U-Joe — Battle of the River Plate

Published: 2013-03-12 23:09:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 23183; Favourites: 392; Downloads: 429
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Description German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee during The Battle of the River Plate. That smoke from the port side is from burning heavy cruiser Exeter.

Can’t say I did everything properly. I drew such battlescape first time, after all, so entire work progress was like chain of fails.

Some background information.

Maximilian von Spee was vice admiral of Imperial German Navy. In 1887–88 he commanded the Kamerun ports, in German West Africa. After that he commanded by group of recon ships, later he was in Navy HQ. He was given command of the German East Asia Squadron based in Tsingtao, China, in 1912. When World War I started, he ordered light cruiser Emden to harass enemies’ communication lines. Spee himself with the rest of the squadron headed to the shores of Chile, where he destroyed armoured cruisers HMS Good Hope and HMS Monmouth. After that he headed to Falkland Islands, where he expected to shell poorly protected Royal Navy base. But First Sea Lord John Fisher overdid Spee. He sent two modern battlecruisers HMS Invincible and HMS Inflexible to Falklands. Their presence decided the outcome of the followed battle . On 8 December 1914Spee’s squadron was destroyed. Nobody survived on flagship ‘Scharnhorst’. Spee and two his sons died.

The last of three German Deutchland-class pocket battleships was commissioned in 1936 and was named after Maximilian von Spee. The main idea of this class was the sum of the weaponry powerful enough to destroy any weak enemy ship, and speed high enough to outrun almost any capital ship. Another virtue of these ships was impressive range provided by diesel engines.

Before World War II Spee participated in Spanish Civil War . She even represented Germany in the Coronation Review at Spithead for King George VI in 1937. Before outbreak of war Kriegsmarine unleashed pocket battleships into the ocean. Deutchland operated in the North Atlantic, while Admiral Graf Spee with supply ship Altmark operated in the South Atlantic. During her raid Spee destroyed 11 merchant ships. Allied mustered 8 tactical groups to hunt her. They included such powerful units like HMS Renown, HMS Arc Royal, HMS Hermes, French battleships Dunkerque and Strasbourg. But they were not those who vanquished Spee. It was commodore Henry Harwood’s Force G which located and finished off Spee. Force G consisted of heavy cruiser HMS Exeter and light cruisers HMS Ajax and HMS Achilles.

On 13 December 1939 there was last battle of Spee. She turned Exeter into the burning mash which reached base on Falklands Islands only with Lord’s help. But Spee itself was damaged. Not critically, but painfully. Captain Langsdorf was wounded and contused, that’s why his iron will was broken and some of his decisions were not balanced. He decided not to break through directly into the North Atlantic, but to move into the neutral port Montevideo to fix some damage instead. Harwood stayed outside the port and patiently waited for reinforcements. He understood that he has little chances of success, because all units were far enough to reach Montevideo quickly. But Germans doomed themselves. One of the officers saw a British ship on the horizon and decided it is HMS Renown, which was far off in fact. They knew that Renown is able to finish off Spee easily. So Langsdorf after consultations with HQ destroyed Spee. He shot himself, the crew was interned. Later many crewmen returned to Germany using different ways.

Altmark supply vessel escaped. But on 17 February 1940 she was trapped by British squadron in one of the Norway fjords. At night boarding team from HMS Cossack attacked Altmark and set free ~300 prisoners from merchant ships destroyed by Spee. After that humiliated crew returned Altmark to Germany.
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Comments: 57

1898Krag [2019-08-12 20:54:22 +0000 UTC]

Excellent ! I find Cruiser action much more very interesting. Seems like the combatants aren't afraid of getting dirty. Since you mentioned Exeter how about one of her shot up with guns askew limping away from the battle? 

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tankman155 [2018-10-29 13:52:18 +0000 UTC]

Nice job pal. Rest In Peace Admrial Graf Spee.

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333half [2016-11-29 17:33:21 +0000 UTC]

stunning work

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mochimuddha [2016-11-29 14:08:27 +0000 UTC]

uff, amazing work!  

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TaifunBlitz [2015-06-13 12:23:25 +0000 UTC]

Oh my... Great Work.

Reminds me of this one scene in Battlestations Pacific:


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U-Joe In reply to TaifunBlitz [2015-06-24 11:38:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

Oh, I never had a chance to play this game. Now it's too late.

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TaifunBlitz In reply to U-Joe [2015-06-24 12:19:54 +0000 UTC]

Well, I got it off of Amazon last year for $5, so you're not too late...

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U-Joe In reply to TaifunBlitz [2015-06-24 15:23:22 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I can find a copy of the game, but I feel too old for this. :<

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TaifunBlitz In reply to U-Joe [2015-06-24 19:23:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh, umm... well.... never mind....

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tman300 [2015-05-13 21:24:50 +0000 UTC]

Nicely done piece. Shame this ship was scuttled. Funny enough my dad was serving on the Exeter when this took place. She had a rough time of it but managed to serve on until she was sunk in the Pacific.

