#lostboys #peterpan
Published: 2014-12-17 17:58:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 28052; Favourites: 1230; Downloads: 0
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I finally did a thing I said I was going to draw. Because that never happens. XDA simple lineup of my versions of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys (now with names so you guys can know which is which). This is my favorite kid's story, and just one of my all time favorite stories in general, and I'd love to do a project related to it someday. Don't know when or what, but it'll happen someday.
Also, in case you were wondering, I don't imagine the lost boys all come from England. I always assumed any boy from any place could end up in Neverland. And if you wondered about the masks, here's my thinking. To me the lost boys always seemed to exist in this weird limbo state between the real world and Neverland. Like, they have left our world, but they have not been in Neverland long enough to really become part of it like Peter has. Because I remember it stated that Peter's essentially the way he is because he's been there so long that Neverland sort of bends to accommodate him. And he's been subject to the magic there for so long that he actually becomes at least partly Fae. (It actually claims at one point that Peter is enough of a Fae that he actually could produce pixie dust himself and does not require a companion faerie to fly.) The way I see it, Peter has identity because he has fully committed to his circumstances. The Lost Boys have not reached that point, and have not been afforded the same opportunities that Peter has to develop their individual selves. They are separate from each other, but to me the Lost Boys always seemed to kind of exist only as Peter wanted them to. No Lost Boy is allowed to know something that Peter does not, hence they don't even get "real" names. But they're still very much separate people and they do have individual personalities and desires. But again, unlike Peter the other boys don't seem to recall much of their former lives (not correctly at least), whereas Peter knows very much where he came from (enough to even go home at one point) and knows who he is now. The boys do not, and as such they lack a personal recognition of who they are. The masks are simply meant to be a physical representation of their lack of full identity. (The twins get full face masks because it's stated that they know the least about themselves of all the boys as Peter does not actually know what a twin is and therefore bars them from knowing much about it either.)
I would imagine the boys remove their masks when they leave Neverland. Because it's only at that point that they gain a full sense of self to be able to do so. Perhaps they could do the same if they stayed in Neverland long enough, but it doesn't seem as likely to me while they are in Peter's charge.
So yeah. That's what I was thinking anyways. Someday I'll actually draw these guys properly refined out... someday. XD
Art and designs property
Peter Pan is technically still copyright, but only in some formats I believe. (Ugh, I wish so bad it was just regular public property, like it should've been by now. But helping kids is good too I suppose)
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Comments: 136
Katrinava [2018-06-19 16:51:58 +0000 UTC]
These are really inspiring for new ocs, they all look so cool! I especially like Peter's hair and the whole of Slightly!
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GodheadInspector [2017-03-10 04:27:01 +0000 UTC]
These designs, man. Did you make a blood pact with a arch-demon or something to get this good?
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Turtle-Arts In reply to GodheadInspector [2017-03-10 18:27:24 +0000 UTC]
lol! Nah, just lots of practice, school, and work time. X'D
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FancyHatShop [2015-08-06 05:44:30 +0000 UTC]
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weegeelord717 [2015-07-29 18:47:52 +0000 UTC]
OMG...After I read the description, you just made me realize a part of why I love the movie "Hook" so much.
Time to put this in my "Inspiration" folder. Excellent job with this!
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Turtle-Arts In reply to weegeelord717 [2015-07-31 16:01:18 +0000 UTC]
What's the reason you love Hook so much, just out of curiosity? :>
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weegeelord717 In reply to Turtle-Arts [2015-08-18 03:37:45 +0000 UTC]
Oh, sorry if my first comment was confusing. What I was trying to say was that one of the reasons I love "Hook" is that in it, the Lost Boys are diverse, both in race AND personality (like you said, this makes concept more realistic). Thanks for helping finally realize that .
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satvrniid [2015-01-26 19:45:38 +0000 UTC]
I'm in love with how you interpreted the story and these boys! My favorite being Slightly as he was always was when I was younger. I was always questionable towards Peter because when I was younger I believed he had actually stowed the boys away into Neverland because he grew lonely and the boys helped him remain in his childlike state of mind and the boys never really questioned their past or ever really tried to return since they're almost in this disbelief that any of this is truly real but more of a never-ending dream. Anyways, I'd love to see you take this farther someday! Your take on this story is beyond intriguing c:
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Turtle-Arts In reply to satvrniid [2015-01-28 20:06:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much! And yes, I've never thought of Peter as a "hero" character. I don't think of him as a villain, but he has a lot of undesirable traits and behaviors. And I always felt like the Lost Boys were generally happy, but rather lacking and unfulfilled.
