Published: 2009-08-16 09:47:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 4660; Favourites: 174; Downloads: 81
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Finally done (and oh look, a I gave it a better name too!).This drawing is for Cataclysm-X 's Couples, Pairs and Duos contest news.deviantart.com/article/84…
It's meant to show the two (main?) different personalities of Gollum. I used Sauron's eye, and his ring to seperate the two Gollums because the ring seemed sort of responisble for the split personality. Frodo and Sam are where they are because Frodo - as 'Master' - gave the friendly side of Gollum a chance. Sam because in my mind his suspisions are linked with the other Gollum.
Origenally, the concept I came up with about a year ago, after havign just watched lotr for the first time (or was it second? or third? they were so close together...) Just had the two gollums and the ring hanging down. When I read about the contest, I decided that I finally had an excuse to make me sit down and actually draw this drawing. The first thing I realised, was that just having the ring hanging there wasn't enough to seperate the two halves of the image. So I added the eye. I had to invent most of the top of the tower, because all the screenshots I had were so dark.
Then, I decided that actually the top of the page was far too boring. So I added Frodo and Sam. I'm actually very happy wit how Sam's face turned out, since in the past I've never managed to get him looking, well, like Sam. Not so happy with frodo, but then those faces are rather tiny, so not easy to draw at all.
Finally, after messing about drawing clouds I added another little creature, because some time ago I told ninjapengui I would
So the Main 'pair' in this drawing is, of course the two Gollums. However there are several others: Sauron and the ring; Sam and Frodo - 'his bodyguard?' 'no, I'm his gardener'; Frodo and friendly gollum (smeagle) - 'Master looks after us now... we don't need you;' Gollum (both of him) and the ring - 'my precccioussssssssssss!'
Drawn over a period of time, using pencils - mainly HB, with a B used for the ring, eyes and hair, and also 2B for the tower. I also made heavy use of cotton buds for blending, and a kneadable eraser and blutack for earsing and stuff.
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Comments: 108
ZeldaGirl4287 [2012-09-09 16:02:10 +0000 UTC]
Ya know what I really wanna see? A "Two Sides of Once-ler" from the Lorax. I hate that movie, but I love that character.
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Ferno777 [2012-07-07 18:59:06 +0000 UTC]
whoa... I love Smeagle... He is adorable...
My brother asked me if I would marry Gandoff or Smeagle...
I picked Smeagle... lol
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Wolvenarmyz In reply to squanpie [2012-12-15 00:53:28 +0000 UTC]
Especially after watching the return of the king...
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zeldafan13 [2012-05-07 01:38:58 +0000 UTC]
Before and after Smeagle found out he has AIDS. BEFORE (Right side) AFTER (Left side)
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Wolvenarmyz In reply to zeldafan13 [2012-12-15 00:53:57 +0000 UTC]
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Tailikku1 [2012-03-19 14:43:50 +0000 UTC]
The bearer of the Ring,
The wearer of the Ring,
Stands on the very brink of fate,
Staring into eyes
Of darkness and despair
That rise and shrink with hate.
The bearer of the Ring,
The wearer of the Ring,
He hears a voice compelling him
Filling him with thoughts
That echo in his mind
It should be telling him
Beware; the power is a power never known
Beware the power that will be shown.
Beware, O bearer of the Ring
The final power has yet to be shown
The bearer of the Ring,
The wearer of the Ring,
Through forces tempting to resist,
Must recall the quest
To end its darkest stage
That mortal death can tell.
The bearer of the Ring,
The wearer of the Ring,
Beware who wears the Ring.
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angelprincess101 [2011-05-14 17:40:45 +0000 UTC]
Amazing job! I cannot believe the detailed shading on the Ring and Sauron!
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iduck [2010-02-02 03:23:24 +0000 UTC]
So glad you finally finished this All the detail and all the work that went into this, definitely a fave
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squanpie In reply to iduck [2010-02-03 21:16:59 +0000 UTC]
thankies. I really need to get some more lotr stuff done sometime...
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WeAreSmeagol [2010-01-31 03:09:41 +0000 UTC]
We likes us and Precious, but not nasty hobbitses in the background!
