Published: 2013-01-10 16:00:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 2634; Favourites: 121; Downloads: 33
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Picture this, please, done as in Sonic Colours.SUPER SALLY!
dananananana, nanananana, nanananana
belongs to SEGA
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Comments: 18
Rubyfonzie2007 [2022-03-03 21:32:41 +0000 UTC]
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MickeeYoofers [2016-08-21 02:16:27 +0000 UTC]
Shouldn't the hair be pointed upwards? that's a Nice picture otherwise.
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BenBates [2014-03-12 21:02:29 +0000 UTC]
I really like this which is a surprise to me. I mean its an awesome drawing and I love the cartooning, the thin limbs and the wide smile are great.
As a kid playing Sonic 2 when I discovered Super Sonic it was incredible. The animation/pose when he transforms is PERFECT in that game. He looks cooler without the artist trying too hard.ย
Later when Knuckles, and Tails to an extent, could also go Super I was thrilled. I think the Tails with Flickies and the concept behind it is awesome, but I was and remain heavily disappointed by Knuckles transformation. I wanted a new sprite and behaviour like Sonic, not just a recolor.ย
When Super Shadow and Super Silver roll around though, I'm just done. So lame to me. They're characters already leeching off Sonic's success and they also turn gold when going super? It's no good. Just leave Sonic alone and design new characters is what I say. (I way wish Silver was a mink. Extending the design pool and helping to further showcase Uekawa's design philosophy.)
So my idea of Super characters has become tarnished but this Sally wins me over. The first reason is you've kept yourself in check with her transformation. She doesn't wildly change. The second reason is the smart and surprising use of gold on just a few areas! It's not copying Super Sonic, its referencing Super Sonic! A subtle but key difference.ย
So yeah, if Sally were in the games and had this transformation I'd be into it.ย
Now the only thing is what does she do in the games? I'm up for her having a spinball attack (as Tails and Cream both do) but I've always been curious about Ian's thinking behind Sally singing to the Flicky in Sonic Genesis. I've never asked him but it got me wondering if she'd have a play mechanic similar to Cream. Rather than a Chao following her around, she would collect the animals as they burst out of the badguys.ย
It's fun for me to think of the different animals you'd collect throughout each zone.ย
Oh yeah, Burning Blaze I think is super cool too.ย
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TheKKM In reply to BenBates [2014-03-13 05:31:30 +0000 UTC]
I never liked the super forms much, not even Super Sonic (with the possible exception of Super Tails). Never cared for the constant power creep form accumulating on Dragonball either, probably connected :V Pretty much only take exception from this for Burning Blaze since I like the colours and I suppose Super Sonic in Sonic the Comic since he was his own character there
I can't remember if this was a random idea of my own or discussion on 4chan, but the idea here is that Sally's old early comics "orange and yellow" colour scheme works really well for a Super form, since it all becomes tones of yellow and red. Just a silly idea.
As written now on the comics Sally can make the Mecha Sally energy blades out of her glove cuffs (which I don't really like- not only is it not very Sally-like, the cuffs clearly weren't designed with this in mind because the result is just a couple of energy rectangles copypasted into them), but like you mention in Genesis, I personally imagined her being able to control the animals inside the badniks- so she'd be able to have one badnik at a time act like Cheese does for Cream! Which for a Super Sally I suppose could translate as various badniks being controlled at once
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Shinbaloonba [2013-01-10 23:58:26 +0000 UTC]
Well,me neither.
I meant "blowing" like Super Sonic's,going up in a way,not realistically.
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TheKKM In reply to Shinbaloonba [2013-01-11 19:22:27 +0000 UTC]
Eh, I tried sketching that and it loses the bouffant too much, in my opinion. And the bouffant is to be never lost.
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Shinbaloonba [2013-01-10 20:46:13 +0000 UTC]
I expected her hair to be more blowy and all,if you know what I mean.
But the coloring is sick here,kรก kรก emi.
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TheKKM In reply to Shinbaloonba [2013-01-10 23:11:30 +0000 UTC]
eh, I don't like realistic hair styling on Sanics. And also didn't quite want to lose the shape of her bangs. To experiment further.
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TheKKM In reply to werewolf90x [2013-01-10 23:10:49 +0000 UTC]
If by form you mean this Archie has nothing to do with it, it's something I did randomly
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MegaHayzer [2013-01-10 16:04:01 +0000 UTC]
...You expect me to roll over and favorite every Sally image you make??
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TheKKM In reply to MegaHayzer [2013-01-10 16:09:17 +0000 UTC]
I've got you wrapped around my finger!
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MegaHayzer In reply to TheKKM [2013-01-14 04:54:56 +0000 UTC]
Shhhhh... That's a secret.
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TheKKM In reply to MegaHayzer [2013-01-22 18:01:43 +0000 UTC]
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MegaHayzer In reply to TheKKM [2013-01-22 19:58:03 +0000 UTC]
No, but it's a secret to everybody.
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