Published: 2010-07-25 08:15:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 1369; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 18
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this is just a quick sketch/colour scheme thing for the first oc of a series of ocs~the ocs i'm making will be from termina, since majora's mask is my favourite game of the loz series in terms of atmosphere.
i'm also taking a break from this other major piece i'm doing, haha. once that's done, i plan to make a better cg'd version of this sketch and make a character sheet out of it or something..
anyway, your guys's opinions? what should i change/add/fix?
tl;dr profile:
name: nycaara
race: gerudo
age: 17
gender: female
birthplace: gerudo fortress, great bay, termina
passion: sorcery, healing, nature
hobbies: pictography
occupation: traveler, sorceress, healer, potion maker, and assistant archeologist (i'll explain that later on, once i finish more characters)
body type: average height, about 5'5". a bit voluptious compared to the other gerudo women, who are all muscle without one pound of fat. she has a slight bit of a tummy
she’s caring and considerate. she cares deeply for the earth and loves nature. she’s generally quiet, but a bit of a rebel, with her refusal wear makeup and brush her hair (the reason that dreads have formed). she is also very passionate about the things she stands for, such as the wellbeing of mother nature. she doesn't get angry very often, but can be quiet ugly when she is. she'll either have no trouble opening up to someone at all, or have tons of trouble, depending on the kind of person (she has minor trust issues). one of her greatest flaws is her addiction to alcohol and slight addiction to various drugs. often her drunk intoxication brings out the more passionate and vibrant parts of her personality, and she’ll go into loud, vulgar rants about her feelings of various things. she has her “special pipe” and it is not an uncommon sight to see her smoking something(?) out of it.
she’s also not concerned about her weight at all as she wears a revealing top. she likes loose and comfy type clothing, like flowing skirts, scarves, and oversized jackets.
likes: magic, natural potions & healing methods, mother nature, herbs, rain and the moisty smell that follows it, fruits, cats, expensive wine and mint flavored cigarettes, the indigo-gos, pictography
dislikes: arrogant people, fighting (but she’ll fight if she has to), swords and other sharp objects, close-mindedness, snobby rich folk/nobles, technology (apart from her pictobox), wearing an actual bra, makeup, perfume (rather than that “corporate smelly garbage” she uses her own natural aromas to bathe in and smell nice)
fears: sharp objects (needles, swords, knives), romantic relationships and marriage
-she is a rival in magic and healing arts with her friend and fellow student, pachi.
-she is aware that jarvi, a swordsmen and longtime friend of pachi, has some feelings for her, but she isn’t saying anything. she feels uneasy around him when he has his sword equipped.
-she is friends with jarvi's sister and longtime friend of pachi, eliza
-her mother is kiaru
-her most respected teachers are koume and kotake
-and she never met her father (still coming up with a name for him)
Nycaara is a traditional gerudo name, meaning “water child”. She was born in the gerudo fortress to a woman named Kiaru. Kiaru gave her daughter this name hoping she would grow to become gentle but strong, like water. However, Kiaru was a very sad woman, suffering from anxieties and depression, and because of this she had trouble raising her daughter. Throughout Nycaara’s childhood she often witnessed Kiaru abusing drugs and alcohol (the reason Nycaara carries the same problem, but to a lesser extent). As Nycaara got older, she began to understand her mother’s drunk rants about her father and what a terrible man he was, and how romantic relationships are always destined to fall at some point.. a reason Nycaara feels nervous about marriage, relationships, and having children. Kiaru’s mental problems got worse, and her body became affected as well. She became very thin and had often fevers and nausea. Nycaara, fearing for her mother’s life, decided to learn about magic and healing so she could help her mother. Kiaru spent a lot of time in the fortress hospital, and this is where Nycaara, at age 10, discovered her talents in healing arts and magic, learning from the various doctors and nurses. 7 Years later, Nycaara, now 17 with polished magic skills, leaves for the southern swamp to meet and learn from the famed mages and healers, koume and kotake. With her skills, she is destined to travel termina for various ingrediants to create the ultimate potion to heal her mother.
ps. if you actually read all this, i love you very much. i'll have to drastically shorten it for the character sheet ;_; but i enjoyed typing it up~
i plan to edit a few details later on, though. so this character is still entirely a work in progress. we'll see.
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Comments: 2
LoZ-girl [2010-07-25 10:52:54 +0000 UTC]
She sounds a little bit like me hahahaha. Especially the bit about refusing to wear makeup or brushing her hair. My hair almost turned into...minor dreadlocks when I kept plaits in for over a week without brushing.
I love your style still.
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sl8rr In reply to LoZ-girl [2010-07-25 19:10:39 +0000 UTC]
i havent brushed my hair in nearly 3 months. i stopped brushing because my hair felt so flat when it was brushed and i thought messy looked kind of interesting, but then i noticed a strand was knotting up underneath my hair like after three weeks so i decided "ok, i'll get dreadlocks" so then i told everyone i was forming them, haha. i hear it takes a long time for your head to get totally dreaded, like 1-2 years, but i'm ok with that~
and thank you!
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