SunsetBlazer — What You're Feeling Is What I'm Feeling Too [Fear]

#fear #grouppicture #ocs #largecrowd #octraining #octraininground8
Published: 2018-04-22 01:19:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 1061; Favourites: 52; Downloads: 3
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"Sights" - London Grammar

"What are you afraid of? ... I know that you are..."

Round 8 - Pushkari Kuraitsuki
Task Eight - Fear
All My OC-Training Works

AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-- *goes into an art-induced coma*

why do I do this to myself........ This is the LAST time I'm ever drawing all the OC's in a round.
I started this during the profile task. X'D  SO relieved to be done with it.....

SO!  Here, we have a mock photoshoot for everyone who enrolled in this round of OC-Training (and made it to the first art trade)

Pushkari has a great fear of LARGE CROWDS.  Because she has no filter to her telepathic or empathetic powers.... just imagine how OVERWHELMING this would be. 

Featuring the OCs of:
Ulario , Dar-Haiyo , pheeph , CelestialWolf66 , dragondoodle , Iven-Furrpaw , Raqonteur , Sunlit-Creator , haIflizard , LadyLing , Kitanokata , Birdhousebirdy , MelancholyCyborg1 , InsaneMonkey46 , pkmtrainerBenny , LizChwan , Tris-Ghost , TheElevatorCat, WolfChiefsDaughters , MegaMaeve , RitellianCaptain, ReduxBlack , SilkyLoaf , dargon899 , Drayah , charcoalfeather , DihyaJam96 , Cyber-Cypher , NakainRimmel , ProbablyImpossible , RavenIsDeath , KawaiiKiraKoala , KurzB25 , NinjaSamuraiX , StoryMaker91 , pandalamaa , Kainatarma , Akaszik , AzulArtist1027 , DelpheneLightfoot , el7doodles , WafflenutOfKitties , HelevornArt , Tete-DePunk , Ithilloth , InkPawStudio777 , Chainsaw8712 , MadamFrost , Baraayas , sanakito , CoattailsOfJustice

created in Photoshop CS5.1

Pushkari Kuraitsuki / Flowers of Enchantment (c) Zakuro-Kona

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Comments: 99

SunsetBlazer In reply to ??? [2018-07-02 15:50:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!!  Hideyoshi was a joy to draw; I love all those details (especially on such a handsome man!)

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pandalamaa In reply to SunsetBlazer [2018-07-20 14:05:21 +0000 UTC]

You're most welcome!
aah I'm so happy to hear so! Truly thank you for all your kind words! It made my day to hear so!

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StoryMaker91 [2018-06-18 05:42:37 +0000 UTC]

This. Is. So. AWESOME!
So sorry I haven't commented yet, I've just been, well, speechless. All I can do is give you the biggest over the internet hug in the world and a massive THANK YOU for all the work and love you put into this. 

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SunsetBlazer In reply to StoryMaker91 [2018-06-23 22:17:00 +0000 UTC]

  Aw, thank you so much!! The hard work paid off

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NakainRimmel [2018-05-28 23:36:21 +0000 UTC]

I have no words for how impressive this is that you managed to get all of these characters into one piece. And yeah, a mind reader in a crowd is gonna have a headache at the very least. Talk about social anxiety. One again, this is an amazingly impressive piece. Excellent work!

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SunsetBlazer In reply to NakainRimmel [2018-05-30 21:43:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!

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pkmtrainerBenny [2018-05-26 00:31:24 +0000 UTC]

This picture had my speechless from the first time I saw it, and it still makes me speechless even now, so many days past. It's amazing!
I feel so bad for Push, she REALLY doesn't deserve this  
I just want to hug her and give her some cookies kljsdklfg
Amazing job!

