#crossover #grouppicture #ocs #prom #tailgating #tailgateparty #octraining #octrainingprom #octraininground10
Published: 2019-06-11 04:40:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 966; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 4
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This is kind of a call back to my Guess Who picture - - we're back at Kiro's place, with his truck and his cats! Wow it's also the only other watercolor picture I've done all round. ;-;
There were so many characters that I enjoyed this round! I wanted to include more, but could only fit so many into the picture.
Big groups are so fun for me to do; there are lots of little stories going on here~
In the back left, the Council of Non-Amusement [featuring: Kai (Tete-DePunk ), Avadir (MegaMaeve ), and Inaumeleth (Ithilloth )] watch over the party in quiet disapproval. 'Why are we even here', they wonder.
Oblivious to anyone else's displeasure, Blair (ArthurQF ) and Queen Luna (theartsyXone15 ) enjoy snuggles from the many kitties that roam around this country home.
From his comfortable perch in the trees, Tomin (Antika7 ) watches curiously over the whole event.
Blood (Blood-artist-vamp ) meets The Host (Cyber-Cypher )... who kind of reminds her of her boss...
Ayame (pheeph ) has successfully smuggled her twin, Ayaka, into the party by using her werecat form to blend in with the other cats.
Mae (Ayanonumber13 ) is not impressed by this party at all, and shoots a disapproving glance at its host as she leaves. She's not going to let them get away with the underage drinking that might be going on.
Kiro (Zakuro-Kona ) has been possessed by the devilish Kari (GerardManSlave )...
… He doesn't even notice as Diana (Raqonteur ) sneaks up on his favorite cat, ready to give in to her secret little habit and scare this kitty awake.
Prince Cameron (quietuses ) keeps an eye on her. He didn't really want to go to this party at all, but foresaw a bad fate for someone in the vicinity... Maybe he won't have to intervene; maybe the goddess-girl is onto something... or maybe her actions will cause something else to go awry.
Princess Courtney (hermiethefrog ) congratulates her fellow Princess, Kotori (MelancholyCyborg1 ) by oh-so-kindly offering her a drink...… DON'T DRINK IT KOTORI!
Prince Kite (dargon899 ) is watching the impending cat scare, regarding it with great humor... and wondering if cats do actually make a good snack.
King Coogan (Birdhousebirdy ) tells his court a funny tale, and gets an adorable laugh out of one of the princesses yeah so I ship Coogan and Kotori together like omg ya'll don't even know
Outraged by the fact that anyone other than he should be crowned king, President Grevil (darkgrevil ) plots to overthrow the sweet ginger boy and take his throne.
Craig (Helladelic ) is just there keepin' tabs on the keg and chillin' like the cool dude he is. B)
12" x 18" - watercolor paint, micron pen, gel pen, colored pencil, chalk pastel
Tenth task: Prom
All My OC-Training Works
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Comments: 52
SunsetBlazer In reply to ??? [2019-07-29 14:19:40 +0000 UTC]
No worries at all, Tete!
Thank you so very, very much for such a fantastic comment!
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Drayah [2019-07-19 19:16:36 +0000 UTC]
This is such an awesome prom piece! So many wonderful and interesting characters interacting here! And I really love that it takes place in Kiro's territory, it's such a cool way to show off more of him by having him throw the party. (Like they say, have to see the bear in his own cave) It gives even more insight into who he is, and his environment and I really love it!
And look at all those wonderful cats!!!
Amazing job!
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SunsetBlazer In reply to Drayah [2019-07-23 17:17:18 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!! I feel bad for not including Penelope, because I really thought about it! (having her peek out of the woods way in back ) Unfortunately I finished this before you did your task dump and I thought it'd be unfair to feature her over some folks who'd done more tasks at the time...
Thanks very much though. :')
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Drayah In reply to SunsetBlazer [2019-07-30 18:26:09 +0000 UTC]
No worries! It certainly wouldn't have been fair to everyone else, and you had no idea I'd do a crazy dump of art pieces last minute. (I mean I didn't even have any idea that I would do a crazy dump of art last minute either haha )
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MegaMaeve [2019-07-18 11:58:01 +0000 UTC]
Such a fun, colorful, lively piece! I always do love your watercolors, and this one may be one of the best ones yet. Your skills in drawing and composing large groups of people really stands out in this piece. Solid perspective, funny tiny stories (Blood and the Host, oh my
), vibrant colors (love the gradient of Luna's dress, and the red color of Kiro's van!) - it really is a lovely artwork. Thank you for including Va and the Council, too!
