EquestrianJade — Eat My Dust

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Published: 2016-08-20 08:57:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 1152; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 1
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HTF Annual Summer Rodeo

Horse's Name:  WWR's Heart's Afire
Horse's Age: 7 years
Rider's Name: Lylah Adams
Rider's Age: 24 years

  Lylah could feel every breath the mare took, sitting atop the bay horse. She had gotten up early to get things ready and have some extra time to get Rubigo warmed up before it was time for her to enter the arena. Lylah had eaten breakfast with a few of the other staff members who had traveled to the rodeo with her, got dressed, and got Rubigo all prettied up and tacked. Now it was time. They were sitting outside the two cones that would mark the starting point of their quick journey around the barrels in the arena. It was still early and the day had great promise for a fun time riding and meeting new people. Lylah could practically feel the anticipation in the air. Rodeos always made her feel like she was back home again. It's what she had grown up with. She was raised on the back of a horse and seemed like she went to a rodeo every week with her family, even participating when she was fairly young. 

    She loved the smell of the horses and freshly baked pretzels and elephant ears, seeing the dazzling performances, and meeting new people who shared her love for horses and rodeo. This is what she was born for; She could feel it in every fiber of her being.
She ran her hand down the mare's neck reassuringly, noticing the mare was getting kind of antsy. "You ready to go to work girl?" she said confidently. Rubigo's ears turned backwards, listening to her rider's determined voice. "Yeah, me too." she spoke, looking up with an expression of grit and conviction. It would soon be their turn and she knew they were both ready. Rubigo snorted impatiently, she was a working horse, she was ready to get to work.

    Lylah grinned when she heard their names being announced, beckoning them to the starting line between the two cones. She gently prodded Rubigo's sides so they could step up to the line. The announcer continued with their origin and such but Lylah was in the zone. Her eyes trained the barrels in the arena, replaying the pattern over and over again in her head. She could hear every breath Rubigo took, her hooves stamping the dusty ground with anticipation and impatience.
The starting cue sounded off and Rubigo and Lylah bursted into the arena, immediately cutting around the first barrel with ease. Lylah's gaze was trained on the pocket of the next barrel as Rubigo pushed forward. As they came around the second barrel Lylah grabbed the horn of the saddle and pushed off of it to make her sit deeper in the saddle. 

    They rapidly approached the last barrel, a cloud of dust behind them. Lylah sat deep as they made the last turn, pushing her hands forward and giving Rubigo all her rein. Lylah kissed and squeezed her as she pushed off and dashed to the finish line. 
As Lylah pulled back on the reins, gently woahing the mare, she had a beaming smile on her face. It was always an exhilaration. She patted Rubigo on the neck gently, applauding her amazing job. "Great job, Rube, great job." she cooed. 
She was happy with how it turned out and she couldn't wait to see what the rest of the day had in store.  

Word Count: 555 words

I had a lot of fun doing this entry! I really want to start working with Rubigo so I decided to enter this rodeo. It's a totally awesome event and you guys should go check it out! Super fun classes and awesome prizes.

Pose Reference by eluhfunt-stock

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