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SunsetBlazer In reply to pkmtrainerBenny [2018-05-30 21:43:34 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!
Yes... my poor baby.  I'm such a cruel creator. X'D

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MegaMaeve [2018-05-21 15:24:40 +0000 UTC]

I keep on coming back on this piece to comment, and get absolutely dumb struck time again and again. You genuinely, truly, outdid yourself with this piece. It's a delight to see - less so to PK, obviously - and I love all of the details you incorporated in this piece. Every single character is recognisable immediately - which is incredibly impressive! - and I think this really shows the highlights of your art style in general: you're good at drawing social pictures (showing character psychology by having them interact with others ), diverse characters with recognisable designs, and of course, expressions. 

The composition of this piece also is outstanding - not only do I love the way you chose to depict my own Eli facing fellow  headstrong archer Poloma, I a-do-re how PK is surrounded by the villains of this round, who are thinking disturbing thoughts at her, surely! Poor, poor PK - this must be such torture to her: a cacophony of thoughts, each one different yet merging into a blur of noise, with the most malevolent (Koe, Souldiercross, Lonoke) or pained (Yngvar, November) thoughts being closest to her, and probably being the loudest, resonating within her head without a shred of mercy or respite. My inner evil audience is so happy.

Pushkari's body language just screams 'suffering' and 'hurt' - and it's no small wonder that she avoids crowds after having gotten her ability, and that eventually she has to drop out of school. I hope she will find a way to block other people's thoughts, or at least, that she isn't doomed for the life of an unwilling hermit for the sake of her own peace :') (Or that she finds people whose thoughts she can stand... Unlike Kiiro's, which is so, so, so sad for them both... ())

Truly, masterful work. Again, you truly outdid yourself - and you should be so proud of yourself of having finished this piece! I know for a fact it makes me happy, giddy, every time I see this piece for sure. I hope you can finally get some rest after having finally finished it.  

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SunsetBlazer In reply to MegaMaeve [2018-05-30 21:42:35 +0000 UTC]

  Wow, thank you so much!! The hard work was worth all these kind comments.
I will unashamedly admit that I pay great attention to detail; so drawing out so many diverse characters is actually quite and enjoyable challenge for me.  This isn't the first time I've drawn every character in a round! (however... there were many more characters this time than in the 5th and 6th rounds X'D)  I do not expect to ever do it again....

  Well, you know... if I was going to show this great fear her mind-reading powers cause, then I absolutely had to make her suffering poignant... and no better way than to surround her by some of the most troubled minds of the round.  X'D

Thank you so so much for the amazing comment!

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MelancholyCyborg1 [2018-05-14 09:58:05 +0000 UTC]

So many people in one space...no wonder Pushkari feels overwhelmed, especially when she can hear thoughts of others   
Amazing work on including every character and poistioning them well

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SunsetBlazer In reply to MelancholyCyborg1 [2018-05-30 21:09:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!

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MelancholyCyborg1 In reply to SunsetBlazer [2018-05-31 16:37:57 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome!

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ReduxBlack [2018-05-11 14:49:24 +0000 UTC]

Oho.... like usual, that's lotta characters inside. What a bold dedication to draw all of them! Salute for you!

Well, I understand how noisy it would be inside her head. But well....feel kinda guilty to know that my OC also causes a burden to her I know you are trying to make the scene is relevant to show her discomfort, but why you pick us for the crowd tho (jk jk). 

But seriously....It's wonderful to see all in a well-polished scene. Nice work! And thank you so much for the time to insert Tefenet as well!

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SunsetBlazer In reply to ReduxBlack [2018-05-30 21:09:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!

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Drayah [2018-05-08 16:20:15 +0000 UTC]

Woah my goodness!!! You really outdid yourself on this task!!! Everyone looks so awesome!!!!

Considering PK's fear and how much pain huge crowds give her this was a perfect choice if not a torturous choice (both for you and for PK, why????? did you do this???) 

I still can't believe you did everyone's OC!!!! That is insane!!! I bet your hand still hurts even thinking about this!!! But seriously, this is the coolest thing I've seen in OCT!

Thanks so much for including November!! Her angst will add to PK's pain, especially with her right up front by all the villains.

I'm sorry sweet PK that you have to go through this!!!! You don't deserve this!!!! I just want you to be safe and happy!!!!  

