the-fren — you'll fight it

Published: 2020-08-02 07:16:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 2397; Favourites: 126; Downloads: 0
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    "Your ship may be coming in,

You're weak but not giving in,
To the cries and the wails of the valley below,
Your ship may be coming in,
You're weak but not giving in,
And you'll fight it you'll go out fighting all of them."
~ a better son/daughter , Rilo Kiley

Willowglen Estate Opening Event

Stable: Rosewood Studs
Horse: MCF Stella Aquila
Rider: Keira Sarah Jay Schultz
Class: Showjumping
Entering Slot Raffle? No
Entering Horse/Rider Pair Raffle: Yes

She sighed as she opened the snap. Fucking people. Keira's jaw tensed as she stared at the open Snapchat. Successful people being ungrateful for their success, or an attempt at a humble brag to get attention? She blinked slowly, grey eyes narrowing. What a fucking slap in the face. Her grand failure and resulting explosion wasn't exactly unknown. It didn't just fly under the radar. All these fucking people, sending Snapchats of their expensive horses at expensive facilities running on expensive treadmills. But chat me about how you can't ride because your instructor was too busy and now your competitions are cancelled and boohoo. Sympathy wasn't not Keira's strong point. It all felt like kicking dust in her eyes, after her public fuck up left her sponsors gone and her jobless and having to change career.

Of course, you're not supposed to smoke weed in your horse's show stall. More importantly, you're not supposed to get caught. Or fired for it. Though technically, she wasn't fired - she just stopped getting sponsored and couldn't afford entry fees and trekking halfway across the country using someone else's horse.

She took a drag of her cigarette in her car. Wouldn't make that mistake again. Granted, she'd loved working as a mechanic. But it wasn't as ludicrous and luxurious as being a competitive national German rider. So she had saved, and at the opportunity to work at a nice looking place she took it. It just so happened to be in Australia. Whatever. She could work on cars on the side, live in a shit house and ride. Except she didn't ride - not for three months. She worked as a stablehand, before graduating to an exercise rider. This was her trial show, with a 4 year old Knabstrupper mare, Aquila. She was cute, spotty and flashy, but didn't share that in personality. She was far more reserved and careful. Keira figured that would let them work as a good team, Keira was bold, driven and unyielding. She knew that about herself, but above her she had an air of anger. She'd connected with the spotty mare, who she'd actually originally scared. After the first ride, the mare had snorted and danced away from the girl's hard stare. So, Keira learned to soften. Most of the horses she'd worked with had been used to stubborn men who had better things to do than spend time making their horses comfortable around them. But, to reward her, Aquila had found confidence - the pair had met in the middle. They still hadn't conquered cross-country, but Keira wasn't an event rider anyway - she didn't want to die a paraplegic being tossed into a brick wall. She respected the people dumb enough to do it for money though - she stuck to showjumping. Not that she lacked bravery or boldness, just that apparently her common sense kicked in at that stage.
One of her coworkers said she'd get along well with Hayden then - which she did not. Keira took another drag of her cigarette, before pushing it into her car's ashtray. Fucking blonde bitch. Thought the sun shone out of her ass, and had her parent's money to back it up. They didn't get along. Hayden was everything she hated about showjumping, holier-than-thou attitude, neat and nitpicked style, robotic riding that seemed to work for every horse she rode. Well, except for one. One very important mare she didn't work with. It was Lady Proudmoore, the talented as shit mare whose rider got knocked up and gave birth to twins. When Aveline had to retire from competitive riding duty, it was open season on who could ride the stable's star. Hayden took a punt, but the pair hated each other. Hayden's buttons weren't there to press, and the mare was ridden by feel instead of finesse. Keira was sure Ben would see that and give her a chance. She'd considered proving it to them, and getting on the damn horse herself - but that would risk a job she couldn't replace at the moment. So she bided her time, watching the mare fall into other hands and waited for her opportunity.
It started with hacking out one of the bog standard horses - just an easy to ride mare in the form of a grey mare, Lila. She was sweet and easy to get along with, but by far one of the most uncomplicated rides she'd had. Next, she exercised her in the arena, flatwork and small jumps. She gained the trust of Ben, the stable manager, and eventually started riding their more difficult horses and youngsters, including Aquila.