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U-Joe In reply to tman300 [2015-05-18 16:57:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

This one isn't the best picture I drew in my life. However, maybe it is the most important one. It is like a link with the past. You saw it and remembered your father who was serving on the Exeter. One of the previous commenters remembered his farher who was serving on Ajax. Definitely this picture wasn't drawn in vain.

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RagdollRalph [2015-03-12 15:46:01 +0000 UTC]

I'm guessing you are going to be playing World of Warships when it comes out?

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U-Joe In reply to RagdollRalph [2015-03-12 15:51:14 +0000 UTC]

Well, at least I will install World of Warships to look at the ships in the Armory section. ^^'

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RagdollRalph In reply to U-Joe [2015-03-12 18:09:05 +0000 UTC]

Good enough
(really nice picture btw )

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U-Joe In reply to RagdollRalph [2015-03-14 08:10:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. (^_^)>

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vgcoop [2015-03-03 00:13:34 +0000 UTC]

my father was a gunner in that battle serving on the Ajax, I often think that had Langsdorf been a hard line nazi, he could well have come out fighting and my dad could easily have been killed, and I would not have existed either....

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U-Joe In reply to vgcoop [2015-03-07 08:11:27 +0000 UTC]

Thanks goodness, fate have chosen the path in which your father survived.

I am glad you told me this. Now I know that this picture wasn't useless.

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MercenaryGraphics [2014-10-03 02:21:26 +0000 UTC]

First glance I thought it was the battle of Java Sea with De Ruyter!

Looks good!

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U-Joe In reply to MercenaryGraphics [2014-10-06 08:38:19 +0000 UTC]

Yes, their superstrucrures look similar.

Thank you. 

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Sergdeath [2014-05-13 16:53:35 +0000 UTC]

Пиу, пиу, пиу! Только один косяк у этой картины - слишком четкая граница воды. (справа) А в остальном очень круто, Пашк.

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U-Joe In reply to Sergdeath [2014-05-14 04:33:35 +0000 UTC]

Ох, и сюда проник, негодяй. В интернетах тебя найти проще, чем ИРЛ. ><
Воду надо пофиксить в будущем, да.

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Gaijincatgirl In reply to U-Joe [2020-01-14 11:57:07 +0000 UTC]

"Воду надо пофиксить в будущем, да."

Ну и?????????

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Nekosmash [2014-01-26 20:53:02 +0000 UTC]

There is a great series of books about the rescue attempt the Axis tried to make when the crew was taken prisoner in Argentina called Secret Honor.

They alternate between the perspectives of an OSS agent trying to thwart their plans and elements of the German high command planning the rescue as they each ply their spy trades in neutral South America.

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U-Joe In reply to Nekosmash [2014-02-10 19:44:05 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, sounds interesting. Thank you for the information. And sorry for the late reply.

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Kellyn87 [2013-12-07 15:21:13 +0000 UTC]

I saw some documentaries on the Graf Spee and it is very sad what Poor Langsdorf went through. The Press called him a coward but even today his crew considered him a hero. He did not want his crew to die in a hopeless battle similar to what happened to Bismarck a few years latter. RIP Captain Langsdorf!

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U-Joe In reply to Kellyn87 [2013-12-12 13:52:29 +0000 UTC]

It is easy to call somebody a coward while sitting in comfort with the newspaper and a cup of tea. But what would they do if they were in Langsdorf's position? He was wounded, his ship was damaged and he knew nothing about British forces in the region. I hesitate that somebody would have acted better than Langsdorf.

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Kellyn87 In reply to U-Joe [2013-12-12 15:50:47 +0000 UTC]

I think for one it was very noble of Langsdorf. I feel sorry for him.

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CJManson In reply to Kellyn87 [2014-10-07 06:49:17 +0000 UTC]

What's more is that Langsdorf shot himself under alignment of the old Imperial German Naval Ensign, and not the swastika... Or so I have heard.

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Kellyn87 In reply to CJManson [2014-10-07 15:00:26 +0000 UTC]

I heard the same thing to.

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IsoGraph60XYZ [2013-06-18 04:48:58 +0000 UTC]

Looks good!Especially the smoke from Exeter just over the horizon. The Pocket Battleship flawed doctrine of '...if you can't out run-it,then out gun it...',but not so good when cruisers are engageing you from two to three different directions to split your fire power-wich was British commanders plan to try and negate some of 11" gun firepower /range advantage.
I'd read Exeter was engaged first-and took some heavy damage first-because they closed range to investigate the lookouts sight ing [no radar on those ships yet in 1939] that turned out to be the Graf Spee,and so both of GS main turrets engaged Exeter first befor the light cruisers Ajax and Achilles could close the Range and get in the fight-and split the GS attention-tho just in time they did so Exeter could break off its fight with a smoke screen.
Also-langsdorf initally thought he was engageing a force of ones light cruiser and two destroyers-despite his gunnery officers warning from the range finder turret on top that he had ID Exeter and two CLs.This allowed the two CLs[Light Cruisers] to manuver in to extreme range for their 6"[152mm] guns to score some hits on GF-Langsdorf had thought his secondary 5.9" guns could out range the 'Destroyers' while his main Battery out ranged the 'light cruiser' This error initally allowed Exeter to Manuver closer to GS and get it in range of is 8" guns .Both sides tried torpedo attacks but range was to great -but manuvering to avoid them gave enough time to allow Exeter to break off -and with some Heroic damage control efforts limp to base in Falklands.One of the last 'Big Gun' surface actions fought before use of Radar.