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Drayah [2018-05-30 21:08:51 +0000 UTC]

  It pains me to look at this piece.......

  I'm clearly a masochist.  And a sadist, too--when it comes to my poor little OCs. X'D

Thanks so much for the awesome comment!!

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Drayah In reply to SunsetBlazer [2018-05-31 17:00:54 +0000 UTC]

Haha I feel like all artists and creative people are at least a little masochistic or at least sadistic when it comes to our characters haha

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Drayah [2018-05-31 21:29:21 +0000 UTC]


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Raqonteur [2018-05-05 07:06:28 +0000 UTC]

Such commitment.  This must have taken forever!!!
And you managed to pick out the dominant personality traits of all the characters in this snapshot too.

Thank you for including Shuu, though if she knew Pushkari would be looking into her dirty little secret she'd keep far, far away.   Not that it matters, she gets found out anyway (in the fear task if I can motivate myself to draw it ).

I would question the description of it being loud.  Perhaps just more... overwhelming.  I've always had a little bit of difficulty picking out conversations against ambient noise and I imagine it more like that.  She can't even hear her own thoughts just a sort of constant garbled... well noise with odd fragments coming to the fore, or the occasional 'shout' of a more emphatic or driven thought.  She'd probably be great at picking out serial killers and the like who seem normal on the surface but their thoughts would be very intense and thus loud.

Oh, and I love your little GIF at the bottom.

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Raqonteur [2018-05-30 21:06:39 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I started it during the profile task.

Oh... I'm quite curious to know about Shuu's "dirty little secret" now....   I do hope you'll get to that task!

You know, that is actually a much better way to describe it. It is most definitely overwhelming.  There's already such cacophony in a crowded room, but double that with everyone's thoughts....  
Hey, maybe she should look into a career in law enforcement!  She's already a living-lie detector.

Thanks.  That little GIF pretty much sums up PK's story....

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Raqonteur In reply to SunsetBlazer [2018-07-02 20:59:43 +0000 UTC]

Well, Shuu's dirty little secret will actually come to light in a story I'm writing at the minute.  Though it's kinda hit a bump and may take a while to finish.

Look out for 'If the Shuu fits'  (sorry )

Telepaths in law enforcement is sort of a scary idea.  Everyone has secrets.  Everyone has the occasional dark thought or urge that they will probably never act on.  Imagine that a policeman could see all that and arrest you for something you might never do.

As for PK do you really want her to have to listen to the thought of criminals and monsters?  To hear things that she can never unhear and will give her nightmares for the rest of her life?  Shame on you

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Raqonteur [2018-07-02 21:30:46 +0000 UTC]

I will keep an eye out for it.

A very scary thought, indeed!  It's already a gritty enough job as is...
Haha, absolutely not.  She wouldn't have the slightest desire to ever go into law enforcement.  She hears enough disturbing thoughts just being a clerk at the grocery store...

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Cyber-Cypher [2018-05-05 03:09:36 +0000 UTC]

I like how all of the evil people looking down at her and enjoying her suffering. XD

Kandi: *thinking*         

Pushkari: Nice to know she's thinking in images. =3= 

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Cyber-Cypher [2018-05-08 17:03:46 +0000 UTC]

Yes, it was necessary to put them next to her to further her suffering.

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Cyber-Cypher In reply to SunsetBlazer [2018-05-19 02:20:34 +0000 UTC]

Man, that's cruel! XD

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LizChwan [2018-05-02 23:01:26 +0000 UTC]

wHY dO yOU kEEP dOING tHIS tO yOURSELF bOI   on the other hand this really shows and expresses Pushkari's fear and it looks super cool !   

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SunsetBlazer In reply to LizChwan [2018-05-03 14:44:53 +0000 UTC]



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LizChwan In reply to SunsetBlazer [2018-05-03 18:54:31 +0000 UTC]


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Meghan-Dzurichko [2018-04-30 16:34:49 +0000 UTC]

WOW  This must have taken you forever!! I really love all of the interactions going on in the background. This fear makes a lot of sense for Pushkari. I wonder if she'll ever figure out how to filter the minds. I really hope she does. I love how you put a lot of the bad guys and people with disturbed pasts nearest to her. Excellent picture 

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Meghan-Dzurichko [2018-05-01 16:53:50 +0000 UTC]

A couple months...   Thank you so very much!! ^^  Haha, yes... I wanted the more 'troubled' characters to be nears her, to make her fear even worse...