Keira slumped back into her seat, her cigarette finished. She knew not to smoke around horses now, just fuck up your car and crack a window. Her housemate called her disgusting, but preferred her car than their house. She let herself out of her car, before opening the back and slinging her boot bag over her shoulder. She closed the door, locked the car and traipsed up to the stable. It was a nice place, really nice. The grounds buzzed with activity, riders and horses milling about everywhere. They warmed up, chatted and exchanged pleasantries. The sun wasn't up yet, but that never stopped equestrians. Keira wandered up to the barn, where she saw her manager, Ben standing in the aisle. He saw her, uncrossed his arms and entered the stable behind him. He brought out a saddled Aquila, clicking to her before meeting Keira in the middle of the barn aisle.
"Are you usually late to shows?" Keira's eyes averted, darting uncomfortably to her phone. She was late.
"No. Sorry Ben."
"You reek of smoke. Put your boots on, and hop up." Ben tested the girth as he spoke. As Keira kicked her sneakers off and unzipped her bag, he tightened the girth a hole. He unfastened the throatlatch, freeing the reins before refastening.
"The show schedule is nice and flexible, so I'm getting your round out of the way before it gets busy. I want to give Aquila every chance to do her best." Keira nodded curtly, standing up from zipping her boots. Ben nodded curtly in reply, before setting up to boost her into the saddle. "We won't do much warmup. Just enough to get her form nice." The first signs of sunrise were starting to crack along the horizon as they left the barn. Emotional swirled in Keira's gut - mainly anger. Sure, she was in the wrong. But she didn't fucking want to be called out on it. Every betrayal she'd felt in her life rose to the surface. Every failed relationship, every angry parent's scolding and every housemate's subtle dig. Her fingernails dug into her palms as she gripped the reins.
"Can I warm up by myself first? I need a ride. Alone." Ben rolled her eyes.
"You don't get to make demands. No." Keira felt the pressure rising and building in her chest.
"I'm not making demands. Please, let me do this. I need to blow off some steam."
"Not riding a young horse, no. You deal with your own shit in your own time, not Aquila's time." Keira's breath shortened. Her arms felt numb from the shoulders down. The wave of rage bashed at the shore. She'd just smoked, she should've had a few hours of relief. Aquila danced nervously underneath her. She unclenched her hands, prying her fingers open and dropping the reins. She shrugged off her waterproof jacket, and stiffly stroked the mare's neck. She handed the jacked to Ben, and he laid it over his arm. She was sure her legs would be shaking if she was standing, or at least not sitting on a horse. Her muscle memory took over perched on the back of a horse. She bit her tongue, the very tip. Aquila moved forward, tense and upset. Keira's nostrils flared as she struggled to managed her breathing. Aquila's walk was stiff and the mare felt like a ticking bomb underneath her. Welcome to this feeling. Keira herself felt ready to explore, her extremities numb from all the feeling. She rocked herself backwards gently, in a futile attempt to relax her seat. Aquila's hind limbs danced underneath her in response, sucking her body underneath herself in a false frame. "Relax your seat. Stretch your legs down. Let her move forward." Fuck you. I know how to ride. She unlocked her fingers, softening her grip on the reins. She took a breath out, making sure she fully exhaled. In turn, Aquila's muscle's gave the slightest inch and some of the tension in the mare's body dissipated. Keira felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. She did not unclench her teeth.