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squanpie In reply to shadowlotr [2010-01-24 12:42:39 +0000 UTC]
thanks a lot!
this was one drawing I was never sure whether it worked or not, good to hear you like it
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shadowlotr In reply to squanpie [2010-01-24 23:35:26 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome It works really well
You should submit it to a group so that more people can see it
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squanpie In reply to shadowlotr [2010-01-26 18:07:44 +0000 UTC]
well I think it's already been featured by #ThePencilClub but I haven't got round to finding other groups really. I expect if I started looking, I'd end up following hundreds within a couple of days or so safer not to try for now
if you know any good ones though, feel free to suggest
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shadowlotr In reply to squanpie [2010-01-27 04:26:56 +0000 UTC]
That's pretty cool.
Yeah, I know some great ones
You should check out these
Best groups ever!!!XD
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squanpie In reply to shadowlotr [2010-02-07 21:18:21 +0000 UTC]
thanks. Joined both
I'll probably wait until I've got a few more lotr works to post before submitting (just to force myself to actually draw some more )
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shadowlotr In reply to squanpie [2010-02-07 21:29:40 +0000 UTC]
No problem! I'm glad you like them! The more lotr artists we can get the better
I look forward to seeing more from you XD
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squanpie In reply to AinuLaire [2010-01-04 16:18:26 +0000 UTC]
you seem to be somewhat of a fan of lotr, judging by your gallery
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Anna999 [2009-09-20 12:27:26 +0000 UTC]
Awesome work! The concept is very nice
I like the background! And the ring looks great too
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Layalas [2009-08-25 19:38:21 +0000 UTC]
Very impressive piece.
I love how deep you could go with the pairings in this picture.
It's a shame about Frodo's face really but Sam does definitely look like Sam at least.
And it's no surprise you had to adlib a bit with the tower. I've seen so many screenshots where it's a question as to whether there's actually a tower there at all.
Love the chain and Gollum and Smeagol~
Is it a Nazgul you added as an extra creature in the smoke there? I recon I can see one~
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squanpie In reply to Layalas [2009-08-25 22:22:53 +0000 UTC]
I had the idea of drawing the two sides of Gollum/Smeagol almost as soon as I saw the film the first time, but I never got round to drawing it. As soon as I saw the contest, my mind just started adding things to the concept - in many ways it was hard to leave out all the things I wanted to put in - otherwise it would have been horribly crowded
Yeah, I watched through all three of the films with a pen and paper, keeping an eye on the time in the movie, and jotting down the times of any scenes I thought might be in the slightest bit useful... I ended up with about 10 shots of the tower, and all of them seemed to be different O.o
at least I had a good excuse to watch the films again though...
actually it's a penguin I once said, sort of for a personal dare, that I'd include a hidden pneguin somewhere in all my future lotr drawings... so there it is
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Layalas In reply to squanpie [2009-08-26 16:59:59 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome~
'tis an excellent excuse to watch all the movies again xD
and seriously? XD
Well, I can see a nazgul even if there isn't actually one there XD
*goes to look for the penguin*
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SoLong-AndGoodnight [2009-08-24 19:24:40 +0000 UTC]
This is lovely, Gollum looks so much more...complete with hair.
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squanpie In reply to SoLong-AndGoodnight [2009-08-24 19:30:56 +0000 UTC]
hehe, that he does. he's lucky I remembered though - I was just about to take it donwstairs to scan, when I noticed I hadn't done that yet
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SoLong-AndGoodnight In reply to squanpie [2009-08-25 20:00:17 +0000 UTC]
Hahah, after we've had so many discussions about it?!
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squanpie In reply to SoLong-AndGoodnight [2009-08-25 22:14:07 +0000 UTC]
hehe, sometimes it gets like that - I remember the conversation as if I'd actually drawn it, so the 'draw hair' checkbox in my memory is already ticked
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SoLong-AndGoodnight In reply to squanpie [2009-08-26 17:52:50 +0000 UTC]
Yeah xD ahh, fun mistakes of the human mind.
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IlookingYou [2009-08-23 05:49:58 +0000 UTC]
this is one of my few favs couples seen in =Cataclysm-X
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squanpie In reply to monstarart [2009-08-23 08:58:27 +0000 UTC]
woooo, emote overdose
thankyou so much
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monstarart In reply to squanpie [2009-08-23 16:37:35 +0000 UTC]
For little things, They Say Sooo Much!
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soulstrifer [2009-08-22 00:46:24 +0000 UTC]
I was checking out X's contest waiting for the judging date and saw this. Though I entered and have hopes of winning I must say if any diserve to win it is this one! Its brilliant! absolutly well done and so creative!
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squanpie In reply to soulstrifer [2009-08-22 09:01:13 +0000 UTC]
wow, thanks so much. I wish you luck with your entries, as well
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