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Meghan-Dzurichko In reply to SunsetBlazer [2018-05-01 21:19:46 +0000 UTC]


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Tete-DePunk [2018-04-29 16:32:50 +0000 UTC]


The effort is just staggering! How did you compile all the characters! Even more so, how did you draw all the characters! It's stunning how much work and effort- you must be exhausted after drawing and then compositing all the positions for the crowd of all our characters!!!

I am just awe-struck!!!!

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Tete-DePunk [2018-05-01 16:48:56 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha... oh, thank you so much!   I spent the entire round (since the profile task!) working on this.  Such a huge relief when it was finally done!

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StrixVanAllen [2018-04-26 02:15:56 +0000 UTC]

Wow. So much effort. It was worth it, though, the scene looks great!

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SunsetBlazer In reply to StrixVanAllen [2018-04-27 15:50:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much! ^^

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UnaOwens [2018-04-24 18:15:32 +0000 UTC]

This is super creative! I love it and thank you so much for including Hintor 

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SunsetBlazer In reply to UnaOwens [2018-04-25 21:36:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, and you're welcome!!

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dargon899 [2018-04-23 21:45:02 +0000 UTC]

Please don't punish yourself like this anymore......

Or do you feel Pushkari's pain?

(Such lovely work, YOU ARE WONDERFUL! ;u; )

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SunsetBlazer In reply to dargon899 [2018-04-25 21:36:41 +0000 UTC]


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Ulario [2018-04-23 14:05:16 +0000 UTC]

Dang!  I'm impressed that you managed to draw everyone!  Thank you so much for including Tara!

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Ulario [2018-04-23 16:27:02 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

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Tris-Ghost [2018-04-23 11:29:05 +0000 UTC]


well I certainly never expect my oc to be drawn whEeeze

Also I like how Glacies looked like he's lost like- "I should be beside milady by now, what am I doing here?"

What a creative way to show your character's fear, the amount of detail you put and watch for all these characters that you even keeping in mind of their height. Truly a dedication

I salute you


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SunsetBlazer In reply to Tris-Ghost [2018-04-23 16:27:35 +0000 UTC]

  Thank you so much!!

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el7doodles [2018-04-23 05:19:22 +0000 UTC]

Poor Pushkari! I can only imagine how awful must be to have such a power and be in the middle of a crowd!
And, honestly, I find this piece so amazing not only beacuse you decided to draw almost all this round's ocs but also because of how creative and dedicated you were while representing your character's fear ^^

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SunsetBlazer In reply to el7doodles [2018-04-23 16:28:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!

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HelevornArt [2018-04-22 20:03:41 +0000 UTC]

Wooow I can't believe you depicted ALL of the characters! This is beyond impressive... so much hard work and dedication! Thank you so much for doing this! The attention you give to the group and your support are amazing!

Yngvar looks awesome, he actually seems concerned for Pushkari - I guess he, with his dislike for people, kind of understands her fear xD Thank you for including him (and in the foreground too )

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SunsetBlazer In reply to HelevornArt [2018-04-25 21:39:45 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, thank you so much!!

Hehe, I knew I wanted him up front by her all along, along with a few of the other.. um... troubled... characters...   I'm glad you like how he turned out, and it's nice that he would be concerned for her!  Haha!

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HelevornArt In reply to SunsetBlazer [2018-04-26 19:43:18 +0000 UTC]

Oh so that's why! Really interesting And it's a very understandable fear too.

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Akaszik [2018-04-22 19:44:12 +0000 UTC]

What an awesome idea to draw a crowd! Koe, Yngvar and Lanoke being the nearest to Pushkari is an intriguing addition to her torment.

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