Tattered-Dreams — KC 2015 - Reference [Name to come]

#horse #kaimanawa #ref #harpg #kaimanawachallenge #kiwistang #lakewoodfarm #kc2015
Published: 2015-03-11 23:13:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 888; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description Cutting it a bit fine, but I've finally been able to get this finished so my girl is safe from reclaiming tomorrow

Honestly, I haven't drawn for nearly a month. I was having some big issues with this image before I went on an unplanned break (it just didn't want to come out right). But I just finished it in a few hours this evening, so fingers crossed my Muse has sorted her life out

Still a little stuck for the perfect name. Feel free to throw suggestions my way

Name: ??
Barn Name: ?? Cassia? Aleyria? Valyria? Something ending in 'ia'...?
ID: #33 [2015 KC round pens] (breed has no permanent IDs)
Gender: Mare
Breed: Kaimanawa-Registry
Age: 7
Height:  14.2hh
Colour:  Extreme sooty palomino (silver carrier)
Markings: A small, slightly crooked snip just off of the right nostril (possibly. No visible markings in her import sheet and I'm not decided about this yet)
Discipline: We'll work that out when she'll accept a bridle, I think...
Passable Traits:  All foals will inherit sooty and silver genes. Sweet nature, elegant conformation (for the breed), dislike of being alone, thick winter coat.
Genotype: ee AA nCr StySty ZZ
Sire:  NA - Wild
Dam: NA - Wild

Personality: She's a bit of a mother hen; sweet natured but with a protective streak longer than her tail. Having spent her life so far in the wild, she's very savvy, surefooted and quick thinking, as well as hardy and low maintenance in terms of feeding and keep. She's not at the top of the heirarchy, preferring to leave that to others, but herd members do seem to respect her. She likes company, whether it's the yard dog, small children playing nearby, a whole herd of horses or just one person talking to her. She's not fond of being alone or boxed in. She has a big problem with farriers and dentists.
History: She was rounded up and auctioned off in the 2015 Kaimanawa Muster. She was bought by an aging couple; Mr and Mrs Locket, while they were holidaying in New Zealand, intended as a gift for their teenaged grand-daughter. Aware that the girl would not be able to gentle and back a truly wild horse, the Lockets commissioned Lakewood to take her on, having seen their success with Kiwi through the website. She was flown out to England on a cargo plane, and then lorried from the airport to the Farm, which is where she now resides as the gang start to gentle her.

Official Design: KC 2015 - 33

Other Images:
None yet

KC: Prologue - The Project
KC: Interlude - Panic
KC: Arrival - New World

None yet

Breeding: Closed.


None Yet

Will work out Kaimanawa points eventually...

Real life horses that inspired her design (linked to me by liddlecherry) - www.mustangs4us.com/Horse%20Co… www.thecolorfulchincoteague.co…

Time - Maybe 3 hours ish?
No refs used.
Art and character copyright to Tattered-Dreams
Design copyright to LiddleCherry
Do not take, copy, edit, redistribute or manipulate.
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Comments: 29

Dancing-Ponies [2015-07-30 19:19:30 +0000 UTC]

Name- Illyria! 

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to Dancing-Ponies [2015-07-30 20:19:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the suggestion there - I have a huge fondness for the name Illyria, so I already have another character with it. I'm not reusing it for that reason

Still thinking on this one ^^

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Dancing-Ponies In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2015-07-30 20:32:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh, haha
I do adore that name. I might consider calling one of my future horses Illyria

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to Dancing-Ponies [2015-07-30 21:26:31 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I really do love it, too and if the name fits, then why not?

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ReQuay [2015-03-18 04:41:02 +0000 UTC]

I never thought I'd love a palomino design this much - but she's stunning.  I love how she looks in your style.
Gratz on this pretty girl.  Can't wait to see how her and Twitch carry on. 

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to ReQuay [2015-10-30 17:31:07 +0000 UTC]

Oooh boy, tell me about it! I'm not big on the cream gene at all, but I saw her in the round pens and was a goner I do really love the dappling and sooty on her.

Thank you! Its been severely delayed, but here's praying I can get back to that storyline soon ^^

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sobreiros [2015-03-12 16:40:04 +0000 UTC]

Ooh wow, she's definitely a gorgeous girl! I love her little snip, and her large hooves. Can't wait to see her story unfold!