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Dr-Aim [2015-01-03 12:31:48 +0000 UTC]
Very very nice designs and nice thinking on the characters ! It's true that Peter is... pretty chaotic, to say the least. I always pitied a bit the losts boys, but now I feel even worse for them, because they left the world not to grow up and be their own thing (at least in their mind), but they are sort of peter's toys now...
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Turtle-Arts In reply to Dr-Aim [2015-01-03 18:15:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much. :> And yeah, that's just always how I kind of interpreted the Lost Boys. I never considered Peter a real "good guy" but more on the neutral side and really only out for his own interests. And the Lost Boys always just kind of seemed subject to his overbearing, controlling character. They're not unhappy, I don't think, they just don't know any better. And Peter is not evil or cruel to them (on most counts). I dunno, for me there was always this weird desire to on one hand, want to stay in Neverland because it has childlike safety and familiarity. And on the other hand, there would be this strong desire to want to leave Neverland in order to grow and discover one's true self.
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DreamKeeperArts [2014-12-30 18:19:50 +0000 UTC]
Great designs, and well thought out.
You know, it's funny... you've given a lot of thought to how much Peter manipulates others... how devious and sometimes downright villainous he can truly be. That's not something people like to think about.
My kids were watching 'Jake and the Neverland Pirates' one day, and asked why Captain Hook hates Peter Pan. When I explained what Peter did to Hook, they were a little taken aback... that fun-loving, flying, laughing kid cut off Hook's hand and fed it to the Crocodile--just for fun?
Good take on how he keeps the Lost Boys under his thumb. And absolutely brilliant designs.
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Turtle-Arts In reply to DreamKeeperArts [2014-12-31 18:19:26 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much. :> And yeah, that's actually what makes Peter a favorite character of mine. I love the duality of his character, and I feel like that's a very important aspect that most people overlook. Because what I always got from the story was that it's fun to be a child and there are aspects of childhood that you should try to hold onto, but growing up is necessary, and there are many good qualities that a person would never learn if they remain a child forever. I never really saw Peter as a "good guy" character, but more as a neutral party almost purely out for his own interests. He's not bad, he just never learns.
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Kirschpraline [2014-12-26 16:34:18 +0000 UTC]
The design is so awesome! They look gorgeous! Beautiful and nicely done! <3
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Turtle-Arts In reply to Kirschpraline [2014-12-26 17:34:57 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much! ^^
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Ice-Cove27 [2014-12-24 04:15:47 +0000 UTC]
I love this too much. Absolutely live the diversity among the boys I already loved. :3 amazing designs job, my friend!
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Turtle-Arts In reply to Ice-Cove27 [2014-12-24 18:46:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! ^^ And yeah, I thought it would be more interesting if the group was a little more diverse than their classic depictions.
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Ice-Cove27 In reply to Turtle-Arts [2014-12-24 21:37:41 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! Definitely more interesting, friend. I quite like that. ^^
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LiHue-kun In reply to Turtle-Arts [2015-03-15 03:19:45 +0000 UTC]
what?? no, thanks you!! thisisjustsoawsome
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pixel-putty [2014-12-21 02:38:15 +0000 UTC]
Nice work! That would be great for a children's book.
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DisturbingGreen [2014-12-19 05:33:49 +0000 UTC]
The colours work so well on their designs ahhhh
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Turtle-Arts In reply to alizawren [2014-12-19 16:48:45 +0000 UTC]
Well, for the record I like that book too. XD
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CaribbeanRose9 In reply to Turtle-Arts [2014-12-21 02:16:11 +0000 UTC]
You're so welcome. I read the description and I can see where you're coming from. I love your interpretation of the Lost Boys, so unique. Please keep it up, okay?
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24-J [2014-12-18 20:04:21 +0000 UTC]
its a really original and interesting idea, especially the mask thing, but I want to know more aboute them but in the design field, wich were your references for the masks?
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Turtle-Arts In reply to 24-J [2014-12-18 23:28:31 +0000 UTC]
Actually, I didn't have any reference for the masks. Everything for the lost boys was just kind of made up on the fly back when I first designed them. (This is only the second time I've actually drawn them as a group) I picked the animals kind of based on how I imagine each boy's personality though, so that each mask is still a reflection of that particular boy.
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shinobiwankenobe [2014-12-18 18:06:30 +0000 UTC]
Love this take on these classic characters, it really evokes something tribal while maintaining boys at play. Really great work!
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