SunsetBlazer — Princess Masami [Page 4 of 5]

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Published: 2017-03-26 19:12:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 471; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 1
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I even went and asked Ithilloth to help with dialogue and share some advice about what Aevie would say... but then copped out with the dialogue.  XD  I really just wanted to hear the advice for myself... >_>  ( here's her/Aevie's advice (also a great music suggestion) if anyone is interested: comments.deviantart.com/1/6699… )
Mamoru's feeling towards Aevie kind of reflect my feelings for Ithilloth.... We're slightly intimidated by their intelligence and wisdom, gut greatly respect and admire them!
Also, a million props to her for doing Aevie this round.  Old people are hard to draw

Sorry Draymond, Winona, and Haiku.  XD
I included every OC that made it to the wardrobe task, thus Haiku gets a feature even if Edge209 withdrew shortly after.   We liked your character, darn it! and I wanted to ship him with Winona!

This page features characters:
(Prince ) Aevathross - Ithilloth
Mamoru - me!
Masami - GerardManSlave
Draymond: - LadyLing
Haiku - Edge209
Winona - WolfChiefsDaughters

17"x11" micron pens, greyscale markers, white gel pen, permanent marker; backgrounds & gradient done in photoshop

All characters belong to their respective owners!
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Comments: 26

Edge209 [2017-04-05 02:18:22 +0000 UTC]


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SunsetBlazer In reply to Edge209 [2017-04-06 15:48:26 +0000 UTC]

XD  Haha, awww man. In one of my sketches for this, in the last panel Haiku was holding his mug out, like--hey wait! Get me another beer!

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Edge209 In reply to SunsetBlazer [2017-04-10 03:00:39 +0000 UTC]

Lol, mint

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RitellianCaptain [2017-03-30 03:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Amazing work, great job at throwing everyone in there!  Also, I feel the same way about Ithillioth, she is so smart!  

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SunsetBlazer In reply to RitellianCaptain [2017-03-30 21:28:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!!  She is... (but you should see how she feels about this: very intimidating. )

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RitellianCaptain In reply to SunsetBlazer [2017-04-27 01:46:39 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!!
  Thanks for sharing that, that is hysterical!!  XD

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Drayah [2017-03-30 00:31:49 +0000 UTC]

And she just steals Mamoru... Good thing he's so nice haha

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Drayah [2017-03-30 21:26:46 +0000 UTC]

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A-KTheLittleFairy [2017-03-28 19:09:38 +0000 UTC]

I wonder where Masami is heading to.

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Meghan-Dzurichko [2017-03-27 19:25:39 +0000 UTC]

Awwe, Winona looks wonderful. Thank you so much for featuring her in this picture! She's probably heading back to the punch table to get something to spill on Haiku for revenge 

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Meghan-Dzurichko [2017-03-27 23:14:20 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!  And thank you^^
That'd be something worth seeing!

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UnaOwens [2017-03-27 14:57:04 +0000 UTC]


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SunsetBlazer In reply to UnaOwens [2017-03-27 23:13:35 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Thank you!

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LordCherryPaw [2017-03-27 03:15:54 +0000 UTC]

This just keeps getting better and better! I literally laughed out loud when she pushed Haiku out of the way! ROFL!!! 

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SunsetBlazer In reply to LordCherryPaw [2017-03-27 23:06:49 +0000 UTC]

Haha, thank you so much!! I'm glad I could make you laugh

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LordCherryPaw In reply to SunsetBlazer [2017-03-28 03:58:37 +0000 UTC]

It's awesome. XD You're so welcome! ^^

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girl-n-herhorse [2017-03-26 21:47:45 +0000 UTC]

Love this!