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to sobreiros [2015-03-14 10:23:01 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you! Cherry is wholy responsible for how pretty she is; I just drew her again XD Though I do claim a tiny bit of credit for the wonky snip (which may or may not stay).

Lol, her hooves did come out a touch big. That's what I get for hurrying to post her just before a deadline (but its cute, so its all good XD). And thanks; me either! Here's hoping I have time soon to return to this story

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sobreiros In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2015-03-14 15:59:01 +0000 UTC]

I adore the wonky snip.

And I think the large hooves are a nice touch! Wild horses usually have much wider hooves than domestic ones, so it's not a bad thing. I like big hooves.

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Song-Wolf-Farm [2015-03-12 10:18:38 +0000 UTC]

I have something planned that may bring a few chuckles. Story's started. Art idea's in my head, just need to finish some show entries 1st. Weeee, I love your stories. You're one of the few who actually write any at all. And for that, I gives you ice creme. Naming mine was fun. I was looking around for song lyrics that fit her personality and remembered a fav. song that helped me get through hard times Plus, I think the band isn't appreciated enough.

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to Song-Wolf-Farm [2015-03-14 10:21:24 +0000 UTC]

You say I'm one of the few who write any, but do you mean within the HARPG? As in stories that accompany artwork? (because there's lots of equine stories. fanfics and original fiction about on dA and other sites). But either way, thanks - I'm glad you like mine

And song lyrics can be fun as a name, but they have to fit right, and I haven't found any that do yet ^^

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Song-Wolf-Farm In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2015-03-14 12:06:34 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I meant in harpg. I may get more work done on my story today, but we'll see. Taking a Psychology test tonight. Anyways...yep, always been a fan of your stories. I think compared to other stories, you put more emphasis on the people's lives and how they feel and I think that's sorely lacking in other stories in the harpg community. *yawn* best get my beauty sleep lol but in any case, here's my start into KC story # 2 Together We Travel-K. Challenge

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LiddleCherry [2015-03-12 04:10:02 +0000 UTC]

Argh here she is! She looks so lovely :3 I didn't put any markings on her design sheet, but feel free to add a small marking of some kind on her other side.
I have name suggestions!
Aurelia (Golden)
Adrasteia (Not inclined to run away)
Valeria (To be Strong)
Asteria (Falling Star)

I can't wait to see more of her <3

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to LiddleCherry [2015-03-14 10:19:21 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you so much!!

And thanks; its good to know you're okay with me putting a little marking on her. I'm not 100% certain it will stay, but I had to try it

Some of those names are interesting, too - Adrasteia I've never heard of, and Valeria is very similar to one of the names I had. I like Idalia, too...I still have to think on that. I'm trying to find something that's kind of pretty and elegant, but allows for a fun or simple nickname (ie, Cassiopeia and 'Sia' for short - but I'm not sure that fits her).

Thanks for the ideas! I'm hoping I'll have time to get back to drawing and get on with her story, soon!

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LiddleCherry In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2015-03-15 01:01:49 +0000 UTC]

I find naming characters really hard - my girl for this year still doesn't have a set in stone name yet either!

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DressageRider88 [2015-03-12 01:11:34 +0000 UTC]

She looks great! That little nose marking is so cute
I kind of like the name Ophelia which was already suggested. Or also Valyria or Fidelia

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to DressageRider88 [2015-03-12 01:50:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Haha, I kinda like her nose marking - something a little quirky

Gah, me and my naming conundrums. Ophelia is a nice name, but I don't feel like it fits her right. Same with Fidelia. Still throwing some ideas around, but thanks so much for the suggestions!

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cafe-araignee [2015-03-12 00:59:42 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh look how pretty...! What a lovely little lady she is. Cute personality, too. c:

Cynthia? Magnolia? Ophelia?

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to cafe-araignee [2015-03-12 01:48:45 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you so much! She's definitely pretty; I'm still over the moon that I got her. The personality is expanded from the little bit in her round pen design, and as is common with me, I have ulterior motives XD

I'd probably steer towards Ophelia from those names, but none of them quite click. Thanks for the suggestions, though! Much appreciated!

