PokeGirl4everMe — Sharing is Caring (Atsushi Murasakibara x Reader)
#fanfiction #xreader #kurokonobasket #murasakibaraatsushi #knbxreader
Published: 2014-12-31 17:43:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 3784; Favourites: 56; Downloads: 0
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There is not many people who likes to share their snacks, or some do but why should they?
Murasakibara Atsushi was no exception, especially when it came to his snacks.
The purple haired giant absolutely hated to share his snacks, and so he never did, he always held all his snacks for him self all the bags he kept all for him self and no other.

Until that fate full day

You were [F/N] [L/N], honestly you were a pretty normal student at Yosen High, well more or less.
You had good grades, was pretty good athletic and taller than the most girls at Yosen, about 1,75 cm (Its about 2 cm taller than Akashi) the reason was simply that you were half (Country/ Fav. Country).[Not Japan Of course]
And well... most girls didn't really like you, maybe because of your hight well some of them anyways, but the real reason was because.
You were friend with the oh so popular Himoru Tatsuya. 
Yes that was indeed why, not that you had anything together with Himoru or that you had that kind of interest him like that, no not at all.

After all you already had a slight crush on his best friend and also one of your own best friends: Murasakibara Atsushi.

Yes you had more or less fallen for the purple giant, while most other girls got scared just by the sight of him.
For you there was something attractive about the giant, even thou he was very childrish, lazy and almost depended on snacks and ate all the time, you still didn't know if you had fallen in love with him but you definitely had a crush on him.


Right now it just rung to lunch break, you hurried packed your stuff and swung your bag over your shoulder. And thus you were on your way out of your class room, to the roof top were you would meet up with Himoru and Atsushi. Sometimes it did go faster than other times, if you guys were fast enough you would avoid most of Himoru's fan girls. If not you would probably be stuck the whole lunch break wich you all learned from experience.

As you made it up to the roof top you saw that you were the only one who had arrived, you decided to wait for a couple minutes to decide if they really did or did not they get stuck in a crowd, since your class room after all lays a little longer away than yours.

It didn't take long before you heard the door to the roof open and then close again.
From the corner of your eyes you only saw one person coming out of the door, one darm tall person.

"Hey Mura-kun!!" You greeted him, when he came into your line of sight.

"Hi (Y/N)-Chin" He said, the same all time lazy smile on his face.
He then sat down besides you.
Not too close not too far, just the right distance so that i't wouldn't be too awkward.
Murasakibara had already had one of his snacks in his mouth, it was then you realized.

"By the way Mura-kun, Himoru is not coming is he" You asked ´, Murasakibara just chock his head still snacks in his mouth, you yourself let out a sign.
It wasn't the first time this had happened, Himoru would get stuck with his fan girls and they would hold him the whole lunch break, so again it was just you and Murasakibara who were here to eat.

You didn't really mind thou, since you quite enjoyed being alone with Murasakibara, sure sometimes it could be really quiet but it was never awkward or uncomfortable. It was just right.

You stuck your hand down in your bag to get your bento out, but it was strange, your hand was almost over all in your bag, but it didn't seem like you could find it, not anywhere.
You slowly began to panic, you didn't know why it wasn't in there you were sure you took it with you when you left the house this morning, maybe you forgot it in the class.
You didn't even notice that the purple head beside you was looking at you with a confused look on his face.
As soon as you took your hand out of the bag you gave your self a face palm, you just remembered you really did forget it at home this morning.

You turned around only to see Murasakibara looking at you, still confused look on his face.

"A - ah it seems that i forgot my lunch at home" you said to Murasakibara. And since you haven't gotten anything to eat since this morning and you were kinda hungry to say at least, but you could assure that you could survive school just one day without your lunch, or that was at least what you wanted yourself to believe.


Just as you had assured yourself a loud growl could be heard all over the rooftop, 
'Stomach your traitor' you couldn't believe what just happened your stomach made one of the biggest growls you have ever heard and to make it even worse your crush and best friend heard it all, loud and clear and you couldn't do anything but blush of your embarrassment.

"Ne (Y/N)-Chin are you hungry~?" The purple haired boy besides you asked breaking your own thouts.
Still embarrassed you gave him a little nod. 
He stuck his hand down to his snack bag and then came up with a bag of chips.
He pointed his hand with the bag of chips in your direction as if giving you a sign to take them since his mouth already was stuffed with all other kinds of snacks already.

You looked at the chips a little while, you were hesitantly but at least decided to take them, giving Murasakibara a little 'thank you' as well. When you had the chips fully in your hand you looked at them, it was first then you realized what kind of chips it was,
it was a bag of [Favorite Chips].

"These are your favorite, right (Y/N)-Chin??" 

"Yeah, they are..... how did you know??"

Murasakibara didn't look at you.
You could see even thou it was faint you could see a little crimson color on his cheeks.

"I-... its just you eat them all the time" he answered still not looking at you.
And you couldn't help but blush yourself, so he knew that, what else small things does he know about you. You wanted to ask him that but you didn't, instead you just begun to eat the chips while hiding the growing blush there was coming on your face.


The same day when you walked home with Himoru (since your house is close to each others).
You told him what had happened at lunch.
When you had said got a big grin growing of Himoru's face as well as him beginning to laugh.

We both stopped in our tracks, just standing on the sidewalk. 

"H-hey what's s-so funny" You asked stuttering, you really have no idea why he suddenly just began to laugh like that, just like that without anything funny being said, or happened.

"S-sorry its just.... you are still so dense"
You didn't quite understand were you dense why, was there something you didn't get.

"Well anyways... you know what people say about stuff like that!" He said while he got walking again.

"NO, i don't.... what do they say" You speed walked up behind him to catch up with him.

"Sharing is caring!!!

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