They just ooze the 'you can't sit with us'-vibe.
Also, love all of the cats and Grevil's attempt at getting more attention! Lovely work!
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SunsetBlazer In reply to MegaMaeve [2019-07-23 17:11:28 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so very much! There was such a great bunch of characters to work with this round, a lot of their interactions came naturally.
You're totally welcome, and thanks again!
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SpaceCastaway [2019-06-29 11:54:40 +0000 UTC]
You've been continuously beating yourself with your illustrations for a while now, but this is something else. Amazing job with the composition and the entire story woven into this piece - took me a while before I gathered words for it
So many things happening at the same time, it feels very natural and well thought out! I can't even pick my favourite snippets, but I laughed my ass off on every single of them. Especially Courtney plotting against Kotori (is she trying to ruin her chances with Coogan and win his attention this way?
) or Grevil plotting to overthrow poor Coogan. Maybe Courtney should be shipped with Grevil
All the other people are so much in character, amazing job
I think Inau might be even enjoying a bit of a stroll in nature, though he certainly thinks it's a shame that it's so woefully unkept and untidy.
Thank you for inviting him along with the Council!
I really love how you did the trees, they look fluffy and cute. And I swear, even though you didn't do many watercolor pieces this round, your watercolor skills keep on getting so much better!
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SunsetBlazer In reply to SpaceCastaway [2019-07-09 16:06:09 +0000 UTC]
Aww, thank you so very much! There were just so many great characters to work with; it was a blast coming up with their interactions.
Haha, Courtney just can't abide by being the second princess. Lol, she and Grevil would be an interesting ship.... XD
Thank you!!
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MelancholyCyborg1 [2019-06-27 15:27:15 +0000 UTC]
Apologies for late comment ;-;
This looks fantastic! You always manage to capture every character's individual personality in your art work - this piece proves it
Thank you so much for drawing Kotori. She looks radiant in her dress and I'm sure she's enjoying the company of Coogan and Courtney
Thanks again!
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SunsetBlazer In reply to MelancholyCyborg1 [2019-06-27 16:07:10 +0000 UTC]
No worries! ^^
Thank you so much! You're very welcome; Kotori's a great character and she had such a lovely prom dress, I was excited to draw her.
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LizChwan [2019-06-25 05:07:07 +0000 UTC]
This piece looks amazing!! You really managed to capture the spirit of each individual character (and a lot of them at that )
I also just really like all of the green fluffy trees in the background
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rainbow000pegasus [2019-06-23 03:05:10 +0000 UTC]
Wow look at all these people! Love how you coloured this a lot, as well as drawing all the interactions between people! All their personalities really shine through and my favourite has to be how Blood looks so wary of the Host haha.
No, like, seriously though, your attention to all these details are amazing.
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SunsetBlazer In reply to rainbow000pegasus [2019-06-26 15:37:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so very much!
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theartsyXone15 [2019-06-21 21:10:54 +0000 UTC]
AAAHHH This is just sooo good!! Love love love it!!! Everyone looks so amazing and wonderful! I love how you made Luna holding that cute kitty!! She'd be doing just that!! And AAAAA YOU MADE HER QUEEN!! thank you so much I'm so happy you made thought she should be queen!!
The composition is so good everyone just fits in so great and I love how there are sooo many stories in it!! Everything is so pretty overall and you did an amazing job! Thank you again for drawing luna and making her your prom queen!!
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SunsetBlazer In reply to theartsyXone15 [2019-06-26 15:37:27 +0000 UTC]
Oh gosh, thank you so so much!
You're so very welcome! I absolutely loved Luna from the very beginning. As an environmentalist myself, I support her wishes to save the natural world (no matter how many humans might fall from it XD) Plus she's got such a gorgeous design, and I love how layered her character is! Amazing job with her.
Thanks again!
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Raqonteur [2019-06-21 10:00:22 +0000 UTC]
I love how much is going on in this picture. So many individual interactions and little stories. It's simply amazing.
And 'The Council of Non-Amusement' LOL. Brilliant.
Everyone here (except the council and their associate member, Mae) is having such a good time,
I love how you have Diana unable to help herself among this many self-satisfied cats... at least one is going to get its whiskers scared off. But what I truly funny about it is the unintended audience. Not just the stunned Kiro, watchful Cameron and eager, hungry Kite. But also Ayame who appears to ve watching Diana surreptitiously. Perhaps she is wondering if the former goddess intends to try that on her too?