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U-Joe In reply to IsoGraph60XYZ [2013-06-21 09:48:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, sir.
Yep, you did absolutely right description of that fight.

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Tink29 [2013-03-13 16:46:18 +0000 UTC]

Nice one !
Thanks for the background !

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U-Joe In reply to Tink29 [2013-03-14 19:32:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I'm glad that I wrote that badsheet of text not in vain. ^^

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Tzoli [2013-03-13 09:55:52 +0000 UTC]

She is taking the beating!

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U-Joe In reply to Tzoli [2013-03-13 12:00:57 +0000 UTC]

Eeyup. :3

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Tzoli In reply to U-Joe [2013-03-13 12:02:17 +0000 UTC]


Can you draw WW1 ships/battles?

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U-Joe In reply to Tzoli [2013-03-13 12:13:04 +0000 UTC]

Yes, and no.
Technically - yes. Practically - no.

WWI is very interesting period. I read a book about admiral Beatty one or two weeks ago, and was wery glad that I did it. And I want to draw something about WWI. I just want to accumulate some 'critical mass' of WWII ships' drawings before I start to draw something about 'Imperialistic era' (~1860-1920). I hope my bleeding life will be long enough to finish at least part of these plans.

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Tzoli In reply to U-Joe [2013-03-13 12:19:21 +0000 UTC]

Well can I ask that than you first ww1 drawing would be about the Last Hungarian Battleship the SMS Szent István (King Stephen) and her sisters moving to their end?

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U-Joe In reply to Tzoli [2013-03-13 12:28:45 +0000 UTC]

Heh, I should have guessed that you say something like that. :3
Of course I can, but it will not be soon, you know.

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Tzoli In reply to U-Joe [2013-03-13 12:37:50 +0000 UTC]

Well at least you remember it that is enough, an maybe it will raise your curiosity and you will draw it sooner

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U-Joe In reply to Tzoli [2013-03-13 12:59:13 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I remember. I read about Szent István not a long time ago.
"Patience, Willy, patience, and your bristle will become gold". :3

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Tzoli In reply to U-Joe [2013-03-13 15:12:02 +0000 UTC]


Yeah it was one of the very few (3??? 4??) battleships whose sinking was filmed

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U-Joe In reply to Tzoli [2013-03-14 19:35:13 +0000 UTC]

Great. I haven't even known.

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Tzoli In reply to U-Joe [2013-03-14 20:22:18 +0000 UTC]

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Count-one [2013-03-13 07:17:45 +0000 UTC]

Сразу видно, что над корабликом была проведена намного более серьезная работа) - выделяется по проработке деталей.
Отлично получилось: динамика и прочее.
Надо продолжать в том же духе!

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U-Joe In reply to Count-one [2013-03-13 11:46:50 +0000 UTC]

>>выделяется по проработке деталей
Не знаю, пишут ли об этом в умных книжках, но чутье мне подсказывает, что картинкам нужен "детализационный контраст". Если все участки картины прорабатывать одинаково тщательно, итоговый результат получается скучноватым. Ну, у меня, по крайней мере.

>>Надо продолжать в том же духе
Надо. Мне товарищи уже все мозги прополоскали, что "корабли в статике неинтересны, рисуй ЭКШОН". ^_^'

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Count-one In reply to U-Joe [2013-03-13 12:29:27 +0000 UTC]

>>Если все участки картины прорабатывать одинаково тщательно, итоговый результат получается скучноватым
Поэтому детализированными всегда делаются передние планы и чем дальше, тем меньше мелочей.
Кста, очень полезно почитать литературу по фото. Там есть общие принципы создания кадра - и композиция, и насыщенность деталями, и цветность и прочее. Советую.

>>Мне товарищи уже все мозги прополоскали, что..
)) Правильно полощут) Но надо просто делать и то и то - тогда не будет однообразия и скуки.

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U-Joe In reply to Count-one [2013-03-13 13:02:39 +0000 UTC]

>>литературу по фото
Не, ну я не совсем днище, и иногда читаю разрозненные статейки по этим вопросам. А вот с книгами беда. Если помнишь навскидку что-нибудь годное, вбрось название/автора, пожалуйста.

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Count-one In reply to U-Joe [2013-03-14 21:56:04 +0000 UTC]

Голубева О.Л. - Основы композиции

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U-Joe In reply to Count-one [2013-03-18 08:48:23 +0000 UTC]

О, спасибо.

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