#daiki #fanfiction #knb #reader #aomine
Published: 2015-08-24 02:07:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 12033; Favourites: 225; Downloads: 0
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It seems to have become a habit since you started hanging out with Satsuki and Aomine for lunch. Every day, he'd always take food from your bento and practically compliment your cooking skills by devouring the whole thing. Satsuki would always smack him in the head for being so ungrateful and rude, before turning to you and apologizing for his behaviour.
You shrugged and watched with a smile on your face as they continued to banter.
"You see Satsuki? [y/n]-chan doesn't care I eat her food!"
"You can be so insensitive Dai-chan! You always leave [y/n]-chan without any food! She needs to eat too you know! And you don't even thank her for it!"
"Eh? She hasn't complained about it, isn't that right [y/n]-chan?" Aomine speaks as he wraps an arm around your shoulder. You could feel the heat rush to your cheeks in embarrassment as both your friends' attention is directed at you and you always hate being in the spotlight.
"I... I don't really mind too much... Aomine-kun has practice right? So he needs to eat.. We can't have our ace player starve when he practices."
Feeling a smirk against your cheeks, the blush only intensified as your best friend/crush continued to lean on your shoulders. You could feel your friend's glare on the blue haired male beside you and it only made you cough awkwardly before turning your gaze to the ground.
Aomine sighed in irritation before ruffling your hair and straightening up to rub his shoulders, "I don't know why you can't be like [y/n]-chan, Satsuki. She never nags me about anything. And she never hits me either."
Puffing her cheeks in irritation, Satsuki grumbled, "It's because she's too nice to you. One of us has to make sure you're kept in line. I keep getting complaints from the team and coach about your behaviour."
Your laugh is uneasy before you try to keep the soon to be fight under control. You know how both of them can get and you'd rather not be sitting outside the principle's office yet again waiting for them to be scolded.
Sighing, you eat what's left of your bento as you try to block out the current fight from your mind.
It was the last school day of the week and you decided to try a different tactic that would hopefully keep your friends from fighting each other. Putting your [h/l] [h/c] hair in a ponytail, you set to work on making three bentos. You knew it was definitely too much for you to eat alone. But you also knew that Aomine had a big appetite so you decided to make him two so yours would finally be untouched. When you finished making them, you realized you had almost no food left for dinner. You didn't mind too much as you had to go shopping later anyway, but it only made you sigh in defeat. Although Aomine had always finished your lunch, he still never mentioned once if he actually enjoyed it.
You pondered this thought as you continued to school, completely unaware of your two friends waiting outside the gates for you.
"Oi, [y/n]-chan."
"Good morning [y/n]-chan!~"
Blinking, you looked up to see them standing beside each other. A smile graced your lips as you hugged Satsuki and nodded at Aomine. As much as you wanted to give him a hug good morning, you were never sure if he would've liked it. You've seen your pink-haired friend hang on him and seen him getting irritated with her actions so you decided to not chance it and just nod at him instead.
Not wanting to be late for class, you scurried to keep up with your friends, who as usual began to bicker.
It seemed as though lunch came quicker than you thought as you brought your [f/c] bag to your normal spot. The three of you always hung out outside of the school, in front of a large tree right by the gates. At first, Satsuki was reluctant to sit there, as she didn't want to get her uniform dirty, but eventually she accepted that both you and Aomine wouldn't sit anywhere else and sat with you .
Noticing you were the first to get to the spot, you sighed before taking your bag off your shoulder and proceeded to take out your lunch. Gently unwrapping it, you were about to dig in before long, tan arms came into your vision and snagged a piece of rice from your lunch. Turning your gaze to the right, you saw Aomine chew the food quietly with his eyes closed before opening them in delight.
You laughed as he continued to dig in, completely aware of how close he was to you and trying to hide the blush that threatened to surface. When he sat down in front of you, still eating from your lunch, you blinked as you scouted the grounds, looking for your pink-haired friend. "Where's Satsuki-chan?"
He shrugged, "I dunno. Think she said something about talking with the coach about something. God, [y/n]-chan! Your food is so delicious!"
Covering your face in embarrassment, you couldn't help the smile form on your face at his compliment, "I'm glad you like Aomine-kun. I made you more if you're still hungry."