And speaking of Diana, her hair looks amazing.
You made such a better job of her dar curls than I ever do.
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SunsetBlazer In reply to Raqonteur [2019-06-26 15:32:24 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much!
Haha, yes! I was excited when I saw that was her secret habit in the 5th task; I knew I had to subject her to Kiro's many cats. Haha, Ayame won't give her the chance!
I love painting black hair. Glad you like how it turned out!
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Raqonteur In reply to SunsetBlazer [2019-06-28 02:59:27 +0000 UTC]
Hunter goddess vs cat-girl.
Game on... 😜🤣😱
When it comes to colouring black hair I cant seem to get the highlighting right and have to colour over it lol. I keep trying though 😤🤯😰😭
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quietuses [2019-06-19 20:44:39 +0000 UTC]
This is amazing 😭💖I love how you have so many different characters—that must've taken a lot of effort !! group shots are so hard for me—I commend you on this!! I love all of the little jokes/references you snuck in there, like the Council of Non-Amusement and Blood glaring at the Host. and aaa thank you for drawing Cameron!! ;u; he looks amazing (they all look amazing your style is beautiful). And it's cool how you set it in the same environment as one of your first entries; it all really comes full circle!
and all the cats
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SunsetBlazer In reply to quietuses [2019-06-21 20:45:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! I love doing big groups like this, I find it to be so fun.
Thank you for the great comment!
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GerardManSlave [2019-06-15 23:05:22 +0000 UTC]
(Look at that beautiful kimono!! )
Kari is very pleased with this task. XD
It came out amazing! Love this piece!
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Cyber-Cypher [2019-06-15 21:25:48 +0000 UTC]
The Host standing in the middle in the background among the trees.... That's creepy, man! He's like Slenderman!
I feel like he's gonna haunt every OC in the party's dreams. o-o
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SunsetBlazer In reply to Cyber-Cypher [2019-06-20 14:47:00 +0000 UTC]
I think he definitely will.
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hermiethefrog [2019-06-15 02:42:59 +0000 UTC]
COURTNEY NO DO NOT POISON KOTORI. You can share the victory! Everybody's so good in this, especially King Coogan. This is a wonderful scene, thank you so much for including Courtney!
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Birdhousebirdy [2019-06-12 14:37:04 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,
I ship it now too. Omg they both are doctors/nurses in their own way. Both are optimistic. Both are weak at close combat. It's like it's meant to be.
Ahhh, you blow my mind with how amazing your group pictures turn out. Everyone is doing something, all look so natural in this! I just love the colors. Kiro sure can throw a good tailgate party.
And he's totally smitten by Kari. Haha, but Diana made me laugh as she's about to go give a poor kitty a scare.
The Council of Non-Amusement cracked me up, but it almost looks like they can pass off as body guards for the party. Poor Mae ain't having any of it though.
Omg, the cats. Haha, the cats are soooo adorable! And what a clever idea Ayame had up her sleeve, having Ayaka in her werecat form.
It's symbolism for how pheeph was able to smuggle her into the training round I'm also getting a kick that Blood and the Host met.
Ooohhh, but my boy Coogan looks amazing and so happy. He's so adorable sitting up on top the truck, enjoying himself and the company he is in. Chilling with Kotori, Courtney, and Kite. He's wearing Adam's crown and I'm dying omg Hahaaha, but the poor guy is about to be taken out by Grevil. Tis the life of a dude in distress, I suppose.
Thank you so much for including Coogan and crowning him king! He looks so cute in your style. And amazing job with the picture!! The watercolors look beautiful.
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SunsetBlazer In reply to Birdhousebirdy [2019-06-20 14:52:28 +0000 UTC]
Yessss totally, I thought they had enough in common to get along really well... I love the ship! So cute! Thank you so much!
Haha; yes, I knew you'd catch that! I just had to feature Adam's crown.
You're very welcome, and thank you so much for the great comments!
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dragondoodle [2019-06-12 04:43:15 +0000 UTC]
This is awesome! I love the vibe and how many characters you got in there (beautifully done color wise too ) And, of course, all the cats!
Loving the shipping you're doing too
Awesome job, you've captured all the characters and their personalities perfectly
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pheeph [2019-06-12 01:37:26 +0000 UTC]
Now this prom pic is a very interesting one... Completely outdoors. A lot of OCs out here are really having a good time. Thanks for including Ayame (and Ayaka) in this pic. I was afraid they were going to be left out...
