Published: 2005-09-03 08:15:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 33520; Favourites: 315; Downloads: 823
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There are a few questions I ask myself about the Teen Titans. First off how do a bunch of teenagers (granted teenagers with great skills) get the money to live in a giant 'T' on a nice beach front location like they have? Also how do said teenagers pay for all the neat toys, gadgets, and food that they enjoy? And why is the only team member with out some form of super powers in command as leader? There is only one logical explaination, and that is that Bruce Wayne has got to be footing the bill! Not to say that Robin isn't a great super hero in his own right and a good leader, but at least you have to wonder who pays for all this stuff. So I ask myself why does Bruce go to all the trouble? I say it is clearly out of fear! With the new anime style sensation swiping up the cartoon industry... Bruce was too afraid that he would not get to do things the way he always has. Robin was turning far to upbeat for Bruce's style. Bruce just wants to be all dark, mysterious and angsty in his little cave without his misery being disturbed. So he funded the whole Teen Titans project and Robin exchanged his nocturnal lifestyle in Gotham for some healthy sunshine on what appears to be the West coast. Hmm, while I'm at it...hey Robin what's with the constant wear? I mean don't you let your secret identity out for air everyone once in a while? Even Bruce doesn't sleep in his costume! Well this comic is how I thought the Teen Titans came to be, and just so you guys know...I am well aware that the original Teen Titans' Robin was Dick Grayson, but going along with the cartoon continuity at this point of the game it makes more sense to me that this Robin be Tim Drake. I mean the original Nightwing could always hand over his costume to Tim in the future, right? So I hope you peoples enjoy this little farce.Related content
Comments: 97
nahrikira [2013-07-13 22:47:53 +0000 UTC]
And after hearing the story Raven's in the background texting Batman to ask if he'd like a new sidekick...
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EdenAlicePoe [2013-01-07 03:26:36 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, an interesting theory. It would make sense that the Bats would be supporting the Titans in some way. That Tower is too huge for 5 super powered teens without jobs to support without any outside help. Plus, I can see Batman trying to get rid of Tim like that. : This isn't a place for kid stuff.
Tim: ... : Wait. You're how old, again?
Tim: ... ... I'ma joining the Titans!!
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everwild24 [2010-08-13 00:42:20 +0000 UTC]
The comic is funny, I like it.
Now, I know that Teen Titans Robin being Dick Grayson doesn't exactly fit with the continuity, but it IS him. On the Larry episode, y'know when he says his really long gibberish name, it's really Dick Grayson spelled backwards, 'Nosyarg kcid'. Then with 'Haunted' when Raven goes into his mind you see his parents falling from the trapeze.
*whew* Just had to get that outta my system.
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roxe20 [2010-02-12 00:59:04 +0000 UTC]
Sailor Moon and teen titans together, in one comic!?! Gosh! I almost DIED laughing!!!
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Gotham-psycho [2009-12-01 04:21:09 +0000 UTC]
very funny... Sailor Moon is awesome... I often wondered why robin left Gotham (there are like 6000 different stories why)... this is my fav story!
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Cherry-Soup [2009-10-02 00:52:55 +0000 UTC]
Okay, sorry to rant, your comic was funny, but I have to say this.
There I said it. I will now back up my thesis with evidence.
One: In "Haunted", when Raven goes inside his mind, you see two sihouettes of acrobats falling, which reflects Dick Grayson's parents' deaths.
Two: In "Fractured" when Larry comes about, he introduces himself as "Nosyarg Kcid" (Look in the background, the words are there), which is Dick Grayson backwards, obviously.
There's more, but I can't really think of anything right now. The animated series timeline is really screwed up, so I can see where you're coming from. But this sort of thing really peeves me. No disrespect, I just have to speak out.
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Son-Neko In reply to Cherry-Soup [2009-10-02 04:29:08 +0000 UTC]
I had not seen every episode of teen titans when I drew this I was a just starting off fan of Titans. So forgive my ignorance at the time. After 3 years or so I am now educated. Why do people feel they always have to tell you these things when the art piece is so old? ... If you read my comments you would see that others have corrected me years ago.
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Cherry-Soup In reply to Son-Neko [2009-10-02 20:40:16 +0000 UTC]
*Looks at comments*
OMFG I'm so sorry! I didn't realize it. I feel so ashamed for flaming you now. Please forgive me? Its one of my pet peeves, this whole Teen Titans Robin business. I tend to fly a little off the handle when I'm faced with it.
Your comic made me laugh for a long time, just FYI.
MOON PRISM POWER! xD Yes, Tim would like Sailor Moon.
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Son-Neko In reply to Cherry-Soup [2009-10-03 00:42:29 +0000 UTC]
Its okay. Just look before you leap next time err or rather read before you write.
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Omnipotrent [2009-04-17 07:22:20 +0000 UTC]
I could so hear Kevin Conroy saying that to robin
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LOsulliv2 [2009-03-21 13:42:31 +0000 UTC]
If you're part of the Wayne dynasty (even rather loosely) you have the money to do WTH you like within legal parameters of course.
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Twilights-Dawn216 [2009-03-16 19:32:17 +0000 UTC]
holy shit! he's watching sailor moon! lol. this is great
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TitansFighter01 [2009-02-16 05:54:16 +0000 UTC]
You know I heard one time he was suppose to be a cross between the two Robins, Dick and Tim. You know Tim's appearance with Dick's personality? When I first saw him I was certain it was Tim. And I was like 'it's about time they made him grow up!'
