Published: 2011-07-30 01:07:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 11463; Favourites: 300; Downloads: 135
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Here is my third set of Pokeballs I've created, and if you'd like to see how I made one of them, you can click here .Download for wallpaper pack! Includes many different sizes. If you would like a specific size not included in this pack, please contact me and we can work something out. Thank you.
First Set: [link]
Second Set: [link]
Starter Set: [link]
Mantis Ball: [link]
Psychic Ball: [link]
Swordsman Ball: [link]
Furious Ball: [link]
These can be used on any Pokemon, but will work worse than a normal Pokeball if not used on the proper Pokemon, and the Pokemon will be prone to disobedience and stubborness. When used on the correct Pokemon however, they will be much easier to catch as well as more loyal and loving towards its owner.
List of Pokeballs from left to right:
Dirty Water Ball
Only works with catching Mudkip
Rage Ball
Only works with catching Gyarados
Steel Wing Ball
Only works with catching Skarmory
Eon Ball
Only works with catching Latios/Latias
Full Moon Ball
Only works with catching Cresselia
Beacon Ball
Only works with catching Ampharos
They can also be used to catch each Pokemon's evolution/related Pokemon
As a side note, I am very willing to accept alternate names for Pokeballs, if I feel that they would be better suited for them. I didn't really spend too much time thinking about them.
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Comments: 69
Clure [2012-09-17 14:45:29 +0000 UTC]
I suggest changing the name of the Altomare ball to the Eon ball.
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to Clure [2012-09-17 14:56:04 +0000 UTC]
Duh. That's actually way better. Idk how I missed that before haha. Thank you!
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Clure In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2012-09-17 04:03:56 +0000 UTC]
The colouring on the top of the Altomare ball made me think it was for garchomp XD
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pikachulover94 [2011-12-28 08:26:59 +0000 UTC]
*Grabs the Beacon Ball and runs. I reach my destination and gives it to my other Friend who loves Ampharos*
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to pikachulover94 [2011-12-28 13:53:41 +0000 UTC]
You should show them my video I have of me making that one
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pikachulover94 In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-12-29 05:10:33 +0000 UTC]
*giggles* sure the next time I see them and if I can get youtube
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pikachulover94 In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-12-30 08:30:17 +0000 UTC]
. ok. are you working on any right now?
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eV13il [2011-09-24 00:13:07 +0000 UTC]
Great job with all three sets! Will more sets be coming?
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to eV13il [2011-09-24 13:34:24 +0000 UTC]
Yes eventually, however they won't be in sets of six. Once I find the time (and motivation) I will be creating another one.
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eV13il In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-09-26 22:52:30 +0000 UTC]
awesome! I'll be looking forward to them then
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crimsonsaphire [2011-09-23 20:33:03 +0000 UTC]
btw, are you going to make any more pokeballs like this or do any of the pokeballs from the game like the acorn balls?
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to crimsonsaphire [2011-09-23 20:41:49 +0000 UTC]
I wasn't planning on ever doing actual Pokeballs from the games, although the idea has come up before, so I may end up doing that eventually. I have been planning on doing more Pokemon specific Pokeballs, but just haven't had much inspiration or motivation to do so lately haha
When I do get around to making more though, they won't be in sets of six that's for sure. Most likely sets of no more than three, depending on how motivated I'm feeling
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crimsonsaphire In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-09-23 20:58:40 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry about it. I'm just curious. I'm honestly just happy that you work hard to make these and post them.
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to crimsonsaphire [2011-09-23 21:09:24 +0000 UTC]
Well good I'm glad to hear that
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to PlanetXiN [2011-08-23 15:35:55 +0000 UTC]
I may look into that, thanks for the heads up!
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MayumiPezKujo [2011-08-08 02:23:08 +0000 UTC]
These are awesome!!!! I looked at all three sets. Are you going to be making some more?
I noticed you said that you are willing to accept alternate names. It's just a suggestion, but I think "Swamp Ball" would be good for Mudkip.
This is a cool idea that you came up with here~! I love these so much!
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to MayumiPezKujo [2011-08-09 02:19:49 +0000 UTC]
Yes I will most likely be doing more in the future, although that may take longer than the original three took. Also I may do them in smaller sets rather than six at a time. It all depends really.
