#harpg #auswb
Published: 2020-04-11 20:34:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 385; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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AUSWBA 2020 Futurity Championships
Horse: CX Red Caliber
Handler: Melody Endicott
Futurity Ticket: #23
Show: 2020 Cabarita Classic
Class: Equine Agility
After Cal had had his fun on the beach earlier during the halter class, Melody had hoped the spunky colt had gotten all of his energy out. He hadn't misbehaved perse, be he certainly hadn't been a model citizen. But Cal was young, and the judges were forgiving. Some had even commented kindly about his playful personality, which had put Melody more at ease.
But now the next class loomed before them: Equine Agility. The idea was simple: navigate through a variety of obstacles without any refusals or blow-ups. As Melody gauged the course, she smiled. There was nothing present that she knew Cal would baulk at. The only things that gave her pause were things he hadn't necessarily encountered before: namely, the tarp, the walkthrough hoops, and the streamers hung from a pole. They started off smooth and steady; since the event was not timed, Melody knew she could take things easy and let Cal move at his own pace.
The wove effortless through the cones, bounced carefully over the low cross jumps, navigated the bridge, and even stood patiently on the tarp as it flapped gently in the breeze. Cal offered little to no resistance to any of the other obstacles either, and Melody could tell her red colt was feeling a bit tired after his antics on the beach.
As she guided him to the curtain cut into streamers, Cal's nostrils flared for the first time. "C'mon bud. It'll be easy. I'm here with you." Melody assured him as she gave his lead a small tug. Cal leaned his weight back, unsure, but continued to move forward. As the streamers brushed passed his face and shoulders, he threw his head up and his eyes rolled. But, step by step, the red colt moved through the monstrous, horse-eating streamers and emerged unscathed on the other side.
"You did it!" Melody cheered, giving Cal's neck a congratulatory pat. Overall, Melody felt their performance here was better than in the halter class on the beach, but the scores would soon tell the truth of the matter!
(346 words)