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cafe-araignee In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2015-03-12 02:14:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, sooty horses are to die for, I think. <3 All of the Kaimanawa designs this year were downright gorgeous, really.

Ahh, looking for the perfect name, huh? I feel you; I'm struggling to find one that snaps into place with my own mare! The only other -ia names I know off the top of my head are Aurelia and Cecilia, if that helps at all. Good luck finding the one that fits her! c:

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to cafe-araignee [2015-03-14 09:55:59 +0000 UTC]

Very true; Cherry did an amazing job with the round pens; there was just so much diversity, so really something for everyone

And lol, I seem to be constantly looking for the right name lately. I've got a handful of characters that need them! Aurelia is quite nice, though I'm not specifically looking for '-ia' names. It just seemed to happen that the ones in my head at the time I drew her ended that way. I'm sure something will eventually click XD Thanks for the luck; I'll be needing it!

And good luck naming your mare, too!

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ElreniaGreenleaf [2015-03-11 23:22:27 +0000 UTC]

Oh she's gorgeous!
I have a horrible feeling that mine is going to be reclaimed as I just cannot think of a name for her and as a result haven't been able to get a ref drawn up.

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to ElreniaGreenleaf [2015-03-11 23:25:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I just fell in love with this one on the spot. I just couldn't get it up until now because I've been unable to make myself do anything until I finished the fanfiction I've been writing.

80,000+ words and 3 weeks later, and I've just posted this in time XD

It sucks that you migth lose your girl, though! Can you not post a reference without a name like I've done? You can always redo it if her design changes a bit, and you can add a name later. I'm so fussy with names that I do it a lot

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ElreniaGreenleaf In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2015-03-12 00:04:24 +0000 UTC]

I thought you'd go for that one - she definitely looks like your kind of horse! :3

80,000?! O_____O Bloody hell woman.

I'm just making one up now. XD I can't afford to lose her - I've already ordered up the obligatory Julip!
My writing muse must have run away - I can't even write anything half decent for a bog standard show entry, let alone introduce a new character properly! I haven't even decided who's going to train this one! lol

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to ElreniaGreenleaf [2015-03-12 00:11:30 +0000 UTC]


And trust me - I know I'm insane. I wrote it in 3 weeks! If only I could get that kind of inspiration for my own novel, rather than fanfiction (it was a conceptual/world building exercise that got wildly out of hand).

And that's good to know! I'm glad you're not going to lose her. And it'll be good to see the Julip incarnation, too I'm sure that the more you think about her character and when you find a name, one of your people will just click with her nicely ^^

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ElreniaGreenleaf In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2015-03-12 00:15:04 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, I wish I could do that for my novel too...although actually planning out the plot first might be a better idea. XD

I found an old lineart I hadn't ever actually lined properly so it's just pencil but looks pretty good for how I'd imagine her so I've used that. I think she *might* have a name too finally - again, I found a list of possible names I'd written out months ago and then subsequently forgotten, lol.

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to ElreniaGreenleaf [2015-03-12 01:02:49 +0000 UTC]

The sad part is that I have the entire plot sorted, and a scene listing, too - so I know exactly how it all fits and moves along, all the scenes in the book, I love the world I created and I even know the characters pretty well. I just can't make myself sit down and actually start typing. Which sucks.

And that sounds like very good progress! Yeah, this girl's name is a tad tricky. 'Cassia' just came to mind as I was posting, but I'm not sure about it. Sometimes I just hit something and that's it; perfect name. Other times, I'll struggle for a month and still not have it right.

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ElreniaGreenleaf In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2015-03-12 01:12:34 +0000 UTC]

I know the feeling. >.< I know most of the plot...up to a point, then there's a big gap and then I know what happens at the end! It's so frustrating!

She's up! Ironically, I spent less time colouring her than practically any of my other refs and she turned out far better, ahaha!

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to ElreniaGreenleaf [2015-03-12 01:47:03 +0000 UTC]

Gah, I hate it when that happens, too! A story I got the idea for years ago is different again, though - I have the concept of it, and I've completely invented the characters and the world/mythology of it...but I can't think of a plot to use it in. #writerswoes XD

And I just saw her Lol, gotta love the irony of that sometimes. I spent less time on my girl than on Kiwi's ref and I think this one came out better, too (at least in terms of conformation...)

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