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dargon899 [2019-06-11 20:59:21 +0000 UTC]
If Kiro finishes OC-Training, this will probably be the only thing the redneck would graduate from.
I love it! Kite is absolutely adorable, everyone else is looking like they're having a great time..... Except for like four party pooper.
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SunsetBlazer In reply to dargon899 [2019-06-14 15:23:08 +0000 UTC]
Dude, that's true though. XD I'm really not sure he graduates from high school (PK is the only confirmed drop-out so far... dunno about this boy)
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All-is-Nonsense [2019-06-11 18:22:34 +0000 UTC]
Tailgate prom?! What an awesome idea! It makes me think of one of my favorite new country songs www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi75yl… I like that you used the same setting as his "Guess Who" task. It really brings this round full circle. You did an awesome job on including so many people and calling back to their previous task submissions in this. Lol yep, underage drinking is a big no no for Mae. Careful she doesn't call the police on you guys. Thank you so much for including her in this picture
You did a wonderful job on her dress details and accessories
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SunsetBlazer In reply to All-is-Nonsense [2019-06-19 19:15:23 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha, ahhhh that song is so perfect! One of my first ideas was actually have this party in the parking lot outside of the school... (But I wanted cats and trees so we took it to Kiro's home
Thank you so much! I always have so much fun with all the interactions in pictures like this. I knew Mae would highly disapprove lol I had a blast painting her too, such a beautiful design on that dress!
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Meztli72 In reply to SunsetBlazer [2019-07-22 01:52:38 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome; keep it up!!! ^^
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Helladelic [2019-06-11 05:21:15 +0000 UTC]
Holy wow! This is so freaking amazing! I really love the way this piece turned out! You did such an amazing job on this!
You did a great job fitting everyone in here, and I love the warm, fun, and friendly atmosphere of this piece and how immersive it feels!
The colours, details, and composition are all incredibly well done here!
Yesss! A tail gate party is so perfectly fitting for Kiro's prom task! I love that they're all surrounding Kiro's truck! I can totally imagine he's blasting music from it for everyone! xD Oh my gosh, Craig at the keg is just perfect! He would totally love this party and totally take guard of the keg! I love that you also have him in his ray ban sunnies here, adding to his cool vibe. xD He translates super well into your style and you did such an excellent job on him and his character here!
I just love how everyone looks here and how they're all doing their own thing, I could stare at this wonderful piece for ages! Haha, I love how Blair is partying with cats, rather than people, which is oh-so-very much him, as well as him being dressed in a suit to a party like this! Kiro's cats hovering around are such a cute touch! xD Haha, I also love how Grevil is plotting to take away Coogan's crown! xD
Oh my, this is such beautiful work! You did such an amazing job on this piece! Thank you so, so much for including Craig here! This is so awesome! I love this piece a lot!
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SunsetBlazer In reply to Helladelic [2019-06-14 15:19:49 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh, thank you so much for such a great comment! I really had a blast with this picture. Haha, I knew Craig would totally dig this kind of party.
Thank you so very, very much!
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ArthurQF [2019-06-11 05:00:50 +0000 UTC]
Oh, Hell to the YES. This is a real prom party! I can just hear this song playing as I view this piece . They seem to be drinking mainly beer but it still applies. XD This is awesomely awesome! I always love your group pieces; they're laid out so nicely and don't appear too busy or cluttered. I love how every character is playing an important role here.
I love how Blair is wearing a suit to a tailgate party. HE TOTALLY WOULD. Once he hears the word "party" or prom, he dresses up for a formal event even if this party is anything but formal. XD I love how he's paying more attention to the cats than anyone else. That is so totally Blair. XD It's also nice to see more of Blair as I feel he's one of my most underappreciated characters, so thank you for taking the time to include him into this wonderful piece. I love that the cats aren't shy around him and love being around him, as well. I think the cats can sense he's a kind person.
I love how Craig is keeping tabs on the keg and chilling. This would also be his kind of party, too. I love how Craig translates into your style and it's awesome seeing him amongst this crowd!
I love how Kari is pulling on Kiro's tie. XD They make an awesome pairing. ;D I love seeing the various actions of the characters! You certainly have an eye for detail.
Thank you so, so much for including Blair! You nailed his character and he translates wonderfully into your style! I love this so, so much!
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