The ride to the warmup ring was like the feeling of swerving away from a near-miss car accident. The numbness, the beginnings of adrenaline starting to creep through your veins. The feeling that's simultaneously a pit in your stomach but such a full chest it could explode and suck everything inside. Aquila herself, all things considered, practically waltzed a calm walk around the arena as Keira's own emotions tore and shredded at her body. The extreme emotion that starts to manifest physically, such fullness of feeling that it spills out your brain and into your whole body. At this moment, Keira was knitted together with a frayed, thin thread. Hold it. The fuck. Together. This was her chance to actually ride again, to push the limits of her own and her horse's physicality. She could hear Ben issuing commands, but she didn't even process them, just the autopilot took over. Aquila rolled into a tense trot, snorting with each stride, neck curling underneath and she sought relief from the intensity of Keira's emotions. Her eyes glazed over as she trotted the mare around, everything awash over her. Aquila eventually relaxed, purely from exposure to the stress. Her neck unfurled and she sought contact, which Keira held easily, her hands stone cold. Ben was nodding at her. He walked to a warmup fence, plonking the pole down three holes. He said something, then gestured to the fence. Tiny. Nothing. A step underneath her. Aquila's breath quickened, hitching as she took off. She was fine. Nothing special, but didn't hit the fence. Go again. Again. Again. The blood stopped howling in her ears. She felt the world around her swim back into her vision. She was the only one in the warmup. Aquila breathed evenly, and Keira fought her own breath to match the rhythm of her now cantering stride. Her elbows unlocked, her wrists and fingers finding flexibility again. Her seat softened, legs unhooking from the mare's side. Her body was exhausted, but she felt control wrestle back to her. Aquila responded by taking a large exhale, stepping quietly towards the larger fence, and taking off neatly, back rising and curving to meet Keira's seat. Some sort of warm feeling washed over her, some sort of relief. Ben nodded, happy with their progress.
"Stop there. I'm happy with that. Do your round." Keira blinked as she slowed Aquila, eventually stopping and halting. She nodded slowly at him, still struggling to comprehend language after reverting to some primal caveman. She allowed the reins to slip through her fingers as she walked to the show arena.

She smiled sweetly at the stewards, as Ben stated her desired height. They nodded, dropping the poles to a measly 80 centimetres tall. Now is not the time to fight again. Just let this happen Keira. She forced an angry exhale. She collected her reins, concentrating hard on keeping everything loose and relaxed. Aquila's ears pricked, head bobbing as she rolled into canter. Keira's tenous temper held as they approached the first fence, Aquila taking off and arcing gracefully beneath her. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. (1972 words)

Springtour 2013_324  - skeleton traced

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Comments: 16

Shotechi [2020-09-23 12:12:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

the-fren In reply to Shotechi [2020-12-28 17:27:40 +0000 UTC]

thank you sho aaaa

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PoisonSoldat [2020-08-11 05:34:47 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

the-fren In reply to PoisonSoldat [2020-08-19 13:40:30 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PoisonSoldat In reply to the-fren [2020-08-20 20:30:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JKoenegge [2020-08-08 09:15:51 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

the-fren In reply to JKoenegge [2020-08-19 13:40:24 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Scutterland [2020-08-03 20:55:07 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

the-fren In reply to Scutterland [2020-08-06 05:36:09 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ANIMALGIRL1869 [2020-08-02 19:54:44 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

the-fren In reply to ANIMALGIRL1869 [2020-08-06 05:36:20 +0000 UTC]

thanks Linda

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ANIMALGIRL1869 In reply to the-fren [2020-08-06 15:59:10 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ReQuay [2020-08-02 16:51:32 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

the-fren In reply to ReQuay [2020-08-06 05:36:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! She's such a cutie, I wish I had more time to devote to all my pons so she could get more attention!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EquineRibbon [2020-08-02 09:10:37 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

the-fren In reply to EquineRibbon [2020-08-06 05:37:42 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much! I didn't realise the venue was foggy, but I was very happy when it was

👍: 0 ⏩: 0