Son-Neko β€” Covid19 fanfiction Scenario predictions

#ladybug #miraculousladybug #ladybugfanart #ladybugxchatnoir #covid19
Published: 2020-03-16 06:40:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 4244; Favourites: 51; Downloads: 0
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Description I sense a great disturbance in the fanfic writing force... as if somewhere some fanfic writer is thinking about writing fanfics like this.
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Comments: 23

DazedDaisiesO-o [2020-04-12 22:02:06 +0000 UTC]

XD Lol probably

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ArgentDandelion [2020-04-11 22:04:28 +0000 UTC]

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Son-Neko In reply to ArgentDandelion [2020-04-11 22:19:08 +0000 UTC]

That would be clever...

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BenRG [2020-04-02 13:12:46 +0000 UTC]

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mayuralover [2020-03-18 06:36:19 +0000 UTC]

hehe, might I recommend dfcfanfics' Stuck in a Bakery (With You) ~
The basis is the first scenario, and it's pretty fluffy!

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BassDS [2020-03-17 01:07:32 +0000 UTC]

This is valid lol

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Revenant666 [2020-03-16 19:44:48 +0000 UTC]

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Gazelle1583 In reply to Revenant666 [2020-03-19 03:47:44 +0000 UTC]


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Son-Neko In reply to Revenant666 [2020-03-16 19:45:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for that.

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FrancisJeremyXavyer [2020-03-16 17:11:20 +0000 UTC]

Well, that's one way to deal with all of this insanity...and a pretty OK one, all things considered.

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capodicapo [2020-03-16 14:14:43 +0000 UTC]

Be kind to others.

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Son-Neko In reply to capodicapo [2020-03-16 19:07:36 +0000 UTC]


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MysticM [2020-03-16 11:02:29 +0000 UTC]

Wouldn't mind if recent cartoons will address the coronavirus and portrait it as something that the young, impressionable audience shouldn't be scared of.

Don't get me wrong, hygene and caution is still a necessary message to get across but given newspapers and media know how many thousands of people are dying but don't know how many thousands of people are infected it can appear scary to most people, especially those who fear a death sentence the moment they're diagnosed with it.

I'm not ignoring the thousands of people who have died from it, but I think it's important to encourage not to fear the virus and that there are just as thousands of those who have recovered from it, that there is hope from the virusΒ  and that things may not be doom and gloom forever.

Though as far as I know there hasn't been any cartoons that address Swine Flu, Ebola or other major outbreaks in the past. Probably because of how sensetive the subject is or that it make the cartoons dated or something.

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Son-Neko In reply to MysticM [2020-03-16 12:07:18 +0000 UTC]

youtu.be/XCrOde-JYs0 - a cartoon about Ebola geared toward children.

youtu.be/XQ9WX4qVxEo- the Spanish flu 1918.

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MysticM In reply to Son-Neko [2020-03-16 17:50:23 +0000 UTC]

I do like Extra Credit. And it's nice to learn and get the facts straights, but I also mean that for those who are not that familiar with the current active virus and maybe scared of it they could get some reassurance and hope that it's not a doomed scenario whenever they or others around them will get it or not.

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Son-Neko In reply to MysticM [2020-03-16 18:12:16 +0000 UTC]

Agreed. Education and plan makes disease seem less scary for people.Β  Just knowing that everyone around me is trying to make a habit to wash their hands longer/ more often and disinfect surfaces is a source of comfort.

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MysticM In reply to Son-Neko [2020-03-16 19:13:49 +0000 UTC]

An idea for how a Ladybug episode can address the Coronavirus.

Episode starts off with Mayor Bourgeois on the news reporting that Paris will eventually go into lockdown due to the epidemic. We cut to the school where Miss Bustier is taking register and the students talking about their concerns for the virus. It turns out Juleka Couffaine is absent because she got the virus and is quarantine. This news got the classroom more concerned with ChloΓ© stirring it up to makeJuleka out like a plague victim that should be avoided. Rose Lavillant lashes out at ChloΓ© but ChloΓ© reminding her of the mortality rate made her upset and run from the class.

(Though maybe, despite ChloΓ© usually being the instigator of "The Monster of the Week" in most episodes, perhaps it be too cruel even by her standards to regard the Coronavirus and Juleka like that. Lila Rossi however could perhaps be the instigator, openly discuss her oppinions and what she knows on the virus and inadvertedly stirs up fear, given the audience knows she is a habitual liar would make what she "knows" may not be true.)

Hawkmoth does his thing, turning Rose into a hypchondriac version of Princess Fragrance named "Princess Cleanliness" with the power to not only disinfect their victims but put them in glass quarantine cubes "for their own good" regardless if they're infected or not, it still a form of imprisonment.

Ladybug confronts her, uses Lucky Charm to break out of one of her quarantine cubes and instead of fighting or usual conflict, discovers that Princess Cleanliness feels helpless she can't help her friend and that what ChloΓ©/Lila said didn't just make her angry for her friend but more afraid to loose her and the virus itself.

I like the idea of Ladybug actually reassuring the villain, calming her down, giving her hope and convincing her to give up the Akuma. (Maybe as a new "rule", villains who willingly surrender their akuma get to retain memories, so Ladybugs reassurance sticks with her.)

Episode could end after the Lockdown is lifted, with Juleka returning to class recovered. Lila tries to pin her as still a hazard but gets her comeuppance, or if ChloΓ© is instigator apologizes and everyone is happy.

That's roughly how I would script an episode if Miraculous Ladybug ever wanted to do an episode to reassure it's audience how to cope with epidemic. It doesn't have to be Juleka Couffaine who ends up sick, just someone who has a friend or a relative who's growing concern makes them akumatize. I figured given her friend Rose is usually optimistic and possitive that the epidemic challenges her optimism and make her loose hope. But the message it get's across is to don't be afraid, don't loose hope and Juleka recovering showing that the virus is not absolute doom.

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ArgentDandelion In reply to MysticM [2020-04-11 22:01:19 +0000 UTC]

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MysticM In reply to ArgentDandelion [2020-04-11 23:25:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. Just a rough idea from the top iof my head. Given we dunno how long we'll have to put up with the epidemic and some families scared or seperated by it there can be animated specials to help reassure it's audience over the matter.

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BenRG [2020-03-16 07:31:19 +0000 UTC]

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MVerseDFender [2020-03-16 06:50:12 +0000 UTC]

Ooh...which would be better? Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Hawkmoth presumably under the same roof without knowing it and all the shenanigans that might involve. How many times will Marinette be wearing Adrien's clothes? Alternatively, would Marinette's parents try playing matchmaker for their daughter?

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BenRG In reply to MVerseDFender [2020-04-02 13:14:03 +0000 UTC]

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PsychokittyP [2020-03-16 06:42:10 +0000 UTC]

I choose the first one. That sounds interesting

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