But after seeing Fractured, yeah that was perhaps the most blantant clue of them all. I mean they literally spell it out for us. Plus, in the comics Starfire fell for Dick not Tim. Tim was probably in diapers when she came to Earth. Not that I'm completley against the idea. I even heard some assumptions that it was Jason.
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foxonfire [2008-09-26 22:32:59 +0000 UTC]
Actually, Cyborg is rich and his father or someone built the tower for him. I can't remember the specifics though.
Poor Batman... I cry for him, really I do.
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Son-Neko In reply to foxonfire [2008-09-27 03:52:45 +0000 UTC]
Yeah but at the time I drew this I didn't have as vast a knowledge of Teen Titan as I do now. When I found out I was like "oopsie, ah well"
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YuyuPrincess411 [2008-07-31 04:09:28 +0000 UTC]
Well, Nightwing wasn't the only hint that the TTAS Robin was Dick and not Tim... for example, there was a quick clue in the episode "Haunted" and issue #47 of "Teen Titans Go!" based on the TV series pretty much spelled it out in bold letters. Besides, I thought Tim was going to take on Batman's name when he grew up...? That's just what I read on Wiki, anyway.
On another note, YOU ARE AMAZING! xDD Two thumbs way up for your incredible art and humor skills. 8D Favorited!
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freek-o-nature [2008-07-25 20:23:14 +0000 UTC]
First thing: OMG that was freakin funny I'm still laughin at the 'moon prism' thing that was great
Second thing: That is true Bruce aka must be paying for it cuz robinz parents are dead and i am pretty sure that the teen titans don't get payed for destroying I mean saving the city in a destructive way
hehe moon prism lolz
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Eriks-Protege-mask [2008-04-25 03:44:25 +0000 UTC]
That is toooo funny (and very well drawn! ) Great job,
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RogueRikku [2008-03-07 03:31:26 +0000 UTC]
Lol. What would BAtman say, wish he would have made an appearnece in the show. Other hero's did.
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Jackertan [2008-01-09 22:47:28 +0000 UTC]
I think the government pays them to keep out illegal immigrants as well as super villains
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me-n-pet [2007-10-21 16:17:36 +0000 UTC]
cool..I would think Bruce Wayne aka Batman would have a incentive to fund Robin-Robin's his adopted son.
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CallMeCal [2007-08-23 07:02:57 +0000 UTC]
You know, they did actually alude to the show's Robin being Dick Grayson in the episode "Fractured", when Robin's inter-dimensional copy was named Nosyarg Kcid (Dick Grayson backwards). ^_^
Yes, I watch too much Teen Titans.
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Oportet [2007-07-06 20:49:02 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, seriously, why does he never take his mask off? You'd think it would get sweaty under there or something...
Like those forehead bands in Naruto! I mean, you're jumping and fighting all over the place, most of the time in hot weather, it has to get overheated in there!
-cough- Okay, I'm done.
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grushala [2007-07-05 05:34:58 +0000 UTC]
I was watching the episode "Fractured" and when Larry says his wierd name you see big letters in the backround saying Dick Grayson
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Son-Neko In reply to grushala [2007-07-05 06:07:21 +0000 UTC]
Never saw that epsiode before making this and in fact I had little knowledge about Teen Titans then. Still if you want to go with the TV continuity Tim Drake would be the only Robin that age now.
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Silvermoondrop [2007-04-14 03:43:45 +0000 UTC]
At last someone who thinks that robin is Tim...I mean he acts like Tim...he doesn't act like Dick and I'm sure that Nightwing would hand the mask down to his little bro...love your idea...
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jake16 [2007-04-08 01:21:06 +0000 UTC]
that is so funny and ive all ways wonderd how some of the titans got on the team
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The-DarkKnight [2007-02-24 18:14:30 +0000 UTC]
That`s a really nice job!
Robin watching Sailor Moon is the best XDD
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Casity [2007-02-01 04:56:43 +0000 UTC]
LOLIRL! Moon Prism! And Batman snaps the Bat-a-rang in half, lolirl! I love this, it makes me laugh so hard! Thanks so much.
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Doran-Cloudrunner [2007-01-06 05:39:38 +0000 UTC]
That's a pretty interesting theory, I think.... But, uh, going with the stuff they've put in the cartoon, it makes a lot more sense that it was Dick Grayson in the cartoon. Though, that may be how Tim Drake gets put on the team....
But you know that Bruce is footing that bill. No way anybody else could pay for all that crap they have. Wow. I really am a geek.
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demonangel111 [2006-12-24 06:23:10 +0000 UTC]
XD lol too bad thats the wrong Robin. the teen Titan's Robin is Dick Grayson and the one in the red outfit is Tim Drake.
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AJ-Prime [2006-12-08 09:34:56 +0000 UTC]
Someone else who gets that the Teen Titans Robin isn't Dick Grayson, but Tim Drake!
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magickmaker [2006-11-16 23:19:36 +0000 UTC]
Actually, in the comics, I think they were funded by Cyborg's dad.
I like your theory better. Tis funny.
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PriestessOfNox [2006-10-30 18:50:39 +0000 UTC]
Though I love Robin posing in the first panel I can't believe he would act like that and make Batman send him away.
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LadyRosefire [2006-09-07 23:43:05 +0000 UTC]
...and this was all because Robin was watching "Sailor Moon". Tee hee, Batman snapped the batterange. I loved reading this. ^_^
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MelloRaven39 [2006-08-24 19:26:23 +0000 UTC]
heehee funny, but if youve read some of the comics (ive only read like 4) by DC Comics you see that the city pays for the tower as long as they keep saving the city. whalla. I also still think the bruce help out.
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