Seeing his expression light up like a child excited for Christmas, you couldn't stop the laughter as you reached inside your bag and handed it carefully to him. He was about to dig in before he looked up at you, a frown on his face, "What about you?"
"It's okay. I got it covered. I made enough for the both of us." You said as you brought out a third bento box. "See? Now Satsuki-chan can't complain about you eating my food."
He blinked.
"You mean... You made three bentos?"
You nodded.
"What about your groceries? What are you gonna have for dinner?"
You shrug, "It's fine, Aomine-kun. I have to go shopping anyways. It wasn't that big of a deal. I'd rather have you eat and not starve than have a kitchen full of food that I can't even finish. This way it doesn't get wasted and you also eat at the same time."
Placing the box on the ground, he covered his face as a small blush formed on his face, unable to look at you, "If you're gonna be making me food, you have to let me come shopping with you. It wouldn't be right if I didn't pay for part of the groceries you're buying for me."
The smile on your face only grew bigger as you nodded. "Sure!"
He turned his attention back to the food as he practically devoured the whole box. You could feel your fingers twitch in nervousness as you watched him from the corner of your eyes. Placing your box on the ground, you fiddled with your fingers before you spoke.
Blinking, he looked up with those azure blue eyes of his, making your legs feel like jelly. His face was puffed up from the amount of food shoved in his throat as he stared into your [e/c] eyes. Taking a deep breath, you turned to look into his eyes as the question tumbled from your lips.
"Can I... hug you?"
Swallowing his food, he blinked several times, as though he misheard your question.
"Eh? Why?"
The blush from before decided to creep up as you lost the nerve to look at him, "It's just... I always give Satsuki-chan hugs all the time and I know we're best friends and we've hung out together but I've never actually hugged you and I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend... But I always see you cringe when Satsuki-chan hugs you so I kinda refrain from doing it and it would make me really happy if I could hug you... Even if it's only just once..."
Tan arms appear in your vision before white replaces it as Aomine yanks you into his chest. You gasp in shock and you end up inhaling his scent, causing your blush to deepen as you wrap your arms around his back. You feel his head rest on your head as his one hand gently rubs your back. Embarrassed, you grip his shirt tighter if only to enjoy this moment for a little bit longer. The wind blows by and subconsciously you shiver only to feel his arm tightens, bringing you closer and you shift your legs slightly, allowing you to sit in his lap.
You feel him chuckle in your ear, sending pleasant shivers down your spine as he whispers,
"Tell you what, [y/n]-chan. I'll let you hug me every morning if you promise to make me lunch for the rest of the year."
You couldn't stop the laugh that escaped your lips as you rested your chin on his shoulder.
"It's a deal."
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Comments: 10
CuteCat213 [2018-02-01 13:23:36 +0000 UTC]
Okay, I've read almost every single one of these on the site, but this is the first one that's been so cute it's made me blush and cover my cheeks like Reader-chan.
π: 0 β©: 0
ryanenyan [2017-04-28 15:05:04 +0000 UTC]
"I'll let you hug me every morning if you promise to make me lunch for the rest of the year."
I read this too fast and my mind conjured up its own sentence ofοΌ
"I'll let you hug me every morning if you promise to make me lunch for the rest of your life."
π: 1 β©: 1
CuteCat213 In reply to ryanenyan [2018-02-01 13:22:58 +0000 UTC]
"Do you want to stay for dinner?"
"Do you want to stay forever?!"
π: 0 β©: 0
aprilrainmayblossom [2015-09-11 19:18:14 +0000 UTC]
Soo cute. I'd def make him bentous for him everydayΒ . Reader character reminded me of Sakurai though
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Tiacchi In reply to aprilrainmayblossom [2015-09-11 19:36:27 +0000 UTC]
Haha ! I kinda made her similar to him. With the exceptions of saying "sorry" all the time. But I figured if you have a crush on your best friend, you would do anything for them. Hence why you choose to make him lunchesΒ
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aprilrainmayblossom In reply to Tiacchi [2015-09-11 23:18:46 +0000 UTC]
no worries... I would do what she/he would
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Kida-neechan [2015-08-24 06:49:32 +0000 UTC]
Ah, finally got my dose of fluff for the day (|=v=)/ ~β‘Β
π: 0 β©: 1
Tiacchi In reply to Kida-neechan [2015-08-24 16:18:15 +0000 UTC]
Awe ! I'm glad you liked it !
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