Carnivine and Meowth. And the crew is visited by an old friend, when Butler (who had been watching the scene from afar) comes blazing in with his Salamence and Dianne with her Flygon. Butler takes out the machines main power source. Samson has reached his breaking point, and unleashes all his Pokemon on Lucario, greatly wounding the Aura Pokemon. Seeing their friend in trouble, Ash and Pikachu unleash a powerful Volt Tackle on Samson's team. However Samson still has them in a corner, he grabs the Soul Dew and threatens to destroy it if Ash doesn't surrender. Ash recalls what happened the last time a Soul Dew was destroyed. He warns Samson of the consequences, a whole city, hundreds of people would be wiped out in one fatal blow. But just when it seems Samson has won, a brightly colored Pokemon Descends from the sky, and obliterates Samson's jet. Ash reckognizes the Pokemon from the moment he sees him. The legendary Pokemon he saw, trailing arainbow in the sky, way back when he and Pikachu first started their journey together. The legendary Ho-oh. Samson gazes at Ho-oh in amazement, and fear. The Rainbow Pokemon charges up a deadly Sky Attack heading straight for the machine. He slices right through the Machine's supports, sending it tumbling down to Earth. But just before the machine smashes into the ground, Latios and Lucario combine their powers to create a Psychic forcefield saving everyone on it, including Samson.
While everyone else is celebrating, and Samson is captured by Butler and Dianne to be arrested, Ash wonders where Latias disappeared to. He is suddenly called by Lucario over into a small area of trees, where Latios hovers over the unconcious body of his sister. She is still alive, but just barely. Ash rushes over to her, Lucario explains that the machine has drained her and that she may not survive. Ash refuses to accept the Eon Pokemon's fate, pleading with Latias to open her eyes. Latios holds his sister's hand in his, then recalls the power that had brought him and Lucario back into this world. Ho-oh's Sacred Ash. He calls to Lucario, reminding him as well. Lucario then gets the idea, he asks Ash if this was not his first time seeing Ho-oh. Ash explains his encounter with the fire-flying type back when his adventure began. Then the two revived Pokemon explain to Ash the power of Ho-oh's Sacred Ash, that it can revive those close to death, and temporarily revive those who have died.
Ash decides to try and ask Ho-oh to use that power on Latias. He pleads with the legendary Pokemon to revive his friend. Ho-oh complies with his request and restores life to Latias. Ash "glomps" Latias, overjoyed that she will live. With everything back to normal, Ho-oh flies off. Latios flies circles around his excited sister, who follows along, Pikachu also joins in the play. Sadly though it is a short celebration. As it is also goodbye to Latios and Lucario, Ash asks if they really have to go if Ho-oh's Sacred Ash can't revive them as well. Lucario explains that it is for the best, that they no longer belong in the world of the living. Ash and Latias say their tearful goodbyes, and Ash thanks them sincerly for all their help, Lucario says the thanks is all to him. Commenting that if it wasn't for Ash, he never would have been able to find Sir Aaron again. With that, the duo disappears back into the spirit realm. Latias, Pikachu and Ash head back to the group, who are overjoyed to see them alright. Later that night the crew heads back to Sinnoh for the tournament. Ash says goodbye to Latias, who hugs him as a thank you. Then she flies back to her home, in Alto Mare. Ash gets some well deserved rest at the Pokemon Center by the Sinnoh league. He hears what sounds like Jirachi's childish voice calling out to him, saying thank you, and "If you see Max, tell him I said hi!"
Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, Latias, Latios, Jirachi, Ho-oh, Lucario, Haunter, Dusknoir (c) Pokemon, NINTENDO
Drawing (c) Jolty ;3
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Comments: 231
MrAnimatedToon [2016-09-15 22:32:51 +0000 UTC]
I love all of this Pokemons, especially Haunter and Latios and Latias
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to billcipherGF [2014-01-24 06:00:18 +0000 UTC]
lookin' cruddy in my old as heck art style. x~x
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
billcipherGF In reply to Waffles-n-Ramen [2014-01-24 21:02:20 +0000 UTC]
why is he riding latios
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to thedjskunk [2013-08-20 22:29:38 +0000 UTC]
They weren't in my dream. Plus Mewtwo already has two (now three) epic movies.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
minecrafroger [2013-06-13 12:02:52 +0000 UTC]
over the years, Ash had been trow an lot of s!@#
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to minecrafroger [2013-08-20 22:30:31 +0000 UTC]
Yeah for a ten year old he's had to put up with so much crap.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
minecrafroger In reply to Waffles-n-Ramen [2013-08-20 22:39:39 +0000 UTC]
yea. all most being kill 100's of time, being shock by hes pikachu on an regler bases, having 3 moreons stalk hem. i don't think i can handle that kind of c!@#
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
lordhero37 [2013-03-20 07:32:32 +0000 UTC]
wow cool story i would so see this if it where a movie
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to lordhero37 [2013-03-25 02:15:24 +0000 UTC]
^~^ Jol jol, only in my dreams.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Unown1variable [2013-01-15 04:04:17 +0000 UTC]
Love it so much! A great movie I would love to see, and it would be very interesting to see all these characters meet and interact in such an interesting way. Truthfully, I'm suprised they haven't made a new pokemon movie featuring older characters just to develop them more and make new connections within the movies to see how they could interact and combine forces. Also, you have very long , vivid dreams!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to Unown1variable [2013-01-16 01:59:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
SandraSandra11 [2012-12-28 13:58:13 +0000 UTC]
Wow that is awesome ....you draw pokemon very good xDD...and the story is great
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to SandraSandra11 [2013-01-09 01:51:39 +0000 UTC]
Jollll, Thank you.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
marcturbo1 [2012-08-27 04:23:19 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to marcturbo1 [2012-08-28 02:24:50 +0000 UTC]
Wow, thank you very much.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
marcturbo1 In reply to Waffles-n-Ramen [2012-08-28 03:10:44 +0000 UTC]
No problem, ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE STORY!!! Now back to pressing matters, who do I give my check to? *takes out a gigantic check book*
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to marcturbo1 [2012-09-08 01:14:12 +0000 UTC]
XD Unfortunately I have no authority to make this an actual movie... Nor do I know anyone who does...
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Negaishipping-King [2011-12-19 21:43:23 +0000 UTC]
Really cool! Do you support Negaishipping? ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to Negaishipping-King [2011-12-19 23:10:27 +0000 UTC]
I'm afraid I'm not even familiar with it.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Negaishipping-King In reply to Waffles-n-Ramen [2011-12-20 07:18:51 +0000 UTC]
Thats Ash x Iris (the new Girl from Unova)
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to Negaishipping-King [2011-12-20 16:01:17 +0000 UTC]
Ah! Well I can't say I DO support them as a couple..... Heck I hardly ship anything in Pokemon. XD Though Iris is now my favorite Pokemon anime female companion.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Negaishipping-King In reply to Waffles-n-Ramen [2011-12-20 17:46:02 +0000 UTC]
but could you make one? Cause your style is amazing! ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Negaishipping-King In reply to Waffles-n-Ramen [2012-01-03 20:07:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to Davidbatmanfan [2011-08-30 02:34:03 +0000 UTC]
Strange dream but not the strangest I've ever had.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Davidbatmanfan In reply to Waffles-n-Ramen [2011-08-30 04:26:10 +0000 UTC]
Haha,the more you draw or play Pokemon the more dreams you will have.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to Davidbatmanfan [2011-08-31 05:09:19 +0000 UTC]
Though my next gaming marathon will having to wait until my math homework is finished.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Davidbatmanfan In reply to Waffles-n-Ramen [2011-08-31 08:22:00 +0000 UTC]
I'm just waiting till i can afford Pokemon White.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to Davidbatmanfan [2011-09-01 06:00:29 +0000 UTC]
I hear you, I'm waiting until I can afford stuff too.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Watchcat264 [2011-07-29 00:09:56 +0000 UTC]
i had a couple of pokemon dreams, but none were as good as this
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to Watchcat264 [2011-07-29 14:19:39 +0000 UTC]
I just kinda wish it wasn't a dream.... That this was an actual movie....
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Watchcat264 In reply to Waffles-n-Ramen [2011-07-29 14:29:17 +0000 UTC]
that would be cool...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to Watchcat264 [2011-07-29 14:42:39 +0000 UTC]
But I guess 14 different sequels would be pretty crazy. @~@
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Waffles-n-Ramen In reply to Watchcat264 [2011-08-03 11:59:12 +0000 UTC]
Not to mention the animators pretty much gave up after Hoenn...... -~-
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