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SunsetBlazer In reply to girl-n-herhorse [2017-03-27 23:06:22 +0000 UTC]


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SpaceCastaway [2017-03-26 20:33:53 +0000 UTC]

My reaction was completely out of any set of normal reactions available, this is overwhelmingly lovable, moving, touching, amazing, beyond anything! I'm UNSPEAKABLY thrilled and kind of dumbstruck actually I think you would be way less intimidated if you knew me in person Okay, I'm being told sometimes I'm somewhat overawing (?), but... I don't know, it's just the impression I make on people. For real I'm harmless like a kitten (as long as I don't allow overthinker onto my face). Don't worry, Aevie is way more intimidating than I am

I'm SO HAPPY you liked the advice for Mamoru enough to even link it in the description! It's such a wonderful, amazing idea to give Mamoru and Aevie some foster grandpa/grandson time! Omitting the dialogue in fact makes it somewhat more intriguing what exactly they might be talking about. I remember you used a similar workaround in Mamoru's Anger task in his talk with Ruka and it worked there perfectly too - leaving some suspense to make the reader curious. And OMG Aevie looks SO CUTE in your style! Like, I had no idea you can draw an old man this cute! Yes, elderly people are a challenge, but also extremely interesting I had to learn myself how to draw them for this round but it was pure fun. (As a matter of fact, being old and thus difficult to draw wasn't the most difficult part of Aevie )

Also, I love that detail when Masami's hands look for Mamoru! Aevie usually hates being touched, but you nailed his reaction in such situation - he wouldn't be bothered knowing Masami can't see him, but would politely (and somewhat awkwardly) point out where she needs to face. And AWWWW look at Haiku spilling a drink on Winona! So much for the shipping, such a fail on their first encounter I love how you did everyone on this panel, but Winona is my favourite Poor Draymond too! I can't wait to see what kind of mischief Masami does next

THANK YOU SO MUCH for making this happen and for the kind words about me! It's the moments like these that make it worth any struggle to come back to OCT every round and involve in the semi-fictional life of our small community

PS I'm going to live on that tab now and welcome everyone with a thoughtful serious intimidating ancient guru expression.

PS 2 Here's me being serious intimidating guru: sta.sh/02g4pg0ygn75 (I COULDN'T RESIST)

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SunsetBlazer In reply to SpaceCastaway [2017-03-27 23:13:19 +0000 UTC]

Awwwww oh gosh  I'm super glad you like it so much!!   It's awesome that Mamoru and Aeive had this chance to form a foster grandpa/grandson relationship--I certainly didn't expect it!! But it's so heartwarming! 
Even if I'd decided to transcript some of your thoughtful advice, there seriously wasn't room for it   I'm glad I got Aevie's reaction right!

Hehe!  Thank you so much for the wonderful comment! 

Omg.   The intimidating guru doodle is hilarious!!

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SpaceCastaway In reply to SunsetBlazer [2017-03-28 12:20:05 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, yeah, sometimes it happens with characters, especially Aevie is this kind of a guy who would feed all the hungry children in the world and even hug them if he got over his dislike for touching
Don't worry, like I said it came out just perfect. It's easy to get carried away with dialogue (at least I do it all the time) so sometimes it's better to leave something unsaid, in premises, a secret. The reader doesn't have to know everything that characters know, in fact I believe they shouldn't. Oh yes you absolutely did.
You're MOST welcome

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SunsetBlazer In reply to SpaceCastaway [2017-03-29 15:23:56 +0000 UTC]

He's such a sweet old guy!
I'm glad! I used to make a ton of comics in my younger days, and I always over-explained stuff in my dialogue instead of letting the visuals speak for themselves (though my drawing skills were really lacking back then) XD  Definitely something to watch out for when comic making.

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SpaceCastaway In reply to SunsetBlazer [2017-03-29 18:11:05 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I guess he's sweet when not scary XD
That's a good point. I think I'm having exactly this problem, I'm more of a writer than comic artist and it shows, but I guess that comes with experience. No other excuse than to draw and fail, and fail again, and learn some more It shows you already have some experience with comics.

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Kitty-Craftsy [2017-03-26 20:13:14 +0000 UTC]

bahahahah draymonds face in that panel xD Just like ' the fuck just happen!'

I wondering what kind of Advice Aevie did give to Mamoru. And what is gonna happen now o.O

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SunsetBlazer In reply to Kitty-Craftsy [2017-03-27 22:59:19 +0000 UTC]

Haha, it was fun to draw them in such a situation. XD

I linked Ithilloth's explanation of the advice that Aevie would give Mamoru in the description, if you're curious

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Kitty-Craftsy In reply to SunsetBlazer [2017-04-05 12:50:38 +0000 UTC]

^^ Can understand that. 

And I will give it a look c: thanks!

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