And thank you for the suggestion, I do like that name better haha
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MayumiPezKujo In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-08-09 03:07:06 +0000 UTC]
It's cool. Even if there are less than 6 in the next one, I look forward to seeing more. I really like these here. =^.^=
I should get me a 3D art program so I can try doing some of these. I have absolutely no Digital Art experience, besides what I learned way back in like 7th grade, and now I'm stuck to mostly colored pencils when I create my Pokeballs.
I like making Pokeballs, but I think they look so much better when done 3D like these. Thank you for sharing these on here for us to see. It made my day when I saw these things! XP
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to MayumiPezKujo [2011-08-09 17:06:41 +0000 UTC]
You are very welcome, it's my pleasure!
And don't worry, a few years ago the only digital art experience I had was with Kid Pix. Everyone has to start somewhere!
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MayumiPezKujo In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-08-10 21:23:27 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. For sure. My mom has Photoshop, so I'm thinking about trying that for a while first!
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to MayumiPezKujo [2011-08-10 22:15:20 +0000 UTC]
Perfect place to start. That's my favorite program to use when I create things
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MayumiPezKujo In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-08-10 22:52:28 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. I can't find out how to color with it at all. And I can't draw on the computer, so I start with a sketch on paper. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it some day! XP
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to MayumiPezKujo [2011-08-11 00:13:03 +0000 UTC]
I would suggest if you'd like to get into coloring, that you invest in some kind of drawing tablet. I've had one for quite some time now, and it's makes certain tasks incredibly easier, especially coloring. As a matter of fact my current project is a digital coloring my friend asked me to do of one of his drawings (I also cannot draw, especially on the computer).
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MayumiPezKujo In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-08-11 00:24:35 +0000 UTC]
Yes. I've been thinking about a tablet. I think that it might be very helpful.
Ah, my sister and my uncle both draw amazingly! XP Sometimes I just want them to draw the pictures so I can practice coloring them.
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to MayumiPezKujo [2011-08-11 00:34:59 +0000 UTC]
Yes, do that. Most professional colorists don't draw themselves anyway, so I would definitely ask them if they could do some line art for you to practice with if I were you
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MayumiPezKujo In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-08-11 03:18:33 +0000 UTC]
Alright. Cool. Thanks for the advice~! =^.^= I will definitely do that. =^.^= Maybe once I get the feel of it, I'll be getting a tablet. =^.^=
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Baby-Nakker [2011-08-01 00:18:50 +0000 UTC]
I SEE MY GYARADOS BALL!!!!! Freaking sweet!!! Thanks for the tutorial!!!
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to Baby-Nakker [2011-08-01 00:40:22 +0000 UTC]
Yup there it is! It was also the hardest one to make because I just couldn't get it right. Glad you like it though, and don't mention it!
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Baby-Nakker In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-08-01 22:35:07 +0000 UTC]
Like it...shoot I love it...AWESOME!!! Keep it up I look forward to a 4th set.
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NoOneImportant72 [2011-07-31 04:36:32 +0000 UTC]
Aye, do you get paid to do this? O.O
T.T They are so beautiful.
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to NoOneImportant72 [2011-07-31 12:55:42 +0000 UTC]
Unfortunately no, but I wish I did! haha
Thank you very much
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NoOneImportant72 In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-08-02 02:15:59 +0000 UTC]
Well, you should try to find a job for this! They are quite nice!
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to NoOneImportant72 [2011-08-02 02:51:04 +0000 UTC]
While I may be able to make Pokeballs look very nice, unfortunately I am incredibly amateur when it comes to 3D design and modeling. I would never stand a chance haha
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NoOneImportant72 In reply to UniqSchweick12 [2011-08-02 17:07:33 +0000 UTC]
With the way you make your artwork looks, I would have never guessed that you're an amateur. Although then again if you talk to the right people all you would need is the skills you already possess. Besides, you can always learn more!
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UniqSchweick12 In reply to NoOneImportant72 [2011-08-02 20:45:23 +0000 UTC]
Yeah that's true haha
I'm definitely working on that learning a lot more though so there's a plus ha
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